One Moonlit Night

by Steven Keiths

Chapter Five



A few hours later, a gentle nudge on my shoulder awakened me. As I opened my eyes, the hunky body of Junior hovered over me with a questioning smile on his face. Scotty still had his head lying on the pillow that was on my chest and his arm wrapped over me. Some of his spittle had drooled upon the pillow and he was still in a deep sleep.


“Uh,” Junior whispered. “Mom sent me over as Scotty has been gone for over three hours, and she was beginning to worry a little as it’s time for him to take his meds.”


Groggily I replied, “Uh, oh, sorry. We must’ve dozed off. Uh, I guess we’d better wake him then.”


I looked down at my sweet Scotty. Even with his now fading bruises, he was still the cutest and most angelic appearing person in the world to me.


“Scotty, uh, Scotty,” I said as I gently nudged him.


He emitted a low grunt and stirred slightly.


“Scotty, time to get up, you need to take your meds.”


“Uh, huh,” he acknowledged sleepily, but didn’t budge.


“Come on Scotty, let’s get up,” I encouraged. I then thought I’d better warn him Junior was there. “Come on Scotty, Junior’s here with your meds. Get up, sleepy head.”


“Huh?” He said while raising his head. “Oh, hi Junior, musta’ fell asleep.”


Noticing the questioning look on Junior’s face and realizing the position he was in, he turns to me and said, “Cocchetti, were you trying to take advantage of me?”


Then looking at his now alarmed brother, he stated, including Junior in the address, “Jeesh, you jock-types are all alike. There is just no safe haven for a good looking blonde any more.”


He then brandished a wide grin and snickered.


Junior, realizing Scotty was joking, noticeably relaxed.


“Well, you certainly have a high opinion of yourself. Someone would have to be pretty darn desperate to wanna’ make it with your sorry skinny butt,” he chortled in response. “I’m sure Bash hasn’t gotten that desperate,” he added. “Now, get that scrawny tush up and get it home or Mom will have your hide, what little you have anyway.”


“The abuse I must put up with,” Scotty indignantly retorted as he arose from the bed. “I don’t even know why I associate myself with you two.” Turning to me he asked, “Are you going to come by later? We still have those plans to discuss.”


“Uh, oh sure. Are you going to practice for a while when you get home?”


“Yeah, I guess I’d better.”


“Okay, then I’ll be over in about two hours, okay?”


“Okay, see you in two,” as he got up and preceded Junior out the door.


Junior, in a ‘what are you going to do gesture’, shrugged his shoulders and shook his head and said, “See ya’ later Bash.”


“Yeah, see ya’ later, Junior”


After they had gone, I lay down on my back and stared at the ceiling. I realized a lot had transpired in those past few hours. A smile spread across my face. I hadn’t felt that happy and content for a long time. I really didn’t think either my mother or Scotty’s family would be upset by the discovery of the nature of Scotty’s and my relationship. Heck, about the only thing that would change—as we have always been very close—now there would be a romantic element to our involvement. Yet, admittedly, I still was a tad anxious about revealing this new facet to our relationship. I read somewhere, maybe Dear Abby, if you have unsettling or disturbing news, you should go to a nice restaurant. People were apparently not apt to raise a ruckus or make a scene. I don’t think the article mentioned what to do once you’re done with your discussion and eaten your meal. I mean, it’s not like you could move into the restaurant. Ya’ gotta’ leave sometime. Oh, well, I was fairly certain nothing bad would happen.


***[ ]***


“Well, what did we do to deserve this?” Aunt Liz asked.


“Yeah,” Uncle Phil inquired. “Did you two set fire to the school or something?” he joked.


“See, Bash, I told you we couldn’t pull the wool over the eyes on these guys,” Scotty rejoined. “They’re just too smart for us.”


“Well, I for one am very appreciative. I appreciate anytime I don’t have to cook,” my mother put forward.


For the next few minutes we bore the humorous slings and arrows of our motives for the invitation extended to them for dinner at O’Reilly’s restaurant. O’Reilly’s wasn’t super posh but it was several steps up from a Denny’s. We had earlier discussed our plan with Beth. We told her that we would not let on that she was already aware that Scotty was gay, and now, of course, me. We didn’t want it to appear that we wouldn’t confide in our parents first. Egos are such fragile things.


