A Conversation With Carlton

Author’s Notes

Being born is usually a step in what becomes a longer story, but being born is no guarantee those steps will be easy or even point you into a direction that yields up the best result.

Being born is merely a condition, and what comes next has little to do with that young and helpless life.

“I was born the year I turned 12.”

In this society, if you don’t measure up, step out of line, or dare to march to a different drummer, you’ll find yourself excluded by those who consider themselves to be better than the other, no matter your color, beliefs, or sexuality. I think those who consider themselves in charge blame black people for being black, gay people for being gay, and especially, they blame indigenous people for getting in their way.

I blame no one for anything. “I think. Therefore I am.” What I think doesn’t matter to a hill of beans, according to Rick, my namesake, in the movie Casablanca.

To quote another great philosopher — I don’t know who — “It is what it is.”

Which means you don’t need to take this story seriously. Although, every word is true according to my recollections.


For Tommy, whom I couldn’t repay for his kindness if I worked on it fulltime. The best I can do is to write about how important his friendship was to my survival.