After a week Clark lost his inhibition and swam naked with us daily. Splashing around became a regular occurrence in the late afternoon after we fed and watered the horses and the cattle. The pool water remained comfortable because the nights were cool even though the days were stifling. I interrupted my work on the fence to cut the alfalfa the third week of June. Clark and Randy continued to work on the fence. Two days later I turned the hay and by weekend we were ready to bail. Another forty acres were planted with both oats and alfalfa but were not ready to be harvested. We would harvest the oats in couple of weeks.
Harvesting the Alfalfa
Last year Joel drove and this year Randy drove the combine as Clark and I unloaded the hay wagons. We stored hay both at Jerry’s and at the Jasper’s. We worked for four days bailing. Young Clark could hardly stay awake at the dinner table when we sat down to eat. We ate simple meals. We existed on two big pots of either pasta sauce or chili that Randy and Clark made the weekend before the bailing. Randy and I were equally tired but managed to mutually satisfy each other twice.
The second time Randy and I had sex Clark’s sex education started. After he helped clean the dinner dishes he said he was going to shower and go to bed. Randy and I finished up and went downstairs to shower. We started playing around in the shower. I soaped Randy’s dick and ass. He grabbed my dick and after soaping me up positioned me and guided my soapy dick into his butt. I was just beginning to get going when without a word Clark with his dick sticking straight out walked into the shower. I was startled and pulled back. Randy didn’t see him and remained bent over waiting. He said, “Get going.”
I said, “We have company.” He turned and saw Clark. I said, “Clark, you surprised us.”
“I see. Go ahead, I want to watch.”
I decided this was as good a time as ever for him to learn what fun two men can have. He stood close and watched as I slipped my dick in and out holding onto Randy’s hips. I must have been self-conscious because I slipped out soft. Clark grabbed my dick and I was quickly ready again. Smiling he held my dick and lined it up in front of Randy’s hole. I moved in slowly as Randy moaned each time I hit his prostate. Clark grabbed his dick and began to rub in time with my action. Quickly Clark was ready to let his sperm fly. He took in a deep breath as if waiting for me. We came at almost the same time. The three of us stood together and rinsed the soap off.
Clark said seriously, “Will you do that to me? Does it hurt?”
“Let’s talk after we dry off.” After drying three naked guys in towels were sitting on the downstairs’ sofa. I said, “Clark, what you saw some people think is wrong.”
“I don’t, but my mom does. She sent me here to get me away from my friend, Frank. He and I have never done what you and Randy did. I have sucked his cock and we have masturbated together. I’m gay but mom doesn’t want to believe it.”
“Well, you’re in a gay house.”
“You mean Uncle Jerry is gay, too.”
“Yes, your uncle likes sex with men but has to be discrete because of his job.”
“I won’t say anything.”
“Enough sex education for tonight. Do you want to sleep with Randy and me? We sleep naked as you might guess.”
Clark sheepishly said, “I don’t know, sometimes I wet the bed at night when I’m having sexy dreams.”
“All boys your age have dreams. They’re called a wet dream. Don’t’ worry, if we feel you’re going to have a wet dream one of us might put our mouth over you dick and enjoy your taste. Have you ever tasted your cum?”
“I’ve tried when Frank and I did it. It didn’t have much taste.” We got up, hung up our towels, went into the bedroom and got into our bed with Clark. I heard thunder and could see flashes of lightening in the high up windows. The rain began to fall heavily through the night. We didn’t get up until eight-thirty. The rain had stopped. I splashed through the puddles to the barns on the ATC to check on the animals while Clark and Randy fixed breakfast. When I returned Randy was directing Clark to set the table and put the scrambled eggs, ham and toast on the table.
At breakfast I said, “Since everything is wet I suggest we drive to Farmington to get groceries Randy said we’re running low on some staples. We also need more white paint to finish painting the fence. It would be great if we’re completely finished by the time Jerry returns.” I didn’t say but also wanted to stop at a drug store and buy condoms, real lube, not Vaseline, and a couple of enema bottles. We ate at the burger place before we did our shopping. Clark said, “Guys, my mom is supposed to pick me up this Saturday. Can I call her and tell her I want to stay longer?”
“Sure, I’ll talk to her and tell her what a good worker you’ve been.”
“There’s a pay phone over on the wall. I’ll call.” He walked to the pay phone with a hand full of dimes, picked up the receiver and dialed. We watched as Clark held the phone near his ear. He didn’t speak and hung the receiver back in its cradle. “She didn’t answer. Does the phone at Uncle Jerry’s work? I’ve never heard it ring.” He was right and neither had I. We finished our lunch and walked next door to the drugstore. The older female clerk facial expression suggested that she didn’t approve of our purchases. She didn’t say anything.
When we got back we had multiple bags of groceries to unload. As soon as we were finished Clark lifted the black phone receiver on Jerry’s credenza and dialed his mother’s number. She answered. Clark said, “Mom, I’m having a great time at Uncle Jerry’s. I want to stay longer. Here talk to Sam.” He handed me the phone.
