Chapter 37

Monday October 9th 1944

Nobbo and Cleggy had taken on keeping the biology lab tidy.  This had been the job of two of the Sixth Formers who had left on call-up.  As they wanted to train as doctors they were going to take Biology anyway at Higher School Cert and Mr Coles, the part-time Biology master, needed assistants so they volunteered.  This meant getting the room ready each evening after school for the things to be done the next day.  They had actually started before the end of last term so were very much into the swing of things now.  They seemed most efficient at getting out microscopes and slides and the preparations we had to study.

     At break-time in the afternoon they asked if I minded helping them with something after school.  I said I couldn't hang about for long as I had to be home for a piano lesson then St John's.  They said they would explain and they just wanted my opinion and, perhaps, my help.  I was intrigued and after the final bell went followed them along to the lab.  It took them just a few minutes to clear up after Mr Coles left - I was said to be an extra assistant for the day.

     “Jacko,” said Nobbo, as he closed and locked the stockroom door, “You're good at Maths and things so you can work any problems out for us, would you?”

     Cleggy, quiet for once, came up and stood by him and produced a rather thick book from his school satchel.

     “Look,” he said, “We've been reading more of  my Dad's medical books.  Bit gruesome some of them and Nobbo's seen the pictures I said about so he's happy now,  but there's this chapter here.”

     I took the book, it's title was something like Physiological Processes for General Medicine, but Cleggy took it back before I had a good look at it and opened it where there was a piece of paper marking a page.

     “It's here.  This chapter is on reproductive processes and we want you to work something out for us.”  He giggled.  “You don't mind?”

     I shook my head.  I had no idea what he was driving at.

     “Look, I'll show you.”  He ran his finger down the page.  It says here that the average output of semen in an ejaculation is three and a half cubic centimetres.....”

     He was interrupted by Nobbo who appeared brandishing a test-tube.

     “....And this is three and a half cubic centimetres.... of water,” Nobbo said with a laugh.

     Cleggy wasn't going to be interrupted.  “What we want to know is how much all of us make, say, in a week.”
     “What do you mean?” I asked, staring at the small amount of water in the test tube held up by Nobbo.

     “Well, if we're supposed to make three and a half ccs each time, do we?  And, if someone does it every day, is it always the same?”

     I said the only way to find out would be to get the victims to squirt into a test-tube each time they had a wank.

     Nobbo groaned.  “We have, but it's difficult.  We've tried!”

     “He missed the first time, so since then we've used a small glass beaker, just fits over the end,” broke in Cleggy, “But then we found we couldn't measure it 'cause it wouldn't all pour out.”

     They both giggled and Nobbo held up the test tube again, swirling the water around.

     “When did you do all this?” I asked.

     “Last week when we knew how things worked around here.  No one comes in after Mr Coles goes except for Old Harry much later and we've got the keys so we lock the lab door and go into the storeroom,” said Nobbo.

     “Yeah, that's where we were when he missed.  I made him clear up the mess he made on the floor!” said Cleggy with a grin.

     “So,” said Nobbo, poking Cleggy in the ribs, “How are we all going to measure and find out?”

     “Who's all?” I asked, “I suppose you, and him and Hal?”

     They both laughed and pointed at me.  They included me in their group of horny wankers.  Why?  I thought.  Hunh!  True!!

     Having watched Nobbo swirling the water around gave me an idea.  I suggested they might get a measure if they shot off in the beaker, then added a known quantity of water.  If they then shook the mixture up the initial viscosity (lovely word I'd read when I was looking for oil to lubricate the steam engine) might be broken down and then they could measure it again and subtract.  They both nodded.

     “We knew you'd come up with an answer,” said Cleggy.  “What we want to know is, will you join the team?”

     “Team?” I asked.

     “Well, Pete Fry's another one.”

     I thought of the back of the SJAB hall and the amount Pete shot.  I wouldn't let on.  But then, they knew I'd also tossed off all the boys in the form.

     “Yeah, who else?”

     “What about Matt?” Nobbo asked.

     I shook my head.  I said I didn't think Matt would join in anything like that.  I said Roo might, but I was doubtful about Tony.

     “Now,” said Nobbo, “It's says here some research in Germany found boys of fifteen in a gymnasium did it on average three times a week.”  He laughed.  “Did they ask them when they were doing PT.  Think of old Rabbity going round asking you your score, eh?”

     I said a Gymnasium in Germany was a school.  A Grammar School like ours.  They both said “Oh”.   Ideas of a German Rabbity ticking off scores in a book receded.  But someone must have asked.

     Nobbo nodded then looked at Cleggy.  “Three times a week.  Bit behind you, eh, George?”

     “Shut up,” said Cleggy, “What about you?”

     “Well, I don't mind you or Jacko knowing, 'cause I've told him about Hal as well!”

     “But,” I asked, “If you do it lots do you always make three and half ccs?  You'd have to measure it every time.”

     They decided that would be a bit difficult unless they refrained until they could get to the storeroom after school.  I said they'd better start with themselves and see.

     “What about you?....” said Cleggy.

     “....We want to test you 'cause we both know you make more than us,” chimed in Nobbo.  “We're just curious.”

     “I thought this was all for scientific interest,” I said.

     They laughed.  “It is,” said Cleggy, “But we can get a bit of fun at the same time!”

     Hunh.  I suppose so.  Anyway I said I had to go as I had to get to my piano lesson.  I did have some time, but tossing off into a beaker with those two watching?  Well,  I suppose I could.  Actually, I knew I could.  But not this afternoon.  See what happened later.  I said I'd better go and they said they would let me know if my suggestion worked.  The last thing I heard as I went down the corridor was the key being turned in the lock of the lab door.

     At SJAB that evening I refrained from saying anything to Benno or Matt, but when I saw Peter Fry bandaging up a newcomer as practice I wondered as he shot about the same as I did whether we might practice that again.   But, no, I thought I would leave it to Cleggy and Nobbo to check whether Peter and I produced much more than three and a half ccs.

     When I got home I thought a bit more about the numbers.  There were seventeen in our class and I knew from personal experience that everyone tossed off regularly.  I didn't know how many times a week but I guessed it was at least, if not more times, than the German boys.  Then there were sixteen in the parallel class, 5S.  They all wanked as well.  I did a quick count up of the Second Year Sixth Form as I knew from Matt's experiences that Andy Symes did so the others must do as well, and there was the First Year Sixth with Chris Payne and Greg Hall.  As they did I assumed all the rest did.  So I thought there must be about 20 or so in the combined Sixth Forms.

     Oh, Gosh!  Then there were the Fourth Years - like us last year -  they must all be at it and there were at least twenty-three in each of those Fourth Forms as there were returned evacuees making up numbers.  So that made seventy-nine - add one for anyone not counted - and I certainly hadn't included any Third Years though I knew Kanga and Benno's brother James were wanking.  Oh, as a safe guess, make it eighty five.  I thought three times a week was a bit low.  All my friends seemed to be doing it every day, but did that mean a whole three and half ccs every day.  Again, to be on the safe side I thought five times a week times three and a half ccs for each lad.   And then for eighty-five.  That made it 1.4875 litres per week.

     As I had only a vague idea of what a litre was I looked in my Maths book and found a conversion table.  One litre was equal to 1.759 Imperial pints.  Crumbs that was nearly two and two-thirds pints for us lot a week.  I giggled.  I could imagine that.   Each morning we had a third of a pint of milk each at break-time.    That was eight of those small bottles a week.  That would fill plenty of Nobbo and Cleggy's measuring cylinders!

     I did another quick calculation and this showed that all of us together would produce seventeen gallons of spunk of a year!   Wait until I tell Cleggy and Nobbo that in the morning!!

     Of course, all these were estimates for the fourteen to eighteen year-olds in our school.  I'd only added in five for the Third Years and then, there were all the lads at the Catholic School.  Mike, Pat, Bernie and the rest all beating their meat regularly, even if they had to go to confession!  Plus the Elementary Schools, two of them in Kerslake, but the boys left those when they were fourteen so there were all the lads like Sean and Charley, and, of course, Georgie Abbot from our school, who had left and were working.  

     Then, there were other schools, Lachs and Flea wanked regularly and I suppose their friends and school mates did.  I had no idea how many were in their school nor in the schools that Sam Catt or Josh Chater went to.  I just thought there must be thousands of boys all over England, and Scotland, and Ireland, and Wales all happily adding to the outpourings of spunk every week.  And what about America and Europe, and India, and Africa, and Asia, and China and....   I gave up!  What would one call it, a fountain of spunk, a river of spunk, a sea of spunk, an ocean of spunk?
     By the time I went to bed I had images of all these masses of boys all industriously, pleasurably, ecstatically, giving vent to such vast amounts of boy-seed every day.  Images which led to me adding my contribution with two hearty drainings of my spunk-producing apparatus.  Apparatus, hunh, very scientific!  How could I measure my own gobbets and streams of semen that I had to mop up?  And, how could I estimate with any accuracy what the whole world of boyhood was producing?  Oh, science!


     At break-time next day Cleggy and Nobbo were overjoyed when I showed them my calculations.  Cleggy said the sermon on Sunday at church was on Noah's flood and it seemed that boys around the world could float another Ark.  However, they didn't enlighten me about the results of any experimentation they had carried out but they did have great grins on their faces.

     The rest of the week went pretty quietly.  When Mike came on Tuesday for his Maths lesson with Pa he announced he was now an uncle.  His nephew, Joseph Michael Eamonn Quinn, had been born on Sunday and he was going up to Catterick to see him next week during half-term.  He laughed when I said I was getting two ready-made cousins next week and would be seeing them at Uncle Edward's wedding to their mother.  I wanted to tell Mike a lot more but Pa came home early and he was whisked away to do differential equations.

     Pretty quietly until Thursday, when Van said he would see me after Games and then gave me an hour's grilling in German.  He said my grammar and vocabulary were coming on but I should work on constructing more complex sentences.  He gave me ten questions from old papers to do by the first week in November!  Bah!!

     I had also forgotten completely about the piano exam I'd taken.  The news was I had gained a distinction at Grade 6.  Tim had a distinction at Grade 8 and his brother had passed his LRAM for cello playing!  All most satisfactory.  Tim said he was going to work to get his diploma as soon as he was sixteen.  The Head Beak announced all this from the platform after Assembly. I blushed but felt good about the achievement.  But there was a boy in the Second Year who got a distinction at Grade 5!

     I heard nothing more from Cleggy and Nobbo during the week so I assumed the experiment was progressing and I would hear more on my return to school after half-term.

               Monday October 16th - Sunday October 22nd 1944

     Kanga was on the doorstep at six-thirty and I hadn't arrived back from Mrs Tring's piano lesson.  When I arrived home I found him and Ma deep in conversation in the kitchen where she was ironing things to take to Suffolk on Thursday.  I found out later that he was glad I had helped him with his Maths and he'd been one of the spectators at the rugger match.  I said to him if he wanted more help he could come round the next afternoon.

     At St John's that evening Peter Fry wanted to chat as well.  We both waited after the meeting finished as I wanted to ask Mr Halloran how Pat was.  He said he'd had the operation and was coming home on Wednesday morning and was fine now but Dr Maguire had told the school not to let him play rugger or to box until after Christmas.  I said I would like to see him when he got home on Wednesday and Mr Halloran said just call round.

     The wait was essential as Kanga, Matt and all the others had gone by the time we came out.  We watched Mr Halloran lock up and saunter off down the road and then made our way round to the bogs at the back of the Hall.  Pete had my cock out and was fisting it at a fair rate no sooner than we were in the dark.  He watched as, in the moonlight, my spunk squirted in its usual torrent across the shed-like building.

     “Cleggy and Nobbo's waiting to measure that,” he breathed huskily in my ear as he stopped wanking me and the pulsations in my shaft quietened down.  “Mine's four and half and nearly five last two times.  Bet yours is more.”

     He had already undone his flies and his erect cock was ready, foreskin withdrawn, as I held it and wanked him, much more slowly than he'd just done me.  He was leaning back against me his head back on my shoulder.   I knew he was near when his back muscles tightened against me.

     “Unnnh!” he went as a pearly stream jetted out and joined mine on the wall opposite.  A fair match.  A wee bitty less perhaps, but a goodly amount.

     As we tucked ourselves away and did ourselves up we looked at the twin streams.

     I whispered.  “Not measuring tonight?”

     He shook his head.  “Been keeping off it every other day for a week and I couldn't stand it any longer tonight!” he whispered back.  “I needed that badly.  Same for you?”

     I said I'd been doing it my usual times, last one last night.

     “Nobbo says you always have plenty of juice.”

     We collected our bikes and walked, pushing them, along the road, as he told me of the progress of the measurements so far.  He had been issued with a 50 cc glass beaker which he had to toss off into and then add 30 ccs of water from a measuring cylinder to it and swirl it round and then pour it all into the measuring cylinder in one go while it was still swirling.  He said first time was a bit tricky but he'd done it four times so far and he had made two fours, one at four and a half and the last one at nearly five.   Apparently the experimenters wanted at least eight samples.  I asked who else was participating.  He said Nobbo's cousin and, surprisingly, the Foster twins.  Cleggy had used some Scout influence on the pair and Pete said he'd found out from Cleggy they wanked each other off every night anyway!

     Ho, Ho, I thought, when would I be issued with my spunk measuring apparatus for my spunk producing apparatus?   Pete said, without any prompting, that Cleggy and Nobbo planned to get me started once half-term was over.  There, there.  All organized.
     I'd had a most satisfactory wank - or, had been most satisfactorily wanked - that evening so I just lay in bed that night and contemplated meeting up with the new cousins on Thursday and wondering how Matt would get on with them.

     I'd forgotten about inviting Kanga to help him with his Maths so was rather startled when the back-door bell went just after two o'clock just as I was trying one of Van's awful German questions.  Anyway, the smile on his face cheered me up.  He was a quite different lad now from the sullen, rude, swearing child of that Saturday encounter.  Of course, that day, after things were explained to him he changed dramatically, but he seemed even more at ease with himself now.  He followed me up to my room and we did some of his Maths problems.  He wasn't bad.  Just needed a few pointers here and there.  I noticed every so often though he rubbed his fingers of his left hand down the front of his shorts by the side of his cock.  I took a peek or two while he had his head down writing and there was no doubt, the lad had a raging hardon.  So, when he looked up to ask me a question I, unconsciously (some hope), imitated his movement.  He looked up at me and smiled.

