Leaping Into the Quarry

Chapter 7

Our leaping camp ended the second week of August. Coach was happy that we made a few extra dollars for the Department. Besides Zack and Mike, the class consisted of Stephanie, Julia, Joyce, Joshua and James. Even though Joshua participated, he wasn’t sure that he would continue leaping in the fall. He had a tough semester coming up. He was a good flyer, and had twice succeeded in doing a forward somersault. I told him that he was very good, but should do what he had to do. Boris was a rock star as our catcher.

On one of the last July nights, we had everyone over for a barbeque. My goal was to see whether the group wanted to develop an act for the Gamma Phi student circus the following spring. After Chef Doc’s burgers and brats were consumed and plenty of beer drunk, we sat outside on the newly completed back deck. Doc added the deck for occasions like this one. After I made several congratulatory remarks, I asked the group to think about the prospect of preparing for the student circus. There was unusual silence, until Stephanie asked, “How much practice time would be involved? I have to student teaching in the spring.”

After much animated discussion, we decided to think about it during our two week break. Doc sat quietly, listening. Mike sat with his hand on Stephanie’s thigh. He said, “I think I may have to live in the fraternity house this year.” His scrunched up face made clear that he was not happy about that.

Doc asked, “How many of you have living arrangements finalized for the fall? Only Mike’s hand went up. Josh indicated that he hadn’t signed his housing contract for the dorm yet. Julia, also, had not firmed up her living accommodations. Joyce said that she and a girlfriend were looking for an apartment, but hadn’t found one that they could afford. Stephanie and James didn’t say anything. Doc continued, “I’m considering buying the house next door, which is for sale. I could modify it so that it could be a communal home for the leapers. We might even rig up an outdoor trapeze when warm weather comes. That way you won’t have to go all the way across town to practice.”

Stephanie said, “I didn’t start leaping with the idea that I’d have to wash smelly jock straps.”

Mike said, “My jock strap isn’t smelly. It’s like perfume.”

“Perfume to you, obnoxious to me.”

Doc had obviously been considering the purchase for a while. He invited the group to walk next door to look at the house. Everyone, including Boris, trotted over and entered the back door of the long brick ranch-style house with an added upstairs bedroom. The vacant house hadn’t been lived in for months, so it had a strong, stale smell, like wet towels piled in the corner. Zack asked Doc, “How would you modify it? It only has one small bathroom.”

Doc described moving a wall downstairs and expanding a closet upstairs making it into a bathroom. Zack said, “Sounds expensive. How much would you charge us?”

Not answering the question he went on, “The structure is solid. The kitchen is fairly new, and the former residents added a big family-room/eating area. I would close off the front room, and make it into a bedroom, giving the house four bedrooms. I think it is a good investment. If you guys don’t want to move in I am pretty sure I can rent it out. It’s right on the city bus line that goes straight to campus.”

James sarcastically interjected, “So you see Julia and Joyce together, me and Joshua and the love bugs, Mike and Stephanie together. I’m not sure that I can convince my parents that an unmarried guy and girl, living together, is appropriate. They’re pretty conservative.”

“Who said I wanted to live with Mike anyway. Sleepovers once in a while are fine. But all the time, I don’t know,” Stephanie snapped. “Anyway, Mike said he had to live in the fraternity house.”

Once we returned to the other house, Doc said, “Even if only some of you move in, I’m going to buy it. I want to control who my neighbors are.” The group dispersed around ten, except for Mike, who returned after he took Stephanie back to her summer dorm.

At breakfast Mike said, “I like the idea of living next door to you guys. I know Stephanie is interested, even though she didn’t act like it last night. After I dropped Steph off last night, I stopped by the fraternity.

Doc said, “What’d you find out?”

“I let the house manager know that I preferred not to move in. He was relieved and said the house was very full. Doc, I suggest you get going on the renovation. I bet you’re going to have four renters, if the price is right.”

