Savor the Unexpected

Front of pink house

by John S. Lloyd

Part 1

It was a warm fall afternoon when I was outside doing yard work. The painters had recently finished painting my bungalow. I hoped the neighbors liked that I had chosen pink to give my Victorian cottage a fresh look. It needed a new look since it was fifty years since the house was built. I had them paint the trim a bright white which really made the window frames visually pop. I stood back feeling happy. I was ready to return my two leaf rakes to the garage when a fancy yellow sports car pulled into my driveway behind my Dodge pickup. I wasn’t expecting anyone so I stood waiting for the driver to emerge. The door didn’t open the regular way but slowly glided up like a wing.

The fellow who stepped out was pleasant looking and well dressed in linen Bermuda shorts, a soft blue sweater with a starched collar visible around his neck. He confidently stepped toward me smiling. I was sure I didn’t know him. He brushed his longish brown hair away from his face and smiled. “Hello, I assume you’re the owner. I like the color of your house. It’s so gay.”

I nodded but was slightly annoyed at his comment. I waited for him to say more. “My name is Jason Bancroft. I understand that you have a small apartment that you rent out.” I wondered how he knew that. I had not told anyone that my renter for the last year bought his own condo in Rosslyn and moved the previous Saturday.

I finally said, “I might look surprised since I have not decided if I want to rent again.” I paused not sure what to say. “I use the apartment for my washer and dryer so it isn’t totally private. And I store my garden tools, like the ones I’m holding, in the garage which is attached. I get to my tools on rainy days through the apartment, which has an entrance to the garage.” Jason was not hard to look at. I could tell he worked out which was evident from his muscular legs visible below his shorts cuffs. I hesitated too long and it was awkward to tell the guy I didn’t want to rent the apartment.

I suggested, “Jason, go to the front door. I will put these tools away, come up and let you in. We can discuss the apartment.” He stepped away as I watched his round ass cheeks move toward my front door. A few minutes later I opened the front door and invited him in. “By the way, my name is Stu Sweet.” I motioned for him to follow me through my kitchen which thankfully I had cleaned up after lunch. “Follow me out to my porch where I spend most of my waking time.” He followed me as we stepped out of the kitchen door onto an open porch before I opened the screen door that led him into my screened room which I had finished recently.

Jason said, “Nice, I see why you spend time here. It is so peaceful.”

“Can I get you a drink? It’s time for my gin and tonic.”

“Sure, I’ll join you.” I went inside and made two of my favorite drinks, returned, handed him his drink and sat in my favorite chair.

“Jason, how did you know about the apartment?”

After taking a sip he said, “I work with Jasper’s partner, Harry. I presume you’ve met Harry since he and Jasper have been together for a while.”

“In fact, I have met Harry a couple of times and most recently last Saturday when he helped Jasper move his stuff out. I haven’t had time to clean up the apartment since Jasper moved out. I had a new student arrive yesterday so I have been busy orienting him.”

“What do you mean student?”

“Well, some years ago a friend of mine who worked at Berlitz contacted me and asked if I would rent my second bedroom to a Spanish fellow who was in Washington for a six week intensive course in English. I liked living alone and wasn’t sure I wanted someone sharing my bathroom but I agreed to give it a try. My friend knew where I lived, which is close to a municipal bus line so transportation would not be an issue for the student. Renting my second bedroom started six years ago. I have had additional students from Portugal, Germany, Hungary, and three from Brazil. I’ve probably forgotten someone. Other than breakfast I don’t provide any meals.”

“When did you start renting the apartment that Jasper had?”

“My friend from Berlitz shared my name with several other people who dealt with students. One of the men called and asked if I could keep a student for six months. I really didn’t want to so told him ‘no’. My friend from Berlitz was over for cocktails shortly afterward and encouraged me to reconsider. He and I were sitting on my older, smaller screened porch when he suggested I do a little work on my basement so I could rent it. My disability payment was small and he felt I could augment my income with more rent than I was getting from the students. I told him I would think about it. I didn’t have much money to spend on renovation.” Jason looked puzzled because we were sitting on a newly built porch.

“Jason, I can tell you’re wondering where I got the money for this porch. Truthfully, the rent from the apartment provided enough extra income to do things like repaint my house and build my new porch. Renting the apartment and my second bedroom has been good for me financially.”

“You must have done enough because Harry told me the apartment is cozy and adequate. Do you mind showing it to me even though you may not be interested in renting?”

“Before I do that, tell me a little about yourself. Your car and your appearance suggest you could afford a much nicer place than my basement apartment.”

“Fair enough. Like Harry I work as a contractor for Booz Allen, which does work for the government. I am in Washington regularly and usually stay in hotels. I actually have two homes. I share a house in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware every summer and have a condo in Fort Lauderdale which is my permanent home. I have a new contract and will be in Washington regularly for the next couple of years. I am tired of hotels and would like my own place. By the way, as nice as the car is, I borrowed it from Harry to come out here.”

“OK, I’ll show you the space.” We got up and Jason followed me to the door off the kitchen that led downstairs. We descended the narrow stairway illuminated by a bare bulb hanging in the middle of the room. We stepped into the room where I had my washer and dryer. Also, there was a small desk with an old-fashioned gooseneck desk lamp on it. We stepped into the main room which was the living room, eating area and kitchen. Pale light came in from two windows behind the sofa. The overhead porch shaded the small concrete patio allowing only dim light into the living room.

I said, “I come down to the patio to shower in my outdoor shower when it is warm enough.” Jason didn’t comment. I pointed to the little bathroom, which had a torn shower curtain. I needed to clean the shower stall and the sink.

