“Once back on Sulu Muriel said, “We’re sailing St. Johns or St. Thomas, if it’s not too dark,” Muriel said. The Sulu slipped down the Sir Francis Drake channel as Rob instinctively adjusted the jib. The westerly wind pushed us constantly. On my watch Michael wanted to steer. I sat with him at the helm as he got the feel of the Sulu. His long brown fingers held tightly to the wheel. His outfit consisted of Rob’s cut off tee shirt to keep the sun off of his shoulders. After a while he got into the sailing groove. I said, “What happened yesterday after I left?” He glanced at the compass needle which was on the three hundred degree mark.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean.”
“No, I don’t,” He kept his eyes straight ahead.
He was being a jerk making me out-and-out ask. Without even a grin Michael said,
Yes, and it was fantastic.”
“What do you mean fantastic?”
Michael said, never taking his eyes off of the horizon, “You weren’t gone five minutes when Mr. Cocksure said ‘Shelia, can I make love to you?’ Right in front of me he said it. Nothing subtle about him.”
“She said, ‘No.’ and I thought that was the end of it. But it wasn’t. She said, ‘Get down on your hands and knees and beg me.’
“Rob answered, ‘Fuck you’.”
“She said, ‘Not until you beg.’”
“I could barely contain myself. After two or three minutes of fidgeting he slowly got down his knees. As he was about to speak she moved her pussy right into his face.”
Michael was sitting on a cushion and had to stand to give his penis some expansion room before he continued, “She said to me, ‘Got any rubbers?’” He looked at me and smiled, “She ordered me to get one’, which I did. When I got back Rob’s tongue was licking her pussy. She put the foil wrapper in her teeth, removed the condom, took my hand and pulled me over so my dick was right by Rob’s face. She grabbed my dick and turned toward me, rolled the rubber right down my shaft, pushed Rob away and drew me down into her. She French kissed me. Rob didn’t say anything. He took my sack in his mouth and rolled my balls around. In about three minutes it was over. I shot cum and shot and shot. Rob piped up ‘Now you bastard it’s my turn.’
She said, ‘Got a rubber?’ He pathetically said, ‘No.’ I volunteered that I had more because I thought Rob might rape her. When I came up on deck she had Rob’s cock in her mouth. She ordered me to put the rubber on him. He tried to help but she said, ‘No, this is for all of us.’ I slowly rolled it down Rob’s cock, she lay on her back and he hopped on.”
“What’d you do?” I asked as my penis pushed outside of my thong. Michael grabbed my cock. He kept one hand on the wheel as he slowly moved his hand on my shaft. I could barely hear the words he was saying.
“She motioned for me to put another rubber on. She wanted me to fuck Rob,” Michael stammered. With Rob humping away I caught Shelia’s eye as I moved toward Rob’s beautiful brown butt. She gave me an ‘OK’ with her eyes. I straddled his butt and spread his cheeks. His movement slowed but didn’t stop. I spit in his asshole. Rob stopped his rhythm as I pushed my hard-again dick into his ass. He moaned but returned his attention to Shelia. Five minutes later all three of us were moaning and thrashing around. Then it was over…”
Shelia’s lovely coffee breasts appeared from below. Michael drew his hand back to the wheel leaving me completely exposed to Shelia. She smiled, “John, you missed some fun yesterday.” Pointing to my exposed penis she said, “Looks like you heard the story.” I couldn’t speak. “Maybe I’ll show you what we did later,” she laughed sadistically. I didn’t appreciate the humor. I attempted to stuff myself back into my thong.
Hector appeared. His facial expression showed his disapproval as he spoke to Shelia in Spanish. When Muriel came up I told her that Michael had the feel of the boat and probably could be on the daytime rotation. Michael was excited. We sailed past St. John and into the main harbor at Charlotte Amalie. The U.S. Custom’s launch approached before our main sails were struck. Papers were in order which I had made sure of before we left St. Maarten.
