Discovering Love


For the discerning reader:

This story is based on real events describing my first love. Parts of it are fictionalized to make it more compelling. It is based on the truth I know and have attempted to recreate for you on these pages. Anyone who writes the story of their first love and tells you every word is true, may lie.

…And so it is, manipulations to keep the tale moving.

When all is said and done, this is most likely to be considered my signature piece, because it is the story of my first love. It was awkward, clumsy, and full of misgivings, but in the end, loving Gregory was one of the best things I’ve ever done. Being in love was a joy beyond all joys. Love, when done right, is everlasting.

I loved Greg then and I love him still.


Discovering Love, the trailer

This trailer was produced by Katharine Rose.
It’s her tribute to Discovering Love.
It absolutely took my breath away.
Kat creating this lovely work of art in
response to my humble effort at recapturing
the essence of my first love gives me chills.

Thanks Kat.


Discovering Love

This story contains sexually explicit scenes that you’d expect to find in any coming of age story that is being honest about its characters, their feelings, and their intentions.

At the time of this story there was no doubt in my mind that our culture, our society, the people in power had no use for me. Thus, I had little interest in them, because I intended to find out who I was and what that meant. I didn’t plan to miss anything.

I was once told by a maiden aunt, “There are two kinds of people in this world, those who claim to be good and those who get caught.”

You’re damn right.

The day I met Gregory my life was nothing to write home about. Gregory had it all. From that day forward I would love Gregory shamelessly. He knew it and he took full advantage of it. Through all his protests he never once banned me from his kingdom. In our love hate relationship, he was only have the ballgame.

I don’t know if love at first sight exists or not. I loved Gregory the first time I saw him. I loved him from that day forward. I love him still. While he couldn’t deny it, he did resist it, because he was Gregory. Resistance failed in time and my love entered the world he ruled as further proof he was adored. They were his terms.

Loving Gregory was never easy. Gregory was Gregory and no one was all that to him. In spite of his protests I was beside him more often than anyone else. In spite of his argument against my feelings for him, he would not and did not seek to separate himself from me or those feelings. He knew me as I knew him from that first meeting. We didn’t yet know what we knew, but our futures were intertwined.

He kept me at arm’s length, he held me close. All the boys loved him, but none of them loved him the way I did. He knew it. He felt it. He rejected, but he couldn’t leave it or me alone. I was always there when he wanted to give in to being adored completely. The secret he and I shared was kept at bay on his strongest days, becoming desired on the days he gave into my feelings for him.

Size was everything to Gregory. He had it and he wanted people to know it. He packed it deep in skin tight jeans, checking out the boys’ eyes who went right to it as my eyes always did. He intended it would be noticed. I was caught at it the first minute we knew each other. This got me a beguiling little smile, or was it a sneer?

I found my eyes on the hottest guy I’d ever seen. I didn’t know what I was doing, I’d never been that attracted to anyone before. I had been hit by a brick.

Discovering Love was the best thing yet. There was nothing before there was love.

It all started after school while I was walking on a road that led to my neighborhood, but I was about to enter another world, Gregory’s world, and our lives would never ever be the same again.