Jason said, “Mind if I use the toilet? The drink seems to have gone right through me.”

“Go ahead, but there is no door.”

He didn’t comment and turned, unbuttoned his shorts and emptied his bladder. I could see he wasn’t wearing any underpants which revealed six inches of his butt crack. He flushed before we stepped into the bedroom, which didn’t have a bed. “Jasper bought a new bed and took it with him to his new place. I have to buy a bed, probably a queen size because that’s what Jasper had.”

“If you decide to rent to me I’ll be like Jasper. I would be here only a few nights a week and fewer in the summer.” I had totally warmed to Jason and felt he would be an easy renter when he told me he wouldn’t be in the apartment regularly. I liked the fact that I would have use of the apartment without worrying that I was bothering him. I invited Jason to follow me up to the porch. When we were seated he said, “What do you think? Are you interested in renting to me?”

“Before I answer I have some rules that you should know about. I don’t permit any smoking or vaping in and around the house. I prefer that you do little cooking except for making coffee and toast in the morning. If I know when you are going to be here I’ll fix extra food, if you’re interested. I don’t mind if you have a guest over if you alert me in advance. I mean like the same day. Rent is $500 a month payable on the 1st with a one month deposit. I don’t require a lease but do ask that you give me, at least, a month’s notice if you are going to move out.”

Jason smiled, “That’s all OK with me. I have been thinking about buying a car to keep here in Virginia. Could I park it here when I’m on the road? I have been renting cars when I needed one.”

“What I suggest is parking in front of my truck because I can fit four cars in my driveway. Please leave your keys in case I need to move your car.”

“No problem. Expect to see different rental cars until I have time to buy a car. Do we have a deal? You tell me when to move in after you order the bed. I’ll probably move in my work clothes, gym clothes and computers and that will be about all. You give me a call. I’ll give you the deposit and one month’s rent check right now.”

“That’s OK. Whenever. There is one other thing I need tell you. Because of my private backyard and porch don’t be surprised to see me naked in warm weather. I love to do yard work and then shower in my outdoor shower.”

“Stu, don’t be surprised if I join you.” He smiled and got up to leave. “Look forward to hearing from you when you are ready for me.” As he was going into the house I heard the front door open and assumed my student had returned. I followed Jason expecting to introduce Hector to Jason. But they were shaking hands when I caught up with Jason. Jason gave Hector a friendly pat on the shoulder and was out the door.

I hadn’t had a permanent partner in a long time but being with Jason made me think I might like to be with a gentle, handsome, obviously successful guy like Jason. I put the thought out of my mind and opened my Grindr account.

I didn’t rush to buy the bed and clean up the apartment because Jason didn’t seem to be in a hurry to move in. Three weeks later I called the cell phone number that he left. I left a voicemail message to tell him that the apartment was ready. I didn’t hear back from him until the following week. He called and left a message that he was bringing some things over on Saturday. Since he didn’t give me a specific time I called him back again getting his voicemail. I told him I had several errands to run so would leave the front door unlocked so he could get in.

When I returned after three on Saturday there was no extra car in the driveway so I assumed that Jason had come and gone or hadn’t arrived. The door was unlocked and the house was quiet. I did notice that the basement door was ajar, so assumed Jason had been here. I opened the door and the light in laundry room was on. I decided to see if Jason had left his clothes. I quietly stepped down the stairs not expecting to find anyone and was surprised to find Jason asleep totally naked on top of the sheets on the new bed.

I turned, embarrassed that I entered his apartment unannounced. He stirred and looked at me. “Hey, Stu, sorry I’ve been so difficult to reach. Been on the road and so glad to be here. Let me get something on.” He sat up on the bed with his legs spread. I couldn’t help but notice what was hanging between his legs. He was nonchalant as he got up and wrapped a towel around himself.

“I’m sorry, but didn’t see a car and assumed no one was here.”

“I took an Uber X with my stuff. I haven’t had time to buy a used car.”

“No problem. I’ll leave you to rest, but join me on the porch for a drink.”

“Mind if I wear boxers and a tee shirt?”

“No problem for me. Oh, Hector isn’t here any longer. He completed his course and returned to Brazil.”

“Do you have a new student coming soon?”

“I’ve had several inquiries from my friend at Berlitz and another fellow who I have worked with the past. Nothing is firmed up.” I turned to let Jason have his privacy. Fifteen minutes later he appeared on the porch in a long tee shirt instead of boxers. I could tell he was wearing a bright blue thong. Before sitting down he handed me a check and commented, “Month two rent.” I gladly took the check and got up to get us both a gin and tonic.

“Stu, I will be out of the country for the next month. When I return I’m going to be in Rehoboth opening our house for the summer. If you get a student and want him to live in the apartment so you have more privacy that is fine with me. I’ll let you know when I’ll be arriving so the student can move upstairs.” I didn’t acknowledge his statement but understood I had permission if I wanted to use his space.

I did get another student, Carl from Sweden. He spoke very good English and said he was studying German at Berlitz. I wondered why he didn’t do that closer to his home. He also mentioned he was studying Polish and Hungarian which also struck me as strange. He told me he would rent for two months.

I found out early in his stay Carl was a night owl. He kept his television low but I could hear him watching noisy movies. After about a week I suggested that he stay in Jason’s apartment, which had a big-screen television. I showed him the space and he was happy to move if there wasn’t any difference in the rent. Since it was getting warmer I explained, “I sometimes work in the yard and shower outside. Don’t be surprised to see me naked.” He shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

Carl’s school pattern was different from the students I had before. He continued to be a night owl but often didn’t leave the house until one or two in the afternoon. Rarely did he return until ten, and sometimes not at all.