We anchored half a mile off shore because of the armada of sail and power boats already anchored. We ate dinner in town on Hector’s last night with us. He seemed to enjoy the party even though he did not approve of Shelia’s free spirit. We had an easy sail on to Puerto Rico on Saturday. Muriel sent Hector to the airport in a taxi; Shelia shopped with Rob and Michael. I stayed with Sulu to supervise fueling, pumping fresh water in, and removal of waste and trash in preparation for a long leg to the Dominican Republic. Muriel decided that we would sail at 14:30 to make the long open water leg at night. The diesel engine was running roughly so we shut off the main power switch to assure that the running lights would shine through the night on batteries if the engine failed.
From Dominica we sailed on to Georgetown, Exuma arriving April 2. The sailing was routine with watch change, sleeping, reading and idle conversation. Michael’s tan was as dark as Shelia’s. Muriel kept her authority by staying dressed. I hoped that Roddy would be waiting in Exuma but he wasn’t. Once we were at the fuel dock I called Roddy’s house and didn’t get an answer. I called the dock master at Simpson Bay. The kid who answered told me they took Roddy to the hospital.
I was suddenly nervous at the thought of starting the most challenging part of the journey with Roddy in the hospital. I decided that we would take hotel rooms at St. George overlooking the harbor. Tempers and patience were running short. Everyone needed some extra space. I left a telephone number on Roddy’s answering machine with a message to call us back. He didn’t call that evening. I called again the next morning and he answered. After, “Hello,” I said, “What’s wrong?”
He appropriately said, “Who the fuck is this?” After identifying myself he calmly continued, “Oh, greetings. I’m catching the plane to San Juan in about two hours. I should be in Georgetown about 17:00. Meet me.”
“What happened to you?
“Had a little mishap on the boat and broke my arm. But I’m ready to sail. Don’t worry. Any problems?” I told him about the engine problem. “Have you changed the fuel filter?”
“Didn’t know I was supposed to.”
“I’ll bring a spare. There should be one in the engine compartment. Anything else?” Not responding quickly led to, “OK, I’ve got to go. See you at 17:00.” He was gone.
His arrival did change the atmosphere. We had two captains but Roddy made it clear that he was in charge. He and Muriel had the charts out studying the 400 hundred miles from Georgetown to Tampa bay with a significant stretch along the northern coast of Cuba. He informed us that an unfriendly country and notoriously heavy seas awaited us after we cleared Andros Island.
Michael’s seasickness patch had long ago washed off. He initially protested putting a new one on when Rob brought the subject up. Rob told him, “Do it 'cause of rough seas.” I put one on myself and offered one to the others.
Shelia, Rob and Michael discussed the food supply and concluded we did not have enough bread and fruit that could be easily eaten. Shelia left the boat and returned with heavy grocery bags carried by Rob and Michael. Her facial expression showed she had a preference for Rob but Rob and Michael were so close I don’t believe either of them recognized her signs.
They climbed aboard with the grocery bags. Shelia and Rob went below while Michael stood watching as we opened the engine hatch. Roddy said to no one in particular, “We are leaving early so we can get to an overnight anchorage off of Andros. I want to head across the Straits of Florida toward Key West in the daylight.”
The fuel filter was on the side of the engine and required contortions to reach. With Roddy holding the back of my shorts I was able to get a light shining on the filter. I cut my hand getting the cover screwed back on. Roddy flipped the switch and the engine kicked on and sputtered but didn’t die. With my ass still in the air Roddy said handing me a small screw driver, “On top of the each injector is a screw. Can you see them? Turn one slightly clockwise.” I did and the engine ran a little more smoothly. I turned the other three. Each time the engine sound was a bit smoother.
Once upright I could see Roddy’s puzzled look: “Had any other problems with the engine?”
“Just rough running,” I said. “It never completely died. Honestly we have hardly had it on since San Juan. We sailed into the anchorage.”
“Shut down. I want to start her again and motor over to the fuel dock.” Looking below I called, “Rob, get your ass up here and raise the anchor.” Moments later his head popped up through the main cabin hatch.