     “I want to thank you.  Can I?”  He said, that sweet smile on his lips.

     “Ummh,” I went, non-committally.

     He reached out, I was standing just behind him almost against the chair on which he was sitting by my desk, undid my flies, unhooked my own stiffening cock from my pants, and engulfed the whole foreskinned knob into his mouth.  I was rather taken by surprise.  But not for long.

     “Wait!” I said.

     I lifted him up from the chair and we walked to the bed.  Both rapidly undressed and within moments two erect rods were being sucked on by two extremely horny youngsters.  His four inches of boy-meat disappeared fully into my mouth.  I even sucked in his balls as well.  He now had my foreskin back and was bobbing up and down sucking voraciously.  A stream of warm, sweet boy-juice soon hit the back of my mouth.  I wasn't far behind.  He tried to swallow and almost succeeded but my last spurt hit his cheek as he let go of my jerking cock.

     We lay panting, one arm over each other's back.  Kanga spoke first.

     “Roo said I had to thank you and apologise properly.  He said this was the best way.”

     I wriggled on the bed and he turned over and we lay head to head.  I licked that spot of come off his face.  He looked me straight in the eyes.  That smile again on his lips.

     “I thanked Roo the same way....,” The smile turned into a grin.  “.....several times.  He's a great brother!  Anyway, thanks, Jacko, I'm so sorry about what I said.”

     I leaned forward and kissed his forehead.  He turned his face up and kissed me full on the lips.  A brotherly kiss.  I hugged him tight.
     We lay still for a while.  The smile/grin was there all the time.  In the end he broke the silence again.

     “You taste just like Roo.”

     I hugged him again.

     “If Maths lessons always ended like that,” I said, “Life would be perfect!”

     We got off the bed slowly and dressed even more slowly.  He kept casting sideways glances at me, especially when I rather ostentatiously guided my still rather plumped-up cock into my underpants.  His own boy-prick was erect again.

     I grinned at him.   “And I can tell you it's certainly not thirty times a day, but I bet yours is at least three at the moment.”

     His grin widened.  “Four mostly.  Roo says I should slow down a bit but it's too nice, isn't it?  He's only doing it twice...”  A hand went to his mouth - a brotherly confidence revealed.

     “It's OK, Kenny,” I said, “I've known your brother for a long time and I know all about him.  I think we all know about each other like that.  We couldn't have shown you things if we hadn't been good friends.  He and Tony, especially, have been friends of mine since Junior School.”

     “Yes,” he said, “He told me you were a good friend of his but I had to be very careful about who my friends were when it came to things like we've done.”

     “Do you have any close friends at school?”  I asked.

     He shook his head.

     “What about James Crabbe?”  I asked, knowing he was a wank-addict.

     He nodded.  “I sit next to him but he's a bit quiet.”

     “So are you, aren't you?”

     He nodded again.

     “I think you'd find he'd be a good friend if you tried.  Why not ask him to help you with your Maths or anything else.  Of course, you can always ask me anyway.”

     I wasn't going to divulge anything more but I could see that the seeds of a developing relationship might be there.  I would ask Benno to prime his brother as well.

     We cleared up one more Maths worry and he bade me goodbye with a really happy look on his face.  Gosh, that was the second youngster in a matter of weeks who had sucked me so enthusiastically.  Sam Catt had been a real expert and I don't think young Kanga was far behind.   I bet Roo that night would also be the recipient of that pair of luscious lips round his meaty pole, the lad comparing again the tastes of his brother and his friend.  Once more, I wished I'd had a brother!  But, no!  I had plenty of friends!
     On Wednesday I had to make sure I had everything ready packed for the trip to Suffolk.  My best school blazer and trousers, socks, pants, clean shoes, the list just went on.  Ma was going to be a Matron of Honour with Auntie Fay so had paraded on Tuesday evening in the choice of three dresses she might wear.  I think, in the end after comments from both Pa and me, she packed all three.

     Wednesday afternoon I cycled round to Pat Halloran's.  He lived in the end house of a terraced row.  I went round the back through the side gate and parked my bike.  He shuffled fairly slowly to the back door when I knocked and a great smile lit up his face when he saw me.

     “Och, sweet Mother of God, I'm glad to see you, Jacko.  There's no one at home and I'm as weak as a kitten.  You wouldn't mind making me a cup of tea, would you?”

     He hobbled into the kitchen and sat heavily for such a slim lad on a chair by the table.

     I filled a kettle and lit the gas on the hob.  He pointed out the teapot and told me where the tea was in the pantry.  He sounded tired.

     “And what did Mr Symes do?” I asked, putting two spoons of tea in the pot, plus one for the pot, having warmed it first.

     He snorted.  “That old biddy shaved me first.  Not that nice Sister Clarke.  She just came in, told me to get undressed and get on the bed.  She then said she'd told me to undress and that meant everything so I had to take my pants off as well.  Blessed God, she washed me down there and then shaved all my hair away.  Held onto my lad all the time but it was a good job I was so scared `cause nothing happened.  Then Doctor Maguire came and looked at it and pressed on my hernia lump and that hurt, I'm telling you.”  I poured the boiling water into the pot and he waited to continue until I'd finished.  “He said he'd give me the stuff to put me to sleep and I had to swallow two pills first.  A bit later Mr Symes came in and had a look as well.  He's a good man. Told me what he was going to do and I'd be right as rain after.  Blessed God, though, it's sore.  Want to see?”

     I nodded. He was wearing a dressing-gown and under it had an old rugger shirt and his long boxing shorts.  I went round to his side and he stood up leaning on the table.  The dressing-gown flapped open and he gingerly lowered his shorts. A large plaster covered the left side of his groin and his cock dangled limply down.  He was bald.  All his black hair had gone and this made his cock seem quite large as it hung there.  I stared, saying nothing, then he hitched up his shorts and sat down.

     “He said I could have the plaster off next Monday and have the stitches out if all was OK and I'm to have that week off school.”  He smiled.  “Best thing about it, eh?”  He looked at me roguishly.  “And I haven't wanted too, either, you wee scallywag, telling that boy what I'd just done!”

     I laughed.  “I didn't tell him, he guessed!  He's a boy, too!”

     Pat laughed.  “Yeah, I bet he is!”

     I poured cups of tea and we spent the rest of the time discussing Mike and his new nephew, and Mike and what a good lad he was, and Mike and what a lad he had.  I told him I was off to Suffolk in the morning and he wished me well.  He wanted to know about my new cousins so I told him a bit.  He was intrigued about the Doodle-bugs and said that something to do with them had been delivered to the labs last week, all hush-hush, so his father said.
     I was glad I hadn't had an operation as I had to have two wanks that night in bed as I was rather excited at the prospect of meeting Lachs and Flea again.  

     Thursday morning, Ma, Matt and me, all assembled on Kerslake Station ready to catch the ten o'clock train to London.  Pa was going to a meeting in Cambridge on Friday so would come on to Suffolk Saturday morning ready for the wedding at two o'clock.  He was going to be Best Man for his brother. The train was crowded so we didn't have much chance to talk and it was a relief to get out at the London terminus ready for the underground ride to Liverpool Street Station.  Ma had brought a pack of sandwiches so when we arrived at the station well in time for the two o'clock train we sat and scoffed them.  I suddenly spotted two figures in the distance just going onto the platform.

     “There's Lachs and Andrew,” I said, pointing.

     They seemed at too great a distance to hail by shouting.  Ma, however, showed her ingenuity.  Two fingers went to her mouth and the piercing whistle we'd heard at the party occurred again.  Startled heads turned from fellow passengers, but seeing two teenage boys sitting there, they assumed it must have been one of them.  It had the desired effect.  Two heads much further along the concourse swivelled.  I stood and waved.  They came along at a jog-trot, each with a suitcase and a haversack.  They stood side-by-side, at attention, in front of where Ma and Matt were sitting, faces wreathed in smiles.

     “Hello Auntie Jean, I'm Lachlan,” he said...

     “.......And I'm Andrew.”   He dropped his suitcase and leaned over Ma and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  Without waiting for an answer he turned to his brother.  “Greet Auntie Jean properly, don't be so stuffy just because you think you're so grown-up!”

     I don't know how Ma stopped herself laughing as a blushing Lachlan bent over her and planted a chaste kiss on her other cheek.  She put both hands out and grasped theirs tightly.

     “Welcome to the family,” she said, “You've already welcomed Jacko to yours.”

     After that it was all chat.  Matt was introduced and he and Lachlan were soon jabbering together.  Andrew commandeered Ma and they were nattering on about all sorts of things while I stood, acknowledged but ignored, like the proverbial spare prick at the wedding - a phrase Mike had used when describing certain guests at his sister's do.  I think the only thing that stopped the pair of them chattering was when they finished up the two rounds of sandwiches left.  I didn't begrudge them as they said they'd had an early breakfast at school and were starving.

     At long last I suggested we should go and get on the platform because we had a train to catch.  The chat didn't let up but at least young Andrew did walk beside me with his usual mischievous grin on his face.   Praise Be!  We found an empty compartment, six seats, and nobody else attempted to enter.  The porter we'd found hoisted all our luggage aboard and we were ready for the off.

     I noted as we steamed out of the station along the tracks taking us through the outskirts of London that there seemed to be even more damage than just a few weeks ago.  There was no defence against these new rocket-bombs, V2 rockets they'd been named, and according to the newspaper they appeared without any warning.  I was glad when the fields of the countryside started to appear again.

     Ma had settled herself in the far corner with a book, by Della Arnold, I noticed.  Odd name, I'd only heard of one Della before.  We four boys sat at the window end of the carriage, Andrew next to me and Matt next to Lachs.  I think we were all a bit too excited to talk much to begin with.  At one point I put my left hand down between Andrew and me and he gripped it tightly with his right hand.  Then he started to rub his thumb up and down my thumb.  Oh God!  The usual!  Horny Jacko's standard response occurred.  A massive hardon in the awkwardness of my school trousers.  I tried to get my hand away but Andrew held on.  He knew exactly what he was doing and the effect it was having.  I looked down at him, his head tilted to look me straight in the eyes, one eye closed lazily in a knowing wink, the impish grin appeared.  “Later!” I muttered.  The eye closed slowly again and, luckily, he let go of my hand.

     Gradually over the next few miles my hardon subsided.  Matt and Lachs were now in deep conversation about naval battles to have noticed anything.  Flea, however, was not finished.  He started to fidget and this meant he was constantly rubbing his trousered leg against my trousered leg.  I reached down and gripped his hand again.  I gave it three good squeezes indicating, I hoped, that he should desist.  He kept still for a while.  I let go of his hand.  I looked down at him again, his mouth curled up in that smile and the eye slowly winked again.  I thought, once I get you in bed I'll......  Bed?  We hadn't heard what arrangements were being made.  I supposed I would share with Matt anyway.  If I had to and no Flea, I would get him in a secluded spot somewhere and squeeze his little knackers until...!  I looked down at him again.  The smile was still there and as soon as he caught I was looking at him he slowly winked again.  No!  No!  No!  I couldn't hurt my little Flea's lovely young balls.  I wanted to hold them as he shot his pearly boy-juice.  Oh God!  The inevitable again.  An even more rigid hardon!  And so the journey progressed.  At long last the rigidness abated, luckily, just before we steamed into Ipswich station.

     Aunt Della was there on the platform.  She had mustered two taxis to cart us to Pin Mill House and she and Ma went off in one with the luggage while we four boys huddled together in the other.  Just before we got into the cab Andrew said, very quietly, “I'm glad Lachs is getting on so well with Matt.  Edward said he was interesting because he knows so much about Naval History and Lachs is mad keen on that sort of thing, too.”

     Ummh.  I'd noticed Uncle Edward talking to Matt a couple of times while we were at Chester.  Uncle Edward was a good judge of character, I thought.  I then thought I didn't know everything about Matt.  I knew he wanted to go into the Navy but he never went into detail about his interests.

     Anyway, from the continuation of the conversation in the cab I could see that Lachs and Matt had hit it off immediately.  They were too far gone in discussion to notice that, under the cover of our overcoats, Andrew and I sat with entwined fingers for the rest of that journey.

     Ma and Aunt Della had already gone into the house when we arrived.  The two taxi drivers unloaded the bags and took them indoors under Nanny Saunders' instruction.  She came out again and was greeted most enthusiastically by the two boys.  They introduced Matt and I was favoured with a big hug.  She then said high tea would be at six but there were sandwiches in the kitchen.  The race was on.  Flea and I won as Matt had to be shown the way by his new friend Lachlan.  Young Georgie's two sisters were there preparing vegetables and one pointed to the two laden plates on the table.  Andrew asked how Georgie was and they laughed and said “As usual!”  The sandwiches disappeared in record time in comparative silence and then Nanny Saunders came back in and asked if the four of us minded sharing a room as the house was going to be full.

     The big room with its double-bed and smaller single bed was just as I remembered it.  I dumped my suitcase and haversack on the floor and announced I wanted a pee.  I noticed Matt fidgeting - too polite to utter the word 'pee' I suppose - and he followed me into the adjoining bathroom.  I let him have a piss first as he was obviously bursting.  After I finished he was just giving his face a catlick, a splash of water and a rub with a towel.  He turned to me as I joined him at the sink, catlick also in mind.

     “I like Lachlan,” he said, “He's very knowledgeable about Naval History.”

     I said I hadn't realised it was his great interest too.  He smiled and said he had read quite a few books and his Dad always told him stories about things which had happened to the Navy in the past.

     As we emerged from the bathroom looking a little more presentable the two brothers were engaged in one of their verbal battles.

     “Potty says that as I'm the younger brother I take precedence in the procession!”

     “But I'm senior to you in rank,” Lachlan was saying, but stopped as we came into the centre of the room between them.

