by Joel


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Dramatis Personae

Preamble:       This story is very long.  It was first published on Nifty and runs to 62 chapters, a prologue at the beginning and a Dramatis Personae at the end (as the cast of characters is very large).  The story itself begins as told with the thoughts and expression of a bright teenager.  As the story develops so his thoughts change and, perhaps, mature.  Many readers wrote to ask if it was in any way autobiographical.  My response has always been `what is true, is true; what is not is otherwise'.  I hope it brings pleasure to readers on AwesomeDude as it did to the many who responded on Nifty.  I do not have an editor so I have been grateful to those who have pointed out inconsistencies or errors in dates, etc.  These have been corrected or amended in this version.  Any blips remain my responsibility.  I apologise in advance. The story is based mainly in Great Britain so if you have any difficulties with the idiosyncrasies of our system or life I am always happy to respond to queries.  So, persevere, and happy reading.