Over the next couple of weeks, Zack, Doc, Boris and I did some needed work on the first house. Zack and I stained the new deck, and painted the door and window trim on the barn. Doc and Boris cut the evergreen and lilac bushes back, and spread new gravel on the driveway. Doc heard from Joshua, James, Joyce and Julia that they all wanted to move in. Doc set the rent at a low $50 per month, per person. Doc had contractors come out to suggest modifications for the other house. He told the realtor that he wasn’t willing to commit, until the cost of renovation possibilities were considered. At the end of the week, after the realtor gave him a price reduction, he agreed to buy the house. Zack and I noticed that Boris had moved his things into Doc’s room without a word. I knew it was only a matter of time before their lovemaking noises became routine. The following evening as the four of us sat on the freshly stained deck drinking a beer I said, “Any chance you two could close your door when you’re having sex, we’d like to get some sleep?”

Doc blushed, “Sorry, we’ll try to remember, but sometimes things happen fast.”

“You won’t be offended if we close the door if you forget?”

“Fine, but you might miss a great show,” was Doc’s snide retort.

“Yeah, which hairy asshole do I prefer?” We all laughed.

Doc signed the closing papers after less than a week. Contractors started two days later, tearing out walls and fixtures. Doc specified that each bathroom should have double sinks with tubs separated from the showers. That way it didn’t matter whether boys or girls used the bathrooms. The girls liked to bathe and guys preferred showering. One bathroom was bigger than any I’d ever seen. We decided that rather than four bedrooms, we would keep the former living room as a study room, away from the TV.

My father called on my birthday. That was the first time I’d heard from him since we spoke after his departure for Florida. He asked how school was going, but didn’t suggest that he was sending any money. I knew I was on my own, with limited options. He wished me the best.

The subject of selling the colt and Bess came up over dinner one night, when Doc was alone with Zack and me. I had no other choice, and gave him permission to put the two year old colt up for sale. We got a good price for the colt the following week. When the colt left, Bess still had Temp for companionship, since she was still boarded with us.

Mr. Lipinski hadn’t sent Zack money either, which was a bigger issue, since he didn’t have money for tuition. A few days later, the proceeds of a life insurance policy his mother had arrived in the mail. We assumed that the $5000 was all he was going to see until college was over. We knew we’d have to be frugal for two years to finish without one of us having to quit and go to work.

Mr. Lipinski called and told Zack that he had several conversations with the Illinois child welfare people. They suggested that Stan be put up for adoption. Apparently, grandma was not able to cope with a rambunctious two year old. He told Zack he would agree, if Zack was OK with it. Zack was torn, and told him he didn’t want to put Stan up for adoption, since he was his nephew. I quietly thought, “What in the hell are we going to do with him.” On a blistering hot day before school started, Zack and I drove to Decatur to see little Stan. It had been several months since we had seen him. When we arrived, he quickly saddled up to me. Jim pulled Zack and me aside soon after we arrived, and said, “Helen really can’t cope with Stan. He’s as cute as they come, but he’s an active two year old.”

From Grandma’s house, Zack called his father in Massachusetts and they discussed the situation. Mr. Lipinski agreed to pay $50 a month to support Stan, if he stayed with us. Zack pushed back and said, since childcare was going to be necessary, he needed more. His father agreed to $75 per mouth. I called Doc and told him of Zack’s decision. His silence told me that he wasn’t very excited about the prospect of having a two year old around. He agreed that we could give it a try. I suggested that we make the bedroom with the day bed Stan’s room. We wouldn’t have to buy any new furniture, since he was old enough for a regular bed. Doc said that he might fall out a couple of times before he figured out what was happening.

We headed back to Normal with a non-potty trained two year old in the back seat. We agreed that we would use the new paper diapers that we’d seen advertised on TV, because neither of us wanted to wash poopy diapers. While driving back, Zack and I agreed that we would not change anything we were doing. That turned out to be completely unrealistic. We quickly found that a two year old controls your life, not the other way around. Initially Mike was not cool to the child idea, but he quickly came around when Stan picked him out for special attention.