     “What is it now?” I asked, “Having a row over who'll be chief bridesmaid, eh?”

     Matt looked at me in astonishment.  He didn't know how their legs had been pulled before.  The two lads rushed at me and toppled me onto the double-bed and started to tickle me.  I succumbed and giggled uncontrollably immediately - asbestos gelos - as the late Reverend Mr Campion would say when he reprimanded us whenever we had a fit of the giggles in class.

     “No we are not!” panted Lachlan, administering a very deft tattoo to my left ribs.”We are escorts to the bride according to Edward!”

     “In pretty dresses?” I grinned back as Andrew's grinning face loomed over me.

     “Shut up about that,” he said.  “Wait and see!”

     “Pax,” I said, having suffered enough.  They stopped and I sat up.  Matt was still standing there watching.

     “That would happen to you if you had two brothers,” I said.  “They're my new cousins and they treat me as if I was their third brother!”

     Matt groaned.  “I suppose I should be glad I've just got a sister.  She's bad enough but having two like that would be even more awful!”

     Good old Matt.  He was coming out of his shell!  The effect was as expected.  It was his turn to be over the bed and squawking as the pair found his soft and tender spots and reduced him to a quivering jelly.  I went over to him and slightly assisted by stroking just under his chin.  I knew what that did to Matt.  The bulge in his trousers was soon evident.

     “Help, help! “ he was murmuring and panting at the same time as the pair tickled his chest and held his arms.

     They tired of their game and let him go.

     “You two know what you'll get if you're cheeky!” announced Flea.  “Potty says ninety-five per cent of boys are ticklish and the other five per cent are so thick they wouldn't know if they were still having  their vests put on by their nanny, just like your pal Bastable, eh Lachs?”

     “You leave Bastable out of it,” retorted Lachs, “He's in my squad and he's a very good forward in our House XV.”

     Andrew grinned.  “Potty says if Wilkie didn't go around with him and get his dick out when he wanted to pee....”

     It was Andrew's turn to be upended.  His elder brother had him face down and wriggling as he held him by the neck, dodging his kicking legs and ticking his ribs with the other hand.  “You and that poisonous Potty!  The pair of you need to be dealt with.  Anyway, Wilkie's sister is married to Bastable's elder brother, Giles.”

     A few muffled imprecations came from Flea until he managed to get his head round under Lachlan's grip. “Miles Bastable is thick... and I bet he's hung like a bull.  I never get a look 'cause he always gets in and out of the showers quickly,” he managed to say clearly, “Dumpy Durrant's in the next room to theirs and he says he hears them every night beating off and they're noisy and ever so quick.  Potty says he bets he's the first four-minute Miles!”  

     “Will.. you.. shut.. up.. a-bout.. Pot-ty!” said Lachlan emphatically, drumming in each syllable with a hefty whack to Flea's backside.  He let go and Flea turned and sat up.

     “Thanks brother, that was nice.”  He moved quickly off the bed and scooted to the other side.  “Potty says Sibs should give you a half dozen whacks every morning as it would get some blood to your brain!  I said he would be too tired recovering....”  He stood silently.  Lachlan made no attempt to pursue him.

     Lachlan stood and shook his head.  “And Miles Bastable isn't hung like a bull, he's a good lad,” he said resignedly.

     “Nah, nah, nah, nah!” went his brother, “Gotcha!  You've been having a look and more, I bet.  You'll make old Sibs jealous and what would Cartwright do without his daily visit.”

     Lachlan shook his head again while Matt and I looked on laughing silently - the first four-minute Miles was a good one!

     “Andrew!” I said, “Behave yourself, I'm certain your guests aren't interested in all your tittle-tattle!”

     “Oh, but I am,” piped up Matt.  “Who is Potty and this Miles and all the others?”

     That settled that.  It was decided we'd go and inspect the river and the boat and Matt and I would be filled in with any further details.  Miles Bastable and Dumpy Durrant were new to me as well!

     After unpacking and getting sorted out we set off, in pairs, down to the boathouse.  I walked behind with Flea.

     “We were ever so pleased you were coming to the wedding,” he said. “You know, Lachs has been quite different since the summer.  Potty....” he hesitated and caught hold of my hand and squeezed it.  I knew better than to interrupt him.  “.....Potty say he's so much more relaxed, but I mustn't give up teasing him.  You understand, don't you?”  He squeezed my hand again.  I knew and I knew his mother knew as well.  “He and Sibs...”  he hesitated again.  “...You know, he and Sibs have done it together.....”  He grinned up at me.   “....Lots of times, I guess.  He'll tell you sometime, he trusts you, and so do I!   Potty says Sibs looks like the cat that's had cream every morning now.”  Andrew giggled.  “He does too!  In fact, they both got half term commendations for progress in school and....” he looked up at me again,  “....Potty and I, “ he said, emphasizing the I, “think it's all due to whatever they're doing.  I haven't asked but they're both much more happy.”

     I said both he and Lachs seemed much more relaxed, and I thought he'd grown a bit.

     “I have,” he said, beaming up at me, “Dr Griffiths measured me last week and I'm just off five foot now.  He said I'd really hit the adolescent growth spurt now and he would check me in January.  Lachs is now five five and he doesn't think he'll grow any more.”  He let go of my hand and poked me in the ribs.  “Growing somewhere else too!” he said with that mischievous grin of his.  “And I can tell you I'm much more happy this term.  I can tell you straight, one reason's because those two thugs didn't come back after the hols.”

     “Those two?  You mean Castleman and what's his name...?”

     “Fitzroy,” he said.  “Yeah, bit of a mystery.  We were told they'd left school early to join up, they're both nearly eighteen and been in Remove three years so they weren't going anywhere at school.  That lad Lachs thumped, Lawson, told me he'd try to find out more when he's home at Christmas.  He lives in a village near Castleman.”

     “And Lawson?”  I asked.

     “Oh, he's OK, Lachs and him are quite pally now and he's been helping me with map-reading.”

     “And you said one reason, so there's more?”

     He smiled up at me and caught hold of my hand again.  “Two more...”  He squeezed my fingers.  “I haven't told you about Temple-Tempest yet, have I?”  I shook my head.  “He's my new room-mate, I'll tell you about him later.”

     I looked inquisitively at him, “The other reason?”

     “I met you in the summer and you taught me I could be Andrew!”

     A bit deep at the moment.  I couldn't explore this as we arrived at the boathouse to find Matt and Lachlan in deep conversation still and we sat in a row on the landing-stage watching the slow flow of the river. For the end of October it wasn't too cold.

     Lachlan said he really missed the river and I said I had grown to like it in just that short time I'd stayed in the summer.  Lachs said for him it was more than like, he loved the river, he couldn't imagine not being able to sail and Andrew said it was the same for him.  Matt then surprised me by saying he'd been taken sailing a lot when he was a boy in South Africa.  He was very knowledgeable about types of boats so there were several minutes of animated discussion of relative merits of different hulls and sails and keels and other accoutrements I'd never heard of.  Matt was really in his element with the boys!

     At last they exhausted, for a  moment, that topic of conversation.  It was my turn to ask about things.

     “I know about Potty and Sibs and Cartwright,” I said, “But tell us more about this Bastable and whatever his friend's name is?”

     Before Lachs could say anything Flea had hopped in.  “Oh, he's OK really, he's been held back a year so he's in my class and he`s over sixteen.    I've been helping him with his English as at least I'm good at that....” He looked at Lachlan who said nothing, he just nodded.  “His brother used to be at the school, he's Giles and he runs the family farm.  True!  Giles the farmer and Miles is going into the Army so it'll be Miles the soldier.  There's a third brother and he's coming up from the Prep School next term.  His name's Mark,...” He stole another glance at Lachlan who stared straight ahead at the river.  “.......but Potty says his name should be Piles as he's heard he's a real pain in the arse!”

     There was a pained groan from Matt and me and a stoical stare forwards from Lachlan.

     “His friend's Wilkinson, we call him Wilkie, or the Shadow.  They were at Prep School together and Wilkie's dad's a vicar and Wilkie's a swot.  He's always being debagged unless Bastable's there.  They tied his trousers to the flagpole last year and Bastable had to shin up to get them down.  I told you they share a room and Wilkie's actually ever so kind to Bastable and helps him with all his work.”

     I said I thought they must be very good friends for him to go up a flag-pole...  Lachlan interrupted Andrew who was just saying that wasn't the only flag-pole... and said they were but Wilkie annoyed everyone for being such a know-all.  Andrew hadn't finished.

     “Haven't told you this yet!  But his pal..” here he nudged his brother, “...Cartwright's Head of School and Captain of Rugger and him..,”  he nudged his brother again and said with evident pride in his voice, “....he's scrum half in the First XV so he and Cartwright are even more thick as thieves.  We call Cartwright His Majesty behind his back `cause he looks a bit like the King.  Potty says we should call Lachs Gold Stick in Waiting `cause he'd blond and got a sun tan and has that thing between.....”

     A sudden hand was clamped over Flea's mouth.  Lachs wasn't angry, he was laughing.  

     “You keep on and on, Andrew, just shut it for a moment.  I bet Matt doesn't want to hear all your drivel!”

     “But I do,” said Matt, giving a slight chuckle, “It's all much more interesting than the adventures of Billy Bunter or life in the Fifth Form at St Dominic's.  They certainly don't tell you what the boys did at night!”

     Oh, Matt.  You are a character.  I know what you like doing at night!  And you've heard a bit about goings-on at their school.
     “I didn't know you were in the First XV,” I said and Lachlan shrugged his shoulders.  He wasn't saying anything and I thought we might hear more if he took his hand away from Andrew's mouth.  He did.  Andrew was not disconcerted.  He just carried on.

     “Yeah, well as I was saying before I was interrupted...” he looked sideways at his brother and grinned impishly again.   “...He's a real goer is our Lachs once he gets his hands on the ball.  Potty says if they gave him any more stripes we would have to call him Tiger!   And Cartwright's always patting his bum and saying 'Good man'!   I think Cartwright likes his bu....”

     The hand was clamped back.  Matt reached out and unclamped the hand.

     “I don't blame Cartwright,” said Matt.

     My jaw nearly dropped.  Matt was showing a new side to himself today.

     “Nor do I,” said the now-freed Andrew, “And Potty says most of the Upper Sixth would love to get.....”  He stopped.  He put a hand out and put it on Lachlan's knee.  “It's OK, Lachs,” he said, “I'm only teasing you....”

     Actually, Lachlan's shoulders were heaving.  He was laughing silently.  He turned and wrapped both arms round Andrew.

     “Andrew,” he said with absolute sincerity in his voice, “If you gave up teasing me I would think the world had come to an end.”  He squeezed Andrew tightly, then let go.  He turned to Matt.  “I haven't known you for more than a few hours and you're teasing me, too.  Thanks!”  He put his arms round Matt and hugged him too.
     He turned to look at me - his brother in between us so I wasn't going to get a hug, yet!

     “And you, my great dark cousin?”  His smile was just like Flea's.  “Are you still nursing that stiffy you've had since we got on the train at Liverpool Street?  You haven't been helped anyway because that thing there has been inciting your bodily reactions, hasn't he?”

     Oh dear God, was it all so noticeable?  The three of them burst out laughing.

     Matt was chuckling furiously.  “You don't need to worry, Lachlan, he's always the same.”

     “Thank you kindly, dear friend,” I retorted, “You're really emerging from your cocoon, aren't you?”

     He laughed again.  “I know you well enough, Jacko, and I think I know these two well enough already to say things I would never say to anyone else!”

     Well, well.  Dear Matt, you surprise me more and more.  But you are sixteen now and can smoke and marry and do all sorts of things I still can't!  

     I laughed too and directed my gaze at Lachlan who was grinning all over his face.
     “So, you're teasing me now and saying things like that in front of my best friend.”

     He laughed.  “Of course, and I can say things like that to you can't I?”

     “My fault,” piped up Andrew, “If I hadn't held his hand it wouldn't have happened.”

     “Oh yes it would,” I asserted quite truthfully, “Just seeing the pair of you got me all excited!”

     “That way?” asked Andrew, coyly, but that impish grin was there too.  He saw my grin, too.  “Anyway, if you hadn't got a stiffy I would have thought there was something wrong with you!”

     Matt let out a throaty guffaw.  I thought, 'Wait my lad, I'll have your hairy bollocks in my hands some time and you'll be squawking for mercy!'  No, I wouldn't.  He was quite right.  I was just a very horny lad who wanted and needed and craved for those wonderful feelings.

     I stood up, the front of my trousers told their own tale.  My stiffy was prominently outlined and they all guffawed.  I shrugged my shoulders.

     “I can't help it.  I'm just built like it!  Anyway, it's nearly time for food.”

     They were all laughing but Andrew and Lachs exchanged looks and raised their eyebrows.

     “Mummy said she'd better be well stocked up for the weekend,” Lachlan said, “Your appetite has not gone unnoticed!”

     I reached down and cuffed the back of his head, gently, just to let him know who was boss!

     “Just because you're Sergeant Cameron in the Keystone Cops Army doesn't mean you can cheek me as well.”

     “But Mummy said it,” said Andrew, “And it's true!”  He turned to Matt.  “You should see the way he shovels it down.  Potty says it's a sign of worms!”

     Matt made some remark that he's noticed too as I gave Flea a well-deserved slap as well.  I couldn't very well say I needed food because I was bigger than they were.  I just ignored them and pretended to stalk off down the path.  Lachlan caught me up, still grinning.

     “Hey, wait for me,” he said.  As we walked more slowly up the path with the other two chattering away behind us he caught hold of my hand.  “I'm so glad you could come,” he reiterated, “I've looked forward to this ever since you went home at the end of the holiday and I know Flea has as well.”  He laughed and squeezed my hand.  “By the way, everyone at school calls him that now since I told Potty.”  I squeezed his hand back.  “Potty's OK, he keeps an eye on Andrew.  I'll tell you more tomorrow.  We'll let those two have a chat together.”  He looked up at me.  “Matt's great, you're lucky to have him as a friend.  He thinks you're great, too!”