Roddy said, “Raise the goddamn anchor. We’re motoring to the fuel dock.”
Rob’s naked body advertised what he and Shelia were doing. Typical Rob, he obeyed without stopping for clothes. Shelia followed him up front to help.
Roddy looked at me. “Has this been going on much?”
“No. To my knowledge, only once before.”
“I’m not going to have two minks on this trip. Too distracting,” he concluded, but smiled.
We bumped the dock as Shelia threw Rob a pair of dirty, ripped boxers. He jumped onto the dock, handed bow rope to the dock boy and tied the aft rope himself. I wondered what Rob’s proper Philadelphia parents would think if they could see their stringy haired, caramel tanned, and barely clothed son. They might be reconsidering their decision to let him roam. Roddy spoke to the guy with the cleanest baseball cap. “Can we top off the fuel tanks tonight?” The guy shook his head and added that they turn the pumps on at 7 in the morning.
Roddy said, “We’ll stay here for the night, OK?” The guy shrugged an uncomfortable approval.
We arrived in Key West on a sweltering Wednesday. From Andros the sail was a forty-eight hours non-stop. The sailing had been rigorous but predictable. The seas were heavy but according to Roddy normal. Michael didn’t get sick.
After a thorough search by U.S. Customs officers with two burly Coast Guard midshipmen standing by, we were allowed to enter the harbor near the Hyatt hotel.
Harbor in Key West
Suspecting it was spring break, Roddy had radioed ahead to secure three rooms close to each other. The hotel was filled with college girls of all shapes and sizes. Bodies were sprawled side by side by the pool when we woke the first morning. Their mass of flesh remained there until dusk when the horde of young people moved to Duval Street where the party continued until dawn’s early light.
Shelia had competition for Rob and Michael’s attention as the girls flaunted their maturing bodies in minimal swim suits. Rob bought suits that were cut high up the thighs advertising their complete tans. Heads popped up from the loungers when they walked across the pool deck. The college boys wearing baggy surfer trunks noticed them as well.
On Friday night we planned a celebration dinner at the Five Fishes. Roddy, Muriel and Shelia planned to fly to San Juan Saturday morning. I felt totally comfortable sailing up the Florida coast to Tampa. Lee had not appeared. When I told Rob he was our cook, he quipped, “Lucky for you guys there are restaurants about every twenty miles.” He suggested we will be better off if Shelia stayed. Muriel shook her head.
After dinner Rob, Michael, Shelia and I walked to one of Hemingway’s favorite bars — Joe’s. I noticed two men dressed in business suits enter but it took a direct look to recognize Lee. He had grown a small mustache and had cut his Asian hair short. He waved and walked our way with the second man.
I greeted him with a business hand shake. He proceeded to throw his arms around me like we were relatives. I said as I pulled away, “Everyone, this is Lee, Sulu’s owner.”
Jim Parks
To which he responded, “I’ll get to see her first hand for the first time tomorrow.” There was muffled laughter. After introductions we made room for Lee who stripped off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt revealing six gold chains. Lee introduced the new face but not a new name, The Oriental man was about Lee’s height with piercing dark brown eyes. He was polite but quiet. Lee said, “I’ve known Jim for years. I was happy to see him on the plane from LA. I said, ‘Park, how about sailing up the west coast of Florida.’ He’s going to the same meeting we are.”
Smiling but motionless, Park responded, “How could I refuse such an offer?” My eye brows shot up but neither Park nor Lee noticed my reaction when Lee gave Park’s surname. He didn’t connect my name to the telephone call I made to ‘Jim Park’ in San Francisco. I knew he had to be the same Jim Park. I wanted the boys away from Lee.
The conversation centered on the sail from Exuma. Lee wanted to know the details so he moved next to Roddy. Several times he turned to the entire group to relate an incident from his South Pacific trip. Rob piped up, “John, that’s where we can go next.”
Lee informed us that they didn’t have rooms. We decided that we would relegate Rob and Michael to the floor so Jim and Lee could have a bed. Lee said, “Don’t do that we can sleep on the Sulu.”