“Well, ladies and gentlemen, and Junior,” Scotty finally interrupted, “I have something I’d like to tell you. I don’t know exactly how to diplomatically do this, so with out much ado, I’m gay, and…”


“Oh, honey, we know that,” Aunt Liz interrupted. “Your father and I had that figured out a long time ago. All those girls chasing after you and you barely gave them the time of the day. We love you; you’re still our baby boy and we want you to be happy. We don’t have a problem with you being gay, nor do we care. I’m sure Beth and Junior don’t either.” Looking over at my mother with assurance, continued, “And I’m positive your Aunt Tracy doesn’t either. It goes without saying that Bash doesn’t.”


There was this ever so pregnant pause…Scotty and I looked at one another as if to say, do you think they’re ready for the next revelation?


“Uh, Mom, Aunt Liz, Uncle Phil, Junior, Beth, uh, I’m gay too and Scotty and I decided, uh, well we are boyfriends, uh, lovers now.” I stammered out.


Then came the second moment of silence…


Everyone was glancing at one another—except for Beth as she already knew—and you had the sense from their collective stunned appearances that they were waiting for a punch line.


God bless Beth as she finally broke the silence and joyfully stated, “Well, I think this is great. Let me be the first to congratulate you two,” as she raised her wine glass in the gesture of a toast.


“Uh, wait just one second here,” Junior interjected. “You mean when I came over the other day and Scotty was… Uh, and Scotty when you said we jocks… Uh, you two weren’t… I mean you didn’t…?”


Then I started to get a little worried and I grabbed onto Scotty’s hand beneath the table. Scotty, however, just sat and calmly stared at his brother, as he knew the light would come on eventually in Junior’s brain.


Junior continued, “Uh, well, Scotty, I kinda’ figured you were gay, but Bash? Well, uh, that’s kind of a shocker. I would never have suspected. Uh, not that I care or it changes anything, but… I mean I still love ya’. Well, uh, why didn’t you tell me?” he said with somewhat of a hurt tone.


Scotty, without missing a beat, said, “Well, Junior, because you said no one would ever want my scrawny body and I wanted witnesses to prove you were wrong, and in order to get you to a gathering of the witnesses I had offer you a free meal.”


“Ah, heck Scotty, I was just teasing”…then the light went on… “Ah, you’re pulling my leg.”


We all had a laugh and Junior acknowledged us with, “Uh, well, congrats you guys, I’m happy for you.” He too raised his glass.


Finally, everyone at the table was offering their congratulations and wishing us happiness.

***[ ]***


“That went pretty good,” I said to Scotty later that evening while we cuddled on the couch at my place. “Though, there for a minute I thought Junior was going burst a few brain cells. God, I love that guy.”


“Yeah, we are truly blessed, Bash, especially, when you hear all those horror stories of kids who commit suicide because their parents/church/friends can’t cope with or tolerate their being gay. That and the physical and psychological abuse some must endure. Or, they put them out on the street or place them in institutions to “cure” them.”


“Then you have religions who condemn and preach condemnation because someone, me, we, are gay. All my life I have heard that God is perfect, God doesn’t make mistakes, God is love. Yet the very people who have preached that recant it, with their holier than thou rhetoric from the pulpit. Which leaves me to question: Do they believe God is perfect? Do they truly believe God is love? Or is God fallible only when He doesn’t design life according to their plans?” I added.


“As I said, Bash, we are truly fortunate, though I will hate the fact that we will have to be reserved and hide when we go back to school.”


“Well, ya know what Scotty? I was thinking about that. I mean, most of the people we hang out with know we are best friends so I don’t feel too worried. I mean, it would be nice if I could give you kiss or hold your hand as the other couples do, but I’ll just have to carry you in my heart all day until I get you home. Then I’ll make up for lost time,” I seductively winked. “Like now.”


***[ ]***


The following evening as we were cozied up on the couch watching TV—well sort of watching—I gently started kissing my lover’s lips and Scotty moaned, parted his lips, and allowed my tongue to enter. We remained in a passionate kiss for quite some time before we came up for air.