Some days he didn’t leave the apartment except to grab a burger. When I went to do laundry I found him in front of the computer keyboard typing away completely comfortable being naked as I did the laundry.

I am usually not nosy when I have guests. Each has their own different schedule. But Carl’s was different. One day I asked him exactly what he was studying. He looked surprised and said, “Translation. I hope to work for the Swedish freign office which requires that I know, at least, three languages beyond Swedish and English. I am pretty good at German but have a long way to go with Polish and Hungarian. They are tough languages. I am better at translating the writing than speaking those languages.”

It was early May when I saw Jason again. He told me he had been in Rehoboth the previous weekend opening his shared house. I had returned from a doctor’s appointment and found a car in the driveway that I presumed was Jason’s. I didn’t know exactly when he was returning but saw that he must have purchased the four-year old maroon Nissan Maxima.

I had told Carl to move his things upstairs a few days before but didn’t check to see if the apartment was ready. When I went into the house I didn’t see Jason and assumed he was in his apartment. I got a drink of water and opened the door to go to the porch. Jason sitting there. He turned as I came through the door. “Hi, Stu.”

“I thought you’d be downstairs.”

“Too nice a day. I found something beautiful in the apartment that I want you to see. Be quiet and follow me.” I followed Jason to the basement door and he descended ahead of me. We stood together at the doorway of the living room watching the beautiful Swedish student sleeping soundly on the sofa. I started to speak but Jason put his finger to his lips. I motioned that we leave which we did without speaking.

Fifteen minutes later a clothed Carl joined us on the porch. He said, “Sorry, sir, I sleep on your sofa. I moved already. I like your apartment.”

I said sharply, “Carl, I asked you to move your things out of Jason’s apartment.”

He shyly said, “I did move. I didn’t know he come today.”

Jason, feeling the tension, said, “No problem, fellow. We saw you sleeping and it was a beautiful sight.” Cale’s pale facial complexion turned bright pink. “You can take a nap on my sofa without clothes anytime you want to.”

Carl relaxed and turned toward me. “Mr. Stu can I stay past August? My visitor’s visa is good until end of September. Swedish Embassy wants me to be a volunteer guide.” I smiled and nodded my head.

During the next two weeks Jason was working in Washington but would leave for Rehoboth Beach on Thursday evening and return after his work day on Monday. Carl’s pattern since he moved back upstairs wasn’t any better for me personally. I was happy when he began to spend nights with Jason in the apartment. I didn’t know and didn’t ask how his sleeping with Jason started. I was home the following Thursday afternoon when Jason was packing. Carl followed him to the car and got into the passenger seat. They left together for the beach, leaving the house empty for me.

When they returned on Sunday instead of Monday I was a bit surprised and happened to be entertaining several friends on the porch. I didn’t get up to welcome them. They went to the basement apartment. I thought I would go down after I cleaned up. I was curious but didn’t want to be nosey. I couldn’t help myself and opened the basement door. They were talking quietly but soon the sounds were more sexual. I presumed they were in bed together. I wanted to be a voyeur and watch two beautiful men enjoy each other but I quietly closed the door.

Jason left early in the morning as Carl walked to the bus stop. That evening they were home and joined me for a cocktail on the porch. Carl and Jason were both talkative telling me about what they were doing. Jason mentioned he was going to Denmark and Sweden after Carl returned to Sweden. There was no discussion about Jason giving up the apartment.

After Jason and Carl left in late September I was alone in an empty house. For one of the first times I could remember I didn’t like being alone. I called my friend at Berlitz and told him I had a room if he needed one. He told me he didn’t. I had a short-term alternative in that the Fairfax Gay Men’s Chorus was sponsoring a group singing competition for youth, male quartets and ensembles. The organizers needed housing. I signed up to have four boys stay with me. On Thursday before Halloween I welcomed four fellows from Fredericksburg. I met them at the rehearsal hall and they followed me in a Ford minivan that one of the boys drove.

The boys were sixteen and seventeen. They didn’t look anything alike, which made the group interesting to watch. One boy, Alfred, the bass, was over six feet while, Eric, the first tenor couldn’t have been five feet tall. The baritone, Jeff, was heavy set. Allen, the lead, was the only normal sized teenager in the group. My intention was to have two boys stay in the apartment and two in my second bedroom. I let them decide who was sleeping where.

They were only at my house to sleep. For the few minutes they had to relax they were in the basement apartment. From time to time I could hear them practicing an entrance or a phrase. I was looking forward to the competition on Saturday and public performance on Saturday night. The boys came in second in the quartet competition which really pleased them. We didn’t get home until after midnight.

I told Allen, the apparent leader, that I would have brunch ready for them at eleven before they drove back to Fredericksburg. In the morning the boys, looking weary ,sat at my big kitchen table where I served scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, toast, homemade cinnamon rolls, orange juice and milk. Each time I put out a fresh stack of pancakes it disappeared before I turned to cook a new batch. There was little talk as they ate like they hadn’t eaten in many days. I smiled as I watched them enjoy my cooking.

After breakfast I thought they would pack up and get on their way. That was not the case. Apparently, there was football game on cable that Eric and the Jeff wanted to watch. It was almost four before they loaded up and left. I knew I would have a busy laundry day on Monday. I was happy that they seemed to enjoy being in my house.

I was tired of parking behind Jason’s leaf-covered, dirty Maxima. I had Jason’s keys but didn’t really have any place to move his car. I did finally move it away from the portable garage where I stored my vintage Cadillac. After parking both cars on the street I could retrieve my Christmas decorations. I’m a typical gay guy who goes overboard when it comes to decorating for the holidays.

