One Moonlit Night

by Steven Keiths



Chapter Six


The summer had been a roller coaster of a ride, and it was coming to a close.  Though our newly defined relationship was in its infancy, our relationship was solid. I guess our many years of friendship had something to do with that. We knew we would have to be cautious at school, while disappointing—it was a reality. We looked forward to the day equality would be for all who were oppressed in some way. Until that time, we were determined to do what we could to help in our community, and though we couldn’t be ‘out’, we could be examples of good citizens. Scotty and I also realized that our schedules would limit our time together. Something we had become accustomed to in our friendship, but with an element of physical intimacy, well, that had played on our minds.


“So, what do you think about dating girls?” Scotty asked one night as we snuggled and while discussing the coming school year.


“The question took me by surprise, as I hadn’t even thought about that. “Well, by dating, do you mean like going steady or going to a dance?”


“Well, don’t you think it would be kind of calloused to ask a girl to only a dance and then more or less ignore her afterwards? You know the girls are going to be climbing all over you, Bash.”


“You should talk, my sexy one, you certainly have had your share of babes after your bod. How about we double date occasionally or even maybe taking a girl out for a burger once in a while? I guess I don’t know what else to do. I know I don’t want to lead anyone on, or hurt anyone, but I also know I don’t want to have sex with anyone but you. I don’t even want to make out with anyone but you.”


Scotty held me tighter. “I guess if they to get serious, we will just have to say that we aren’t ready to go steady.”


“Yeah, after all, we do have very busy schedules.” I then pulled him close to me and whispered, “Maybe this is something we can talk to our Moms about or even Uncle Vince and Chris. I’m sure they had to deal with it at some time.”


“Good idea.” Scotty yawned and we soon fell asleep.


***[ ]***


Scotty and I were at the mall doing our school supply and clothing shopping in preparation for our entrance into our junior year. The shops were all busy, the check-out lines were long, and people were pushy and rude, which only reminded me why I hated shopping. You would think shopping for Levis, dress slacks and pull-over shirts wouldn’t require a lot of effort or thought. If that was one’s way of thinking, well one obviously had never gone shopping with Scotty. I picked out five pairs of Levis and two pairs of slacks, all said 29-inch waist, 31-inch length, five medium polo-type shirts and five long-sleeved shirts. As I was done, in my mind anyway, I headed toward the checkout counter when Scotty, in his ‘I-can’t-believe-you’re-doing-that’ tone of voice, brought me to a halt.


“You’re not going to even try them on?” he stated disbelievingly.


“Why should I? They’re just Levis and pants. They’re all the same size. Scotty, we go through this every time I go shopping with you.”


“Yeah, and I remember one time when you got home and put a pair on and they practically fell off of you too.”


“Yeah, one time, in how many years? I swear Scotty you’re worse than my mother.”


Nevertheless, as with my mother I decided not to argue and went and tried the pants on.


“There, are you satisfied? They all fit fine.”


“Well, but now you know for sure. And I only wanted to watch you model them for me so I could see your hot butt,” as he laughed and took of for the register.


“Tucker, I’m gonna’ get you for this,” I yelled.


After paying for our purchases, we went to meet Aunt Liz at the food court. Aunt Liz always seemed to get a kick out of Scotty’s and my constant ribbing. She would just shake her head in wondering disbelief as she nibbled at her food.


“Do you two ever stop?” she chided. “If I didn’t know better I’d think I was in the presence of a couple of six year olds instead of juniors in high school.”


We grasped our chests in mock surprise at being so humiliated and then laughed.


Aunt Liz dropped me off at my house so I could put away my new purchases—okay, dumped them in my room. I then walked over to Scotty’s and had dinner. This was the night we received the Tucker speech. It was similar to the one we had endured with my mother. After segment one of the lectures was over, we all took a breather. We were informed there was more to be discussed. I turned to Scotty when Uncle Phil and Aunt Liz went to the kitchen and mockingly stated,

“My mother loves us more than your parents do. They didn’t give us lube or condoms.”


Scotty giggled, “Well, I think you should point that omission out to them when they come back for part two in the series of lectures. I’m sure their visual of you sticking your cock up their son’s butt will just thrill them to no end.”


