I pushed my sticky butt off the seat and went below to fetch our last two beers. I was puzzled. When I handed Andrew the beer I saw his blue eyes shine with tears. “I’m a whore,” he blurted out, “John, I don’t want you to get hurt. I see you are getting pulled into Lee’s net. He’s a user. People are toilet paper for his butt. He uses them and flushes them away.”
“I don’t see how the pledge incident makes you a whore?”
He quietly regained his composure, “What I’ve told you — that isn’t the whole story. I will tell the rest of the story.” He smiled at his imitation of the radio announcer, Paul Harvey. “It was not unusual to go into the penthouse and find guys watching TV barely clothed if at all. But these guys weren’t fraternity brothers. Most of them I had never seen around campus but they were beautiful. Lee was always naked and strutting like a peacock. The fraternity didn’t seem to care that he and the others swam nude in the pool. I could never figure out why we didn’t get busted by the campus police or the city police. The neighbors could easily see into the pool enclosure from their second floor windows.
“One day toward the end of my freshman year Lee informed me that as soon as finals were over there would be ‘hell week’ at the lodge. The lodge had never been mentioned. I told him I had a summer job and had to report right after finals. He simply said ‘Tell them you’ll be a few days late.’ My boss was upset but agreed to give me three extra days. My last day cleaning the penthouse, I asked Lee where the lodge was.”
“He didn’t answer but said, ‘While you’re here, get comfortable because I need a massage in the worst way’. I said, ‘I’m comfortable’. He commanded me to strip. I refused and said that’s not part of being a pledge. If it is I was quitting. My reaction seemed to surprise him. He shrugged his shoulder and said, ‘Do it with your clothes on. He took off the tank top and gym shorts and turned up the thermometer. He retrieved the professional massage table from the closet. I set it up in the middle of the room and covered it with a sheet. He lay face up on the table. He told me where to find the oil. The room was hot. I was sweating profusely but I was not going to give in to him. Touching his skin made my stomach tense. He glistened as he lay there smiling staring toward the ceiling.
“All he said was, ‘Start with each toe and work your way up,” He lay completely silent as I commenced to rub and squeeze each of his toes. I wanted to do it right so I wouldn’t have to do it over. I started on his right foot. Above his ankle his skin was smooth and flawless. There was not a mark on his olive tan body. I moved up his right calf then his thigh. As I rubbed up around his uncovered groin his flaccid, uncut penis moved. I moved to the other foot and then to the calf and finally the thigh. This time his penis sprang up. I stayed completely away from the area. I moved behind his head and began working on his neck. I was completely soaked. My hands were sweaty. Water dripped from my forehead and a drop splashed on his forehead. He opened his eyes, ‘It’s pretty warm in here don’t you think?’ I said I’m fine and promptly fainted. When I came to, I was without a shirt with my belt loose and had a cold rag on my forehead. Lee was sitting by me encouraging me to consciousness with admonitions like ‘I told you to get comfortable.’ He made it sound like it was my fault.”
“Andrew, it is too hot,” I said. So we jumped back into the bay. We could see the dingy coming. As Nick bumped the rubber boat into the Sulu, four people were visible. Nick and Larry were with a young guy maybe twenty with curly long brown hair and the other fellow was a stern looking fifty-something with thinning gray hair. Both were topless and wearing similar shorts.
The young guy was smiling as he climbed aboard the Sulu and laid on the aft deck watching us float around in the water.
In a few minutes Andrew climbed up the ladder and sauntered below to get towels. Our bodies were in stark contrast to the torsos of the other men. I didn’t want to stand too close.
Nick sarcastically commented: “No worry about tan lines here.” Our laughter eased the tension. We slipped into our suits for formal introductions. The older fellow was the Sulu captain. His name was Roddy McAlister. His helper was Rob Hearn. Rob told us he recently graduated from prep school in Philadelphia. He planned to do a six month stint sailing before going to college. He was quiet and a bit apprehensive around the five of us.
Roddy spat, “Where are we taking her?” Andrew and Nick looked at me. Roddy said, “You don’t know?”
“I was told by Lee Kwan, the owner, to find you and the Sulu and get ready to sail. No instructions yet as to where we're going.”
Roddy drawled, “Well, methinks we’re going someplace. Have you guys sailed much?”
Andrew and I nodded with, “Some.”
Roddy spoke directly to Rob, “Well, son, your chance to be the first mate has come. We’ll take the Sulu to Phillipsburg to get provisions and refuel. Meet us tomorrow and we’ll sail to St. Barts — sort of a shakedown cruise. You guys can help Rob crew.”
Nick asked if he and Larry could come along. I told Roddy that Beth and Julia would be coming with us. Roddy he said that he and Rob would stock up for an overnight.
Roddy said, “Rob and I will sail the Sulu to Phillipsburg. Nick, call the house and tell someone to bring the car over this afternoon. We’ll be ready after 4pm.”
When we got back to the Henley’s compound we found Beth and Julia stretched out by the pool topless. Andrew and I stood above on the deck surveying the large crowd below on Rouge Beach. Tops and bottoms were definitely optional. Beth looked up at us as I called, “When in Rome…” She turned her head and watched as Nick came toward them in his pink thong carrying a tray of tall, cool rainbow drinks with silly little umbrellas sticking up. I told them about our next day’s trip.