The week after Thanksgiving two new neighbours, Jack and Aaron, moved into the house next to me, which had been vacant for a long time. Being old school I took a tuna casserole over as a housewarming gift. The two handsome, bearish fellows graciously accepted my casserole after introducing themselves. Aaron told me the house was owned by his grandfather who hadn’t lived there for a couple of years. Aaron said that after his grandfather died the family decided to keep the house and let him and Jack, who were partners, rent it.

With the Christmas decorations out I called Aaron to see if he and Jack would help me decorate the outside in exchange for dinner. Aaron laughed. “Only if you fix something as good as that tuna casserole you brought us.” I agreed because I thought it was an easy way to get to know them. They accepted for Saturday afternoon which was fine with me. I spent Saturday morning getting my favorite hamburger and cheesy pasta casserole prepared and ready for the oven.

I specifically wanted them to help me string new mini-lights along the edge of the recently painted eaves and gutters. I have an aversion to climbing ladders so I asked Jack to climb up and place the lighted Santa and sleigh to the top of my front door cupola. I was busy placing lights over my scrubs. When we finished, I invited the boys in for eggnog and Christmas cookies while the casserole was cooking. I opened a bottle of pinot noir and poured each of them a glass. They sat at the kitchen table as I made the salad.

As I was standing at the counter I got a text message and a picture from Jason. The message said he would be returning for a few days before heading to Fort Lauderdale for the holidays. I was looking forward to seeing him even if it was for only a few days. His attached picture captured my interest because it was a naked Jason sporting a new closely-cut beard I handed my cell phone to Jack, who looked closely at the photo before handing the phone to Aaron. “We want to meet him when he returns,” Aaron said.

I said, “When he gets here perhaps you fellows would like to help me decorate inside the house.”

“Will that get us another one of your fantastic casseroles?” Aaron smiled and continued, “If we can dress like he is dressed in the photo we’ll do it. Then the two of you can come to our place to help us decorate.” I nodded and put the salad on the table before carefully taking the steaming casserole out of the oven. After we, but mainly the two of them, devoured the steaming dish, they joined me to watch ‘Jeopardy’ before heading back to their place. I told them I would let them know when I was going to decorate.

That occurred the following Saturday because Jason had arrived the day before and was planning to leave by the following Tuesday to spend the holidays at his place in Florida. When I texted Aaron about decorating inside he repliedthat they would come but they had an overnight guest who would be coming along. I began to be concerned that they might be serious about wanting to decorate naked since my big front window only had sheer curtains. Anybody walking by could see what was going on. I put the thought out of my mind because I hadn’t said anything to Jason about decorating let alone being naked as we decorated.

I had eggnog and cookies ready at ten on Saturday morning and I had the multiple boxes of Christmas decorations stacked on the living room sofa. I added Aaron and Jack to my invitation list for my annual Christmas Day open house. By ten Jason was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and eating a cookie in his boxers adored with reindeers.

When I told him what Jack said about decorating naked he smiled and said, “Are they pleasant to look at?” I nodded as I heard the doorbell. When I opened the door Aaron and Jack stood there with a stunning Asian fellow who they introduced as Lee. They followed me into the kitchen to meet Jason. Jack said, “Decorating will be fun”

After a little small talk I described what I wanted done. I wanted a tree in the living room where I had cleared away some excess furniture. I wanted garlands over the doorways and on the mantle. In the music room I wanted another tree in the corner nearest to Aaron and Jack’s house.

Getting to watch four glorious naked men being my elves was heavenly. I went back to the kitchen and let them decorate after taking a couple of pictures with the guys’ permission. I had Lee pose partially dressed. He was a natural model.

I had Christmas music playing and forgot about what might be visible from the street. About an hour later Jack called for me to come out of the kitchen to survey their work. I knew whatever they did that I didn’t like I could change. I told them that they had done a really good job.

After a lunch of sandwiches and chips Aaron invited Jason and me over to their place to help them decorate. I didn’t expect them to have too much but was surprised when they pulled out dusty old boxes filled with Aaron’s grandmother’s decorations, including ancient bubble lights and glass ornaments. Instead of an artificial tree like mine they had real evergreen which gave their living room a woodsy aroma. Because of their full picture window we had to keep our clothes on, which disappointed not only me but also Jason.

Jason left for Florida and my house felt so empty. I was actually sad, wishing I had a student or someone living in the basement. I busied myself helping get ready for the holiday concert to be given by the Fairfax Gay Men’s Chorus. I wasn’t in the chorus, but one of the volunteers in charge of tickets and refreshments.

One afternoon I was outside arranging some of the lights that had been disturbed by the wind. A small red car pulled into the driveway and Lee got out. He came over and gave me a hug. I accepted his affection but didn’t know why he did it since we had only met once before.

He questioned what I was doing and didn’t seem to be in a hurry to leave so I invited him inside. Without invitation he went into the music room and sat in the chair nearest to the tree. I offered him a drink but he said he was fine. I got myself a gin and tonic and joined him. He started, “Stu, I don’t mean to bother you but I want you to know I really enjoyed being with you and the boys last Saturday. I understand from Aaron that you have an apartment that you rent out.”

“I do, but Jason is currently renting it.”

Lee looked puzzled.“Isn’t his home in Florida?”

“That’s correct, but he continues to rent the apartment. He works in DC some of the time.”

“Would you allow him to sublet to me?”

“He doesn’t have a lease but he does let people use his apartment, which is fine with me as long as they behave and don’t smoke.”