Roddy said, “She is anchored off-shore and she isn’t ready for an inspection. John and I can sleep in one bed and you and Jim can sleep in the other. They’re queen sized beds?”
Once back at the hotel with the balcony door open, Michael got naked, Park stripped to his tee shirt and was sitting on the bed as Lee and I entered. Shelia and Rob weren’t around. Muriel had gone to bed. Park got up to pull down the covers. His black dick and balls hung out below his tee shirt as he leaned across the bed. His immodesty in front of Lee suggested he was more than a friend.
Lee discussed the details of the upcoming meeting as he and I sat in our underwear in the wicker chairs on the balcony. The doors remained open. I noticed one young couple walk by twice opposite our room as Park stood packing his suit into his suitcase. He confidently wore a gold chain around his slender neck. I hadn’t noticed the gold anklet he wore.
When Lee became aware of people on the opposing balcony looking our way, he turned and stood silhouetted at the open door. My mind was on overdrive thinking, "How was I going to keep my two young guys away from this person who Andrew described as a monster?”
I was shaking my head as Lee sat back down, “Lighten up, John. Jim is an OK guy, don’t worry. We need him to translate. He speaks perfect Korean.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and said, “I’m really sorry about Andrew. He was a special friend of mine.” Tears glistened in his eyes.
I thought, “What a fake response from a guy who if he didn’t kill Andrew certainly hurt him in his life. Lee sat on the bed next to me as Roddy snored softly.
About dawn I got out of bed to pee. Seeing that Michael didn’t have a sleeping partner I concluded that Rob and Shelia had found a place for their final night. As I stood looking at Michael a scruffy Rob unlocked the door. He smiled and fell onto his pillow next to Michael.
Rob, Michael and I accompanied Muriel, Shelia and Roddy to an airport-bound taxi at 9:00 am. We were like old friends saying “Goodbye” with the full expectation of seeing each other at the same time next year. I knew that wasn’t true but they were good people so I wanted to feel that way. As we walked back into our room, Lee stepped out of our bathroom, “Let’s get going. Does the Sulu have provisions?”
“If we wait until 16:00 we will make South Seas on Captiva Island around noon tomorrow. Rob’s grandfather has a place. Hopefully we can stay there.”
“We’re sailing all night?” Lee questioned.
“That was my preliminary plan but you’re the boss,” I added.
“Won’t we have shallow water problems being close to land?”
Confidently but without real experience I said, “With the wind fighting us we’ll be out pretty far. Will you take the watch at midnight? I’ll take 2 and I think Rob will be rested enough to take 4. Michael can then take 6 if we don’t have to take a jib. Can Park sail?”
“I don’t know.”
With Michael and Rob sleeping and Park on the telephone, Lee and I left for the Sulu. We left the anchorage and pulled Sulu up to the fuel dock to flush and stock up. Lee examined the boat he owned but had never seen.
“Any problems?”
Nothing significant except the engine which we fixed.” Shortly Rob and Michael appeared on the dock. I put them to work polishing chrome and washing decks. Rob loaded cleaning supplies into the dingy and started working on the hull. This would save time when we arrived in Tampa.
Lee left for supply shopping. I waved at Jim. He acknowledged my wave. Key West was hot and sultry. Park was wearing jogging shorts and multiple gold chains that glistened in the sunshine. I was dripping with sweat in a rag of gym shorts when we greeted one another.
He stepped aboard and immediately said, “You are a friend of Andrew Henley, right?” I nodded. “Then you are the executor of his estate who called me.” I nodded again. He sat down into the cockpit. I suggested lacing up the blue canopy. His skin was shining with sweat as water trickled down from his arm pits. Facing me he quietly puzzled, “Why are you here; Andrew had no love for Lee?”