“Whew, Bash, where did you learn to kiss like that?”


“Well, Scotty, you’re not the first person I’ve ever kissed you know. However, you’re the best I’ve ever kissed. And what about you now that you’ve mentioned it?”


“Hmmmm, which one the bevy of girls taught me the most? Let’s see. There was Teri: not bad, but not a lot of suction. Then there was Brenda; the braces weren’t too comfortable. Kathy wouldn’t have been bad, but her lips were always dry and chapped. Maybe it was Shelly; now that girl had a tongue. Or perhaps…”


“All right, all right, enough, you are such a brat, but you’re my brat and I love you.”


We went back to our kissing, and I thought to myself, I’m never going to ask him about anything that has to do with past intimacies again. You see, I hated to admit it and it sounds dumb and somewhat immature, but I was getting a little jealous as he started naming off his prior kissing partners. So I knew I didn’t want to know about any sexual activity, if any, he might have had. Though, I think he would have already told me, but just in case’, mum’s the word.


We probably would still be sucking face if we hadn’t been interrupted by the sound of a key turning in the lock. Hurriedly we straightened our clothing and tried to hide the obvious arousal, a result of our kiss-fest.


“Hi boys,” My mother said as she entered. “What have you two been up to,” she asked with that, “don’t tell me, I know”, arch of an eyebrow.


“What’s in the bag, Mom?” I asked.


“Well, no, ‘How was your day, Mom?’ Or ‘How was work, Mom?’ Just what’s in the bag, Mom?”


“Oh, sorry, Mom. How was your day, Mom? How was work, Mom? What’s in the bag, Mom?” I dished back.


“Sebastian, you’re incorrigible. Scotty, see what you’re going to have to put up with,” she said.


“Yeah, I know Aunt Tracy, but if it will save some other poor sucker from the torment. It’s the least I can do,” he replied.


“Oh, you poor baby,” I responded. “Toward the end of your life they’ll probably give you an award for your nobility and altruism.”


“Toward the end of my life? You gotta’ be kidding. I’d say I deserve one after about a month,” Scotty retorted.


“Well, I hate to be the one to break in on your intimate lovers’ banter, but I really do want to have a serious discussion about some things with you.”


Scotty and I both got this, “Oh, no, she’s gonna’ talk about sex” look, and we both simultaneously cringed.


Scotty nudged me and under his breath said, “Get use to it because my mom and dad are gonna’ give it to us also. Just smile and nod your head and interject an “ah, okay” or sure Mom.” Makes them feel good.”


“What did you say, Scotty?” My mother asked.


“Oh, he said I should be more of a dutiful son and get up and make you something to eat, while you rest your weary oooooooooold bones,” I teasingly said. “So, why don’t you come over here and put your feet up and I’ll whip you up something?”


“Now Aunt Tracy, you know I’d never say oooooooooold, maybe oooold,” Scotty jokingly countered. “Oh, and Bash, while you’re being dutiful, would you mind bringing me a Coke when you come back?”


He was such a brat. “Oh, sure, your laziness,” I replied.


Bringing my mother a sandwich and chips, and of course, Scotty his Coke, we sat and waited for my mother to give us the talk.


Getting into her best nurse’s demeanor, my mother nervously proceeded to give us her version of the gay birds and bees lecture.


“Well, boys or I should say young men, I feel I would be remiss—see I told you her nurse’s demeanor—if I didn’t tell you that there are certain precautions you should take, especially if either of you have had sexual relations with someone before you met. Well I mean became intimate—you met when you were four and a half years old. I know you’ve learned all about STD’s and AIDS in your health ed class, so I won’t go into the horror stories of that. I would suggest however, if you have had sexual relations prior to getting together that you both get tested for STD’s and HIV before you would even think about having unprotected sex. If you want, I can arrange an appointment at the hospital clinic for you. It would be strictly confidential.”


“Uh, Mom…”


It was obvious she was nervous. Let’s face it, it’s not everyday your son comes out and you feel obligated to give him and his lover the talk. It would have been difficult enough if it had been a heterosexual relationship, with which she would have at least been more familiar.