“Do you mind if I call him?”

“That’s fine with me because I like it when someone other than me is in the house. I’ll give you his cell phone number.”

“I have it because he gave it to Aaron. He and Jack are flying down to Florida to be with him over New Year.” I was immediately put off because he hadn’t invited me. I didn’t let Lee know how I was feeling. Lee stayed another twenty minutes or so and said he would let me know what Jason said. I was still feeling hurt that Jason hadn’t invited me.

I was busy getting ready for my open house baking more cookies and making hors d'oeuvres. The bar was set up on the kitchen table so people could serve themselves. I had the spread of food and sweets on the dining room table with the chairs pulled away. I scattered the chairs around for extra seating.

The day of the party a light snow had fallen. The mood was mellow since many of my guests had been partying with family for several days. Jason had informed me before he left for Florida that he wouldn’t be able to attend. My twenty or so guests joined in on a glorious sing-along which had always been part of my open house tradition. By eight-thirty all the guests were gone except Lee who, without me asking, volunteered to help me clean up. He started to bus dishes. I stopped him and invited him to sit in the music room so we could enjoy the relaxed setting. He didn’t say a word as he took his sparkling water and sat near the music room tree. Since the music was playing we didn’t have to speak and simply enjoyed the mood.

After a while I said I was ready to tackle the dishes but told Lee he didn’t need to stay. He indicated that he wanted to help me. I was happy to have the help. An hour later I was really feeling tired and hoped Lee would leave so I could go to bed. I would finish in the morning. Lee sensed what I was feeling and said, “Stu, you go to bed and I’ll finish up. Jason said I could use the apartment so I’ll sleep downstairs when I’m finished.” I was annoyed that Jason hadn’t said anything to me but I was too tired to care.

In the morning when I was ready for my coffee everything was washed and ready to be put away. I assumed Lee was sleeping. I heard the toilet flush but he didn’t come upstairs. I assumed he’d gone back to bed. I waited for half an hour and decided to take my shower. It was sunny even though it was cool. Dressed in my heavy brown chenille robe I quietly went downstairs. As I walked by Lee’s door I could hear his sleepy breath. I went outside where I hung my robe on a hook and waited for the water to warm up. I let the water flow over me. I was happy.

I looked in the bedroom before going upstairs to get dressed. Lee was sitting up in bed reading. He said, “Good morning, Stu. I hoped you would come down when you had time.”

“Just came to shower. Hope I didn’t disturb you.”

“Not at all. Why don’t you get in bed with me?”

His words were unexpected and I hesitated. Seeing Lee’s bare chest I suspected he was naked under the covers. All I had on was my brown robe and slippers. I stepped out of my slippers, dropped my robe and climbed into bed with him. He pulled me close and kissed my forehead.

A thousand things were going through my head. I was in bed with a handsome fellow I hardly knew who was thirty years younger than I was. I was breaking one of my cardinal rules - I don’t sleep with a guest. I had slept in the same bed with choir friends when we were away at events but never for sex. I couldn’t remember the last time I had sex with a man. I didn’t know if Lee intended to have sex or not.

Lee pulled me closer to him and kissed me gently on my lips. I couldn’t believe how wonderful his warm lips felt. His hand brushed down my hairy chest to his goal. My dick was hard and warm as he gently encircled me. I did the same to him and ran my hand over his completely smooth chest. I took one of his nipples into my mouth and he moaned. I thought I had hurt him. He reached for my chin and pulled my lips to his. I loved that his tongue was flickering around in my mouth.

He was rhythmically moving his hand up and down on my dick. I said, “Go slowly, I haven’t done this in a long time. I don’t want to climax too soon.” He pulled his hand away and grabbed my butt cheek and pulled me tightly into him. The stimulation was too much as he rubbed his dick into mine. I said softly, “I’m cumming.”

He said, “Me, too.” Our warm juices joined but neither of us let go of the other for many minutes. I fell back on a pillow and didn’t want our time to be over. His cell phone buzzed and he answered. After silence he said, “Come over, I’ll help Stu make us breakfast.” He ended the call and said, “Jack and Aaron are coming over.”

I panicked and grabbed for my robe. “Got to shower.”

“How about outside together?”

“Sure, but don’t we have to hurry?”

“Aaron said they would let themselves in. They have a door key, don’t they?” I knew they did so I relaxed. With only one shower head we had to keep changing places to keep warm. I never expected that I would sleep with Lee. When we went into the apartment’s little living room Aaron and Jack were standing there smiling. Aaron said, “Did we interrupt something?”

Lee said, “No, we had finished when you called.” I could feel my face flush with embarrassment. Nothing else was said as Lee put on clothes while I stood there in my frumpy brown chenille bathrobe. Before I could serve breakfast I had to put things away from the party. Lee pulled out my heavy iron skillet to start frying the bacon. The coffee was ready so Aaron and Jack each poured themselves a cup and sat at the kitchen table watching. When I finished putting things away I went upstairs to dress in blue jeans and a sweatshirt, plus my warm furry slippers.

It was mid-afternoon before the three of them left. I needed quiet to reflect on what had happened. I fixed my gin and tonic earlier than usual and sat in the music room by the Christmas tree. I turned on the Christmas music.

What had happened was so unexpected. I wondered what would happen next.

Part 2

I wasn’t surprised when Jason informed me that he had let Lee rent the apartment because Lee already told me. Jason was rarely in DC so I suggested that Jason end his rental completely. He was reluctant to do that since he felt he might be back in Washington for another project. He rationalized that he could probably stay with Lee even though their relationship seemed to be more platonic than romantic.