At 9:30 am the next morning we piled into the motorized cheese box and the Toyota pickup used by the garden crew. Nick insisted that little in the way of garments would be needed. When we got to the jetty in Phillipsburg, Rob was straddling the dingy like a blond, tanned Viking ready for battle. He steadied the dingy as the wake from the cruise ship passed.
The blue sky and the billowy clouds made it difficult to look toward the Sulu. Andrew and I packed our swimming suits and long sleeved shirts into one small bag. The women had their clothes and plenty of the sun tan lotions to protect our bleached skin for the blistering rays of the sun. Nick and Larry were dressed alike in khaki shorts and long sleeved billowy white silk shirts. Nick’s shorts are so tight nothing is left to our imagination. Rob waved noticing that we were four men and three women. Suzanne had decided at the last minute to join us. That decision dictated the need to find shore accommodations on St. Barts. She alone would take one-third of the sleeping space below deck.
Rob dropped his hand when he saw us walking toward him. . He took Larry, Nick and Suzanne as the first load. Beth went to a kiosk for four Diet-Cokes and we sat on the coral wall drinking them. After several moments of silence Beth commented, “If I was Rob’s mother I am not sure I would let a cute kid like him crew on a boat. Who knows what he is going to be exposed to. What kind of mother would let…?” her voice trailed off. The dingy came back.
Before the dingy arrived I said, “He will learn a lot. I wish I had had the experience.” I noticed without saying that Rob had cut his hair. It was short and, I was sure, easier to keep clean.
“He’s too clean cut. They’ll corrupt him.” Beth said.
“Maybe he isn’t as innocent as you think.”
“What do you mean?” Julia snapped.
“Remember, I’m the owner’s representative, I’m in charge. Nothing will happen to Rob that he doesn’t want to have happen.” I sounded magnanimous even to myself. The dingy bumped into the concrete pier. Smiling Rob balanced himself in the middle as he held first Beth’s hand then Julia’s. He steadied me as I stepped in as Andrew held the bow rope until Rob started the motor.
On board Roddy announced, “Trip to St. Barts takes two hours or a little bit more. We’ll anchor at Columbier and go ashore for lunch. After that our plans depend on how we feel. We can either stay around St. Barts or sail back to St. Maartin by way of the French side.” By this time Beth was acting like Rob’s big sister covering his shoulders with sun screen. She self-appointed herself as his protector. His flowery surfers hung on his hips and dropped below his knees. On Roddy’s command he sprinted to the foredeck to unfurl the mainsail with Nick close by. Rob’s eyes couldn’t hide his surprise when he saw Nick’s thong. He moved to the anchor winch and crouched with the crank handle waiting for Roddy’s order.
The order came. Nick took the crank handle and turned as the anchor chain clanks and bumps into its stowage compartment below deck. As the anchor came up Rob swiftly unfurled the billowy white mainsail which quickly filled with warm Caribbean breezes. Rob secured the main sheet and Nick pulled in the line that secured the boom. We were moving. Nick joined Rob to hoist the jib. They worked together as if they had done it before. The sleek bow of Sulu sliced through the azure water toward a large black spot in the haze. She rose and settled in rhythm with the waves and occasionally sent a spray over the port side. Julia and Beth settled up front waiting for the sprays. Suzanne regally planted herself in the stern cockpit as if holding Polynesian court. She and Roddy were engaged in animated conversation like old friends. Their comments suggested that maybe once they have been more than friends. They were not paying any attention to the rest of us. Larry, Rob and Nick sat up front with their legs tangling over the starboard bow. The trip was close to perfection.
Instead of sailing into the main harbor at Gustavia, we sailed to Columbier on the north side of St. Barts, which is the island's only natural harbor other than the main harbor. The bay was surrounded by a cluster of red, yellow and blue houses climbing up the steep rocky hillside. We anchored offshore and readied for the ferry operations to the shore. Suzanne, Beth, Julia and I went on the first trip and twenty minutes later the rest of us. The shack eatery had picnic tables and two or three little tables tucked under the canvas-covered roof that doubled as shelter for the kitchen which was a plank for cutting and a trash can. The broiling was done over two 55 gallon-barrel charcoal cookers.
Once on the shore we could smell the charcoal smoke and see the big succulent lobsters split down the middle. The eight of us squeezed around one of the three rough picnic tables. Two tall, handsome black men and an older, skinny blond woman were the staff. The blond with her stringy hair gathered in a band hanging down to the middle of her back spoke softly, never smiled and asked what we wanted to drink. All of us ordered Heineken except Julia who asked for Evian. An ebony guy with blond Reggae hair gathered with a black, red and yellow tie took our food order. As he turned away he flipped his hair from side to side catching it occasionally on his tank top as he as he walked to the grill.
It became necessary to find Suzanne a chair ostensibly because her back needed support but truthfully she took too much space on the bench. Her throne came in the form of a white kitchen chair like my grandmother had in her kitchen. Her voluptuous rear end spread generously over the chair’s edges. I sat next to Roddy with the intention of finding out how he became the captain of the Sulu. I wanted to know if he had sailed with Lee.
The lobster was served with fresh mayonnaise; fresh papaya filled with shredded crab meat; grilled grouper (cold) on top of tiny vermicelli noodles, and finally sliced pineapple lying in rich chocolate sauce. The bill was astronomical because of the three bottle of Reims champagne plus a dozen Heinekens we drank. The only disappointment was my conversation with Roddy who told me he was hired by a man in St. Maarten who arranged captains, crews and provisioning for personally owned yachts. The deal was straight forward $25,000 per year for an ocean-experienced captain who was willing to sail the boat wherever the owner wanted it to go. Since Roddy had done both an Atlantic and Pacific crossing he was hired. He said in the past nine months he hadn’t been any further than Anguilla and St. Barts and had never met the owner.