     We walked the rest of the way in silence, hand in hand, with the usual rather staid Matthew several yards behind giggling over some shared tale with Andrew.

     Things seemed to be organised in the house when we got there.  Aunt Della had been sent off to rest Ma said.  She and Nanny Saunders and one of young Georgie's sisters were laying up the dining room table for twelve.  For a dinner party the next night.  I was introduced to Georgie's Mum who was in the kitchen with another lady from the village and they were in charge of the cooking.  Georgie's Mum looked just like an older version of his sisters, very pretty and very energetic.  I could see where Georgie got his straightforward manner from.  His mother had things under control in the kitchen, at least.

     Ma announced that Rhys and Auntie Fay would be arriving the next afternoon from Cardiff but the other boys and Uncle Dick would be there on Saturday.  I twitted the two boys that they would have to be on their best behaviour as they would be under scrutiny from three more great dark cousins and they were all bigger than me!  Matt was overjoyed he would be meeting Rhys and Alun again.  I wondered if he and Rhys would be wandering off again!

     While in the kitchen I'd had a look on the Aga and there was a large pot simmering away.  I sniffed.  The smell was gorgeous!  Mrs Catchpole said there was soup in there to be followed by a meat casserole which was in the oven.  Yum, yum!

     Yum, yum, it was!  At six we assembled on the dot at the door to the breakfast room. At one minute past six we were imbibing soup and lovely crusty bread.  At six ten the casserole appeared.  By half past six I'd had my third helping to the other boys' two.  Their smirks and whispered 'Oliver' from Flea across the table from me confirmed my reputation.  I would get my own back!

     We had a good game of Monopoly with Flea and Matt trouncing Lachlan and me because between them they managed to get the Park Lane properties and all four Utilities.  All I managed to get was Old Kent Road with one hotel!

     At nine o'clock we decided to go to bed.  I had said I would share with the boys as I'd already done that when the Doodle-bugs were flying over and Matt could have the smaller bed to himself.  Of course, it didn't work out like that.  Nanny Saunders had arranged for the fire to be lit in the bedroom - we had been instructed not to let the fire go out and to make sure the fire-guard was in position.  It meant the room was as warm as toast and I was stripped off completely in my usual way quite quickly while the two brothers were squabbling over who should wash first in the bathroom.  Matt had been in the bathroom before them but was still fully dressed and methodically sorting out his belongings when the boys came back in clad only in their underpants.  They saw me standing there starkers so pulled off their briefs and flung them unceremoniously across to the pile of their discarded clothing.  Matt then decided it was time for him to disrobe.  He seemed oblivious to three pairs of eyes watching every garment being removed, folded and piled tidily at the end of the smaller bed.  At last he was also clad only in underpants.  Slowly he drew them down and his long, rubbery hose-like cock flopped out.  There was an audible gasp from Flea as Matt straightened up and folded the pants neatly and added them to the pile.

     In fact, Matt's cock wasn't just its usual long self, it was slightly plump, that point of just beginning to become erect.  That is, with Matt's size, as I'd noticed before, it must take quite a bit of blood to pump in to get it fully hard so that beginning remained usually for a little while.

     I looked over at Andrew.  His developing cock was the first to respond.  That perceptible increase in dimension was now being fully exhibited as his now, nearly five and half incher reared up absolutely straight against his belly.  My and Lachs' six-inchers were not far behind.  Then Matt deigned to notice the three of us, smiled and the monster uncurled and was soon poking out at his accustomed forty-five degrees.  We'd laughed about this on several occasions.  He said he'd never been able to get it straight up since he was twelve because it was so heavy when fully engorged.

     I took the initiative.  “If we're careful I think all four of us will fit on that bed.”

     Within moments, with Andrew leading the way, we were arranged on the bed.  Andrew had set his sights on Matt and had the first three inches of Matt's shaft in his mouth as we settled on the bed.  Not to be outdone I was soon nuzzling at Andrew's young boy-cock while Lachlan was running his tongue along the underside of my fully upright prick.  By raising my head slightly I could see that Matt had his arms round Lachlan's buttocks and was hungrily engulfing most of Lachs' thick cock in his mouth.  I guess we all lasted about twenty minutes, gradually raising each other to a climax, relaxing and then starting the climb upwards again.  Matt and I had practised this a number of times.  The boys must have also practised it too as Lachlan, especially, knew exactly when I was getting just below the point of no return.

     I'm afraid it was my fault that first encounter didn't last longer.  I misjudged Andrew's signals and must have just got him to the brink and didn't stop.  Although his mouth was stretched round Matt's meaty tool he gave a little gurgle and I felt his prick twitch in my mouth just before several squirts of his warm boy-cream hit the roof of my mouth and bounced around my tongue and teeth.  I couldn't contain myself any longer after that, my flood gates opened automatically and it was Lachlan's turn to gurgle.  Not through the ecstasy of himself coming but with the effort of trying to cope with my gushing spunk.  Two more twitching boys unloaded within seconds and after a few seconds of gasping four boys were face to face, clasping each other round shoulders and seeking each others mouths to share the bounty held within.   We were laughing and giggling as our mouths and tongues clashed, no more so than Lachs and Flea who slobbered the accumulated come they'd collected all over everyone's faces, necks and chests.

     Four happy boys then settled down, quite naturally, in pairs.  Matt and I were back to back in the middle of the bed, each with a smaller, fair-haired beauty cradled in our arms.  I had Flea, who lived up to his name by gently biting at my collar-bone, as I tenderly held him close to me, my hand tenderly stroking his muscular young back.  He looked up at me with those unblinking blue eyes and smiled as Lachlan pulled the cord hanging above the bed which switched the light out.  I was soon asleep holding him close to me.

     When I woke in the early morning we were still in the same position.  I could feel Matt's warm back pressed against mine.  Andrew had an arm round my neck and I had one arm under him and my other arm over his back.  Both of us had hardons which, as we so closely entwined, pressed into each other.  I think what had woken me was that Andrew, in the depths of some dream, was muttering under his breath.  I couldn't make out what he was saying but he was obviously enjoying the experience as he clasped my neck and pressed himself up against me.  The dream was over in moments and he relaxed and nuzzled at my chest, moving his head to and fro.  He was so relaxed and happy in his dream and I felt so happy and protective toward him.  I thought it was great how friends like us could share ourselves so unreservedly.  I thought of Matt and Lachlan.  Two boys who had only met each other just hours ago, so completely at ease with other, now enjoying each other's bodies as well.  They were like-minded and like-spirited and they had shared all three, minds, spirits and bodies so freely in that short time.  If only this could last!

     I was restless and extremely horny again.  I moved Andrew's face away from my chest and touched his lips very gently with the tip of my tongue.  The dream must have started again as he ground his hips against me and his proud young hardon pressed into me.  He didn't mutter this time, he mumbled.  I feathered his lips with my tongue and his mouth opened slightly.  Slowly and carefully I pushed my tongue between his lips and he began to suck on it as if it were a child's dummy.  His head began to weave about a bit and I rocked him in my arms.  That dream passed and I removed my tongue.  I needed relief.  I feathered his lips again and then licked down under his chin.  He gradually awoke and as he did so I moved my head up and felt for his lips again.

     “Oh, Jacko,” he murmured, “I've had the most wonderful dreams.  I've dreamed we've all been sailing and then we all went up to that hill again and we all loved each other.  You, and Lachlan, and Matt, and me.  So lovely, so lovely.”

     It was too dark to see him clearly but we clutched at each other for a minute or so.

     “I'll put some wood on the fire,” he whispered.  He extricated himself from my clutching arms and slid out of bed.  I saw his shadowy figure go over to the fire and I heard him move the fire-guard and the slight noise as he dug at the banked-up fire with a couple of logs.  As he broke through the crust the logs sparked and crackled and very quickly flames sprang up.  He put more small logs on and soon the room was alight with the dancing flames of the burning wood.  He replaced the guard and came back and got into bed with me.  The other two slept on.

     “It's your turn with Lachlan,” he whispered, ever mindful of sharing all with his beloved brother.  “Go on, I'll help you 'cause Lachlan'll want to be with Matt.”

     He slid off the bed again and I got out and stood next to him.  The flames now were sufficient to illuminate the other two sleeping figures.  Matt was holding Lachlan's much smaller body close to him in the same way I'd held Andrew.  Without my support to Matt's back he flopped over and let go of Lachlan who scrabbled to re-attach himself to Matt's shielding arms.  I lifted the covers off Lachlan.  It was warm enough in the room for him not to notice any great difference in temperature.  As he wasn't completely in Matt's clutches now it was relatively easy to turn him slightly so I could begin to nuzzle his balls.

     His ball sac was very loose.  The result of the warmth of the bed during the night.  There was also the tang of the slight sweat of the night and that heady, musky aroma of boyishness as I lapped on his low slung testicles.  I sucked on one then the other.  Gently, I took one into my mouth laving it with my tongue, then let it go and did the same to the other.  Gradually I licked upwards to the base of his shaft which was flaccid when I started but was now beginning to lengthen and harden.  He was beginning to awaken as well.  He knew what was happening.  He also knew his task was to give Matt his attention.  I arranged myself along the bottom of the bed and continued to lick at the top of Lachlan's almost smooth legs and his virtually hairless ball-pouch.  He had fine, silky hairs on his thighs and his balls whereas hirsute Matt had quite thick, wiry hairs all over his legs and his balls.

     Matt was being attacked from two directions by a fully awake Andrew and an emerging from a comatose state Lachlan.  Matt was still fully asleep but was being slowly manoeuvred across the bed giving Lachlan access to that huge prize.  I stole a glance as Lachlan licked along its length in its still not erect state.  At that moment I felt a tongue doing the same to my erect rod.  A probing mouth then enveloped my foreskin shrouded knob and a tongue pressed onto my skin until my knob was almost free.

     A loud gasp came from Matt as he became fully awake and realised what was happening to him and what was expected of him.  He was soon fully engaged with young Andrew's prime member and for at least the next thirty minutes in the light of the dancing flames a ballet of loving attention was paid by the four participants to the young manhoods of their partners.

     We raised each other to heights of ecstasy and lowered each other again numerous times as we sensed the critical moments.  Time and time again I craved the release of my semen, time and time again I was glad the moment passed and I could be brought nearer and nearer that fulfilling moment when time would stand still.

     We were as if in complete accord with each other.   It was as if this dance of the senses had been choreographed an infinite number of times between us before.  But no, last night was the first time the four of us had been together.  It seemed to me as if eons of past experiences of all the boys in the whole universe were now concentrated within the four of us, here, now, at this moment, just for us, flowing, rising and escalating into the most ecstatic climax ever known.  At some point in time I had to let myself go.  I must have passed out for a few moments with the sheer immensity of the orgasm I experienced as my whole being was so involved with so much of my boy-juice pumped so freely from me.  Poor Andrew.  He must have tried hard to contain my torrent but my last spurts drenched his face.  I was gasping with my own climax as Lachlan unloaded his own lavish benefaction straight into me as I had somehow, without any training, taken the whole of his six plus inches fully into my mouth and into my throat.  The other two boys were not far behind.  I heard Lachlan splutter as Matt unloaded and young Andrew gave a long low 'unnnnh' as his sweet boy-cream squirted into Matt's waiting mouth.  As with the night before we moved together until we could share any remnants of the gifts we had collected so willingly and so openly and we three helped to lick my spunk off the new cream-faced loon.  

     We fell asleep again, satiated, me with Lachlan cradled against me and Matt with Andrew, and slept soundly until I felt Lachlan moving against my restraining hold.  He pecked me on the cheek as my eyes opened.

     “I never knew I could be so happy,” he murmured, “Can't it last for ever?”

     I kissed his forehead.  “We've had a wonderful time,” I replied.  “I hope things like this never end.”
     He sighed and his lips groped for mine and we lay, lips just brushing, the tips of our tongues just touching.  I was still dozy, he was in the same state, but I knew we were both very content.

     Gradually I woke again and hugged Lachlan a bit tighter.  This was enough to waken him.  The firelight had died down but we could see each other in the dimness.

     “I want to talk to you today,” he whispered, “It's OK, Flea will go for a walk with Matt.”  I saw his grin.  “It's OK, he knows I need to tell you things.”

     We crept out of bed and I pulled the blackout curtains back while he put a couple more logs on the fire.  We went back to the bed and stood, arms round each other looking down on the sleeping pair.  Matt's dark head with a peaceful Flea cradled close to him and held so shelteringly just like a big brother with a much smaller, younger brother.  I leaned down to Lachlan and drew him round.  I found his lips and kissed him fully holding him tightly against me.  He returned that token of love and affection wholeheartedly and between us four tears dripped onto our chests.

     We went together to the bathroom and washed and cleaned ourselves throughly.  Lachlan even had a shave.  I had noticed a slight roughness on his chin when we were licking and stroking each other's faces.  He grinned.

     “I'm a big boy now,” he said, “Have to do this twice a week.”

     “And the other twice a day, I suppose!” I said stepping out of his way quickly in case of retaliation.

     “Yeah, that's right!” was his reply, with no retaliation,  “Same as you I suppose, horny monster!”

     “Something like that,” I said.  “And what do you want to talk to me about?  I asked.

     His eyes seem to twinkle as I gazed at his smiling face reflected in the mirror.

     “Wait!” was his answer.  He waved the razor.  “Here, let me feel your chin.  I thought I felt you might be sprouting a few whiskers now you're fifteen.  You can use this.”   He put his hand up and caressed around my top lip and then my chin and throat.  My dick twitched.  “Yeah, I thought so,” he said, “Just lather up a bit and draw this round.”  His eyes twinkled again.  “At least you'll be able to see your beard growing, mine's so fair and thin I don't think I feel stubbly much at all.”

     I did as I was told.  I shaved.  I had the wispy blackness of a boyish moustache and that all disappeared and I tidied my sideburns up as well.

     “Well, beauty-boy,” laughed Lachlan, “I shan't get tongue-burn now!  Come here!”   He reached up and drew my head down to his level.  He licked all over my face.  “Smooth as a baby's....”

      I let him get no further.  My mouth was over his and we tongue-fucked violently for at least a minute.  I was holding him tightly to me and our dicks were like two steel rods pressing against each other.  At last I released him.