Shortly after the first of the year Lee moved his clothes and weights into the apartment. I saw him regularly as he came and went to George Washington University, where he was completing his mster’s degree in cell biology. He didn’t work so I wasn’t sure where he got his money, but felt it wasn’t my place to ask.

About that same time I had the task of putting the Christmas decorations away. It had to be done even though there is no one to help me. I did ask Lee to climb up the ladder and take the Santa and the sleigh down. He was happy to do that. After that job was completed, over pasta and homemade marinara sauce, he shared with me his good news. He had heard from a college in California that he had been admitted into the doctorate program in plant biology. I listened as he described his research, but what he said meant nothing to me. I was happy for him but knew he would be leaving as soon as he finished at GW. I rationalized that was months away so I would get to see this beautiful human being for a while longer.

Lee was always cheerful but didn’t seem to be romantically interested in me beyond a pleasant hug now and then. He ate with me several times a week, as did Aaron and Jack. I presumed the three of them played but Lee never mentioned what they did beyond eating together.

During February and March I had two students from Berlitz. One was a woman from Ecuador. I told my friend at Berlitz I didn’t want women but he begged me because he had nowhere else to recommend to the student. As it turned out she was pleasant and kept to herself when she wasn’t in school. I had a difficult time communicating with her because her English was rudimentary.

After she left I welcomed Carlos from Spain. He was a darling and liked talking with me to improve his English. He was cute so I had no problem helping him practice. About the time Carlos was finished at Berlitz Lee completed his work at GW. Over the Easter break Lee went with Aaron and Jack to visit Jason in Fort. Lauderdale. Again, I wasn’t invited. I moped around and couldn’t think of anything to make me feel better.

On a warm spring day I was working in the garden to ready the soil for planting. I was home alone until the basement door opened. Lee walked out with a towel thrown over his shoulder.

As I watched he showered, obviously showing off his glorious smooth Asian body. After preening for many minutes he walked over to me, took my hand and pulled me toward the shower. He thoroughly washed all the dirt off of my body. He was laughing, and smiling and seemed totally at ease playing with my body. He pulled our two wet bodies together and kissed me on the lips. I loved the attention.

I knew he was saying thank you, before he left. Several weeks prior to our shower he informed me that after May 1 he would no longer need to rent the apartment. I decided to take a break from renting and enjoy my empty house.

With no responsibilities beyond my garden I decided to plan my own trip to Florida. I would ask Aaron and Jack to mow and water, which I knew they would be happy to do. They loved to come over and be naked on my porch which they couldn’t do at their house.

I attempted to contact a friend, Ben, who I had known several years earlier from the gay men’s chorus. He lived with me for a short time. He had moved to Miami a couple of years earlier but I hadn’t been in touch with him. I texted him, believing he would be forthright if he didn’t want to see me.

For reasons I couldn’t explain I wanted more of the good feelings that I had when Lee kissed me. I began to think I wanted to have someone to love me. That was unrealistic at my age but I could dream.

With my house empty of students I looked for opportunities to go out. A long-time favorite of mine was Freddie’s Beach Bar in Arlington. The bar had reduced drink prices between four and seven every day.

On a quiet Thursday afternoon, having not been able convince any friends to join me, I went to Freddie’s by myself. I sat at the bar watching the people walking up and down the street. A fellow wheeling his bicycle along the busy sidewalk stopped near the front door. He stood for a while trying to figure out what to do with his bike and the bundle attached behind his seat. Finally, he rolled the bike onto the porch. There were tables but no one was sitting outside. It was too early for dinner.

He was dressed in biking pants and bike shoes with clips. He came in and walked to one of the high top tables. The clips clicked as he walked across the floor. I was surprised since most Asians don’t drink alcohol. He sat waiting for someone to serve him. He seemed unaware that only the bartender was working. I walked over to him.

“Hi, I’m Stu. Just wanted you to know you have to order your drink at the bar. There are no servers.” He smiled and thanked me.

I turned to walk away when he said, “Stu, want to join me?” I got my drink and walked back to his table as I waited for him to return with his beer. “Stu, do you come here often? I’m Ji-Ho but everyone calls me G.”

“To answer your question, G, I used to come regularly but most of my friends are away. Did you know there is a Freddie’s at Rehoboth Beach?”

“I don’t know Raybath. Where that is?”

“You must not be from around here. Rehoboth, the way we say it, is a gay summer hangout on the Atlantic Ocean.”


“I saw your bike. Did you ride from someplace?”

“I’m riding down the east coast. I recently graduated from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.”

“You’re planning to bike all the way to Florida?” I’m sure my words sounded questioning his judgment.

“That is my plan, but the traffic is so fast and doesn’t seem to respect cyclists. I almost got hit today coming here.”

“Do have a place to stay tonight?”

“Was planning to find a hostel in Washington. Do you know of one?”

“I don’t. I have a small apartment at my house which is about twenty minutes from here if you’re interested. Usually it’s rented but isn’t at the moment. I won’t charge you.”

“That’s nice. How do I get there?”

“I can take you. I have a pickup truck so we can put your bike and gear in the back.”

“Is there someplace to get something to eat near your house or should I get something here?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll fix something at home. Anything you don’t like?”

He looked puzzled before answering, “I guess not. I’m Korean so I eat everything Asian and American.” He took a sip of his beer as I took a swallow of my gin and tonic. I could hear the rattle of a jack hammer nearby and suggested we finish our drinks and get on our way.

Once back at the house I suggested he take his bike out of my truck and put it in my portable garage. I didn’t think it would be stolen out of my truck but I didn’t want to take a chance. He unstrapped his backpack and followed me into the house.