He asked me, “Where are we going?”
I knew he wasn’t going to be happy with the answer but I responded, “I’m not sure but I’m expecting a cable from Lee, the owner, soon.” I assured him something would happen now that I have arrived. Lunch was over at 3:30. Roddy said we had to look for an anchorage on St. Barts or sail back to St. Maarten.
Someone said, “Let’s sail around St. Maarten.”
He said, “We can start and finish tomorrow.” We hoisted the anchor, unfurled the sails and pointed the Sulu toward Baie Orientale. The champagne was working. All I wanted to do was sleep. I went below. There was a slight breeze coming in the open cockpit. I stripped and lay down face down on the bunk.
When I awoke I slipped my shorts back on. My modesty was unwarranted because when I appeared on deck everyone have shed some clothes and in the case of Nick, Larry and Andrew everything. To see my sister and her friend topless didn’t surprise me quite as much as seeing Suzanne that way. I stared at Julia’s soft chocolate teats. They were inviting me unlike Suzanne’s marshmallow mountains. The funniest sight was young Rob. He was still dressed but barely. He was wearing tissue paper thin white boxers with a hole exposing his left butt cheek and the fly slit open like a garage door.
Larry Preparing to Sail
An hour and twenty minutes later Roddy said, “We’re on the last reach tack. Strike the sails and we’ll motor into Baie Orientale. Get up front and furl the jib.”
The naked crew jumped up and set to work preparing for our arrival. Nick with Rob’s help dropped the one hundred seven degree jib as Larry moved to the mainsail.
As we rounded the small island offshore we were alongside another boat. There was scrambling for clothes until Beth said, “Those people on that boat are naked, too.” They were as were most of the boaters in the bay.
Roddy said, “This bay has unofficially become a nude enclave because of the Club Orient.”
Club Orient
He swung his arm toward a string of low bungalows on the sunset side of the bay. He continued, “It’s the largest nude resort in the Caribbean.” We anchored and swam. We were nude except Rob whose wet boxers left nothing to the imagination.
Larry finally said after Rob’s last dive. “Goddamn Rob take those stupid things off you’re overdressed.” Everyone laughed. Rob proceeded to climb up to the deck and slithered out of his boxers pointing his butt pointing right at Larry’s face. Larry appeared to have only one thing on his mind.
We swam until early dusk. We ferried into Club Orient to see the camp and eat dinner. Andrew was euphoric. I had never seen him smile so much. We had a great evening sitting at the oceanside restaurant where a guitar player crooned one Neil Diamond or James Taylor selection after another. Several times our group joined in singing. Andrew knew the words to almost every song. He sang solo in his rich baritone voice with the guitar behind him. Rob stayed close to Andrew and me. The rum was flowing and by 8:30 everyone was ready for bed. Rob took the ladies on the first trip. Andrew and I stood apart from the others under the chalky white full moon. We watched the dingy cut across the glassy water.
Andrew said, “This reminds me so much of the sailing trip to Baja. Everyone having fun. No quarreling.”
“Everyone naked,” I laughingly added.
At that moment Andrew hugged me and gave me a big juicy kiss. We didn’t pull apart. I could feel Andrew quivering.
Back on Sulu Rob pulled his sleeping blanket next to Andrew and me on the front deck. The warm night air didn’t require a cover. I knew Andrew wanted to have sex but now with Rob with us we just lay looking at the stars. We started by holding hands but hands began to move to sides, then legs and on to our middles. We didn’t speak. Andrew leaned in, kissed my ear and stuck his tongue in. I exhaled a little too loudly. My dick twitched. Rob turned toward us, “It’s OK guys enjoy each other. I’m fine.”
I said to Andrew, “Stop, enough.” He rolled closer and puts his face on my chest. I held him and he began stroking my dick which was oozing. I could see on my other side Rob rubbing his manhood through his boxers. I whispered, “Andrew, kiss me, please.” He pulled himself to his knees. He pressed his lips to mine and his tongue went inside my mouth. I was aware of Rob’s soft moaning but all that was moving was his hand.
Andrew whispered “Lift your legs. I will be careful.” I had never had sex for an audience but I was too far into it to stop. I was afraid without lube it would hurt. Andrew positioned himself above me as his erection touched my asshole. The tip was smooth and hard. He pushed and slipped in. I wondered if he is lubed because it went in so easily. His action was soothing. He leaned down to kiss me again. He slowly slid in and out each time sending me to the edge as he hits my prostate. I noticed Rob’s hand was on my shoulder and I reached over and touched his leg. He moved so I could touch his dick. He didn’t move so I took over. As I looked his way he smiled. It wasn’t long before Rob had my dick in his hand. He squeezed and my natural lube allowed him to slide his hand back and forth.