“I know,” I said, “but it is a long story. I found myself in two people’s lives before I knew of their past connection. Once I found out, there was no easy way to extricate myself. Lee was my boss and Andrew was my only friend in Hong Kong. Unknown to me he named me executor of his will. I am sure he didn’t expect to die so soon. You were named in his will for what looks to be $350,000 to $500,000. I won’t know exactly until the art work is sold.”
Shit, you’re kidding! But you were Andrew’s friend,” he said again.
“Yes, Andrew and I met on a ferry boat crossing the Hong Kong harbor. A few weeks earlier Lee sat next to me on an airplane flying to Hawaii. Clear something up for me. Are you and Lee friends? He acts like you are.”
Park stopped me by raising his hand, “Business acquaintance only.”
“But you were in the Alpha Sigma Omega at Berkeley? Right?”
With angry eyes he said, “So you know about that. Yeah, I’ve known the asshole since college. You started to tell me something else.”
I scanned the dock for Lee. I looked back at Jim. “I suspect Andrew was killed even though he officially died of food poisoning.” Park gave no indication of surprise. I paused waiting for a response
Jim said, “I had heard that.”
“And?” I added. “Because Andrew intensely hated Lee. I wondered if Lee was somehow involved. I can’t figure out how or why.”
“Not a chance. Andrew was Lee’s golden goose.”
“What do you mean?”
“There are plenty of people who would want Andrew dead but not Lee, definitely not Lee, believe me.” Rob pulled the dingy up to the side at that moment and asked if there was more cleanser. He went below looking for the cleaner canister and climbed back into the dingy. Jim pointed to Lee approaching with a cart full of provisions. I made one more comment. “Jim, I don’t think Lee knows that I am the executor of Andrew’s will.”
“I bet he does,” He rejoined. “He wants the list. He will do whatever it takes to get the videos and the list. That’s how he lives so well.”
We both stepped on the dock to help unload Lee’s cart of food, drink and his luggage. He obviously wasn’t going back to the hotel. He went below and returned wearing a white Speedo and began strutting around the foredeck giving Rob and Michael orders. When they didn’t seem to be paying attention to him, slightly annoyed, he came aft and sat with Jim and me.
“It’s a clear day but hot as hell,” he started. “I checked with the weather service and stormy weather is predicted tomorrow afternoon. Tell the boys to finish up so we can get ready to go. Let’s eat and get off a few hours early. I told the boys you would go back to the hotel to gather up their belongings.”
Rob said, “I’ve got to go with John. I have to get something.” He was insistent, but I persisted that I could bring everything easily. He seemed resigned, “Make sure you look around and bring everything.”
Park and I started the three block walk to the Hyatt through the parking lot and old boat yard. Park said, “Have you seen the list?”
“How do you know there is a list?” I said returning the inquiry.
“Andrew had a system he used to track us down,” Jim said. “Do you have the list?”
“Yes, but it is safely stored away in Chicago. I wasn’t sure what it was even though I suspected. There are pictures as well.”
“I am sure I was in either the video or the pictures. He hasn’t asked for money from me for three years. There was no need,” he continued. Jim stopped walking and angrily said, “You didn’t know Andrew, really did you?”
“No,” I answered honestly. “I don’t really understand what you are talking about.”
“Andrew was Lee’s private whore. Lee pimped him,” he said bluntly. “They would entrap successful married guys who liked boys. They would videotape us making love to Andrew. My career was moving fast. I couldn’t afford to have those tapes or pictures show up at home or the office. I sent the blackmail money Andrew demanded. As soon I got my divorce I stopped sending money and nothing happened.
“I’m puzzled?”
“Yes, as odd as it sounds Andrew and I stayed in contact. I would talk to him fairly regularly on the phone. He never seemed happy and I have a soft heart. We would have dinner together when he came through San Francisco. We even got together in bed once or twice after that.”
“Can I ask if you thought he ever enjoyed the sex?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Well, I had sex with him more than once and not until we were in St. Maarten did I feel like it meant anything to him. Just an act, no feeling.”
“I remember we had fun together but it really didn’t mean anything more to me either.”
“Are you with anyone now?”