I led him down to the apartment, which was dark. I opened the curtains in the living room and we stood looking out the window. He placed his pack on the sofa and looked around. “If you’ll excuse me I have to use the toilet.”

“It doesn’t have a door, I’m sorry.” I turned to leave but he was sitting on the toilet.

“Stay, I’m not shy I’ve lived in a dorm for four years. I want to take a quick shower after I finish.”

Boldly I said, “Why don’t you use my outside shower?”

“It’s private?”

“Totally surrounded by hedges. I use it all the time when it’s warm.” He grabbed a towel from the towel rack and stripped off his clothes. Like Lee, G had smooth, hairless skin but his manhood was significant. I couldn’t help but admire him. I didn’t want to stare, so I left him and went up to the porch. A few minutes later he joined me wrapped in a towel that fell open after he sat down. He seemed totally unconcerned.

He said, “I could tell you thought my idea of bicycling to Florida wasn’t a good idea. I want to see that part of the country but don’t have a car.”

I said, “Tell me about your plan to cycle to Florida.”

“Well, I was going to ride the Shenandoah Skyway and generally follow the Appalachian Trail route even though I know that is for hiking. Then, I don’t know.” He hesitated.

I said, “Let me tell you what I am planning. Since no one is living in the house with me at the moment am taking my truck on the Amtrak car train from here in Virginia to central Florida. You could put your bike in the back on my truck. I don’t think you’re allowed to bring bikes on the train. I have a roomette reserved and you could stay with me.”

“How much is a ticket?”

“I can have two persons in the roomette for $209, so you could pay me $100.”

“Where are you going after you get to Florida?” G asked.

“My preliminary plan is to visit an old friend in Miami, but that isn’t confirmed. I will get us some supper. It should be ready in thirty minutes.” I stood. “Enjoy the porch,” I added as I left him. He came to the table dressed and we ate quietly. When we finished he excused himself to go to the basement to check his messages. I didn’t see him again until late morning the next day as I sat on the porch having my second cup of coffee. He came up and sat down. “Whoa, I slept so well. It was dark, quiet and cool. I had none of that in the dorm.”

“Thought any more about my offer to ride with me to Florida?”

“I’d like to do that. Last night I looked to see what route I could follow after the train arrives in Florida. I might ride to Key West but I have to get to Florida City to start. Have you ever been there?”

“I haven’t but I would like to go.”

That started an adventure that I never expected when I went to Freddie’s for a drink. G was pleasant, polite, and always ready to try something new. Our trip on the car train was uneventful, as was our departure from the train near Orlando. I hadn’t heard from my Florida friend, Ben, so I decided I would drive with G to Key West. He insisted that he wanted to ride the heavily travelled highway to Key West. I thought it was a bad idea but he wouldn’t listen.

He said Google Maps showed a bike trail for most of the way. I dropped him off south of Florida City. We agreed he would text me when he made it to Key West or if he had problems along the way. He was determined to ride all the way. As I drove south on US Route 1 I saw that much of the bike path G was planning to ride was obstructed by construction. I wondered when I would get a call from G requesting that I come to get him.

I drove into Key West and checked into the Island House. It was a splurge because even the smallest room with shared bath was over $300. The Island House is a male only resort that is rated one of the best gay resorts in the world. Most rooms surround a clothing optional pool. The resort has a full restaurant and bar. There is an open bar happy hour every day. I reserved the room for three days, hoping that G would get to enjoy it with me for at least one day. On the first day I was lounging by the pool with a dozen naked men. I wasn’t looking for bedroom action but I found it with a fellow about my age from Springfield, Ill. He was fun to talk to. He was excited that his tattoos had won a contest at a local bar and allowed me to take pictures of his naked canvas. Even with his husband around he wanted to play. I agreed, as long as he wore a condom. He was gentle and sweet, but, unfortunately, was checking out the next morning.

After the guys departed I walked to the most southern point in the United States, located about a mile and a half from the resort. I kept my phone with me, expecting and hoping G would give me a call. He did call when he rode onto Roosevelt Boulevard He asked where I was staying. I gave him directions and walked to the front desk to inform them I had a roommate coming. I asked where he could put his bicycle. When he arrived I told him to lock his bike to the fence across the alley. He came in excited as a little kid about his car. He said it was four years old, but he had been assured by the former owner that it had been well maintained.

I could see that he had a scraped knee and elbow, but waited until we were in our room to ask him about the ride. G, in a very animated way said, “You were right. It was a dangerous ride. I’m going back with you.”

“How’d you get hurt?”

“I fell in one of the construction zones because there was so much gravel on the bike path. After I fell I rode much of the rest of the way on the highway. Most drivers were more respectful of bikers than drivers up north. The highway was better than riding in the gravel.”

“You made good time. Where did you sleep?”

“When I stopped for dinner yesterday a guy suggested that I stay with him. I accepted his offer but he wanted me to sleep with him which I firmly refused. He didn’t push me. I left very early this morning before he woke up and was able to make it here. This is a nice place. How long are we staying?”

“One more night, it’s really expensive.”

“I’ve got money. Let’s stay longer if they have room.”

“It’s $300 a night.”

“That means we can stay three more nights.” By this time he was naked and ready to check out the pool and restaurant. I knew this cute Asian boy was going to be an immediate target. All I do but was watch and hope he came home to sleep with me. I followed him to the pool deck when he said, “I’m hungry. Let’s get something to eat. I see there are naked guys eating so we don’t have to get dressed.”