Andrew’s sweat dripped on my chest. I sensed that Rob was trying to time my climax to Andrew’s. I decided to do the same. I slowed down on Rob figuring he would go quickly. He relaxed into my side. Andrew gave us the word, “I am close, very close.” He slowed as Rob and I picked up our pace. Andrew gave out, “Augh, here comes, aughhhhhhhhhhhhh.” I grabbed his hips and pumped as his face twitched. I thought he was going to scream. I was aware that Rob was ready because I feel his hips rise off the deck. He shot two feet in the air not once but three times. Rob spat out with, “Shit, wonderful, oh shit.” My turn was no less dramatic as my balls drew up and cum shot across my chest. Rob kept pumping as he enjoyed my twisting and writhing. Finally, I whispered through my teeth, “Enough, enough you sadist.” He drew his hand away. All three of us were breathing heavily. Andrew slipped out but I could feel his juice slipping out of my ass. Rob motioned and we followed him to the stern of the boat and slipped into the water as quietly as we could. We hung onto a couple of life jackets and savored our joint lovemaking experience. Andrew kissed me several times. We did a long three man hug. Eventually, we returned to the bow for moon drenched sleep.
Morning came early with the sun rising into our eyes. In the cramped space below Beth and Julia managed to fix breakfast for eight on two small burners. The coffee tasted acidy but fantastic. The passengers and crew gave the chefs rousing applause. As we sipped the last of our coffee Roddy explained our day, “The first three hours will be carefully sailing past Casa Plaige. We’ll stop for lunch at Grande Case and then make the run to Marigot. We can go all the way to the house if we want to.” The consensus was let’s see what happens.
Nick and Larry were bitchy and constantly snapped at each other. As we readied to sail Julia and Beth were in their bikinis and Suzanne dressed in a giant muumuu covered with huge hibiscus blossoms. Andrew had a short sleeved white shirt on to protect his shoulders from the hot morning sun. Larry, Nick, Rob and I were up front ready to sail. Larry asked Rob to put lotion on his shoulders and back. Rob obliged smiling. Glaring at Nick Larry offered to reciprocate. Rob was getting too much sun on his Philadelphia winter white skin. As Larry rubbed lotion on his hands he kept sliding lower and lower on Rob’s butt. Rob kept working and coiling the ropes obviously didn’t care what Larry was doing. Finally, Larry stepped in front of Rob as Rob bent forward preparing to raise the anchor chain on Roddy’s command. Larry, aware of our gaze and with lotion covering hands, began putting lotion on Rob’s face. Rob turned toward him and waited. He winked my direction but seemed unconcerned. Nick was not trying to hide his hard-on. Andrew kept his hands strategically placed and my dick was pressing against my shorts. Larry reached Rob’s waist and slipped his hand inside Rob’s thigh. Rob’s eyes closed.
Larry’s hands clutched Rob’s balls and slid his hand over his penis. Rob shuddered. Beth’s voice coming from the galley broke the spell. “When are we leaving?”
I heard Roddy say from below, “Soon, twenty minutes.” Rod quickly stepped back with his dick sticking straight out. Rob tried half-heartedly to be modest. Larry smiled in Nick’s direction. Looking around the deck I saw that all of us were affected similarly. I knew I had to protect Rob from these evil men.
I waited on the front rail and watched as Rob raised the anchor and Larry and Andrew set the sails at Robby’s command. The Sulu slowly glided through the narrow passage from Baie Orientale into the gentle swells of the Caribbean. Thinking about last night and how comfortable I felt, I was really happy. My sister knew I was gay. I have been intimate with Andrew who was satisfying and exciting. I wasn’t sure if I loved him but I certainly liked being with him. Sailing in paradise with friends — what more can someone want?
At thirty years old I have missed much keeping my interest in men a secret. I was happy to be Andrew’s friend and assured him that I could handle Lee even though the stories he told about Lee were hateful. Nick and Larry were stereotypical gay guys that I never really wanted to be around. But surprisingly they were fun, too. My greatest surprise was Rob. I wondered, “How does a cute, athletic high school guy know he would rather be with men? Maybe he isn’t sure. Regardless, he is nice to look at.”
As it turned out we didn’t anchor in Grand Case but anchored off Marigot to eat at le Perroquet. Shortly after arriving in Marigot my dilemma with Larry was handled when Larry and Nick told us they were staying on shore. A friend’s birthday party was that night and they took a taxi back to Rouge Beach house to get ready.
As the rest of us finished our last Heineken Nick pulled up in the orange crate and handed me a white envelope with a cable inside. With mock military precision he turned as if to click his heels and walked back to the car. He didn’t speak a word. Jointly we decided that whatever it says we weren’t going to do anything about it this afternoon. Its contents would not take away the pleasure of the past two days. Even Roddy acknowledged that he had really enjoyed the group. I opened the envelope to find contact information for Lee in Papa, New Guinea and nothing more. There was a collective sigh.
We boarded the Sulu. Roddy decided the sail to Phillipsburg was too far before dark. We motored the few miles to Mr. Henley’s house. Beth, Julia, Suzanne, Andrew and I were ferried to Rouge Beach. We climbed up the hill to the house. It was nice to take a warm shower. We definitely were less cramped. Rob and Roddy remained offshore for the night and planned to sail to Simpson’s Bay in the morning.
When we walked into the house Gertrude was waiting holding another envelope. I opened the envelope fully expecting to set sail per the instructions in the delivery. As it turned out the second communication came from the office in Hong Kong with the same message as the first except that they asked me to let them know when I received the packet. I send a telex that evening. Even with Lee half way around the world he kept me on edge. The next day we settled into our daily routine of tanning, lunch, tanning and going out in the evening. Nick and Larry did not reappear for two days and then both slept for almost twenty-four hours straight. When they appeared on the pool deck Julia and Beth were discussing their return to Northwestern to put finishing touches on their thesis. They were querying each other on job prospects. Beth suggested that a PhD was a possibility for her if an adequate teaching assistant’s position came along.