“I live with a guy who is more a roommate. I was hoping it would develop into something but it hasn’t. I know he sleeps around which I don’t like.”
Entering the hotel I stopped at the desk to pay the bill. I quickly gathered the boys’ gear which was either on the floor or in the bathroom. I was walking out when I remembered Rod’s request. I systematically went through all the drawers. I continued looking and finally found a plastic bag full of weed. I stuck it in my pocket. It was going overboard in front of Rob’s face.
The atmosphere on the Sulu was jovial as we set sail. There was no apparent enmity between Lee and Jim. The boys shed all clothing as soon as we cleared the island north of the hotel. There were jet skiers that slowed to gawk at my naked crew. Lee’s cock was stretching his tight white suit. Park jokingly said, “Goddamn, Lee take the thing off. You’re stretching the spandex.” Lee did. His horse-sized cock flopped right in my face. Not to be outdone Jim shed his shorts leaving only his tee shirt. I went below to get my captain’s hat while Lee got out a camera to document our cruise.
The wind was light even though hurricane season had officially begun. The mood the first evening was quiet as Michael and Rob played gin rummy at the galley table. Lee came to the cockpit to take their turn at the wheel. As I sat my watch I couldn’t help but think about Andrew. I knew this phase of our journey was nearing a conclusion. I wondered what would happen next. The tropical depression Lee mentioned produced a couple of showers.
One of the last things I did in Key West was telephone my father. He was bearing the brunt of working on Andrew’s affairs. He said that he had no further information from island authorities about suspects. My suspicion was that they closed the file as soon as we sailed out of Simpsons Bay. After what Park told me I wondered why I cared about Andrew. He was gone and no one else seemed to care. I sat staring into the evening light when Lee switched on the diesels and ordered Rob to reef the jib. I positioned the Sulu to traverse the buoys across the entrance of Tampa Bay. Two hours later we were docked at the ritzy Marriott resort.
Three days later the electronics convention we attended was winding down. Lee and I had been meeting with many contacts hoping for new manufacturing contracts. On the last night of the conference the cockpit of the Sulu was filled with six Japanese businessmen. They were dressed either in Polo shirts and Chino slacks or couple of the men were dressed in business suits even though the temperature was hovering at eighty-five with nearly one hundred per cent humidity.
Lee invited Jim to sail with us. Lee was dressed as the captain with white shorts and navy blue shirt with gold trim. He used my captain’s cap. He asked that Jim and I wear all white. He bought the boys white spandex knee-length workout pants and light blue cutoff tank tops leaving their abs exposed. The boys protested when he told them not to wear underwear. The spandex accentuated every muscle.
The clincher was the two gorgeous models Lee hired to serve the liquor and snacks. They wore white bikinis with thong bottoms. As the evening proceeded, the girls slipped into white long sleeved cotton shirts which billowed beautifully in the evening breeze. The girls had the desired effect leaving not only the guests but also Rob and Michael boned. We sailed directly toward the orange and turquoise sunset. The boys stood above the cockpit and watched the assembly. When one of the girls flirted with one of the guests Rob adjusted as his stiffening dick pushing the spandex. One of the Japanese men was monitoring Rob’s every move.
An hour into the cruise the younger men were getting drunker and louder. The short older man who had been dressed in a suit asked Lee to borrow short pants. Lee led him below deck for an extended time. Later, probably after some business conversation, the older man emerged dressed in Michael’s running shorts and a gray tank top.
The breeze moved us swiftly along causing a significant heel to the boat. Jim was at the wheel trying to keep us upright as much as possible. He called “Rob and Mike, strike the sails. Reef the jib first.” In a matter of two minutes a drunken fellow and a companion jumped into the bay. Lee said without raising his voice, “John, get in the dingy quickly. I don’t want a drowning.” I was away in less than a minute. The mainsail came down quickly as I untied the painter. I was seventy-five yards from the swimmers when the outboard motor started with one pull. I could see the Sulu slowing as I sped toward the two men.