     He took in a deep breath.  Those blue eyes were wide open and staring up at me.  His smile lit up his face.  He shook his head as if in wonderment.  “Wow!” he exclaimed.  “Let's wait till later!”  He reached down and gave my erect cock a tug.  “Keep it just like that, ready!”

     We went back into the bedroom and saw it was nearly eight o'clock.  We dressed and before going downstairs gently woke the sleeping beauties.  We left them hugging each other with the admonition we would scoff all the breakfast if they weren't down in five minutes.  Our warnings fell on deaf ears I'm sure!  It was nearly twenty minutes before they appeared and from their expressions I bet both cats had had a basin of cream!

     Over breakfast Lachlan said he and Flea had looked at the commemoration board for the Great War 1914-1918 and had found Piers Crossley and Miles Buchan listed.  Both had been Second Lieutenants and both had been reported missing, presumed killed, during the final Battle of the Somme.  He said they had then picked a red rose each from the bushes near the school and had put them in a jar under the board.  He then said a couple of days later Captain Harrison had asked him why he had done it and he had told him all about me and how I was related to the Crossley family.  Flea interrupted him.

     “And I bet I know who told him about us and the flowers.  It was that sneak Antony Milverton, he was smirking about something in class next day.  He's a creep, always sucking up to the beaks.”

     Lachlan waited until he'd finished.

     “It doesn't matter that he told Captain Harrison, I told you that before.”  He looked at me.  “Captain Harrison said when you visit the school he would like to talk to you as he knew General Crossley and thought he was a fine man.”  He fished into his trouser pocket.  “A couple of days later he gave me this to give to you.”

     It was a small bronze medal.  On one side was an impression of something winged, an angel or a goddess.  On the other side was engraved 'Piers Crossley Cross-Country 1917'.

     I couldn't help it.  The tears flowed.  I looked at Flea he was dewy-eyed as well and so was Lachlan.

     Lachlan sniffed to clear his nose.  “Captain Harrison said he'd found the medal in a drawer in the Masters' Common Room when he first joined the staff about four years after the War ended.  He'd had it in his study ever since and had meant to send it to the General but never got round to it.   Then he heard that the General had died.... ....He wants you to have it in memory of Piers.”

     Matt was sitting next to me.  He felt for my hand and took it and squeezed it.

     “Tom's right, and I'm right, you belong at Ulvescott and that's more proof.  He ran and you run - you'll win the Lane Cup for Fifth Years this year, I know.  You carry that medal and you'll win!”

     I was too far gone emotionally to say anything.  I just nodded and had to get my handkerchief out and was dabbing my eyes and blowing my nose when Ma came in.  She knew immediately something good had happened.  The boys were smiling at me even if they had tears in their eyes as well.  She saw the medal on the table in front of me.  She picked it up, looked at it, then took my hand and put the medal in my palm and closed my fist over it.

     “Pierre, Piers,” she said slowly, “You and he are one!”

     She kissed the top of my head and was gone.  Lachlan and Andrew on the other side of the table got up and came round and all three of them hugged me tightly.  I was too overwhelmed to say anything.  Another piece of life's strange jigsaw had somehow dropped into place.

     During the morning we helped Ma and Nanny Saunders get some furniture moved as they said Aunt Della was resting because of her great day tomorrow.  We had an early lunch and Flea volunteered to go up to the farm and take Matt with him to show him around, especially to see young Georgie's goats, as there was milk and other things to collect.  Young Georgie wouldn't be there as his school had different dates for their half-term. He and Matt went off and as he followed Matt out of the kitchen door Flea turned, a great grin on his face, and winked at me.

     We had all been instructed not to be away too long as Auntie Faye and Rhys, plus an uncle and aunt of Aunt Della's, would be arriving on the afternoon train from London.

     Lachlan and I ambled down to the boathouse.  I knew something was planned.  He opened the door and the boat cushions were already in tidy piles making a comfortable seat and a possible bed.

     We sat, cross-legged Red-Indian style, facing each other, Lachlan with a clear, open smile on his face.  He put both arms out and I did the same and he grasped my hands tightly.

     “I want to thank you for what you helped me do in the summer.”  He paused and looked straight into my eyes.  “You helped me come to terms with all sorts of things.  Since Daddy died I've felt really alone.  I know I had Mummy and Flea and all my friends at school but somehow just being with you, and talking to you, and the way you showed me such love,  I changed.  I'm Lachlan now, not just another schoolboy, or just a Cadet, or somebody who loves sailing, I'm me.  You showed me strength and friendship when I really needed it.  If you hadn't been there I don't know what I would have done this term.  If it hadn't been for Andrew as well I might have done something silly.  In fact, if those thugs had still been at school and you hadn't helped me so much I might have killed them.”

     He said that last with such sincerity I knew it would have been true.  I moved over to him and hugged him.

     “I'll tell you something,” I whispered in his ear.  “I knew you'd changed and your mother knew you'd changed.”

     As I hugged him I told him what his mother had said to me on the train.  He was nodding as I told him that.  I also said that Flea had said in very few words I had helped him be Andrew.  Gradually, slowly, with great deliberation, bit-by-bit, we undressed each other.  We both knew we needed to consolidate that strength and friendship, to seal it once more.  We were smiling at each other as, finally, we lay naked side by side..

     “It's under the pillow there,” he whispered, “I want you in me first!”

     I knew what he meant.  I found the jar, a new jar, of Vaseline.  We kissed and stroked each others bodies for a long time as I worked my way from his forehead, to his nose, his lips, chin, neck, shoulders, chest, nipples, his muscular stomach and down, down, until at last I was kissing and licking that most secret spot I was to enter.  He was moaning softly as his hands caressed the top of my head.  Very gently I coated his pucker with the sticky jelly.  I moved up his body as I gently probed him with the tip of my second finger.  I kissed his lips.  His tongue found mine as my finger sank into him so easily.

     “I want all of you,” he murmured, “Slowly, please, oh, please make it last!”

     He drew his knees up on either side of me.  I raised his legs and he hooked his ankles round my back as I eased my hard as steel rod to the waiting mark.  I only had one finger in but I knew he was ready.  I positioned myself and looked straight into his eyes, those clear blue eyes, so full of friendship and love.  If there was a single grimace I would stop.  I wouldn't harm or hurt my most special friend.  There was no grimace, just a wide-eyed acceptance of my shaft as it entered him, slowly, oh so slowly, inch by inch.  He smiled, shaking his head in wonderment. I knew my cock had grown both a bit longer and a bit thicker just in those last six weeks.  He accepted it all as I plumbed the depths of him and could get no further.

     I felt his muscles gripping and relaxing on my encased rod.  I experimented.  I withdrew a couple of inches.  The smile deepened, I had massaged something within which gave him so much pleasure.  I repeated it, again and again, so slowly but with sufficient force to make that smile imperceptibly wax and wane.  His arms were round my neck and he drew me closer.  I kissed his nose and he whispered as I rubbed my cheek against his.

     “If you want to, you can go faster.”

     “Do you want me to?” I whispered back.

     He shook his head.

     “I'll take as long as you want,” I whispered back.
     That slow fuck ended nearly three-quarters of an hour later.  Suddenly, the muscles of his stomach and thighs tightened.  His mouth gaped open in an almost terrible rictus with his head thrust back against the restraining cushion.  A series of low guttural gasps came from his throat and lungs.  I leaned back and quickly pulled back his foreskin over his meaty knob.  I gripped his shaft tightly and it pulsated violently in my grasp.  Four great squirts of his beautiful boy-cream spirted out and hit him on his neck and the top of his chest.  Within him muscles squeezed my cock embraced so deep inside him.  I could hold on no longer as his muscles drew the most tremendous orgasm of my life out of me.  I knew I had broken any records I might have held because I just could not count the number of immense spasms I experienced nor knew the amount of my willingly provided boy-cream as it spewed out, jet after jet, spurt after spurt.  The involuntary thrusts of my body, forcing my prick as far as it would go into him set off another round of mighty spasms of his own prick.  Little spunk came out this time but I knew he had also had an experience like mine.  His legs were still tightly gripping me and my prick was still fully in him as I fell on top of him hugging and kissing him.  Our mouths were clamped together, our tongues feverishly battering at each other as I felt another tremendous climax beginning to rise deep in my balls, somewhere in the base of my prick, somewhere unknown within me, rising up rapidly until I felt almost on fire all over.  I forced myself into him again, once, twice, three, four times as a second almighty orgasm wracked my whole body.  For several long minutes neither of us moved.  We were hugging each other, just savouring that bliss of having given one's complete self to one's most special friend and comrade.  I think we both lay with eyes closed and I didn't open mine until I felt his tongue softly touching my cheek.

     “Jacko, thank you,” he murmured as our lips met again.

     This time our long held kiss was tenderness itself.

     “I want you now,” I whispered as I knew both of us were still erect.

     Slowly and carefully I withdrew my cock from him.  He flinched as I did so.  I looked at his face.  He smiled and nodded.  I moved until I was on my back on the cushions and he, with his cum-streaked torso, was between my thighs looking down on me.  That loving scene we had just been such willing participants in was re-enacted.  After he had stroked my pucker and put that vital stickiness on me I knew I was so relaxed his thickness would not startle nor harm me.  He smiled down at me as he entered me, my ring muscles open wide as I wanted him so much.

     His rhythm was a bit more urgent than mine but he was careful and oh, so, so considerate.  I lay eyes half closed, my lips parted and my head swaying from side to side as within me some wonderful feeling pulsed each time he thrust into me.  I came.  Those two words sound trite and meaningless.  I came because Lachlan gave me the whole of himself and I responded in the only way my body could manifest that wonderful trust and affection.  New streams of my boyish juices surged out and somewhere deep within me he imparted his own tokens of esteem and respect.  We lay entwined, side by side, he slowly softening within me, we looking into each others eyes, as we carefully touched each other's chests and necks gathering those precious offerings and placing them like libations to the gods on each other's lips.

     Our juices shared we lay and talked, both with arms over shoulders and tenderly stroking each others backs.  He said I was very lucky in having such a good friend as Matt.  He said, with that twinkle in his eye, that Matt had told him he wasn't to tell me how much he, Matt, admired me and depended on me.  I said that of all my friends Matt and Tom Buchanan were very special to me.  He said I was very lucky to have such good friends and we spent some time, in our boyish way, distinguishing between friends, best fiends and special friends.  I gave his buttock quite a hard tweak when I said I counted him as a special friend and I though Andrew was, too.  He smiled and said that was true and he was glad, and that his brother was his special friend as well.  He said Flea was always talking about me and Potty wanted to met this paragon Flea was always extolling.  We giggled over some of the `para' jokes and he said his new friend Bastable wanted to join the Marine Commandos when he left school.

     He told me quite readily and candidly that on the first night back at school as Sibs and he lay in the dark and Sibs started to wank himself he had asked him if he wanted any help.  Sibs had murmured, “Please!”  As they lay together in Sibs' bed he had confessed to Lachlan that he had wanted Lachlan and him to do it together since they had become friends but he had been frightened to say anything.  I asked if they had done anything else.  He shook his head.  Then he laughed and told me all about his new friend Bastable.

     Apparently with his new rank Lachlan had to take turns in dealing with the stores.  He said he had been amazed at the stuff which had accumulated over the years.  Quite a bit of the older stuff were trophies collected from various parts of the world where old boys of the school had served in the Army.  I said it must be a bit like General Crossley's African collection.  He nodded and said there were things from India and lots from the Boer War and the First World War.  He had suggested to Captain Harrison that it ought to be tidied up and he had said it was one of the jobs he had thought of doing but had put it off.  He suggested Lachlan might like to have a go and at least put things in tidy piles or in cupboards.  It so happened that Bastable had been given extra duties for having a dirty cap badge and belt buckles on parade and so Lachlan had set him the task of starting to put things in order in the stores.  It was then when Lachs came back to check how things were going he found Bastable in between a couple of cupboards tossing himself off.

     He was very embarrassed about it and begged Lachs not to say anything.  Lachs said he wouldn't and the lad, just a bit younger than Lachs but down in Flea's class, confessed he had to do it several times a day and his friend Wilkie was fed-up with him because he couldn't stop.  Lachs knew they came from the same village in Somerset where Wilkie's father was the vicar and Bastable's granddad was a big landowner.  Bastable's Dad was an officer in the Army and had been taken prisoner by the Japanese when Singapore had fallen and he didn't know where his father was now, or whether he was dead or alive.  He said he would do anything for Lachs if he didn't split on him.  Lachs said he liked Bastable, he wasn't as dopey as Flea said he was.  He was very determined to succeed as he wanted a career in the Army and Lachs said he was just like a bulldog in the way he went about things.  He said he was the mainstay of their rugger team and never flinched from tackling opposing players much bigger than himself.  Lachs said he was only two inches taller than him but was solidly built, as he put it, like the proverbial brick shit-house!

     Anyway, to cut a long story short he and Lachs were tossing each other off now each time they met up in the stores.  Lachs laughed and said it took a bit of pressure off Wilkie who didn't have to get Bastable's dick out to pee but he did jack him off as regularly as Bastable wanted.  Lachlan also said that as Wilkie was excused games because of his poor eyesight they had never been able to check him out but Bastable had told him, very proudly, that Wilkie had the biggest dick in the school and it was seven and a quarter inches long when erect because he'd measured it when they were home for the summer hols.  Lachs grinned and said he was also determined, in that he was going to check on that some time but he bet it didn't beat Matt's.

     Of course, that led to a great discussion of Matt's cock and I told Lachlan about how Matt was an inveterate wanker, just like Bastable.  I said he didn't beat Pat Halloran's records though.  Lachs whistled when I told him what Pat said he did per week.  I then told him about Cleggy and Nobbo and their present experiment and he said Bastable never produced very much.  In fact, he had told Lachs that quite often he didn't make any stuff although the feelings were still so good.  But he was doing it four or five times a day so I said that was probably the reason and if he was doing it that number of times he'd beat Pat Halloran hands down..  I said I'd wondered about whether all boys were the same and he grinned and nodded and said he guessed they were.  He said there were about four hundred boys at the school and he guessed the majority tossed off every day if his friends and acquaintances were anything to go by so there must be a few quarts of spunk produced there every term!.