Andrew repeatedly said what a great time he was having. I finally said, “Enough, enough, I know you love your all-over tan. But stop telling me. You are driving me crazy.”
“His face drooped. “I know something bad is going to happen. I feel it. This is just too good." I frowned at his pessimism and didn’t want to listen. “Something bad always happens when I am having this much fun.”
He and I lay by the pool sporting two fully body tans with no tan lines. His was more olive than mine. We both strutted around the pool deck like peacocks. I knew Beth had seen Andrew and me in the same bed but that didn’t seem to bother her. Beth and Julia slipped away at times for a couple of hours for sex I guessed. Their relationship appeared familial more than romantic. When they return I noticed tears in Julia’s eyes when they discussed their impending departure.
Saturday rolled around too quickly. The night before the girls’ departure we had a feast fixed by Gertrude with the help of her sister and her niece. We invited Roddy, his girlfriend, and Rob to join Nick, Larry, Suzanne and the four of us. We started with rum punch served on the upper deck as we marveled at the magnificence of the sunset and the glory of Rouge Beach. Sally, Gertrude’s beautiful Mulato niece, served spicy grilled shrimp crusted with coconut. When we went inside the candle-lit dining room table was set for our banquet. Three forks, two knives (one fish and one meat), and three spoons surrounded the chargers. The nestling dinner plates caught the flicker of the two candelabra with six candles each as we took our places around the polished table top. We started with a sweet, tart fruit salad followed by lightly battered, fried grouper accompanied by yellow and green chunky chutney.
The meat course was boneless chicken breast, noodles with red and green peppers, and a cheese grits dish that was mouth numbing hot. Plantain chips filled woven, colorful baskets. There was polite giggling when the bowls were placed on the table family style considering the formality of the setting. After sorbet of lemon Sally rolled the fully stocked cart of liqueurs onto the upper deck. Millions of stars sparkled over us. We sat and talked until midnight. I insisted that Roddy, Shay, and Rod stay over because none were in any shape to drive the black ribbon road over to Grand Case.
With the temperature above eighty degrees Nick suggested a swim. No one moved immediately. Nick’s invitation fell on deaf ears. He returned to his room and put on his thong. He discreetly pulled a long sleeved, white shirt over his chest feigning modesty. Beth and Julia graciously retired ostensibly to pack even though their plane didn’t leave until late morning. Suzanne followed them.
Larry said, “Get in,” to everyone else standing around. No one moved because it seemed too formal an evening to strip and go skinny dipping. Larry loosened his belt and pulled his slacks and briefs off in one move. He turned toward the group and slipped his silk flora shirt over his head without unbuttoning it. He loved that we are all staring.
Andrew excused himself to show Roddy and Shay the pool house room where they would be sleeping. That left Rob and me to watch Nick and Larry splash around. Slowly it dawned on me that Rob was stuck because no one has told him where he was going to sleep. It was awkward for him to leave. “If you’re ready for bed I know where there’s an empty one.”
Smiling he said, “No, I’ll stay.”
“Do you mind if I ask you a question?” He shrugged his shoulders without speaking me. “Why is a sharp young guy like you bumming around with Roddy and Shay? Aren’t you in school?”
He looked at me as he loosened his shirt buttons. “I graduated last spring and convinced my mom and dad to let me crew for a season before I go to Bryn Mawr College in the fall. I promised I would come back in the summer. My dad took time off a couple of times during his academic career. He didn’t mind as long as I promised to return by next fall.”
“Why Roddy and not an established company up in the Virgins?”
“Oh, my dad knows the guy who arranges captains and crews down here. So that’s why.” By this time Rob was down to his boxers ready to pull them off. As he slipped them off he turned the questions on me, “Who is this guy who owns the Sulu?”
“He’s a Chinese businessman, who graduated from U.C.L.A., and now lives in Hong Kong. I started working for him about a year ago.”
“You keep getting the FedEx packages. Are we going someplace?”
“I don’t know the answer to your question. Since I work for Lee I will wait here until I get instructions.”
“Get undressed.” I winched at his directness but I hesitated. Rob had a self-confidence that was uncanny for an eighteen year old. He made me think he was ten years older than he is. He wanted me to stay around. I don’t think he felt totally sure about what might happen with Nick and Larry. I wasn’t sure either. He dove into the moon lit inky pool. Larry made a straight line to Rob who confidently shunned Larry’s flirtation. Rob asked Larry if he had watched the 76er’s game on ESPN the night before. Larry launched into a tirade again the coach named Jackson and a player named Javal who he suggested threw the game. The two of them stood at the shallow end and continued their animated conversation.
Andrew slipped in unnoticed and came up behind me and put his arm around my shoulder and whispered, “Do you think Rob is gay?”
I said, “Naa, but he might be after tonight… but I doubt it.”
“I’ve never been this happy. Please tell me this won’t end.”
“The girls are going home tomorrow so things will be different.”
“You romantic jerk.” Then in a more serious tone he said, “Can I talk to you?”
“You are talking to me. What do you mean? Here or do I need to undress.” Without waiting for an answer I took off my shorts and shirt. I didn’t have anything else to remove.
“You’re really fine,” Andrew said softly stroking my butt. “Let’s pull the loungers away from the light of the pool. Are you staying close to protect Rob from the boys?”