I won’t dwell on what were the best three days I have had in a long time. G was really my partner. He was distracted by the attention he got from numerous guys in and around the pool and he disappeared more than once with one cute guy or another. But he always came to our room at night and was a great bed-mate. No matter what he did out of my sight he seemed genuinely interested in being with me.

We had conversations about “G’s” home in Korea and how and why he decided to go to Lehigh University. He shared with me that he hoped to stay in the United States but that depended on whether he could get a job within a year after he received his master’s degree.

He seemed interested in me, and politely listened, as I recounted my life story before and after the accident that led to my being disabled. Our time in Key West went too fast. It was time to drive back to visit my friend, Ben, who finally texted me while we were in Key West. He indicated that his apartment was too small for us to stay with him.

I happened to have an old picture of Ben that he told me was taken by a famous photographer, which I showed to G. All he said was, “Nice.”

As it turned out, all we did after meeting Ben was walk the pedestrian path along Lincoln Way. Ben fawned over G who returned Ben’s advances. I was annoyed but allowed things to progress, which led us going to Ben’s small efficiency apartment. In front of me Ben proceeded to kiss G who didn’t resist. Ben would occasionally look at me and smile or smirk. Before long the two of them were naked and in Ben’s bed. All I could do was watch, which neither of them seemed to mind. I felt they were putting on a show for me.

Eventually, I had had enough and said, “I’m taking a walk. Text me where I should meet you.” I wandered the nearby neighborhood for more than an hour before G texted that he was at the truck waiting for me. As I walked I tried to contain my annoyance or anger. When I saw him I completely forgot that I was annoyed. He was so cute. All he said was, “I think Ben had a good time. He had to go to work.”

We didn’t see Ben again and drove to Fort Lauderdale where we stayed at the Worthington, a well known gay resort. G and I agreed we would start our drive back to Virginia the following Monday.

Fortunately, when we got back to Virginia G didn’t leave my house. He moved into my basement apartment, insisting that he pay the five hundred dollars a month. We spent much time together, either on the porch or in his bed. His greatest concern was finding a job or a master’s program in civil engineering so he didn’t have to return to Korea. I wasn’t sure whether he wanted to be with me or avoid going back to this parents who would be totally disappointed that he didn’t want to find a wife.

Money did not seem to be an issue with G. He didn’t tell me he was buying a car until he drove into the driveway one evening in a red Ford Mustang. He came in excited as a little kid about his car. He said it was four years old, but he had been assured by the former owner that it had been well maintained. I was sceptical but went for a short ride in the car. My seat was so low I had a difficult time getting in and out.

Back on my porch I couldn’t wait any longer and said, “I didn’t know you had money for a car.”

“Yeah, my father sent the money as a graduation present. He also sent ten thousand dollars to allow me to stay and look for a job or go to graduate school.”

“That’s fantastic. Any news on the school or job front?”

“Yes, today I received acceptance to the Master of Engineering program at Iowa State University. Have you ever heard of it? The other fantastic news is I heard from John Deere Company that I will receive a full scholarship and internship. Do you know that company?”

“First, I graduated from that university many years ago. Second, John Deere is one of the largest manufacturers of industrial and farm equipment in the world. It’s a great company.”

“I have no idea where Iowa is, let alone Ames, Iowa.”

“I will be your guide and while we’re in Iowa I’ll introduce you to my family.”

Our trip to Iowa in “G’s” Mustang started in early July. As we drove I wondered why I was staying in Virginia. I had nothing keeping me there except my house. Our two-day trip had us stopping for an overnight visit with my old friend Bart near Chicago. G was polite but seemed ready to leave as soon as we finished breakfast. I could tell Bart was not totally comfortable with G but I wasn’t sure why. I decided I would worry about that later.

We arrived in Ames in the early afternoon and checked into a Best Western. The next day I was alone since G had appointments at the admissions office and the engineering office to find out about the scholarship. He came back totally excited and his excitement was infectious.

He said, “Stu, why don’t you move out here with me? We should look for a place before we drive back.”

“G, to be honest I have been thinking about selling my house in Virginia, but if you want us to live together let’s consider our options. I’m not sure I want another house, because I’ll never find a place that has the privacy that my house in Virginia has.” G listened, knowing I was making a big decision. “We can consider a condo development but I don’t want any stairs.” Still G didn’t say anything. We went out to dinner and had an Iowa meal of steak, baked potato, Green beans and apple pie.

Before leaving Iowa I called a realtor friend in Fairfax and told him I was putting my house on the market but stipulated that Aaron and Jack were off his list. I wanted to approach them personally about buying my place since they were renting Aaron’s family’s place. That was a smart decision. I quoted them a price and they accepted immediately since Aaron’s family wanted to sell the house. They insisted that G and I would always be welcome to visit.

Now we have been living in a new apartment complex in Ames, Iowa for the last five years. G earned his master’s in mechanical engineering with a specialty in computerized hydraulics. His educational pursuits brought me back to Iowa and to the university town where I received my undergraduate degree many years ago. G came to know my elderly mother and my brother and sister and their families. They seemed to really like him. I even got to meet his parents’ who came for his graduation. They seemed nice, but stiff around me.

G will be leaving to take part in an international research project funded by the Korean Government and John Deere in Indonesia. I will miss G terribly, but, I think wisely, decided not to follow him to Indonesia. I am sad that he will be leaving but having G in my life is the best thing that has happened to me in my sixty-five years.

Author’s Note: The story is fictional and any resemblance to actual persons is unintended. I reserve all rights to the story. I am a mature Gay man who lives with his husband in Pompano Beach, Florida. Email

Image Copyright © Melissa Kopka. Licensed by Bigstock.