“Hello, Mrs. Chester this is Sam Walters. Clark is a good worker and we’d be happy for him to stay with us. Your brother will be back in a week or so I suspect he wouldn’t mind bringing Clark back.” There was silence as I listened for a few moments. “I see. I’ll tell Jerry when he gets back that Clark has to be back in St. Louis by August 1. Do you want to speak to Clark?” I handed the phone back to Clark who was smiling from ear to ear.
He said, “Thanks mom. I love you. See you later in July.” He hung up. Not one minute later the phone rang. Clark picked it up thinking his mother had forgotten to tell him something. After he said “Hello” he listed and I could tell it wasn’t his mother. He finally said, “Grandmother, we’ll be over in a few minutes. Goodbye.” He turned to us, “Apparently, grandfather is sick and she needs us to look after their place.” Clark held on tightly behind me on the ATC. Randy saddled up our big bay for the short ride. In a matter of minutes we were at the Jasper’s. Grandmother was on the porch and she wasn’t smiling.
She said, “Boys, sit down on the porch steps with me. I have some sad news to share with you. You know Ray, I mean, Grandpa, had back surgery a few days ago. That went OK but he has developed an infection in his blood so they’re going to fly him to the university hospital in Columbia. I can’t fly with him so I will drive. Clark, I’ staying with a friend of your mother’s. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. Can you fellows manage the farm?
We assured her that we could handle everything. She apologized for not being around to cook for us. We assured her were becoming proficient as cooks, especially Clark. She brought us some cookies and lemonade which we happily ate. She disappeared into the house to pack. We stayed around until she drove off. The house was rarely locked but she did so this time. She showed us where the key was hidden outside.
After she drove off things got worse not better. On the way back to Jerry’s our big bay stepped in a gopher hole and fell onto Randy. Clark looked back and yelled, “Sam, the horse fell on top of Randy. He’s trapped under the horse.” We saw the horse struggling to get up crushing Randy. We raced back and found Randy whimpering. He couldn’t move. I told Clark to stay with him and I would go get the truck. Hopefully, we could lift him into the truck bed. When I got back it was clear Randy was going into shock and couldn’t help us as we lifted his dead weight body up to the level of the truck bed. His right side wasn’t right as his leg dragged.
I drove to Jerry’s, Clark stayed with Randy, and I went inside to call the sheriff’s office to find out if the county had an ambulance. I was given a number and called it. After five rings someone answered. I explained the situation and the person told me it would be an hour before they could get to us. The dispatcher suggested making the patient as comfortable as possible and drive to the Parkland Medical Center in Farmington. Since I knew the way I decided that was our best option. The dispatcher put a nurse on the phone who told me to cover the patient even though it seemed hot. If possible, someone should sit with him and keep talking to him so he didn’t go into complete shock. Her last directive was to drive carefully to avoid sharp turns so the patient would be as still as possible.
Randy was awake so I explained the situation to both of them. Clark went into the house and gathered up a bunch of blankets and a pillow. He brought caps for himself and Randy. I locked the house and we started toward Farmington. Less than an hour later we pulled up to the hospital’s emergency entrance. I went inside to find an attendant who came out to survey the situation. He left us and returned with another male nurse. The four of us moved Randy’s body onto a gurney. They wheeled him in and said they were going to take him directly to X-ray. One attendant directed the other to call the orthopedic doctor who was on call.
Clark and I went into the utilitarian waiting room with light green walls and plastic furniture. After filling out some paper work I tried to call Randy’s parents in Rolla from the pay phone. There was no answer. Clark looked at me, “Why don’t you call Joel’s parents. They may know where Randy’s parents are. Fortunately, I remembered Joel’s phone number and called. Joel’s father answered. After I told him the situation he told me that Randy’s parents were on a trip to Colorado and he didn’t have any further information. He said, “Sam, if they tell you there has to be a ‘next of kin’ permission for surgery call me. I can do it since I’m Randy’s uncle. On second thought, I’ll drive down to Farmington so there isn’t a delay. It sounds like he will.”
We waited for two hours. Clark and I were starving. Shortly before the cafeteria closed a short Indian-appearing doctor came out to the waiting room. He introduced himself and said, “Boys, your friend has what appears to be a broken hip. What happened to him?”
“Our horse fell on him. The horse stepped into a gopher hole.”
“Have you contacted his parents because he’s going to need surgery.”
“We have and I couldn’t reach his parents. However, we are expecting his uncle anytime.”
“If he gives permission we will do surgery tonight. The sooner we set the hip and adjust the alignment the quicker he’ll begin to heal.”
“How long will he be in the hospital?”
“I don’t know. If the surgery goes as I expect he will be here about a week.” As predicted Randy’s uncle Bart walked into the emergency department as we were talking to the doctor. After the doctor repeated what he told us Bart asked to see Randy. We wanted to see him as well. The staff allowed us a brief time with Randy because they needed to prepare him for surgery. Joel’s dad said, “God what an awful day. First, my dad is flown to Columbia and now Randy. Let’s discuss what we are going to do. I assume Jerry Bailey hasn’t returned from his trip. Is he expected soon?”