Andrew undressed and wrapped a towel around himself and handed one to me. Rob and Larry were still engrossed in their sports gibberish and not paying any attention. Nick was flowing on a raft gazing at the stars. Andrew started seriously, “John, if something were to happen to me you call only one person, my stepfather, not that he really cares but he has my will.”
“What are you talking about? What is going to happen to you?”
He said jovially, “I may fall off the boat, get eaten by a shark, I don’t know. But just listen. I have a safety deposit box in a branch of the Wells Fargo Bank in Santa Barbara that only you can open. The key is in my wallet, if you can find my wallet. I signed a power of attorney to allow you and only you to get into the box without the key.”
“When did you do this?”
“Last month when I stopped to visit my stepfather.”
“What if I won’t accept?” I chimed in.
He seriously retorted, “Then you will never know what a really terrible person Lee Kwan is.” Half jokingly and half seriously he continued. “And whatever you decide to do, don't under any circumstances let Lee know you have the list.
Something possessed me to ask, “Does any of this relate to Hell Week. Remember you told me...”
He leaned back and smiled, “Not at all.”
I wanted to know more but Rob jumped out of the pool and pulled a lounge up next to me. Larry did the same. I asked Andrew straight out, “Do you think I am in danger working for this guy?”
“Physical danger, no; psychological danger, maybe.”
Rob interrupted startling Andrew, “What do you mean psychological danger? Does the guy screw with your mind?”
“Not exactly. But you’re on the right track.” I got up first and the others followed. We gathered up our clothes and went into the house. Nick showed Rob a day bed in a small study across from our room. Larry managed to find sheets. Rob said, “Goodnight.” His tone suggested me he felt he has things under control. Based on sounds I heard coming from his room later I guess that Larry gotten what he wanted.
I awoke early while the long shadows of the morning across the bedroom floor. I sat on the edge of the bed. I grabbed the towel on the floor thinking I would go for a swim before anyone else got up. I felt like a creep to let Rob get victimized by Larry. What could I do anyway?
I walked onto the pool deck to find Rob standing at the rail looking across the calm morning water of the bay. His white butt was sandwiched top and bottom by his rich bronze Greek athlete’s legs and torso. He turned and smiled as I walked up beside him. I didn’t know what to say. He took the lead, “Yes, we did it. I absolutely made him use a rubber. I flat out told him once and only once.”
“What do mean?”
“I mean I like Larry, he really knows his sports. I love sports. The physical thing was standing between us being friends. I want him as a friend. Besides to be honest I wanted to see what it was like.”
“Don’t you think it was wrong?”
“Why is it wrong if I do it? And what about you and Andrew?”
“Andrew and I are just friends.”
“Larry and I are friends and that’s all. Sorry I thought…You and Andrew seemed so close. Sorry.”
I smiled at him, “That doesn’t mean it couldn’t be more someday. And it doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy each other sexually. You have witnessed that first hand.”
He laughed and continued his explanation. “I was a virgin until last Christmas vacation. I met this girl from Sweden on Captiva Island in Florida. We did it on a blanket one night as people walked by us in the dark. That was a real special trip, by the way, because my grandfather took me to an offshore island where I swam with the dolphins. That was the first time I swan nude outside and certainly the first time I had swum holding onto a dolphin. It was a kick. On that same excursion I met a black man my grandfather knows who had his three grandsons with him. Those guys had dicks twice as thick as mine and three times as long. We wrestled and swam which I had never done with black guys.”
“Their grandfather, who was a retired science teacher, gave us a lecture on the anatomical reasons for the difference between me and them. His explanation concluded with ‘When they’re hard they’re all the same.’ At graduation time I did cocaine for the first time. I loved it and swore I would never do it again. I didn’t feel I was in control. It scared me.”
“So you are out to try everything new like a check off list?”
“No, just a lot has happened to me in the last year. I admit I’m not sure who I am.” He turned his back and spoke quietly. “Do you think I can stay here for a day or two? Roddy and Shay are taking the Sulu out with two other couples. I know they’re going to be doing drugs big time. I really don’t want to go. He doesn’t need me because the others are experienced sailors.”
I shrugged my shoulders to give consent. “How can he take the Sulu without my permission?”
“Oh, he’ll probably ask. Remember he is the captain and by law he has the authority.” He turned back to the pool and dove in. I stood watching him swim laps and wishing that I had the self-confidence he had.
At the airport I hugged Beth in a different way than I ever hugged my sister before. Not only were we brother and sister but we had become good friends. I told her to make sure to let us know where they’d be at Christmas. You never know we might show up there.”
“I don’t know what’s going to be happening with me,” she sighed and she turned away. The girls left at one-thirty along with a plane loaded with sad, tanned faces. Andrew and I drove away back to the house. The house seemed so empty with them gone. Larry and Rob were playing chess on the upper deck under a giant green and white umbrella. We met Nick at the front door with small duffel over his shoulder. “I’m off for a couple of days of sailing with Roddy, Shay and some other couples.” His tone got sarcastic. “We’ll be back on Tuesday or Wednesday. Tell Rob to take care of Larry.” He was obviously jealous and pouting.
“Have Roddy call me on the radio on Tuesday. I may have heard from Lee.” He didn’t look back but his shaking head signaled his acknowledgement.