After a “family” conference, once Joshua, Joyce, James and Stephanie moved in, we compared schedules to see if we could provide child care. Our schedules for classes and practice took so much time, that after a week we decided to find a babysitter. We put an ad in the student newspaper and got three applicants, all older women. They all lived on the other side of town, so Zack and I met each one at a coffee shop near the train station. We decided to ask Hattie to care for Stan, even though we liked all three of the applicants. We explained where we lived. We told her that she could get there on the city bus.

She came the following Tuesday morning at 8am, as we were getting ready to leave. All four of us were in a hurry, and we didn’t have much time to orient her, other than to tell her what food there was. Stan was not happy we were leaving him. He threw himself on the floor and had a tantrum. We gave her no explanation as to why four men had a two year old, and she didn’t ask any questions. Hattie came twice more, before telling us that her religion did not condone men sleeping together. She must have concluded that, as she wandered through the house. Lubricant and condoms were always visible beside Doc and Boris’ bed.

I called one of the other women, Leona, to see if she was interested. She had heard from Hattie that we were homosexuals and, therefore, she couldn’t help us either. I reached out to Betty, who said she would come out. She wasn’t as clean and tidy as Hattie, but we were desperate. Once again, Stan threw a tantrum when she arrived. She picked him up, gave him a cookie and carried him around until he calmed down. What began as two times a week, became three times and some evenings, if we would drive her home.

At dinner soon after Stan arrived, Doc said, “I have something to suggest regarding getting Stan potty trained. When I was a student on a mission trip to Africa, I saw toddlers naked and squatting to pee and poop. The villagers didn’t care, because they knew the child would observe the older kids, and follow their lead to the latrines.”

Zack said, “We can’t have Stan peeing and pooping all over the house, even though we let puppies do it, until they learn. What are you suggesting?”

“I suggest we get a potty chair for each bathroom and a child size stool cover for your bathroom. We need to get a little step stool. We will let him run around bare bottom. When any one of us sees him start to squat, move him quickly to his potty seat. If he pees or poops, give him a reward, like one M&M.” Doc continued, “I think we should leave the bathroom doors open, when we’re on the john. Make a point of showing him what we are doing. It may sound gross, but I bet we will have the potty training done in two weeks.”

“Should we tell Betty?”

“Sure. She has to be our partner.” When she came the next day, I explained our plan. She said it was unusual for white children, but admitted our method was how she and her brothers were trained in Mississippi. I called Stan over and took off his diaper, and left him naked from the waist down. I showed him the potty seats. He wasn’t interested. Betty admitted the first day was not successful, because she found several little puddles and a little pile on the kitchen floor.

We followed our plan, except when he slept, when we put him in a diaper. When he was next door with Mike, Stephanie and the others, they insisted that he wear diapers. Mike admitted privately, when he was watching Stan, he did away with the diaper. He said there was never an accident. Betty confirmed that Doc’s method was 90% successful in about two weeks.

James on the toilet

James reported, about a week into using Doc’s method, that he had forgotten to completely close the bathroom door, when he was sitting on the toilet. He noticed Stan’s hand push the door open, “I almost told him not to come in. Instead I said, ‘Stan, come in.’ He came right over and stood at my knee, and quietly watched. I know it sounds gross, but I showed him the result. He said he wanted to sit, and sure enough, he was successful. I think we’re making progress.”

Zack and I often showered with him, because it was easier than bathing him. He loved when the three of us were in the shower together. When he was upset, he would throw a tantrum. Unless he was in danger, we let him blow off steam. He was always happy to see Zack, Mike or me, more than the others. Boris didn’t really pay any attention, and Doc continued to be cool. I felt Doc didn’t want a child around.