     I then asked about Flea and this new room-mate of his.

     Lachlan grinned.  “Oh you mean Cosmo Temple-Tempest”

     I must have looked a bit puzzled. Strange name.

     “He's named after the last Archbishop of Canterbury and he's related somehow to the present one, but we call him Titty,” he laughed, “T-T, Titty, get it?” I grinned and nodded.  “He doesn't mind, we've all got nicknames,” he said.

     “I know, Thumper, eh?”

     It was his turn to grin and nod.  “But, anyway, Titty's family's all very religious.  He's not though, mouth like a sewer, swears like a trooper and I'm afraid that Flea might catch the habit from him.  Give him a thump if he says anything too awful, please!”  He laughed as he said it.  I said I would willingly thump him!  “Good!  I don't want him upsetting Mummy or Nanny Saunders.  Anyway,” he continued, “Flea's old room-mate was a real namby-pamby mother's boy and he left at the end of last term because his parents have moved to Scotland and he's gone to school up there.  Cosmo was in with that lad who left, we all think, because of the thugs and he told Flea there was something going on which the lad wouldn't tell him.  You'd better find out from Flea what the pair of them are doing together because I guess it's a bit more than holding on to each other's family jewels.”

     I said I wouldn't ask him outright, but I expected he'd tell me if he wanted to.

     “Yes,” said Lachlan, “He'll tell you, but I don't think he'd volunteer to say anything to me, yet!”

     I was still curious about Lachlan.  “And what about your other friend, Cartwright?”
     He smiled and stroked my back before replying.

     “We tell each other everything.  I've told him all that happened during the summer.”  He looked at me steadily. “I hope you don't mind, but Cartwright's helped me too.”

     “Of course I don't mind,” I said, “If he's a special friend.”

     He smiled again.  “He's not a special friend like you and I are. If you want to know it's only you and Flea.  I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else.” He put his face to mine and kissed me gently on the lips.  “I don't expect we'll do it again.  Today was even more wonderful than before.  I've promised Flea we'll do it once more, too.  We did it twice more after you went home and each time it was more intense than the one before.  I just want to remember, not to spoil it.  You and Flea are so important to me!”

     This time I leaned towards him and touched his lips with mine.  He smiled again and went on.

     “Cartwright wants me to go and stay with him at New Year, not at Christmas and he says Flea can come as well.., but....,” he paused.

     “Shall I ask him if he would like to come and stay with me?”

     “Would you?  I'm afraid he'd be bored up there with Cartwright and me.”

     “Of course,” I said, “I'll ask Ma tonight and I'll just say to him he's invited.”

     Lachlan hugged me then.  “It'll do us both good.  We've never been apart and someday  we'll have to go our own ways.”  His grip tightened.  “He's very fond of you and you'll look after him for me, won't you?”

     I kissed his forehead.  “He might have to look after me!”

     He giggled.  “He'll do that alright.  If Titty is anything to go by I'd say young Flea sucks more than blood!  Potty said Titty's got black rings under his eyes since he's been in with Flea!”

     “Who's mouth is like a sewer?  And who's spreading gossip?  I thought you said Potty was poisonous?” I said, putting on an air of mock gravity.  “Dirty minds mean dirty habits!”

     He giggled.  “You taught him well, though.”  He patted my back.  “And me, too!”

     We hugged again and then realised time must be getting on.  Lachs scrabbled amongst our discarded clothing and found his wristwatch.

     “Gosh!” he exclaimed, “It's nearly half past three!  We'd better get going.”  He leaned over and kissed me.  “I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me, cousin-to-be,” His smile was radiant, “Special friend, eh?”
     I hugged him and felt his whole body relax in my grasp.  Special friends, most definitely.

     He sniffed. Not clearing his nose emotionally!  “We stink!  Better get back and have a bath, can't dive into the pool today, too cold!”

     We!   Any hint of separation was completely absent.  Previously he would have pulled my leg by saying I stunk but no longer.

     I did an experimental sniff too.  “We do!” I said emphasizing the `We'.

     He scrabbled underneath the cushions this time and brought out some old pieces of towel.

     “Better clean ourselves a bit before we get dressed.  I think I've sprung a leak!”  He laughed and lifted up his backside from the cushion.  Sure enough there was a considerable patch of my cum and other debris.

     “Me, too,” I said, taking a piece of towel from him.  “But, I'd rather have kept all you've given me inside.”

     “Same here, but there's a bit too much of yours.”

     “Complaining about me, eh?  Ungrateful wretch!”  I was waxing histrionic.  “I gave you my all and you thrust me from you!”

     We collapsed in giggles as he raised his backside again and a strand of cum stretched between him and the cushion.

     We cleaned up as best we could, got dressed and tidied the cushions away in a neat pile having wiped off as much evidence as possible.  We took a last look round, he pocketed the essential jar and bundled the pieces of towel under an old sail saying he'd get rid of them sometime in the boiler furnace.
     We ambled back to the house side by side in silent happiness.  Luckily there was no one around as we stole up the stairs to our room and the promise of the luxury of a hot, body-cleansing bath.  I opened the door to our room and walked in and nearly fell over with astonishment.  There sitting on the bed was Rhys looking at a book, he and his mother must have come on an earlier train.  Lachlan followed me in and his head jerked back as I turned to him and smiled.

     “Lachlan, may I introduce another great dark cousin-to-be, Rhys Thomson?”  I intoned pompously.  I changed my enunciation immediately and said “That great daft thing sitting there, that's Rhys!”  I turned to him and demanded, “What are you doing here so early?”

     He stood up. Six foot, at least, and towered over the pair of us.  He ignored me and went straight to Lachlan, stretched out a hand to be shaken. “'What's in a name?  That which we call a Rhys, by any other name would smell as sweet'” Lachlan just gaped as Rhys put his hand up and stroked Lachlan's brow.  “`Good morrow to the boy so fair, Good morrow, Sir, to you; Good morrow to thine own torn hair bedabbled with the dew.'” He smiled down.  “The pair of you look a bit sweaty.  Been for a run?”

     Poor Lachlan, he went bright red.

     “Stop acting the goat!” I said to Rhys, “Be sensible for once and greet Lachlan properly!”  I thought that was pretty good as Rhys had obviously sensed some activity had been taking place.

     Rhys smiled.  “Sorry chaps,” he said in the sort of BBC wireless announcer's posh voice, then more normally,  “How are you, Lachlan, I'm Rhys.”

     They shook hands, Lachlan's colour returning to his normal healthy pink!

     “I've heard about you,” he said very levelly at Rhys, “I suppose I'm going to like having you as a cousin as well.”

     Rhys bowed, a mischievous grin on his face.  “At your service, sir, and has Sir Lancelot here been treating you well?”

     'Sir Lancelot'?  Me?  Was there a hidden meaning in that name?  I had lanced Alun.  He must have told him.  Did he suspect I had also lanced Lachlan.

     “Come off it, Rhys,” I said, “Why Sir Lancelot?”

     “Oh Sir Lancelot was a good knight of Camelot,” he said with a wicked grin on his face, “And I thought on a good night you came a lot, too!”

     It was my turn to blush but Lachlan was creased up.  He slapped me on the back.

     “Our cousin knows you well, doesn't he?” he said, laughing his head off.  

     That broke any ice.  It set Rhys off and he started off on a string of jokes and puns.  Before he got very far I said I thought it would be good idea if I and Lachlan had baths before the other two got back.  I definitely needed to sit on the lav as I felt there were some deposits there which were about to ooze, so while Rhys and Lachlan chatted on I went and evacuated Lachlan's spunk.  I ran the bath and stripped off.  I called out to Lachlan and said I was getting into the bath.  He came through, went to the lav and then he stripped off and climbed in the other end.  Of course, nosey Rhys asked if we minded him coming in and carry on with the chat.  We said it was OK as long as he scrubbed our backs for us.   He took off his pullover and shirt and soaped his two 'baby cousins' as he called us.  We made certain he was splashed but he was kind enough to pour jugs of hot water over our heads when we washed our hair.

     As we got out I noticed him gazing intently at Lachlan's dick when he had the towel over his face drying his hair.  I winked at him and he winked back and put his hands out about a foot apart.  I shook my head and put my hands about three inches apart and we grinned at each other.  When we'd dried off the pair of us put our underpants on and went to sit near the fire to dry our hair thoroughly.  Just then we heard the other two coming up the stairs and along the corridor, chattering away most noisily especially for Matt.

     As they came into the room they stopped and stared.  I saw Andrew's eyes open wide when he saw the bare-chested Rhys standing by the bed with us two clad only in underpants drying our hair.  Rhys advanced on Matt.

     “Heave ho, me old matey, shiver me timbers,” he roared in a real pantomime-type voice, “And how's me old ship-mate Long Dong Silver?”

     Matt looked at him goggle-eyed, recovered and rushed forward and hugged him.  Our Matt was getting quite demonstrative in his old age!

     “And who's this?” said Rhys, as Matt let go and stood back.  Rhys went over to Andrew who was looking at him quizzically, head cocked on one side, and lifted him up bodily.  Gosh, Rhys was strong!  “Are you Long Dong Silver's parrot or, more likely, my tawny friend, the ship's cat?”

     Flea was not to be outdone.  He craned his head forward, clamped his lips on the lower part of Rhys' neck and sucked.  Hard enough and long enough to leave a red love-bite when he drew his head back.

     “No,” he said, with that grin on his face, “I'm the ship's Flea and that's my first bite!”

     Rhys hugged him to him, his chest heaving with laughter.  Well, that set the tone for the next hour or so.  We heard that Matt and Flea had been to the farm, Flea had stood in a pool of slurry from the cow barn and had been roundly told off by Nanny Saunders when they'd returned and he'd been sent off to clean his shoes a bit in the long grass.  Both boys were grubby having climbed into a hayloft to look at the nesting doves and a barn owl so they were also told to have baths.  Luckily the water supply had heated up again so by five o'clock we were all clean and dressed and ready for some tea as there was to be dinner at eight.

     At tea we met Aunt Della's Aunt and Uncle who were really nice and the boys were obvious favourites of theirs.  Their two sons, Aunt Della's cousins, were in the Navy so Matt had plenty to chat about.  Auntie Faye gave Rhys instructions not to mess about and excite us too much!  We were then told to make ourselves scarce until the dinner gong went and to be really clean and presentable because as well as the eleven of us Mrs Pretyman was coming to make up the twelve.  I was instructed to given a short recital and wondered what Mrs Pretyman was like as she had started teaching young Georgie.

     Not to worry.  Dinner was superb.  Mrs Catchpole and her two daughters served it.  Soup to start, then a fish dish, followed by roast chicken with loads of vegetables and a fruit pie to finish.  There was also two types of wine and even us youngsters were allowed a glass each.  In fact, I had two glasses of the red and Rhys finished that bottle.  I played and was congratulated by Mrs Pretyman who was a bit like Miss Pike.  Rather jolly.  We boys disappeared off upstairs after a bit of chat and were told to have an early night because of the wedding the next day.

     Rhys was supposed to sleep in our room on a mattress but we sorted it out that Lachs and I would sleep in the small bed while those other three could have the double bed.  Lachs and I were soon in bed and having had an exhausting afternoon, plus the good dinner and the wine, so, having had our fill, so to speak, in more ways than one, we just nestled together and dropped off to sleep.


     We must have slept very soundly as neither of us remembered having heard anything in the night.  From the sight of the three figures sprawled together under the covers of the double-bed when we got up and surveyed the scene early in the morning there must have been hectic activity there the night before.  Lachlan poked me in the side and pointed.  There was Rhys lying mouth open, Flea cuddled up to him with Matt spooned against Flea's back with Rhys sporting four more, large, purplish love-bites round his neck.  Luckily they were low down and would be covered by his shirt collar.  But, what had they been doing?

     Of course, we prodded them awake as we wanted to know the gory details.  Rhys had been the object of their attention and the four love-bites indicated he'd been made to come four times, twice by Matt and twice by Flea.  He looked very groggy as he staggered out of bed, his prick only at half-mast, to go for a pee.  Flea was bubbling over.  He was very taken with his new cousin who had sucked him off twice and Matt had been made to come twice as well under the joint efforts of Rhys and Flea.  So, a good night had been had by all - that is, all of them.  I did manage to ask Lachs if he minded not partaking and he smiled and said the afternoon was such a memorable occasion he wouldn't have wanted to have spoiled it.  True, I felt the same.  Just being in bed with Lachs was quite sufficient.

     All was bustle downstairs when we appeared for breakfast.  We were told to hurry it up and go and help Ma, Auntie Faye and the girls to lay up for the wedding breakfast in the Village Hall.  There would be a goodly number of guests and we found out the catering was being done by the cooks from the officers' mess of the Army barracks in Colchester where Uncle Edward was nominally stationed.   Actually we got the job done pretty quickly so it was all looking good when the cooks arrived in an Army lorry later in the morning.  As there was the prospect of a good feed later the sandwiches we had for lunch were deemed sufficient for the time being!

     While at the Village Hall I asked Ma if it would be OK for Andrew to come and stay over New Year as Lachlan had been invited to a schoolfriend's.  She immediately said he could so Flea was overjoyed.  He managed to say he was disappointed we hadn't managed to get together this time - properly, as he put it - then the irrepressible grin appeared and he said we could wait!

     The Wedding!   That meant Matt, Rhys and I were told to get ready early enough to be at the village church by half past one.  Flea and Lachs, as escorts to the bride would accompany her to the church with her uncle who was giving her away.  I must say Rhys and I looked very smart and so did Matt.  He and I had our school blazers on and I had the newest pair of Chris's trousers while Rhys was in a dark suit.  We were ready by one o'clock and the Cameron boys were still getting washed when we left so we three strolled down to the church and were met there by Uncle Dick and the other two boys, Gareth and Alun, who had just arrived and hadn't even had time to go to the house.  They said Pa, as best man, had gone to Mrs Pretyman's where Uncle Edward would be setting out.  They grinned at each other when they mentioned Pa but I didn't know what was going on and I wasn't enlightened.  The organ was being played softly when we arrived and Alun, Rhys and Gareth said they were acting as ushers so practised on Uncle Dick, Matt and me and we were directed to seats 'on the bridegroom's side'.