Suzanne disappeared and no one seemed to know where she has gone. That left Andrew, Rob, Larry and me to create a new routine. As I watched them play chess, I suggested we go to Phillipsburg for dinner and then to the casino for some entertainment. I got a non-verbal head nodding acknowledgment. We went into town about seven-thirty and stopped at an Italian restaurant called Mama Lena’s. There were few patrons when we arrived. We were seated on the patio allowing us an expansive view of the boats gently moving on their buoys in the azure harbor. The waiter served from the carafe of red wine as we studied the menu. The restaurant featured fish and squid over linguine, vermicelli, or spaghetti and we could choose between white and red sauce. Rod commented on commotion and loud voices coming from the kitchen. The waiter who took our order didn’t return and another man decidedly darker served the pasta plates. He left the check, which struck me as odd.
Larry tried to get a waiter’s attention for water but no one was around. We were the only customers left and when no one came we left money on the table. We stood up thinking someone would come to collect. No one came. We walked toward the casino. Andrew grabbed his side and said he really didn’t feel well and told us to take him to the house. Sitting in the back with Andrew I was worried because Andrew’s face was flushed white. He didn’t throw up but by the time we got back this his body was clammy. He couldn’t lift himself out of the car. Larry grabbed one arm and I grabbed the other. We speculated that he had been served bad shell fish in the pasta and he had to get it out of his system. We steadied him as we walked toward the house. We undressed him and he kept talking to him but he wasn’t responding. I tried best to rouse him. I had never seen anyone get that sick so fast.
Larry and Rob saw my uneasiness but decided to go to bed. Rob said, “Yell at me immediately if there is anything I can do.”
Larry said, “Yeah, me too.”
I tried to sleep but could only concentrate on Andrew’s breathing. Suddenly he erupted. Puke was flying but Andrew didn’t move. I screamed for Larry and Rob to come help me get him to the bathroom. They came running and we literally dragged his body to the toilet. I held his head by his hair to keep his face from falling into the puke. Rob puts a pan under his butt because horrible crap was oozing out. The smell was horrendous. His lips are blue and his body was cold and wet.
“I’m scared. Let’s get him to the doctor.” Larry grabbed a pair of shorts and some blankets and we headed for the gardener’s pickup. Rob and I dragged Andrew to the truck and we covered him. I drove as Rob sat in the back holding Andrew’s head in his lap. Andrew’s body was writhing in delirium. All I could think of were Andrew’s words: “Something bad is going to happen. It always does when I’m having fun.” I drove carefully and quickly up the winding black strip of macadam slowing only for the occasional speed bumps.
The nurse on duty in the emergency ward looked at Andrew and ran to call the doctor on call. A turbaned Indian physician stumbled into the room about ten minutes later and immediately hooked up intravenous bottles in both of Andrew’s arms. He checked Andrew’s pulse and shook his head. We stood there smelling of Andrew’s insides and no one moved.
The doctor turned to us, “When did he get sick?”
“Right after we had dinner at Mama Lena’s. I don’t know what time that was but four or five hours ago.
“What did he eat?” was the next question.
“He ate pasta with shellfish.”
Rob chimed in, “So did I.”
“Did you get sick?”
“No,” was our response. Rob shrugged as if sorry it didn’t happen to him.
The doctor’s questioning continued as he worked. After rechecking pulse and lips and replacing the IV he turned to us, “It may be food poisoning but I have my doubts. I can’t figure out why he doesn’t wake up”. They wheeled Andrew away on a gurney. The doctor was gone for a time as we stood looking pathetic. He returned and sadly looked at us, “He is one very sick young man. I am not optimistic.”
“You think he might die?” Rob blurted out.
“He is technically dead. He was that way when you brought him in,” the doctor replied sternly. “He is holding for the moment. We’re watching for cardiac arrest. Are you sure you all ate the same thing? Was there anything different?” We were calm enough to recount the exact events. We told him Andrew and Rob ordered linguine with white clam sauce, garlic bread and red wine. Rob didn’t eat his salad and no one could remember if Andrew had or not. In the background we can hear sirens screaming from all directions. It sounded like every emergency vehicle on the island was descending on us. They didn’t show up at the clinic so we concluded there must be something going on Front Street.
The nurse walked into the waiting area where we are standing and said to the doctor, “He’s awake. He wants to see John.”
“That’s me,” I stood up.
“OK, come with me,” the doctor said. “Be prepared for a horrible sight.” I told myself that I would not panic no matter what I saw. I was shocked but tried not to show it. There was an acidy smell from his body, he was literally blue. I stayed calm as I walked up to him.
“Hi buddy.”
There was no expression on his face. He tried to speak. I got close to his lips, and heard, “I told you. Be careful. I love you.” The green monitor above his head began to beep and people jumped at me and told me to get out. His heart had stopped and I knew it would not start. I stood over by the wall as the professionals tried to revive him. They failed as I knew they would. I heard the doctor whisper to a nurse, “I think someone poisoned him.”
Crying I walked back to Rob and Larry. We walked outside into an acidy cloud of greasy smoke that hung over the street. We could see the flashing red lights of the fire trucks but we weren’t inclined to go see. Larry got into the drivers’ seat of the pickup and drove us back. No one spoke as our three smelly bodies crunched together in the front seat. Before long we were into the dark night going over the dark rolling hills. The night was hot and humid. No one commented about how bad we smelled. A few stars and a half moon lighted the way. Larry steered to the right onto a newly paved but desolate road. We bumped to a stop. We walked toward the bay. Rob sat down and cried. We held each other not knowing what else to do.
Larry said, “I can’t stand the smell I have to wash off.” He stripped and we followed him into the warm, dark water of the night. We drove home naked leaving our clothes in the trash can next to the wooden kiosk. We didn’t talk.