Doc and Boris making love

Stan didn’t affect their sexual activities, which seemed to be getting louder and kinkier. Occasionally, they took Stan into their bed when they were together. Doc thought that Stan should see everything the human adults did. He thought it was healthy. I wasn’t totally comfortable with it, but it was Doc’s house.

The fall semester was busy with me teaching, not only the advanced leaping class, but also a new group of students. Boris and Mike moved the Risley chair into the barn, which had a tall ceiling, but wasn’t sufficiently insulated, so Doc bought a big heater. When it got too cold, they moved back to the power station. We didn’t get the trapeze set up outside before it got cold, even though we had bought new rigging and a net, with the help of grants received from the newly created Illinois Arts Council.

We celebrated Stan’s third birthday right before Thanksgiving, but decided not to do a kids party. He was so cute. We could finally reason with him. It was so hard to get mad at him, since he had a lower lip that quivered when you looked at him in anger. On his birthday, Zack and I took him to his favorite playground. On Thanksgiving afternoon, the adults gave him toys, a new winter jacket and his favorite, a set of Thomas the Train. He had his favorite chocolate cake and chocolate crunch ice cream after we sang the “Happy Birthday” song.

Other than Zack and me, Mike seemed the most taken by Stan. Stephanie seemed the least interested of the girls. Mike confided one day over coffee, “I don’t understand Steph. She loves our sex, but Stan seems to bother her. I wonder if she understands that children and sex are related.” We laughed.

I said, “Ready to give up the hetero things, and join our side.”

“No, I’m fine. But, if there is ever any room in your bed, call me.”

Smiling I joked, “Stan has taken your place in the bed. We’d have to throw him out, if you came over.”

“Don’t do that. He’s so cute.”

Mike pulled his shirt off, and I couldn’t help but admire his upper body. “Your muscles seem to be stretching your T-shirt.”

“Seriously, I am happy with Stephanie, but I don’t know if she’s wife material. You know that she’s leaving after Christmas to do student teaching in Springfield?”

“Is she going to drop out of our act for Gamma Phi in April?”

“I don’t know. You should ask her.”

“With you and everyone else getting better, we will have to settle on a routine soon. We should plan on a group conference soon, so we know who’s doing what in the second semester. Are you planning to leap and do the Risley?”

“You should watch me sometime. I’m getting pretty good spinning and hitting my stand on Boris’ feet. I only fall onto his stomach about one in three times. He can toss me into a hand stand, which works almost every time. He spins me like a top and, occasionally, gets his toe in my butt crack.”

“We told him you’d like that.”

“You’re kidding! You told him about what we did.”

“No, but we did tell him he shouldn’t worry, if his toe gives you a goose, now and then.”

“You shitheads. I noticed that it’s happening more often on some days, than others. Instead of being annoyed, I’ll enjoy it when it happens.”

I invited Mike to stand up, and pulled him into a full body hug. He didn’t resist, and returned the hug with a pinch of my butt cheek. The spell was broken, when Stan ran in wanting to be hugged.

While we had talked to Stan about Christmas and Santa, we were all too busy to do anything much until a week before Christmas. We took him to see Santa at the shopping center.

James and Zack decorating the Christmas tree

We surprised him when we put up an eight-foot tree with lots of lights and ornaments and put gifts under the tree. He smiled, as he regularly held the colorful packages under the tree, even though he didn’t understand.

The last day of classes before Christmas was December 17. The night before, we planned a Christmas party for the beginner and advanced classes, plus several other gymnasts. Doc and Boris fixed the food. The roasted turkey with walnut-apple dressing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes swimming in butter and brown sugar, broccoli and cauliflower casserole were not only appealing to the eye; they were mouthwatering. The main dishes, plus other tasty morsels, were served buffet style. We had beer, wine and soft drinks. After dinner, Zack convened the group in front of the fireplace for a conversation about the upcoming Gamma Phi circus. Boris served Black Forest Torte with vanilla ice cream.

