Abusive Relationships

Compiled by Pedro | Last updated 2 June 2021

This article is primarily concerned with domestic abuse taking place in relationships between partners, sometimes described as Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).

However, domestic abuse is not restricted to adults. Teens can also be victims, may be overlooked and may be unaware that services might exist to help them.

While domestic abuse in heterosexual relationships is widely recognised with roughly one in four women experiencing abuse over their lifetime, abuse also occurs in LGBT relationships and with similar or slightly higher frequency. Domestic abuse is considered to be widely underreported, particularly in the case of men abused by women. Male victims of physical abuse often feel guilty that they are unable to stop the perpetrator.

Abuse is not restricted to physical violence, nor is it always about the stronger partner abusing the weaker.

What is Abuse? [1]

Domestic abuse is a pattern of behaviour on the part of the abuser designed to control their partner. It can happen at any point in a relationship, including after you have split up.

Anyone forced to change their behaviour because they are frightened of their partner or ex-partner’s reaction is experiencing abuse. Similarly anyone forced to change their behaviour because they fear their partner might leave them is experiencing abuse.

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of age, background, gender, religion, sexuality or ethnicity. However statistics show most domestic abuse is carried out by men and experienced by women.

Domestic abuse is never the fault of the person experiencing it.

Domestic abuse is a crime in most Western jurisdictions.

Spotting the signs:

Forms of Domestic Abuse [2]

Will things improve?

An abusive partner may be sorry after an incidence of abuse and beg forgiveness. They may become charming for a while before becoming abusive again. The cycle will repeat. Usually domestic abuse gets worse over time.

Further Reading

Domestic Violence: A resource for gay & bisexual men. This leaflet produced for Barking & Dagenham NHS Primary Care Trust was specifically written for gay and bisexual men and provides excellent coverage of the subject. However it was produced in May 2008 and some of the organisations listed at the end may no longer exist or have been renamed.

Getting Help

Victims who need help may be able to access it from local government or an appropriate charitable organisation, or have a friend, family member or colleague who can assist, at least in the first instance, and can be trusted. In some cases help can be found from a sympathetic stranger. However, knowing or thinking you can trust someone is not the same as trusting someone you feel you should automatically be able to trust, for example: a parent or priest, but who, in practice, may turn out to be unsympathetic at best, or worse acts in a manner against the best interest of the victim.

Some links are listed below that may be useful in getting help. Expect non-LGBT+ specific sites to be written from the perspective of Men on Women violence.

In the UK

Galop, an LGBT+ anti-violence charity. They run a national LGBT+ domestic abuse helpline 0800 999 5428 or 0300 999 5428 available 10.00-17.00 M-F extended to 20.00hrs W & Th.

Victim Support, an independent charity serving victims of all forms of crime. Their site has links for reporting crime and getting help. See also their leaflet Surviving Domestic Abuse, which has a handy page for assessing risk in an abusive relationship.

Same sex domestic abuse, at Greater Manchester Against Domestic Abuse. Similar but much briefer information to the Barking & Dagenham PCT leaflet. Contains local contact line information.

In the USA

National Sexual Assault Hotline Online or call 800.656.4673. RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) operates in partnership with 1000 local sexual assault service providers across the USA.

Information for Survivors at the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. The site includes a link to a directory of organisations who provide assistance that can be searched by state.

National Domestic Violence Hotline. Call 1.800.799.7233, Text “Start” to 1.800.799.7233

The Trevor Project. The primary focus here is LGBTQ+ young people dealing with coming out issues and suicide prevention, but it may have access to some suitable resources.

Other Countries
(a list of more general help lines)

Click here for a list of help lines around the world.

Case Studies

The effects of abuse can remain present for some time after the person has escaped the abuser, and may never completely be overcome.

General Review

Wikipedia - Domestic violence in same-sex relationships, and
Wikipedia - Domestic violence

Greatwell Homes

Finally, a pat on the back to Greatwell Homes, a housing association in the Northampton area that not only includes domestic abuse advice pages on its website but has a subsection for same-sex relationships: Domestic violence in same-sex relationships.

[1] From the Refuge website.

[2] Ibid.

Refuge is a UK charity supporting women and children against domestic violence. The website noted reflects that priority, and the pronouns used in the sections quoted have been amended for the purposes of this article. Other minor edits have been made to reinforce particular points or to reflect the international readership of AwesomeDude.com.