Reconciled by Talo Segura

Chapter Ten

Tom arrived at the mansion block, but he didn't intend to go in alone, despite it being another cold day. He watched the vapour from his breath as he walked up and down the street, hoping Arran would arrive soon. Luckily he didn't have to wait long before he saw him and they entered the building together. The lift stopped on the fourth floor and Tom pulled open the metal grill.

"There's going to be this other guy today," Tom told him.

Arran looked surprised. "What other guy?"

Tom rang the bell. "Just some other guy."

They followed Amos down the hall and into the now familiar bedroom. It was very warm in the apartment, they removed jackets and scarves.

"This is Alesandro." Amos smiled wickedly.

Standing at the back of the room was a tall, muscular, tanned man, wearing a vest which clung to his torso and framed his tanned skin and bulging biceps. Tattoos adorned both arms and tight fitting worn jeans did nothing to hide his other bulge. Both boys looked from his chest, down to his crotch, before taking in his face.

"He's going to be starring in the videos."

Arran turned to Amos. "Videos?"

"Yes, one with each of you."

"Seems you have it all planned out," Arran remarked.

Amos grinned. "Alesandro will take care of you. Both of you." He turned and left, closing the door behind him.

The muscular guy did not say much, and when he spoke he had a very strong accent. From where, Arran couldn't work out.

"You first," Alesandro poked a finger into Arran's chest, causing him to gulp in a deep breath. There was a tension in the room that was a combination of suspense and fear. Arran wasn't sure exactly what would happen, although Alesandro soon made it known that he was going to, "fuck both you boys" as he said.

The fear was stronger for Arran since he was, in one sense, a gay virgin. Still the big guy had no time for small talk and explanations.

"You know how to use it." Alesandro pointed to the hand held camera and looked at Tom. He laughed when he noticed Tom's eyes were not on the video equipment, but focused on his equipment. He stepped close to Tom and leaning his head, because he was taller by a good measure, he whispered in his ear. "You'll get it later, sweet thing."

Alesandro patted Tom's arse before turning back to Arran. He dimmed the lights and moved close to the boy, while Tom picked up the hand held.

"Action!" Alesandro shouted, like a child playing at make believe.

Tom moved in with the hand held camera, hovering around the two of them as Alesandro began undressing Arran. He had him almost naked when he stepped back and stripped off his vest, followed by those worn jeans. When he stepped out of them, Tom gulped at the size of the guy, moving in with the camera to get a close up.


Alesandro left the two of them alone. He had done his job, it was just that, a job. Arran watched as Tom put his clothes back on. Tom looked up at him and asked, "You okay?"

Arran couldn't really answer because he didn't know. Physically he felt like he had been used. He'd never imagined things would lead to this and he felt all sorts of emotions, not the least of which was anger.

He frowned at Tom, "Let's just go."

Tom pulled on his shoes then fetched his jacket. Perhaps he said to himself, that was not the best way for a first time, but it was erotic. When he thought about it he felt guilty, an odd sort of guilt. He could not deny the turn on of watching Arran and Alesandro. Why he enjoyed it so much he couldn't even begin to understand.

"You coming?" Arran was standing with the bedroom door open.

His attitude had changed. Arran could be a bit aggressive, now it seemed to Tom he was pissed off and angry with him. Whatever the problem was Tom decided to ignore it. He followed him out of the bedroom and they left the apartment. They hadn't seen Malcolm but, at least as far as Arran was concerned, that didn't matter. He'd paid in full, and his dad would never know anything.


Things can sometimes work in a way you least expect. Arran and Tom split up to go home. Arran did not want to spend any more time with Tom. What he wanted was to get home, take a long hot bath and forget this Sunday afternoon ever happened.

Tom tried being nice. He put an arm around his friend's shoulder attempting a hug, but Arran shrugged him off. When they parted, Tom definitely left with the impression something was wrong. The bubble had burst on any relationship they might have had. Arran was being moody and distant which made Tom feel he was selfish. After all, he'd only tried to help, Salem as well. Even when you loved somebody, Tom thought, you couldn't fool yourself about how they are, at least not forever. And Arran was all about Arran, about himself and his father. Tom could not remember him ever asking anything about him, not even being too concerned about him. Maybe that wasn't completely true. He didn't know, or wasn't sure. What was certain was they had done all this for Arran, him and Salem.

Was it a bad choice? Maybe? Tom didn't have all the answers.


Arran was taking a hot bath when the phone rang, so he ignored it. He ignored it a second and third time. He did not feel like getting out of the bath and just lay there for a long time. It was only the water turning lukewarm that pushed him to get out and wrap a large fluffy white towel around himself.

At that moment the doorbell rang. He was in two minds as to whether to answer it or ignore it. It couldn't be Tom. Maybe Salem, he thought, which prompted him to go downstairs. He opened the door only to find Ali standing there.

"Come in. It's freezing."

She slid past him, and he closed the door shutting out the blast of cold air.

She looked at him. "You never answer the phone."

"That was you? I was taking a bath."