Stan was so excited that he wouldn’t quiet down for us to have our meeting. Doc, uncharacteristically, picked him up, put him over his shoulder and took him into the shower. We didn’t hear or see them again. Boris cleaned up the kitchen, as we discussed the upcoming spring time activities. We went around the room to find out each person’s level of commitment to the intense practice schedule required to be ready to perform at the Gamma Phi circus.

Stephanie started, “As everyone knows, I will be in Springfield doing my student teaching until late April. I don’t see how you can count on me, even though I would truly like to participate.” Her comments were followed by Julia and Joyce, agreeing to work like crazy to perfect the passover passing leap.

Mike surprised me. “I’ll be ready for a forward double layout. Boris and I will have the Risley act ready. It’s ready now.” Boris frowned. “OK, maybe not completely ready.”

Zack said, “I’ll keep trying to get my double half twist to be consistent.”

Vicki, who didn’t weigh one hundred pounds and had broad shoulders and unusual strength, asked if she and I could do a double layout. She wasn’t really a beginner, and came from the flying Spinelli troupe. She had been flying since she was eight years old.

“Fine by me, but you will have to change into the advanced group.” Stephanie’s departure opened a place. I concluded the discussion, stating that I would do a double full straight and, perhaps, a full twisting triple.” This brought a collective moan from the group. Mike said, “Show off!” Shortly after ten, Zack and I sent the group into the cold winter air with many “Merry Christmas” greetings. Zack and I were ready for bed, when Boris stood in our doorway. He motioned for us to follow him. In the dim light, we could see Doc sleeping with Stan cuddled against his chest. I carefully lifted Stan into my arms, and took him to his bed so that Boris had a place to sleep.

The spring semester brought many changes. Before the semester started, Joshua came to me agonizing that he couldn’t take the chance that practice would negatively affect his grades. He wanted to get into one of the best law schools, upon graduation. I was disappointed, but understood. He said that he would be happy to move out of the house to make room for someone new. I told him that there was no hurry.

On a Saturday morning shortly after the semester started we sat drinking coffee. Doc announced that he had decided that the leapers should be in our house. He and Boris were moving into the other house with friends. I agreed, because I was increasingly concerned that Stan saw sexual activities that were, truly, freakish. He and Boris weren’t discrete enough, and that made me uncomfortable. I think Doc knew that.

I said, “We’ll move Joyce and Julia into your bedroom. Is Vicki moving in? I assume Mike and James can room together, since Joshua is planning on moving out.”

“I didn’t know that. When did that happen?”

“He told me earlier in the week, that he didn’t have time to practice and to keep his grades up.”

“What if Mike gets a new girlfriend?” Zack inquired.

“Or,” Doc added, “James gets a boyfriend.”

“Really, I didn’t know.”

Doc said, “Open your eyes. He drools every time he looks at you or Zack. He’s not bad to look at. You should give him the opportunity you gave to Mike.”

“That’s possible. I understand you and Boris gave Mike advanced lessons.”

“Let’s just say, we expanded his understanding of male sexual activities.”

“What did you do?”

“You ask him. I would appreciate you giving me his evaluation.”

The following weekend, we made the move. Boris and Doc moved into a bedroom in the other house that was not going to be affected by the renovation. The three girls moved into the two bedrooms that shared the girl’s bathroom. Mike and James moved into the bedroom which had been Doc and Boris’ room. Zack and I stayed where we were but moved Stan’s daybed into our room. The four boys and Stan would share the gym-sized bathroom. Having Stan’s bed in our room made things too crowded. We moved his bed out which meant Stan was real happy, because he got to sleep with us. We knew that would have to change if we planned on having regular sex. We did not come up with an immediate solution.

An unfortunate change did occur. Boris accepted the position of chef at a prestigious Downtown Club. ‘Prestigious’ may be too strong a word, but he felt honored to have been selected by Bloomington/Normal business leaders. It was unfortunate for us, because his schedule had him leaving early, and often not getting home until 9 or 10. We had to fix our own meals. We set up a rotation with teams of two, going shopping weekly and preparing dinner.