Not wanting to appear disrespectful, we managed to maintain our composure and kept on our ‘we-know-this-is-for-our-own-good’ faces.


“Now boys,” Uncle Phil began, “Liz and I have discussed at some length how we thought as parents we should or would handle things now that you two are, uh, well for all intents and purposes, a couple. We understand the rules would be different if Scotty was with a girl. The rules would be, well one, they would never be in the house alone together. Two, there would never ever be any sleepovers. We conceded that those are rules we won’t impose on you two, for reasons I believe don’t need to be stated for their obviousness. We are, however, since you are both teenagers; you’re both still in high school, we are going to restrict you to sleepovers on weekends and school holidays.”


“But Dad..!


“It’s not up for discussion Scott, Uncle Phil sternly stated. He continued, “Scott, Bash we are going to trust that you, while in each others company, will not neglect your school work or start foregoing your individual sports and musical activities.”


Aunt Liz interjected, “We do not see that happening, really, as you two have always managed to engage in your individual activities without difficulty. We don’t think now that your relationship has changed that your studies will suffer. We trust you to be responsible.”


We were interrupted by a knock at the door and Aunt Liz, yelled, “Come in Tracy, the doors unlocked.”


“Sorry, I’m late, I got held up doing an intake history,” my mom stated.


Aunt Liz and Uncle Phil caught her up on what had been discussed. My mother nodded her head and peered at us to affirm her agreement and approval with what the Tuckers had decided.


“Other than us and, of course Beth and Junior, does anyone else know either of you is gay and/or in a relationship,” Uncle Phil asked?


Scotty and I looked at one another to get confirmation and we both stated that we hadn’t told anyone, so we didn’t believe anyone knew. We also stated we didn’t believe we would reveal the nature of our relationship or of being gay as it just presented too many complications. Not that we were ashamed, we averred, we just didn’t think it was a smart idea. Scotty and I were both aware of the cruelty our peers could dish out. Pejorative nicknames were assigned to all manner of people that didn’t seem to fit in or were different somehow due to race, physical abilities or lack thereof, and beliefs. That and the harassment some had to endure, along with the subtle physical assault of a walk-by accidental shove on occasion.


“Well, as saddened that I am about society’s attitudes in general, I believe you have made a wise decision. However, if you do decide you do not want to live—how do they say it—in the closet, we want you to know we will support you 100%. In addition, if anyone hassles, harasses or threatens you in any way, I want you to inform us immediately and, if at school, the principal also. I know Dick Bentley, your principal, will not stand for any intolerance to that end. I do not want any heroics on either of your parts to confront anyone if such behavior is exhibited. Do I make myself clear on that?” Uncle Phil asked.


“Yes,” Scotty and I declared.


“Well, unless, Liz or Tracy have anything to add, I don’t have any more to say at this time, except we love you and want you to know you can come to us at any time if you need to talk. Now get out of here and go have some fun.”


Scotty and I definitely were moved by all the love and support we felt and gave a round of hugs to all. We then decided to go over to Beth’s and inform her—as she was well aware we were going to get the lecture—as to what was decided ‘for-our-own-good’.


“Whew,” Scotty said as we were going down the front stairs, “that wasn’t too bad.”


“No it wasn’t,” I agreed. “We are so damned lucky, babe,” I said.


That night, before Scotty and I fell asleep, we just lay holding each other and chatted about how truly loved we felt by our families, the love we felt for one another and, as teens will do, where we saw ourselves in a few years, along with dreams, hopes and aspirations. This was one of those nights when sex wasn’t on our minds and we were content just to be. To be with one another in a warm embrace, knowing we had something beautiful and special.


***[ ]***


Around 10:00 the next night, my mom and I were sitting at the kitchen table having a late night snack of strawberry shortcake while discussing some of the current news topics. During the middle of some discourse, we both were startled when we heard the jangle of the phone.


“Who could be calling at this hour?”´ Mom queried.


Mother answered the phone and was pleasantly surprised.


“Vince, how nice to hear your voice, is anything wrong? Oh, good. We’re fine. We were just having a late snack and solving the problems of the world,” she chuckled.