"For three hours?"

"Don't exaggerate. What's so urgent, anyhow?"

"Vicky is withdrawing charges. Do you know that?"

"Come upstairs. I need to put some clothes on."

"You think? I kinda like what I see right now."

"You're teasing me, Ali." He climbed the stairs.

She followed him. "Am I?"

He felt a stirring in his loins, which was odd. Even more so when he thought about what had happened that afternoon. As he went into his bedroom she playfully grabbed the towel. It fell from him and he turned around laughing, completely naked.

"You still like me," she said, taking in the handsome form before her.

He followed her eyes and brought his hands around to cover himself. Why he was getting aroused he couldn't understand, but obviously she had noticed. He quickly opened the cupboard and grabbed some boxers and jeans.

"Nice arse!" She laughed.

"Ali, you did not come here to flirt with me."

He was halfway decent now, and found a t-shirt, which he pulled on over his still damp hair.

"No, only to check with you about Vicky. She got a payoff. Don't suppose you know anything about that?"

"Would it make any difference?"

"I suppose not."

They went back downstairs and into the kitchen.

"You want a drink or something? I'm starving."

"Whatever you're having."

He pulled two beers out of the fridge and a microwave meal. "You want one of these?" He held up the packet.

"The beer will be fine. I really don't think much of your diet."

He laughed, opened the packet, and put it in the microwave. They sat at the table.

"It's not always so bad."

She looked at him like she didn't believe that.

"Cheers," he said, lifting his beer.

"Does your dad know he's off the hook?"

"Haven't seen him. Not in ages. He's around, but not when I am. Weird huh?"

She nodded and took a sip from her beer. The microwave chimed.

"You don't mind?" he asked, whilst serving himself.

"No. I've got another thing to ask you." She watched him blowing on the chicken tikka masala. At least that's what it looked like he was eating, as it smelled of curry and looked vaguely yellow.

"Yeah, what?"

"My little brother…" She paused.

"Sammy, what about him?"

"He's gay."

"What? Why are you telling me this? Wait a minute, he told you he was?"

"He watches gay porn."

"All kids look at porn. He's thirteen. He's just getting interested."

"He's interested in you."

"In me?"

"You never noticed how he is around you. He's got a crush."

"On me?"

"Arran, please. Stop with the, oh me, me, really. God, you are so unobservant. But that's not it."

"Not what?"

"He saw you on one of his porno videos."

Arran went white as a sheet. He didn't blush with embarrassment, instead the blood drained from his face with fear.

"It's true then?" she said.

He couldn't speak. He was thinking who else would have seen it. He gave a tiny nod of the head.

"Fucking hell, Arran!"

Exactly, he thought to himself. What had he done? In only a week he was suddenly an internet porn star.


Arran had hardly crossed paths with his father during the past week or so, which made it surprising when he showed up just after Alison had left.

"Was that Ali I saw leaving?" his dad asked.

"Yes dad. Haven't seen much of you lately."

Arran was in the kitchen, another beer in hand.

"I know, I've been busy."

"You want one?" Arran raised his beer.

"Why not. I've even got some good news."

Arran had seated himself at the table. This was not going to be any sort of surprise, but he waited to hear what his dad had to say.

"Vicky has withdrawn the charge she made. I have no idea why, but I heard through my solicitor."

"That's great. What happens to her now?"

"Probably nothing." He sipped his beer. "What can I say? Really, I'm relieved it's over. No going to court again, but she's caused problems. Still, my fault I suppose, for getting involved in the first place." He sat down at the table, opposite Arran. "And you? What's happening? Are you and Alison…"

"No, dad. We're not a couple. Not back together." Arran felt his heart beating, a nervousness invaded his body, because he knew this was the moment. "I've got something to tell you," he sipped his beer, not wanting to look at his dad. "I…" this was hard, he thought.

His dad watched him, but didn't interrupt, didn't say anything.

"Oh shit! Look, I hooked up with a guy."


"You mean what exactly by hooked up? Are you telling me you and another boy… umm… well, you…"

"Yes, that's it. Me and another boy had sex." He blushed. He couldn't help it, he felt hot.

"Are you gay? It's no problem. I mean, I love you Arran. Really, it's fine."

"I don't know. I don't know if it's fine. Everything just seems to have… well, become complicated. If having sex with a guy means you're gay, then in answer to your question, yes, I'm gay."

"Is it serious. You and… Is it someone I know?"

"I don't even know if it's serious. I mean I thought so. Then stuff happened. Now I don't know at all. How I feel, how he feels. Except I was angry with him. Then Ali came round, and you know, we're still good friends."

"I probably am not the best person to offer advice. God, look at my own track record. But if you just want to talk, whatever, I'm here."

Arran couldn't help smiling. "Actually, you're not, are you?"

"No, you're right. I'm not. But I can be. If you need me."

"Dad, you know we are both a couple of sorry cases, but thanks. I wasn't sure, you know, about telling you."

"I'm glad you did. And if you want me to meet this, what's his name?"