The drunken fellow was crawling along oblivious to his danger. I saw splashes off the side of the Sulu as bodies jumped into the water. I pulled up close and offered the swimmers a float which was initially refused. The drunken fellow was a strong swimmer and made his way toward the bobbing Sulu. His companion was not as strong a swimmer and eventually accepted the safety ring. When I was close to the Sulu I could see Rob in the water with a float. Several of the Japanese men in rapid succession must have disrobed and jumped into the warm bay water. Mike stood on the deck surveying the scene as if he was the designated lifeguard.
The guy who had been eyeing Rob got close to him. Rob pushed him away. I guess the guy had reached for his crotch. Rob frowned at the guy and swam toward the ladder leading up to Sulu’s cockpit. The fellow followed him and tried again. Rob pushed the float toward him and climbed the ladder not making a comment about the matter. Rob and Michael proceeded to gather up the main sail which had not been gathered when it was dropped.
Rob’s wet suit left nothing to the imagination. The Japanese swimmers including the drunken guy climbed aboard to collect towels provocatively handed out by the girls. The girls helped the older man dry off and led him by the hand below deck to dry off completely.
Quickly the two men who hadn’t been in the water closed ranks at the cockpit door. The old man, obviously the most important of the delegation, intended more than just getting dried off. Oblivious Rob and Michael finished furling the main, securing the jib and came aft intending to go below. The guards stepped aside. Rob and Michael seeing the situation unfolding slipped into the galley and pretended to play cards. Lee started the diesels and turned the Sulu toward the Marriott.
Before we reached the dock the older man reappeared dressed in his business attire but smiling. After a long quiet conversation with Lee the old man was last to leave even though his bodyguards stayed close by. As the men disembarked they bowed and exchanged handshakes with each of us. Lee bowed deeply to each man. Lee walked onto the dock with the older man and his attendants.
The girls were straightening up as Michael and Rob gathered up towels and discarded wet underwear. The girls were hanging around waiting to get paid. Lee stepped back on board. He was smiling from ear to ear. “Crew, we have to celebrate. Let’s call Burn’s Steakhouse and ask them to keep the kitchen open. Girls come with us.”
“What are we celebrating? Jim said. “My guess a $40-$50 million contract.”
Lee’s smile was wider. “Try $150-$200 million.” The assembled group cheered.
“Is it a manufacturing deal?” Jim persisted.
“Yes, with their name on the product. John, you and I are going to be real busy. Jim, you want to work for me?” He looked at Jim who didn’t respond right away.
“Let me think about it overnight.”
“You can think about it over dinner. Let’s go. Girls, you coming?” They looked at each other. Their heads nodded concluding that they were going to get taken care of even better than they thought. “Guys get dressed,” he said looking toward Rob and Michael. The girls followed them down the stairs. The boys were without privacy as one of the girls reached into her purse for a cell phone. She dialed. Her boisterous voice carried, “I need Tony.”
The other girl said, “Goddamn, get dressed, I see bare butts all day at the massage parlor. I’m starving, get ready.” Rob wiggled his butt in her face as he slipped out of the spandex pants. She loosened her bikini top. Her big teats bounced out as she rummaged for her bra. Rob’s situation stuck out as he pranced around looking for boxers. He couldn’t find them and realized that one of the Japanese men probably used them for a swimming. He grabbed his Dockers and pulled them up over his bare butt. “Commando —cute.”
“Yes?” he said smiling at her.
“Yeah, that’s what guys call it. That way they’re ready for action.” Michael more discreetly gotten dressed. The girl on the phone finally responded to someone on the other end. “Tony, its Jan. Can you get seven a really good table?” There was a pause. “Money is not the issue. This guy just won a huge contract…No, some business deal. OK, OK, about thirty minutes. Yes, it will be worth your while. Thanks, love.” She hung up and said, “Let’s move. They’re keeping the kitchen open for us.”