Practice for Boris and Mike on the Risley became less frequent. But I had seen their routine, which was more and more polished, clean and physical. Mike felt that if they could practice once during the week during the winter, he could keep Boris’ toe out of his ass. Saturday mornings, both men were free to practice. Young Vicki, who had joined the advanced class, had become their regular spotter. Being from a circus family, she made stylistic comments, which sharpened Mike’s performance posture. To me, it was quickly clear that Vicki and Mike were growing closer, which posed a problem. Mike needed his bedroom for their personal activities, which left James out in the family room.

James had become a proficient leaper, but had not committed to a particular trick during our pre-holiday conference. I suggested to Zack that we meet with James. I had told Zack in advance what Doc had said. “Let’s give him the opportunity. I think he is too shy to go for it. His personality is not Mike’s. Did Doc tell you that he and Boris had a three-way with Mike? I haven’t talked to Mike about it. Have you?”

“No. But when you find out what happened, I want to be there. I bet his eyes got opened.”

“I’ll bet that’s not all that got opened.”

Several weeks passed before we had a chance to sit down with James, when no one else was around. Zack walked in with James one day when I had no classes. I heard Zack say, “I think Randy is here. Do you have a couple of minutes? We have something to discuss with you.” I didn’t hear his response. They were sitting in the family room in front of the fireplace, when I came into the room.

Looking at me, James said, “What’s up? I do something wrong?”

Zack started, “Not at all. You are being pushed out of your room regularly by the activities of Mike and Vicki.”

“Yeah, it’s a bit of a pain in the butt. I like both of them, and they need their privacy.”

“Do you want us to say something to Mike?”

“No, please don’t. I’m fine. There are plenty of places for me to be when he and Vicki are together.”

I took a deep breath and said, “James, you are a good looking guy, and you are becoming quite an accomplished leaper. But socially, you are alone too much.”

“That’s just me. That’s the way I’ve always been.”

“Do you have a girlfriend or…boyfriend?”Zack asked.

Without hesitancy, he followed, “Neither, but I will sometime.”

“Which boyfriend or girlfriend?”

After a pause, James said, “Yes, I’m a virgin in every sense of the word. I have had dates with girls, but never kissed a girl – like, really kissed her. I’m afraid…”

Zack interrupted, “I know this might sound crazy, but Randy and I are willing to show you what being with a boy feels like. You know Randy and I love each other, and always will. We’re willing, if you are interested.”

I followed on, “James, let your hair down.”

He sat silently for long moments. “Now, what if Betty and Stan come back?”

“This is Betty’s afternoon off, and Stan is at child care at her church. I pick Stan up after practice. To my knowledge, everyone else is meeting us at practice.”

“OK, I appreciate the offer, but what do I do.”

“Follow us.” Zack correctly sensed that we needed to proceed quickly, or James might lose his nerve. As we had done with Mike, we undressed James to his underpants without him saying a word or offering any resistance. Zack and I undressed completely before pulling James’ underwear down. We led him into our bathroom, which we were currently sharing with the girls. Plenty of beauty products were scattered on the counter. After adjusting the water, we led him into the warm spray. James said, “I’m sorry, but…” I thought he was backing out. “I need to pee.”

“Rather than let him leave, Zack said, “Do it in here. We do.” I would never let Zack pee in the shower. I thought it left a residual smell. But I understood what he was doing.

“Really? With you guys watching? My dick is shy sometimes.”

“Let her rip.” James got the stream started, and to his surprise, Zack took hold of his dick, and directed it. James tried to finish as his dick quickly filled. He was blushing, but didn’t move, as we began to wash him from head to toe. I washed the front and appreciated his developing ab muscles. I soaped his member, that didn’t stick out, but pointed up toward the ceiling. Zack was massaging and washing his backside. Based on the moans, I suspected Zack was spending time focused on James’ rosebud. Unlike Mike, who was an active participant, James stood like a statue, as we dried him. I thought we’d made a mistake.