Larry, Rob and I gagged at the smell of Andrew when we walked into the house. Suzanne appeared crying and confused. We simply said, “Andrew is dead.” She did not ask anymore as the dim light of morning was seeping over the lawn. We decided to leave things the way they were and sleep in the bedroom with Suzanne. Rob, Larry and I crawl into the big queen bed. Suzanne propped herself in a large recliner chair. It was clear she did not want to be anywhere except with us.
Minutes or maybe hours later Gertrude gently knocked on the door frame. I spied her concerned face. “Andrew is gone. He died last night at the hospital. Sorry about the mess.”
“Mister Andrew, he died?”
“He got bad food in town at Mama Lena’s.”
Mama’s burned last night,” she volunteered. That comment totally awakened me.
“It burned down?”
“Yeah, she burned.” She turned to walk away and start the horrible task of cleaning up after Andrew. The rest of the day was a blur. The police came minutes after Gertrude stepped away. They wanted to know next of kin. I told them, “Andrew’s stepfather lives in Santa Barbara. I have the number from my wallet and I will call him.” The doctor apparently told the police that he suspected murder by poisoning. The officer asked me to sign some authorization, which I did.
I quickly realized that they considered Larry, Rob and I as the prime suspects. I told Larry to go to the yacht club and radio the Sulu.
The words ‘suspected murder’ kept running through my mind and that thought was completely incomprehensible. Murder was reserved for the Mafia gang members not Andrew. I was in a daze when Rob said, “Want coffee?’
“I liked Andrew so much. I’m so sad.” I took a deep sobbing breath and sat
down in the living room with the glorious panorama was dim without Andrew.
Suzanne placed her juicy hand on my shoulder, “He was like your brother? So sorry, John, I’m so sorry.” Andrew was my brother even though I knew him a short time. We acted as like we knew each other well. Andrew was my friend. Tears came into my eyes as I thought about the pain he must have suffered. I wanted to know Andrew better but he was gone. Lee’s face came into my mind. I remembered the conversation I had with Andrew by the pool. He predicted something like this. What about the key? The safety deposit box. I had to call his stepfather in Santa Barbara. It was early in the morning and I decided to wait. What can he do from there? The guy would be here in a couple of days. He can decide what to do with the body. I remembered the power of attorney he said he gave to me. I needed it and how could I get it.
I wanted Andrew back. If Lee had anything to do with this I was determined to find out what it was. I was angry and got up from the table and walked onto the deck overlooking the mirror top of the pool. Rob walked right up to me. He had fresh clothes on but I could still detect the smell of Andrew. His eyes were red. “I ate the same thing and I am fine. What do we do?”
“I wish I knew. Let’s sit down by the pool and wait.”
“Aren’t you supposed to call his father?’
“I will but it’s pretty early in California.”
“I still think you should call.”
“Right.” I left him and went inside to find my wallet where I had put the name of the man and his telephone number. I reached for the telephone and then drew my hand back. I was sitting on Andrew’s bed and I couldn’t decide what to say. I consider, “Hello, Mr. Henley, Andrew died last night. The authorities suspect murder.” Or do I say, “Mr. Henley, I’m John Haffner, a friend of Andrews. He died last night. What should we do with the body?” The more I thought about it the more I did not want to make the call. I knew the doctor would do it because he said he would. I didn’t dial.
I went back to Rob and Suzanne. We heard Larry driving up. He rushed in.
“Did you get them?”
“Roddy already knew about the fire. Do you think the two are connected?”
“Maybe. How did they know so fast?”
Larry volunteered, “According to Roddy the police have started to round up suspects and had radioed the Sulu even before I could get to the yacht club. How’d they know about the Sulu?”
“Small town! Small island!”
“They haven’t even talked to us. We were the ones with Andrew.” Rob snorted almost insulted that we weren’t first.”
“I still have to call his stepfather.”
“Do you want us to leave?”
“Why? No stay here. I don’t know what to say. But I’ve got to do it. I’m going up to the telephone.”
I dialed the first number on the slip of paper and there was no answer or answering machine. I slowly dialed the other number and waited for a ring. There was one ring; then another and a third. I was ready to hang up when a groggy woman’s voice answered, “Hello.”
I couldn’t talk and handed the telephone to Larry who was standing next to me. He started, “Mr. Henley? My name is Larry Parelli. I’m a friend of your son, Andrew. He died last night.” There was silence as he listened. He spoke, “Can you have him call me it is an emergency?” He listened again. “You don’t expect to hear from him because he is traveling to the Caribbean. Do you know when he will arrive?” After another long pause he says, “OK, but if you do hear from him have him call his house in St. Maarten. The number here is 011-819-6969470. Thanks.”
Larry summarized the conversation, “He is due here tomorrow. Apparently he has been in India for a month. That was his answering service. But the woman said she was quite sure he would be arriving in St. Maarten tomorrow.”
“That’s what we’ll tell the police.” Just as I turned away the telephone rang. I instantly picked it up. The French accented voice identified himself as Inspector Maurice LeFaux, Chief of the Phillipsburg Gendarme. He asked who I was. He also asked if Larry and Rob were with me. I answered affirmatively. He asked if we would stay at the house until he arrived. I informed him of my problem reaching Mr. Henley and he seemed unconcerned. He said that we would talk about it when he came to see us as soon as two Caribbean Interpol inspectors arrived from Jamaica. He concluded that he expected to be over shortly after noon.