She wiggled out of her white suit for the boy’s benefit. She was completely dressed in less than two minutes. She told Rob, “Turn out the lights,” as if she was his mother. “We’ve got to move.” She hopped up onto the deck to inform Lee. ”We’re on for 10 pm but we have to hustle. They’re holding the kitchen crew for us. It will cost you.” I locked the hatch and we were on our way to Burn’s.
We left the steakhouse about 2 am and were already at breakfast by 8 am. Things began to happen quickly. I was staring at two eggs over easy staring back into my blood shot eyes. Lee said as he sat down, “Jim, you in? I guess so. You’re here.”
Looking squarely into Lee’s eyes, Jim smiled and said, “I may not like you, you asshole. But I have to admit it’s always an exciting ride. Yes, I’m in.”
Lee smiled and began giving orders. “John, you go to San Francisco. Make sure the books at the import company are squeaky clean. Start applying for the import licenses as soon as you get there. I promised Mr. Matsumi that we would have no problem getting the licenses. I’m going to Seoul. No, Jim, you’re the one who speaks Korean, you asshole, you go to Seoul. You ever deal with Kai Sui?” Jim frowned.
“All you’ve got to do is make sure all the goods get from the factory to the port. Some hands will have to be greased, I’m sure. Just get the containers out of the factory to the dock. Let me know if you have problems. We can talk money later. At Kai Sui be careful you’re talking to the guys who can make things happen. I want things in writing…no more handshakes.”
Lee was talking when Rob and Michael joined us at the table. Their eyes reminded us we were all up too early. Lee started barking orders at them. “Rob, we have to get you a power of attorney and a bank account for the boat. John will you do that? Rob, you’ve got to find permanent dockage for Sulu, find a broker, get a charter license if you want to do charters, get a FAX machine and a cell number for the Sulu. We’ve got to be out of here by four this afternoon.”
“Lee”, I jumped in. “I’ve got to fly through Chicago. I talked to my father who informed me that my lawyer needs me to sign some papers.”
“Have them over-nighted to you in San Francisco.”
“No, the inference was they had to be signed in front of the lawyer, but I’ll see. I can be in San Francisco by noon tomorrow.”
Lee snapped, “OK, OK, noon tomorrow.” He got up and raced out of the dining room.
After a few moments of silence, Michael said, “John, does Lee want me to stay with the boat or should I plan to go back to Santa Barbara? He just mentioned Rob.”
Rob said, “I’ll tell Lee to pay us each $1000 a month until the boat gets sold. He said he’d pay for two trips a year for each of us to check on her if she isn’t sold by the time school starts.”
“I know he said ‘you’ but did he mean me, too?” Michael voice seemed unsure.
“Stick with me. We’ll work it out. We do need to get an address or at least a post office box. We’ve got a lot to do.” Looking at Michael he continued, “We’ve got to get goint.” Michael got up and followed Rob.
Jim looked at me knowingly, “What’s up in Chicago?”
“Jim, my father said it’s the million dollar life insurance policy that Andrew had. You can imagine that the insurance company has questions.”
“Another million?”
“That’s what I said ‘another’ million on top of the millions already found. You’ll get your 10% after taxes.
Jim and I hadn’t mentioned Andrew since we sailed into Tampa Bay. Jim was sitting uncomfortably next to me and said, “Are you sure the estate is worth $4M? I bet it will be closer to two million after taxes.”
“I don’t know how much they sold the gold stock for.”
“Whoa, I had no idea! Poor Andrew! You know you’re welcome to stay at my place in San Francisco if you want to. In fact, why don’t you use it whenever you fly from Hong Kong? If I’m not there my roommate will be OK with it. He has his own room.”
“You mean that ‘charming’ roommate who spewed expletives into my ear,” I said sharply.
“Oh, Jeremy is a piece of cake. Either he or I will pick you up at the airport. What time is your flight?”
“When are you going to Korea? Don’t you have to go home first?”
“That is a good question. I really don’t need to go home. All my bills are paid automatically. I haven’t quit the job I have. I need to do that this morning. I don’t know if they will make me stay for two weeks or not. I doubt it. Let’s go upstairs. We’ve got to get the boys squared away.”