
Keith Morrisette

The Boyfriend Excerpt of Published Novel
Little Secrets, Little Lies Novel
The Wednesday Boy Serialized


Keith Morrisette is, in his own words, "just another middle-aged old fart trying to re-write the past the way it coulda been" and admits to being born sometime during the Eisenhower Administration. He grew up in a blue collar town, went to Catholic schools (therefore understanding that anything fun had to be a sin) until he reached college. Keith was a voracious reader from an early age and occasionally tried his own hand at writing, but never seriously, thanks to the encouragement of those near and dear to him ("You're too dumb to do stuff like that").

He discovered various story web sites in the late nineties, read treasures and trash side by side, and figured one night "What the hell, I'm at least as good as half these guys" and sat down to write a one-shot story called The Boyfriend.

Pleased when he received enough reader support ("can three people be wrong?") he continued the story about Chris St. Jacques and developed his first novel and tried to put it all together in a neat, comic package.

Little Secrets, Little Lies (formerly And the Other Friends) began a few months later when he sent a roughed-out chapter to his fiction site host of a story he was thinking of writing and had minimal notes on and only vague ideas about. When he checked his e-mail the next day, he found out the story had begun posting at Archerland and the notices had been sent out. Recognizing a tough challenge when he saw it, he whined and bitched at Nick for a few weeks before deciding to sit down and "just do the damn thing." He proceeded to take his time and it took a year before wrapping it all up, but the end result was good and there are plans to bring a re-written and re-edited LSLL to print in the near future. A third novel in the series is slowly taking form and is tentatively called The Wednesday Boy.

Keith lives in the Merrimack Valley region of Massachusetts with his partner Mike and their two cats, Chip and Grudge. They have been neutered. The cats, that is.