Time May Change Me

By William king


Time May Change Me is the second book in the series. The first book was, I'll Kiss You in the Rain.

In the first book we disvovered the lives of three young people. Alex, the principal character who narrates the story and is a gay teenager, who had hidden his real self, until he discovered his best friend was also gay. An unexpected encounter with Jake, who is older and more experienced, started Alex on a voyage of self discovery. It was a voyage he shared, in part, with his best friend Matty.

When you are young relationships and events can sometimes overwhelm. No one is perfect, everyone has secrets. Alex does not live in a bubble, but within a group of people with whom he must interact, and that is not always easy.

The characters are established in the first book and the events within that story play an important role in what happens next. This is that story, the sequel to the first book.