There were a few moments where Mother was just listening and when she spoke, said, “Well that certainly sounds like a wonderful plan. Hold on and I’ll ask him—better yet, I’ll let you talk to him. Bash, it’s your Uncle Vince and he has something he wants to ask you,” she stated proffering me the phone.


“Hey, Uncle Vince, how are you? How’s Uncle Chris?”


“We’re fine and you?” Uncle Vince replied.


“Really good—getting ready for school. In fact, Scotty and I spent yesterday shopping. Believe me, shopping with that guy is a chore. I’m into a basic Levi and Polo shirt wardrobe, but Scotty has to mix and match and color coordinate his clothes. Then everything has to be tried on. He even made me try my stuff on. It took three hours when I could have been done in 15 minutes. Anyway, Mom said you wanted to ask me something.”


“Uncle Chris and I were wondering if you and Scotty would like to come up for a visit, say the Wednesday before the Labor Day weekend. Chris has to be in Philadelphia the day after Labor Day so he would drive you guys back and then stay at a motel and drive over to Philly for his appointment Tuesday morning.”


“I’d love to, Uncle Vince. If you want I could call Scotty and—oh, wait—it’s a little late to be calling his house. Uncle Phil and Aunt Liz are probably in bed. You know these older people can’t stay up too late anymore. Could I call you tomorrow and let you know?”


“Oh, sure Sebastian, I really didn’t expect an answer tonight anyway. Tomorrow will be fine. Well, I’d better let you get back to solving the world’s problems. Besides, this old fogy needs his sleep and it is getting late,” he teasingly remarked.


“Okay, Uncle Vince, far be it from me to keep you from your needed slumber. After all, it is against the law to be cruel to the elderly,” I joshed.


“Ooh, you’re just begging for me to take you over my knee, young man.”


“That would certainly be a sight,” I replied. “Oh, and Uncle Vince, another thing, you know Mom will never let Uncle Chris stay at a motel. He’ll stay here or she’ll take him over her knee. And that would not be a pretty sight.”


“Well, I’m sure Uncle Chris will be very pleased for the invite. I’ll make sure he knows the consequences should he put up a fight. You have a good night and I’ll talk with you tomorrow.”


“Good night, Uncle Vince and give Uncle Chris my love.”


“Will do—night, Sebastian.”


Talk about your fortuitous circumstances, Scotty’s parents thought it was a wonderful plan. Aunt Liz and Uncle Phil had decided on a mini-vacation to Atlantic City for the Labor Day weekend. Scotty was more than happy to forgo that trip to have a getaway vacation with it just being him and me. He thought it was great that his parents could have a romantic rendezvous and would not have to concern themselves trying to keep him entertained in an environ more suited to adults. Aunt Liz did invite my mother to accompany them. She appreciated their thoughtfulness; however, Labor Day weekend was one of the busier times at the hospital, so she declined. I felt somewhat guilty for leaving my mother alone and asked if she’d rather we postpone the trip and take it some other time. She assured me she would appreciate the quiet and solitude, and for us to go and have fun. Additionally, she stated, perhaps Uncle Vince and Uncle Chris might be able to answer any questions we might have that she couldn’t or we might not feel comfortable asking her. God, I love my mother. I told her I didn’t think there was anything that I wouldn’t feel comfortable discussing with her when it came to Scotty’s and my relationship.


“Well,” she said ruffling my hair, “there might be some things I wouldn’t feel too thrilled to discuss.”


***[ ]***


Plans all made, Junior drove us to the train station. He had offered to drive us to Albany, but Scotty, in his subtle way, said he thought it would be fun that just he and I make the trip. He was looking forward to the train ride with me. With a faux expression of being hurt and not being needed, Junior then chuckled and said he understood.


The train ride was nice. There were only a few people in our car, and though Scotty and I didn’t have the luxury of being able to snuggle like a few of the heterosexual couples on board, we did enjoy the trip. We both brought books to read and with the clickety-clack and gentle lull of the train’s movement, Scotty did doze off with his head against my shoulder. That felt nice. Upon our arrival in Albany, Uncle Vince and Chris met us at the station and ferried us off to their place. Since we didn’t arrive until relatively late at night, we kept the conversation minimal, had a light snack, wished each other pleasant dreams and went to bed.