     As we chatted away so other people came into the church.  There were several officers and quite a crowd, I assumed, from the village.  I saw old farmer Catchpole come in with his wife and young Mrs Catchpole and, I assumed, her husband, young Georgie's parents.  The bearded man from the publisher's was there with a tall imperious-looking lady.  The big shock for me was when Uncle Edward came in with Pa as his best man.  Both were in their Lieutenant-Colonel's uniforms.  Pa looked very smart as they sat in the front pew.  Another smiling, very smart figure was Corporal Jones, Uncle Edward's driver, who came and sat in the row behind us.  Aunt Della was only three minutes late.  To the sound of the Wedding March we all turned to watch the procession.  Surprise, surprise!   She was preceded by Andrew and Lachlan, walking side by side, both in blue full dress Cadet uniforms, caps held rigidly under their arms, Lachlan's three silver stripes on each arm shining brightly.  Aunt Della was in a flowing blue dress walking beside her uncle who was to give her away.   Ma and Auntie Faye were behind her as Matrons of Honour, both in long silk dresses and looking very stylish.

     The rector started the service and there was an Army Chaplain with him as well.  Everybody sang lustily in the hymns and after the marriage was pronounced the bridal party went off to the vestry to sign the register.  Of course there was a quiet murmur from the congregation and then the organist started to play.  The slight hubbub stopped as the most beautiful, clear boy treble started to sing 'Oh for the wings, for the wings of a dove, far away would I roam....'   I knew the music, it was often on the wireless, by Mendelssohn, sung by Master Ernest Lough and the Temple Choir.  But here it was no recording.  The voice soared and there was young Georgie standing by the organ, singing like an angel.  It was magical!

     The service ended with the Blessing and the bridal party exited to very loud, very cheerful organ music.  No peal of bells.  Hitler's War meant that bells rung would be the signal of an invasion!!  There was an Army photographer and we were all herded into various groups for the photos to be taken.  When I wasn't in a group I went up to Georgie who was standing next to a very pretty middle-aged lady who I thought might be an aunt.

     “Hello, Georgie,” I said, “You sang beautifully!”

     “Thaat were tidy good....” he began, his Suffolk accent very prominent, there hadn't been a hint of it while he was singing.

     “George!”  The middle-aged lady said sternly.

     He turned to her.  “Mrs Vickery, may I introduce Jacko Thomson?  He's one of Lachlan and Andrew's new cousins.”

     I was even more astounded.  He produced the sentence without any accent.  He turned to me and winked.  Mrs Vickery and I shook hands and she smiled at the look of astonishment on my face.

     “I'm his music teacher's wife,” she enlightened me, “And I've been helping George with his singing.”

     George was now all enthusiastic. “Mrs Vickery sang in opera,” he said, “Tidy good she sings!”  The last in the Suffolk accent!

     Mrs Vickery laughed.  “George, you're incorrigible!”

     We were joined by the man who had played the organ carrying his gown and purplish fur-trimmed hood - of course, this was Mr Vickery.  He tousled Georgie's hair and laughed as he must have caught the verbal byplay.

     “Leave him alone, Muriel,” he said, “Georgie was the star of the show, that is, after the new Mrs Thomson.”

     We chatted together and watched the photographer rounding up the various smaller groups.  Mr Vickery had heard I'd got Grade Six with Distinction and congratulated me.  I then found out Georgie was taking Grade Six at Christmas.  I thought I'd better practice hard if I was going to get Grade Eight!!

     A very large Colonel came up and said something to Georgie and I saw some silver coins change hands, thanks for the performance, no doubt.  Then the rector came up.  He was also very large and was smiling hugely.  He also tousled Georgie's hair.

     “Well, my little pagan, you certainly brought the house down,” he said jovially, “epea pteroenta, ouk esti?”                                                  [winged words, eh?]

     “That's right, rector, bene fecisti, haec olim meminisse juvabit!”     [Thank you, something to look back on in the future!]

     I think we all goggled.  Young Georgie amazes every time!  Greek and Latin!  My Latin was just about enough to get his reply but I had to ask him later what the rector said.  He didn't smirk or act at all big-headed, he just said what it meant and that the rector was making sure he kept up with the school work.  Kept up?  It sounded as if he was streets ahead!

     We then traipsed off to the Village Hall where we had a superb meal - rationing didn't seem to come into it as far as the military were concerned.  I found out later that old Mr Catchpole and his farming friends had rustled up, I think rather literally, some choice cuts of beef which the cooks had roasted.  With relatives, friends and people from the village there were nearly a hundred of us and while we were eating a six-piece band - all soldiers - played quietly.  There were ten on our table, the four Thomson cousins, Andrew and Lachlan, Matt with Georgie and his two sisters.  Andrew was sitting between me and Gareth, his largest and darkest new cousin and they were soon exchanging banter with Gareth asking him if he needed a bib so he didn't get gravy on his nice uniform.  The uniform was Captain Harrison's idea as Lachlan, while tidying the stores, had unearthed whole sets of uniforms not worn since before the War so two had been fitted, cleaned and they really did look smart.

     Rhys was next to one of Georgie's sisters and Alun was next to the other one so there was much giggling and repartee back and forth across the table.  This increased as we were all allowed a glass of wine and, when the toasts were drunk after the speeches, we had some champagne as well.  Pa made a very funny speech as Best Man and got a round of applause when he finished.

     We all stood around while the tables were cleared away and I saw old Mr Catchpole and went up to him and said I was sorry I didn't come up with Andrew and Matt to see the animals.  Of course, he had his perennial pipe with him which he sucked on, then looked at me with his twinkling eyes.

     “Thass a daft young booger youm got for a new cousin.  He don't know them auld coos give more than milk at'other end.”  He chuckled.  “Do 'e put his foot in it right tidy!  He's a good smart lad though, ain't he?”

     I laughed, and agreed.  I then said he must be proud of young Georgie.  He nodded and smiled again.  He didn't need to say anything.

     After an interval there was dancing to the band, but as there were many more males than females Georgie's sisters were very much involved and I noticed that Ma and Auntie Faye were also much in demand.  Both were very expert dancers, too.

     There were quite a few young officers and Gareth got chatting to them and I noticed there were plenty of bottles on their table.  They also didn't dance much!  All this went on until about eight o'clock when Uncle Edward and Auntie Della appeared, now changed into ordinary clothes, ready to go off on honeymoon.  It was all a bit mysterious where they were off to but, after everybody showered them with confetti, they went off in the staff car driven by Corporal Jones.

     There was more dancing but after bidding good night to Georgie and his sisters the six of us younger lads went back to the house and went over the happenings of the day in detail.   Lachs and Andrew wanted to get out of their ceremonial uniforms so they went upstairs to get undressed.  We others followed soon after and sat round the fire in the bedroom chattering on.  We heard other people arriving back after ten o'clock and Rhys went down to investigate.  He came back to say his parents and mine had come back and gone to bed.  Gareth and two rather inebriated young officers were sprawled in chairs in the drawing-room and as Alun was supposed to sleep in the box-room with Gareth he said he was going to kip down on the floor in with us.  Strange, he could have had a bed to himself as Rhys said Gareth wasn't in a fit state to get upstairs.

     All was revealed after Lachlan said he and I could share the smaller bed as we had the night before.  There must have been a discussion between Rhys and Alun on retaliatory measures to be taken over the love-bites from Andrew the Flea.   After much argy-bargy about who was going to use the bathroom and wash we all managed to get sorted out and while they were still arguing Lachs and I slipped into the bathroom first which meant we were soon lying side by side in the narrow bed watching the proceedings.  Of course, Rhys and Alun had engineered all the debate so they could wash last which meant that the next pair ready for bed were Matt, with a knowing grin on his face, and Andrew.  While Alun and Rhys were in the bathroom they quickly got into the double-bed and were soon nattering away going over the events of the day again.

     Rhys and Alun came out of the bathroom together, in the nude, the famous Thomson hardons proudly aloft.  The fire was burning brightly as the pair of them got onto the double-bed, either side of Flea, and Matt reached up and put out the main light.   The covers were pulled off Flea and he was subjected to the most hilarious bout of tickle torture by the pair of them, aided and abetted by Matt who smothered any cries of help to his brother and other cousin by covering his mouth with his.  Lachs and I, of course, pretended we could hear and see nothing. We then watched as Alun dived onto Andrew's now rigid prick  and sucked the complete five inches in while Rhys straddled his chest and presented Flea with his own meaty hardon.  Matt was licking and rubbing Andrew's nipples so he was in a complete state of horny ecstasy.  And so were we.  The sight of two young pricks being sucked so vehemently, because there was no holding back by either Andrew or Alun, meant we were soon in a sixty-nine being watched, vicariously, by the lads on the bed.

     The sight and sound of all this activity made me as randy as hell!  And judging by the way he was reacting to my sucking, and the way he was engulfing my tool, the same effect had been made on Lachs.  After about three minutes my reflexes took over and my buttocks jerked with involuntary spasms as I shot about six squirts of my boy-juice straight into Lachlan's waiting mouth.  He wasn't far behind with his yield of Cadet-spunk and we traded each other's gifts with a slow and sensuous tongue-fuck while trying to keep an eye on the happenings on the bed beside us.

     As befitted the youngest, Andrew shot his load into Alun's mouth first and, as Alun let the steely rod go Matt's jaws were clamped round it immediately.  Alun was now licking Andrew's nipples and transferring some of the spunk he'd received all over them and onto Flea's chest and stomach.  He reached up and held onto Rhys' balls and stroked and squeezed them slightly.  There was an almighty grunt from Rhys as he planted his seed into Andrew's mouth and throat.  Andrew gurgled and sputtered and, as Rhys withdraw he spurted twice more, so Andrew received another face-full of cum.

     No sooner was Rhys off Andrew so Alun took his place.  Poor Andrew, his eyes opened wide as another hefty, fat prick was pressed against his lips.  Matt was steadily sucking on Andrew's cock and had a finger and thumb looped round near the base so was wanking him as well.  Andrew's thighs were jerking in rhythm because of this and he was also trying to cope with Alun's solid shaft.  We could see his jaw and cheek muscles moving almost in time with the heavings of his nether regions.  Alun must have been saving up his supply of boy-juice because he was very quick in coming and the amount must have been immense.  Andrew tried to gulp down as much as possible but, like Rhys, Alun also withdrew and sprayed the rest of that massive orgasmic output on Andrew's forehead and face.  Matt had removed his mouth and was now masturbating Andrew fully rapidly and it wasn't long before, with a prolonged 'Unnnnnh',  Andrew shot his second load with Matt catching some of the thin stream in his mouth.

     We were giggling to each other in our bed watching the pantomime because Flea was given no respite.  If the Thomson cocks were thick and hefty the third one, Matt's, which was now presented for Flea's attention, was thick, hefty and extra long.  And, if Flea had any thought that two emissions of his own in under fifteen minutes were enough he was quite wrong.  As Flea began to suck on Matt so Rhys took over the ministrations to his cock.  He pulled the foreskin right back and again, like Alun, took the whole length into his mouth.  Flea's leg and thigh muscles were now twitching quite violently as Rhys also wanked him as well as sucked until the poor lad's buttocks were heaving up and down leaving the bed each time a new wave of frenzy hit him somewhere in his spunk-producing nervous system.

     Matt, somehow, managed to contain himself and Flea was sucking on him for quite ten minutes or so before he deposited his semen bank not only in Andrew's mouth but also, like the other two, all over his cum-drenched face.  We watched as Andrew now lay staring, open-eyed, upwards, his mouth gaping open, breathing in short gasps and making small 'nuh, nuh, nuh' sounds as the rhythm of Rhys' steady beat on his cock gradually drew him towards another climax.  He came violently and tried to grab Rhys' flying fist but both Alun and Matt caught his arms and Matt, again, put his mouth over his to prevent him screaming out.  As the last small squirt occurred so Rhys stopped but still held that short, well-used rod in his grip.

     Rhys bent over him.  “First three rounds, three submissions.  Next match in two minutes.”

     Flea was still gasping and was in no fit state to respond.  Lachs and I were in no fit state to take any notice as we had re-arranged ourselves so we could take care of our second erections of the night.  I suppose two minutes passed but we were too intent in raising each other to our own heights of euphoria to take much notice of the events taking place on the bed next to us.  In fact, when both of us had shot a second time and shared the products we just lay, peacefully, contentedly, joyfully, clasping each other, and went to sleep.  Somewhere about four in the morning we both awoke and felt for each other's hardons and slowly, with tongues darting deliciously, wanked each other until our boy-cream mingled on each other's chests.

     I was prodded awake by Lachlan who informed me it was seven o'clock and we'd better get up and wash and dress as the bathroom would be crowded.  We both needed our breakfasts as well and we knew we had to be ready by nine o'clock when the taxis were arriving to take us to Ipswich Station.  We said our intimate, heart-felt au revoirs by stroking and hugging each other and with Lachlan assuring me he had been strengthened even more by our love and affection for each other.  I said I was so happy they were now my cousins and I would look after Andrew for him at New Year and hoped he and Cartwright would have a good holiday together.  We made arrangements to meet again at Easter if possible and, with a final hug, we parted and got up.

     The huddled mass in the other bed was a sight.  Three large boys and a small one, like a mass of frog-spawn, as Lachlan said.  Although someone, or more, had licked cum from Andrew's face there were dried remains on his cheek and eyebrows as well as a streak on his forehead and into his hair.  As we left the room we gently woke them, the three older lads were not too comatose but Flea stared rather glassy-eyed as Lachlan shook him awake.  The others promised they would get him up and wash and dress him if necessary and we went downstairs to investigate what had happened to Gareth and the young officers.