“Sebastian, honey, please let me finish and then if you have any questions or comments I’ll address them at that time.” Well, other than the ‘honey’ remark she’s sticking to the nurse’s demeanor. “Anyway, I also want to provide you with some more detailed literature on safe sex practices and precautions,” as she handed us the brown bag, “and some, well, they’re in the bag. Also, you’ll find a list of various types of condoms and the instructions on the proper method of putting them on. So, now, Sebastian, you had a question?”


“Uh, no, Mom you answered it. And uh, thanks for the literature and the, well the other stuff.”


“Yeah, Aunt Tracy, thanks,” Scotty iterated.


“Well, you’re very welcome. I also know that you two realize there is more to a relationship than sex. I’m also not implying that you should have sex. Uh, to be honest, I don’t know how I feel about that. I only know if this was a heterosexual relationship, well I know I wouldn’t condone or promote it. That said, I want you to remember, if you have any questions, my door is always open. Now, it’s been a long day and I’m beat so I’m going to go to bed. Goodnight, and I’ll see you in the morning.”


I don’t know who was more relieved that the ‘sex ed’ class was over, my mom or Scotty and I.


She gave us both a kiss on the forehead and bade us good night.


“’Night Mom.” “Good night Aunt Tracy, and thanks again.”


Scotty and I took a gander into the bag. We removed all the literature and gave it a quick perusal. Looking further in the bag…


“Oh, my God, Scotty, what did she do, rob a condom store? There are enough condoms in here to last for a year. And what’s this stuff? Slik-n-Wet—its lube! Scotty, my mother got us lube! What does she think we’re…Oh, no, uh, Scotty…?”


“Hmmmm,” Scotty hummed.


“Hmmmm?” Hmmmm, what?” I queried.


“I like the way that woman thinks,” he devilishly retorted while poking my arm.


Now I thought Scotty had the cutest little bubble butt in the world. I loved the nice soft feel of it, how he reacted when I rubbed my hands over it and between his legs and… Hmmm, on second thought, maybe my mother did have better foresight than that for which I gave her credit.


“Uh, Scotty, do you think you’d like to, uh you know, uh do anal?”


“Bash, I can’t say that I’ve given it a lot of thought, but the idea doesn’t turn me off. What about you?”


“Well, uh, I never thought about it until now, but I guess I wouldn’t be opposed to experimenting. I mean we could try if you want to,” I replied as more of a question than a statement.


We more or less left it there. After all, we were both new at this and didn’t need to try everything in the first few intimate encounters. Also, I was concerned about Scotty suffering any pain. He was still having trouble with his neck. His face was nearly back to its normal color and cuteness. Though there would always be a noticeable scar, it was fading and his eyebrows were beginning to grow back in. As for me being on the receiving end, well... I wouldn’t say I didn’t want to do it, since the subject was broached. But, Scotty was big! I was only about five and half inches and not too fat, compared to his eight inches with comparable girth. I’d probably end up walking like a saddle-sore cowboy for the rest of my life.


Scotty interrupted my thought process as he lowered his lips to mine and we began to smooch some more. God, I swear he was the greatest kisser. I think I was just as content holding him and making out with him as I was with the sex we had. Not, mind you, that I didn’t enjoy that immensely also. It’s just that kissing and cuddling were the prelude and the postlude, so to speak, of our love making and were just as enjoyable. Anyway, after tongue wrestling some more we both were tired and decided to go to bed. Once undressed and lying in bed, Scotty turned to me and said, “Bash, I want you to know, other than what you and I have already done, I’m a virgin. I have never had sex with anyone else. I just wanted you to know that.”


“Well, since we are doing true confessions babe, neither have I. Kissed a few lips and fondled a few tits, but never really got out of the dugout or even close to first base. What’s strange, in some way, is now I’m glad I didn’t. Makes being first with you so much more special. Does that make sense?”


“Yeah, Bash, it does. I feel the same.”


With that, we cuddled. I spooned up against Scotty’s cute little butt; my arm wrapped over his body and our hands entwined. I fell asleep that night with lustful thoughts of my sweet boyfriend, not a bad way to enter dreamland.


A big thank you to Sharon for editing.--SK