Once undressed and in bed, Scotty and I fell into each other’s arms and proceeded to enter into a passionate bout of lovemaking. Scotty lay on top of me and I nibbled at his ear and became deeply aroused by his moans and the gentle humping of his very erect penis on my taut abdomen. My rigid member found its way into Scotty’s butt crack and began leaking copious amounts of pre-cum. Scotty took full advantage of his position and the natural lube, pressed back, cautiously taking me into him. Slowly at first, just gently rising up and then easing down on my pulsating cock. We held this position for sometime while we explored one another’s mouths with our tongues. Scotty pulled away from our kissing and breathlessly pleaded, “Bash, can we try this with you on top of me?”


I placed my hands on his cute smooth buns, lifted him while going to my knees and then gently laid him on his back. I was then between his legs, my upper arms holding his legs spread open and pressing them back toward his chest so that I had maximum access for penetration. I continued the slow steady rhythmic deep penetration into my beautiful lover.


This being our first experience at anal intercourse I was concerned if I was hurting my sweet boyfriend. “Uh, how does it feel, Scotty? Does it hurt or anything?”


“Oh, God, no. It feels really nice. Don’t stop,” he pleaded.


I began to drive into Scotty with unabated fervor and as my climax was mounting, Scotty’s anus began to tighten and I knew he too was close to ejaculating. With a few more deep thrusts, Scotty, with audible sounds of pleasure, spewed his juices all over his chest and smooth belly and I shot my load into his cute butt.

We lay there enjoying the afterglow of our lovemaking. Neither of us wanted to disengage but Scotty’s cum began to drip down his side and onto the bed sheets. Reluctantly, with a kiss, we got up and quietly made our way to the bathroom and took a quick shower. We returned to bed where I spooned up against Scotty, gave him a peck on his sexy slender neck and we wished one another sweet dreams.


The next morning after eating breakfast, Uncle Vince said that he and Chris unexpectedly were asked to help do something at the church they attended. It would only be a few hours. They asked if we would like to spend that time visiting Nanna. When they were through they’d come pick us up. Scotty and I had planned a surprise visit with Nanna anyway—so we were happy to spend the afternoon with her.


“Uncle Vince?” I asked. “I want to tell Nanna I’m gay and that Scotty and I are together. Do you think she’ll be upset? Do you think it will change our relationship?”


“Sebastian, your grandmother loves you unconditionally. Will she be thrilled? No. But Sebastian, she loves you and that love will overpower her slight disappointment of you not bearing her any great-grandchildren. Nanna also knows being gay is fraught with many problems straight people don’t experience. I think that will be her main concern. Sebastian, she’d love you if you dyed your hair pink and wore a tutu. She may not like it, but she’d love you nonetheless.”


“Well, I’m glad to know that. I just find it difficult not to tell those most important to me. It’s as though I’d be living a lie. I love Scotty with my whole heart and soul and don’t want to have to pussy-foot around pretending we are something we’re not. It’s frustrating enough not to be able to be who we really are at school and other places and then have to be super careful around those you would think would love us no matter what.”


“Well, I don’t think you’ll ever have to worry about that with Nanna,” Uncle Vince reiterated.


***[ ]***


To say Nanna was surprised with our impromptu visit was an understatement. As she was squeezing the stuffing out of me, she concurrently was chastising me for not telling her I was going to be there. When she finally let go of me, she grabbed Scotty and he received the same treatment sans the scolding.


Turning to Uncle Vince, she waggled her finger at him and in her thick Italian accent scolded, “Vincenzo, I must to have to take you over my knee. You gonna’ give to you mamma a heart attack! You no tell me her favoritest bambinos come to visit.”


She then smacked him on the shoulder and gave him a kiss on his cheek.


Uncle Vince explained his mission and told Nanna he’d be back in a few hours to take us off her hands. He, of course, was not going to get off that easy and Nanna insisted that he and Uncle Chris come by for dinner—okay, more of a command than insistence.


Nanna, as is her wont, immediately shuffled us into the kitchen where she set about doing what she always does—trying to fatten up her favorite bambinos.


Nanna was super attentive to Scotty and said how heartsick she was when she heard about his being attacked, and intermittently smothering him with hugs. She, of course, cursed his nemesis and hoped he rotted in Hades for doing something so vile to her sweet Scotty.