Once in our bed, James relaxed, and did not resist a moment when my mouth met his. His lips were soft and warm. He had a lovely, sweet taste, when he put his tongue in my mouth. I could see Zack was slurping on his dick and massaging his butt cheeks. James’ body told us he liked being our toy, but only slightly personally engaged. He softly whispered, “Slow down, Zack. I don’t want to cum yet. I want us to cum together. I can’t believe you guys are giving me this gift.” I felt better that we had done the right thing. Awkwardly, he pulled me up, so he could reach my dick. Tentatively at first, and then with a little too much teeth, he sucked me. His mouth was almost milking my cock, which was a feeling that I had not had before.

Zack had James’ legs in the air, and was ready with a condom on for entry. I whispered to James, “Are you ready for Zack?”

“I’m ready, I think.”

“Don’t hold your breath. Just try to relax. The first time is not the most comfortable.” Zack pushed ahead, and slipped in without difficulty. He gave me a puzzled look, as he rhythmically moved in and out. We both seemed surprised that James experienced so little pain. If joint ejaculation is what James wanted, then I had to get hold of him, and give him a hand job. He certainly had my attention on my front side. All three of us were concentrating on our jobs, when James noiselessly sprayed a thick, white stream onto his stomach. Noisy Zack was next as he released into James’ cavity. I squirted into James’ mouth, having warned him. He smiled and licked me clean.

We lay side by side, waiting for James to say something. Looking at his face, I could tell he was in another place. Zack finally said, “Well, James, what do you think?”

“Heavenly, and better than I ever expected. I knew I was gay, but now I know I’m gay.”

“What are you going to do about it?”

“Nothing, probably. My parents would kill me, disown me and throw me out, if I admitted I was gay. I need their support until I graduate. I plan to move to San Francisco or New York. I understand there are plenty of gay guys there.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure. You know me better than anyone else. Ask away.”

“I’ve topped quite a few guys for the first time, but I have never had my dick slide in so easily. You didn’t have any pain?”

“Zack, you felt wonderful, but I have butt toys that I use regularly, to get off. I guess that’s the reason. I really like the real thing better than my toys.”

“Makes sense. Better get showered and get to practice,” I said as I rolled out of bed. “James, if you meet someone, girl or guy, that you want to get to know better, we will find you a private place here.”

When we picked Stan up after practice, he said his ears hurt. He cried all that night. He hadn’t had an ear infection since he was in Decatur but the infection seemed to have returned. The next morning, Zack and I put Stan in the car to drive to the Pediatric Unit of the Carle Clinic in Champaign. As we were getting into the car, Mike came out and said, “Randy, I know you’ve got to go, but I need a favor. Vicky wants to move in with me.”

Irritated at his timing, not his problem, I said, “We have to discuss it later.” Zack got in the driver’s seat, as I held little Stan on my lap, trying to comfort him. He relaxed and fell asleep. After considerable explanation at the clinic as to Zack’s role as guardian, we got to see a doctor. The doctor was gentle, and Stan seemed to connect with her. She prescribed some new drugs, and told us that they were expensive.

On the way back to Normal, with Stan asleep in my lap, I told Zack that he would have to call his dad to get the money for the prescription. He said he would, as soon as we got home. He asked me what Mike had said. I told him.

Zack responded,” The question is more how to tell James where he will sleep, without him thinking, “The gay guy gets pushed out.” We decided that Mike and Vicki would move into the bedrooms that shared our big bathroom. We decided make the weight lifting room Stan’s room. Vicki had used that room as her own before the move. We had to buy a double bed, a desk and chair and a wardrobe, for James’s room which had been our study. His new bedroom gave James plenty of privacy, if he wanted or needed it.