     We were met by quite stentorian snores from one of them sound asleep in an easy chair.  Gareth was stretched out on a sofa asleep and the second young officer was asleep on the hearth rug with his head in the fireplace.

     I nudged Lachlan and pointed at him, “If he's there I suppose he's slept like a log!”

     I got a vicious poke in the kidney region for that atrocious joke.  When I winced poor Lachs was all concerned and, quite unconcerned about the possible audience in the room, grabbed me and hugged me.  I whispered I was OK and I went over and shook Gareth to wake him up.  He must have had a skinful as he was most unco-operative and swore rather fiercely when I tickled him under the chin.  He did manage to open his eyes then and looked around, not really knowing where he was and how he'd got there.

     “Christ, Jacko!” he said when his eyes fixed on me, “My fucking head!”

     He saw Lachs standing next to me.

     “Sorry, it slipped out,” he said apologetically.

     “As the bishop said to the actress,” said Lachlan.

     Another atrocious little joke but I forbore from giving him a poke.

     We pointed out the two Lieutenants and Gareth grinned.  “They're the two buggers who kept filling my glass,” he said, “Serve them right, they must have had twice as much as me.”

     He lumbered up off the sofa and between the three of us we lifted the groaning body from the hearth-rug and deposited him on the sofa.  We woke both up as Gareth said if any of the senior officers were still around they would be for the high jump as he knew one of them was on Orderly Officer duty in Colchester that evening.  They were groaning and holding their heads and Lachs went off and came back with two glasses of water and a bottle of aspirin tablets.  We left them to it and Gareth disappeared upstairs to his own bedroom and bathroom to wash and change while Lachs and I went along to the breakfast room.  There, already eating a cooked breakfast were Ma and Pa and Gareth's parents.  Apparently two of the Army cooks had stayed over and had prepared a full English breakfast, eggs, bacon, sausage, baked beans, fried bread, with toast and honey or marmalade to follow.  I rather stuffed myself!

     Gareth came in and said all he wanted was a cup of tea and a piece of toast.  His father made some remark about little boys who couldn't hold their liquor but his mother was a bit more concerned.  He assured her he was OK and went off clutching a cup and his toast.

     Lachs and I were busy eating as, just after the grown-ups went off to pack, the other four lads appeared including a now, very chirpy Andrew.  He did complain his mouth was aching a bit and Lachs and I found out he'd sucked off the other three twice each so no wonder his jaws were stretched!  He then complained that Matt had had mercy on him and hadn't wanked or sucked him off the sixth time so he'd only come five times.  Matt said he wasn't in a fit state to have anything else done to him at the time as he almost passed out when he came the fifth time.
     It was getting a bit monotonous with Flea moaning he'd been deprived of a final orgasmic event.  In the end Matt was goaded into saying that Andrew just didn't have the stamina for six in a row and he should be glad someone took pity on him and stopped him probably being permanently damaged.

     “Huhn!” said Lachlan, “The only way he'd be permanently damaged would be to have that mouth of his stretched by having good solid Thomson cocks in it a bit more.  Anyway, that's one way we know how to keep him quiet.   Fill his mouth up and give everyone a bit of joy and peace!”  He dug his brother in the ribs.  “Anyway, it's a wonder you need any breakfast this morning having had six good helpings of nourishing cream soup last night!   Wait till I tell Potty.  That's something for him to have a proper gossip about.”

     Flea looked up at his brother and sneered.  “Nourishing soup?” he said scathingly, “Most of it was more like skimmed milk and gone sour at that!  And as for telling Potty anything, I could say you were pretty quiet last night having your fill of half-French sausage!”

     That did it.  Five boys got up and advanced on Andrew.  One boy, Rhys, carefully placed a chair under the door knob and stood guard while four others held Andrew and stripped him completely in twenty seconds flat.  Seventy-five seconds later Matt's flying fist made Andrew deposit the sixth and final load, small and rather watery, in a teacup held by Alun, while I stood, my half-French sausage jutting proudly from my flies and inserted into his mouth, with his head held firmly by his ears by his brother.  Twenty seconds or so after his unloading, my morning cream soup delivery was made.  It was evident that it was neither skimmed nor sour as the last two squirts landed under his nose..  He winked at me and licked it up.

     He swallowed noisily and unnecessarily to make the point.  “At least my cousin Jacko provides good portions even if he isn't fully grown yet.”  He looked at Matt.  “Yes, that was OK too.  That sleep you had must have revived your poor tired body.”  He reached over and felt Matt's biceps on both his arms through his shirt-sleeves. “Yes,” he said, nodding his head, “You've definitely got stronger muscles in your right arm, too!  Must be all the exercise!”  

     What do you do?  He was dropped unceremoniously on the floor, giggling as usual, while we tried to keep straight faces. Matt aimed a kick at his bare butt and dissolved into laughter.

     “I wish I had a cousin like you!”  he said with feeling.

     Flea scrambled up from the floor and flung his arms round him, his still rampant, sticky-ended tool to the fore.  “You can share me, if the others will let you.  And I'll throw Lachlan in for free!”

     We three Thomson boys all hugged Matt as well and dragged Lachlan into the melee too.  Of course, it meant that bare-arsed Flea then received five hefty smacks on his muscular little buttocks to remind him of his elders and, perhaps, betters.

     He then moaned as he had to collect his clothes together and get dressed again while we were having the rest of the toast.  In fact, he'd just managed to get his shoes back on when Nanny Saunders came in with another pile of hot toast.

     “And what was all the noise?” she began, “As long as you were keeping that young gentleman in order it doesn't matter.”  She looked at him.  “You look happy enough this morning.  All these new cousins to keep your tongue occupied, no doubt!”

     If only she knew how his tongue had been occupied last night and again this morning!

     “I just say things to keep them in order,” he said.  “And we've decided to adopt Matt.  He can be an honorary cousin.  Perhaps we might get his sister to marry Lachs and then he'd be even more related.”

     “Heaven forbid,” said Matt with a groan.  He scanned all of us.  “I don't mean you, I wouldn't let Julia loose on anyone!”

     Nanny Saunders laughed and left the room, shutting the door behind her.  When it was safely closed I thought I would try to stir things up.

     “What about Chris?” I said, wondering if he might mention the photographic evidence of Chris's just-about-adequate equipment.

     He laughed.  “He can have her.  She's dotty about him.  Always singing his name and crooning over his picture.”

     “His picture?” I goaded, but he wasn't going to be drawn.

     “The one in his Pilot Officer's uniform on her dressing-table.  I told you about it.”

     I let the matter drop.  It would be churlish of me to mention the other rather more intimate photos of one of our brave fighter pilots!

     At that moment Flea noticed that Alun was holding the teacup in which his spunk had been deposited.  I think Alun had picked it up so Nanny Saunders wouldn't see it.  He reached over and took the cup from Alun.

     “If you are all going to be my relations I think I should share myself with you.”

     He dipped his forefinger in the cup and then deposited a blob of semen on Alun's forehead.  Before he could say anything he'd moved on to Rhys who was similarly anointed.  In fact, no one said a word as he went round to all of us in turn, including his brother, and gave us all a bit of his seed.

     “There,” he announced, “that only leaves the biggest.....”

     He had just said that when the door opened and Gareth's head appeared round it.  He saw a set of solemn boys sitting round the table with Andrew with a teacup in his hand.
     “Our mother's out there in the kitchen giving Toby and Jeff a lecture on the evils of the demon drink,” he said, “Thought I'd better escape before I got an earful as well.  I'd forgotten that grandfather Williams had been President of the Temperance League!”  He shook his head.  “I'll be in for it when we get home.”  He looked at all of us just sitting there.  Then Flea made his move.

     “Cousin Gareth,” he said earnestly, “I want to welcome you as a true relative.”

     Four feet eleven and a half reached up to six foot two and dabbed a great smear of gooey come across Gareth's broad forehead.   All of us burst into giggles at the look on Gareth's face as he put a hand up and took some of the goo on his fingers.

     “What the hell!....” he began, staring at the sticky gobbet, “Whose?”  He looked round at us, all grinning madly, “When?”

     Five fingers pointed at Flea who was still holding the cup and looking up at Gareth with angelic, innocent eyes.

     “It's for you, Gareth, from me, with my love for ever.”

     This was said with such sincerity we all dropped our pointing hands and stopped grinning.

     “It was for all of us,” said an unusually serious Rhys, “And we've received it in the complete spirit it was given.  It's for all of us, for ever!”

     We all murmured that it was so.

     Gareth looked down from his height to Andrew.  He bent down and threw his arms around him.  “Welcome, brother, and thank you!”

     Decisions then had to be made about the disposal of the remains in the teacup.  Dregs from the other cups were poured in but it did make a rather odd looking mixture.  Alun volunteered to take the dirty crockery out when we'd finished breakfast completely and to surreptitiously wash out the evidence.  Gareth then went on to explain that the two Lieutenants, Toby and Jeff, were having breakfast in the kitchen while getting told off.  He then reminded us we all had to be packed and ready to leave by nine o'clock as the taxis would be arriving to take us all to Ipswich Station to catch the train to London.

     I managed to down two more pieces of toast as I had done the bulk of my packing the night before so had a moment or two to myself while the others went off with Alun, very conscientiously, taking a pile of dirty crocks to the kitchen.

     At the station we did manage to find two empty carriages so we seven lads commandeered one while Ma, Pa , Uncle Dick and Auntie Faye went into the other one.

     The journey to London seemed to go very fast.  There was much to discuss and remember about the past few days.  Flea, sitting next to Gareth, had his more or less undivided attention all the way, as I heard them talking about Gareth's University Engineering course and Flea's desire to go into the RAF.  Rhys entertained us with his usual load of awful puns and jokes and Alun told us about the rugger game he and the other apprentices had played in against a really tough team and then when they got to the club house afterwards to clean up they jumped into the bath to find the water was cold.  This set Rhys off again.  In a very confidential whisper he started,
          “Cold as a frog in an ice-bound pool,
          Cold as the tip of an Eskimo's tool,
          And cold that may be but not as chilly
          As the icicles that grew on poor Alun's willy!”

     “Shut up, you fool!” said Alun, while the rest of us laughed.  “It was freezing, I thought my end had come!”

     “Or gone!” rumbled Gareth from his corner, “Wouldn't take much to diminish that apology for a boy's best friend!”

     Andrew looked up at Gareth with his guileless blue eyes.  “Do you have a best friend, Gareth?”

     I thought `careful, Gareth, Flea's going to lead you up the garden path!'

     “Of course I've got a best friend,” said Gareth confidently, “Probably the same place as your best friend.”

     “My best friend is Potty, he's at school,” said the tyke, with an absolutely straight face.

     That was as far as he got.  Gareth let out a roar.  He hauled Flea straight over his knees and began to tickle him.

     “Thought you'd catch me, eh?” roared Gareth giving a squirming Andrew the benefit of his big hands on his ribs, “This Flea I've caught has lost his bite, eh?”

     “Help!, Help!” squawked a helpless, giggling Andrew, “Help me Lachs, Jacko, please!”

     We were also laughing but got up and advanced on Gareth.

     “Let him go, you big bully,” I said, at the same time prodding Gareth in his side and giving Flea a bit of a tickle.

     “If you want to deal with someone your own size, try me,” said Lachs, standing on tip toe making him about five feet seven.  “On second thoughts, don't!”

     The other three, between laughs, were starting up a chant of “Gareth's a bully, Gareth's a bully” but doing nothing to help Flea who was squealing even louder.  We must have been kicking up quite a bit of noise as the carriage door was suddenly slid open and Auntie Faye stood there.  There was immediate silence.  The tickling stopped and Flea shut his row.
     “Gareth!” she began, - I butted in.

     “It's OK, Auntie Faye, we're seeing that it's fair play.”

     “Your son's a monster,” said Flea, “But he's a nice monster, King Kong I think!”

     What with Rhys calling Matt Long Dong Silver and now Gareth as a monstrous King Kong I got the message and I wondered if the others had..  Flea was letting it be known that Gareth had a hardon!  His mother just shook her head and shut the door and we all dissolved into giggles.

     “May I move now?” said an unrepentant Andrew, “Or will your best friend embarrass you?”

     He got quite a stinger on his backside for that but a grinning Gareth turned him over and held him up.

     “You wretch, saying that in front of my mother!”

     “It obviously runs in the family,” said Flea, taking no notice, “Nice to know you've all got very good best friends!”

     There was nothing more Gareth could do or say.  He put Andrew down and he immediately sat beside Gareth again while Gareth, to the immense delight of all of us, adjusted himself to the accompaniment of Andrew making peculiar faces staring down at Gareth's discomfiture and a whispered litany of `Gareth's got a stiffy!' from the rest of us.

     The rest of journey flashed by and we reached Liverpool Street Station right on time.
The Cardiff contingent said their farewells and I heard Gareth say to Lachlan, as they shook
hands on bidding au revoir, that he was to make sure he held his young brother's hand if they
had to cross a busy road to see he wasn't run over by any slow moving trams....  Flea could
not retaliate because Uncle Dick was telling him to visit Cardiff as soon as possible but the
look on his face as Gareth waved to him and smiled sweetly meant Gareth was going to
receive some sort of compensatory action in the future.

     We saw the boys off to their mainline terminus before we caught our own train back
to Kerslake.  Pa, of course wanted a smoking compartment and Ma was engrossed in another
Della Arnold book Della Arnold, Della Cameron, Della Thomson!  Of course, she must be
Aunt Della!!  Stupid boy!!!   Matt and I said we would find a nonsmoking carriage and both
of us dozed off and slept most of the way back to Kerslake.  Matt said he'd see me at school
in the morning as we said cheerio to him at his house from the taxi which, providentially,
was available as we got off the train.  I thought to myself I could get used to travelling by
     In bed that night, after a substantial supper, I reviewed the last few days.  I had gained
two new cousins.   Both Andrew and Lachlan had been accepted wholeheartedly by not only
my other Thomson cousins but also by my special friend, Matt.  Lachlan and I had sealed our
friendship even further and that irrepressible scamp, Andrew the Flea, was coming to stay at
New Year.   I held Piers' medal tightly in my left hand while my right hand celebrated such a
memorable time.