I think Scotty appreciated her grandmotherly indignation for what happened to him. That was one of the added benefits of our relationship over the years: Scotty’s grandparents on both sides were deceased so my Nanna became his Nanna. I, from Scotty’s family, got an older brother and sister I didn’t have, along with an extra aunt and uncle.


Having eaten enough to appease Nanna, she then went about preparing for that night’s dinner while chattering away. I swear she spent most of her life in the kitchen. Everything prepped and left to simmer, we then adjourned to the family room and chatted some more. When we came to a lull in the conversation, I said, “Nanna, there is something I want to tell you. Scotty and I love each other very much and are together now.”


“Well, of course, you love your Scotty,” she said in a somewhat puzzled response.


“I know Nanna,” and I took Scotty’s hand in mine, “but Scotty and I love each other like Uncle Vincent and Uncle Chris.”


There was, for me, a moment of uncomfortable silence when I thought that maybe Uncle Vince’s assessment of Nanna’s reaction might be wrong.


“Sebastian, Scotty, you both come to here and sit beside your Nanna.”


Having done so, she put her pudgy arms around us and pulled us into her.


“So, you think your Nanna, be mad? You think your Nanna no love you no more? I wanna’ you to know, your Nanna could no notta’ love you. I love all my childrens and grandchildrens. I will always’a love you.”


Turning her attention to the now teary-eyed Scotty, she pulled him more into her ample bosom and emphatically stated, “Scotty, you I love’a too like a grandson. You always have be family for many years. You just be a good to each other. I only wants for all my childrens to be happy.”


Hugging us more tightly and giving us kisses on the forehead, she then excused herself to go lie down for a quick nap. She said we could watch TV and, as if we didn’t know, there was food in the kitchen and for us to help ourselves.


Scotty still being a little overwhelmed by Nanna’s outpouring of love, scooted next to me and laid his head on my shoulder and just hugged me. We stayed that way for a while and then turned on the TV.


After about a forty-five minute catnap, Nanna was up and about in the kitchen again. We asked if there was anything we could do to help and she directed me to go to the basement and get a bottle of red wine. Scotty she put to filling up the ice bucket so it could be chilled. We then set the table.


Dinner that night was delicious, as usual. The chatter around the table was fun and funny as Nanna was recounting the childhoods of Uncle Vince, my father and my other Aunt and Uncle. Uncle Vince cringed at some of the anecdotes and lightly admonished Nanna for her embarrassing revelations. Nanna just brushed his objections away and continued on while Scotty, Uncle Chris, and I laughed our butts off. When it was time to return to Uncle Vince’s, I promised Nanna that Scotty and I would be by to visit again before we returned to Pennsylvania. That, of course, had Nanna telling us we would come to dinner the night before we left. She also said we should stop by and visit with Uncle Dominic and Aunt Constanza for a little while.


As we left Nanna’s late, Uncle Vince and Uncle Chris with yawns said they were going to turn in and would see us in the morning. If we had anything we wanted to do the next day to let them know as they hadn’t made any monumental plans that couldn’t be altered. We bade them good night and decided we’d watch a little TV and hit the hay ourselves.


While watching TV, Scotty laid his head in my lap and I gently stroked my hands lovingly through his hair. I loved these moments. They were precious. It just seemed so natural to have him lying peacefully on my lap. About a half hour or so into watching TV, my sweet lover fell asleep. I think I spent another half hour just gazing at this beautiful boy softly snoring and feeling like the luckiest guy in the world to have him in my life. I eventually lifted his head from my lap, scooped him up in my arms and carried him off to bed. I gently laid him on the bed and began to undress him, admiring his beauty. He grunted and moaned a little, but never really awoke. I undressed and crawled in beside him and wrapped my arms around him, gave him a soft peck on his lips and drifted off to sleep.


The next day we did go to visit my Aunt Connie and spent a few hours with her and my cousins. She was busily bustling about so we didn’t have any deep conversations other than the typical catch up on what transpired since my last visit. Of course, Scotty was lavished with lots of attention, which he was slightly embarrassed about, but appreciated nonetheless. We then stopped by Uncle Dom’s just as he had gotten off work. Again, it was a pleasant visit but just your rudimentary conversing about general things. Again, more fawning was lavished upon Scotty. I postponed coming out to them at that time, though I had planned to do that. I wanted to do it when I knew we’d have more time and not a drive-by, ‘oh, and by the way we’re gay’ and scuttle out the door. I also knew they wouldn’t be too comfortable with it as they still, though Uncle Vince and Uncle Chris were never maligned or mistreated, were awkward around them. Uncle Vince said he knew they tried and appreciated their attempts. He also knew that they loved him and were just ignorant to his lifestyle. Over the years, they had accepted Uncle Chris into the fold and treated him with respect.


That evening after dinner, we wandered out to the garden and sat by the Koi pond. It was a warm night with a gentle breeze. Just sitting there taking in the beautiful night, we became intoxicated by the soothing sounds of the fountain. Scotty and I snuggled into one another and Uncle Vince and Uncle Chris did like-wise. Finally, Scotty broke the silence and made a comment on how beautiful the garden had become and complimented Uncle Vince and Chris on their work. As Uncle Chris was a landscape artist, Uncle Vince credited him with the design and much of the work. “I just did what he told me—as usual,” Uncle Vince playfully teased, which earned him a poke to his side. I couldn’t get over the affection they still held for one another. They still, in many ways, behaved as two young lovers, though they had been together for 15 years.


“Uncle Vince, Uncle Chris, what do you see as the most important thing to make a relationship last?” I asked.


“Well, Sebastian, I think we would both say there are several important things, but if I had to pick the one I thought was most important, I would say, communication, communication, communication.”


“I hear so many of my patients—not only gay—who have this idea that for some reason their partner can read their mind. They’ll say things like: Well I thought he/she knew; or, After all these years you’d think they’d know; or, I’m afraid to say/tell them this or that bothers me; or I don’t know how they’ll take/react if I…”


“Most of all their concerns could be alleviated if they just communicated honestly. Also, important in communication is effectively communicating. Too many play the blame game or right vs. wrong approach. I remember when your Uncle Chris and I settled in together, he would come home and yell, “I’m home” and then go plop down and proceed to read the paper or watch TV. This went on for a couple of months and I was slowly seething because I thought the least he could do is come give me a kiss or a hug—something intimate—and ask how my day had gone. Finally, I started withdrawing from him and being a little bitchy. So, he asked me what was wrong. Now I won’t say I communicated it very affectively—that took practice to learn. I blurted out to him that I thought he was an insensitive prick and that he found the TV and a newspaper more important than me. Of course, he was thrown by my attack, but remained somewhat calm and asked me what I meant. I told him I thought the least he could do when he came home was to acknowledge me with a greeting and a kiss. Being the wonderful man I love, his response floored me: “Oh, baby, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Where upon he grabbed me in his arms and gave me the most wonderful hug and kiss and has done so ever since. To think if I had just told him the first time it started bothering me, I wouldn’t have had to let it escalate to the point it did nor miss out on a bunch of wonderful kisses.”


“So, be honest with one another. If you’re afraid to talk openly, well, then you have a trust problem. I don’t believe you can have a healthy relationship if you don’t have trust, respect and caring of each other. I baffle my patients when they tell me they’re afraid to tell their partner something. I ask them what the hell they’re doing with someone with whom they’re scared and don’t trust.”


“Wow, that makes a lot of sense,” I stated.


Turning to Scotty, I inquired teasingly, “Babe, are you taking notes?”


He gently elbowed me and gave me a kiss.


It was a wonderful and enlightening visit. We had other meaningful discussions regarding relationships: their challenges and more importantly their rewards. They gave us a list of books they thought might be helpful. As a surprise, they also gave us a copy of The Joy of Gay Sex.


It was bittersweet to have to return, but both Scotty and I did miss our families. Uncle Chris did stay the night at our place thus sparing himself a spanking over my mom’s knee. Before he left to go to Philly the next morning, his parting remark was, “Remember; always be honest and kind with one another.” Where upon he gave us both a kiss, hugs and expressed his love for us. He also reminded us that he and Uncle Vince were only a phone call away should we need to talk.



A big thank you to Sharon for editing.--SK