“He said he hoped to be back by the July 4th holiday. We have heard nothing further.”
“OK, I will stay in Farmington with Randy and wait for the outcome of the surgery. You guys go home since I assume you are taking care of both Dad’s and Jerry’s livestock. Do you have Jerry’s phone number? I’ll call you when Randy is out of surgery.” I nodded and gave him a soiled slip of paper with the telephone number on it. I didn’t want to leave Randy and stood touching his arm. He was my buddy and I felt so sad.
Joel’s dad was the adult so I assumed he knew what was best. After stopping at the burger joint we got back to Jerry’s a few minutes before ten o’clock.
Clark said, “Should we go check on the bay to see if she’s alright?” I hadn’t thought about the horse but he was right. We took Jerry’s big flashlight and carefully walked toward the barn. We startled the bay. Her leg seemed intact even though she favored it when we picked it up to examine it. There was a small scratch but that was all. We would examine her more closely in the morning. After a quick shower Clark and I fell into bed.
I woke up when I heard the phone ringing. I took the stairs two at a time and grabbed the phone receiver. It was Bart who told me the surgery had gone well. It turned out that rather than a break Randy’s hip was just significantly dislocated so his recovery would be quicker. Bart told me that Randy wanted to return to Jerry’s since his parents were traveling. He said, “I can bring Randy to Jerry’s and stay a couple of days but must get back to work. Do you think you guys can take care of him? The hospital said they’ll release him in three or four days. In the meantime I’ll come out until we can pick him up. Do you need anything at the grocery store?” I had started a list but thinking about Clark’s return I asked him to bring two dozen eggs, two gallons of milk, and anything else he thought he would like. He planned to arrive by the late afternoon.
I returned to our bed and Clark was resting his head on his hand. He smiled, “I’ve decided that this is the morning I would like you to fuck me. I have waited long enough.”
“What if I tell you I don’t think you ready.”
“Why would you do that? I’m ready. I’m almost fourteen. Didn’t I hear you say to Joel’s dad that you would see him this afternoon. We can’t do it while he’s here.” I heard the phone ring again and thought Bart had forgotten something. When I got to the phone and said, “Hello.” I heard Jerry’s voice. “How you boys going?”
“The last two days have been terrible.” I proceeded to tell him what had happened. He listened and said he would stop in Farmington tomorrow on the way home to check on Randy. I told him Joel’s dad would be here for a couple of days. We hung up. I thought Clark might be right. I decided we would take the opportunity to continue his sex education. When I got back into our room Clark hadn’t moved. “OK, today is the day. Come with me into the bathroom. We have to shower and prepare.” He followed me like a puppy into our bathroom. He waited to be told what to do.
I said, “Whenever you have butt sex you have to prepare. Lean over and pull your cheeks apart.” He looked at me puzzled but did what I asked. I took one of the enema boxes out of the drawer, opened it, pulled the container out and took the cap off. I put some soap on the tip and said, “I’m going to stick this in your butt and its going to feel funny.” Clark giggled as I inserted the tip.
After the contents were squeezed in I directed Clark to sit on the toilet. He sat quietly for almost a minute when he loudly said, “I got to shit bad.” The smell told me everything in his anal cavity had come out. “Whoa, am I clean?”
“Part way. We’ll get in the shower and make sure. I’ll start the loosening process to lessen the pain.” We got into the shower together and thoroughly washed each other. Both of us had extremely hard dicks and were having fun. Clark kissed my lips, my ears, and my nipples. He started to get on his knees but I kept his mouth away from my dick. After drying I took his hand and led him back to our bed. “Want you to get on your hands and knees. I need to loosen you some more.” He did and I lubed my index finger. As I pushed into his tight hole he pulled forward and gasped a “Whoa!”
“Stay still we have two more fingers to go.” After I twisted and turned with three fingers I said, “I think you’re ready.” I lay on my back and directed Clark to straddle me.
He said, “Am I going to slide down onto your cock?” I nodded my head answering his question. His hole was slicked and I proceed pull a condom over my dick. He stood over me on the bed, lined up and I guided my cock into his chamber. He went slowly. I could tell he was experiencing pain but he didn’t stop until he was all the way down. “Am I doing it right?” He began to move up and down and adjusted his angle so I hit his prostate. He was moaning and cooing as if he was in a faraway place.
It wasn’t as if I was an innocent bystander because having a cute teenager riding my raging cock was sending me to the edge sooner than I wanted to. I grabbed hold of his hips to slow him. He slowed, reached down and kissed me. “Gawd, Sam, this is wonderful. Is it good for you?” I smiled but couldn’t hold back anymore and shot into his virgin asshole. He didn’t stop moving up and down which was excruciatingly pleasant for me. Moments later his immature dick shot a watery white rope onto my chest. I grabbed his dick and he screamed. He tried to stop me but I kept going. He let me slip out and I carefully pulled off the condom. I didn’t want the sperm on the sheets.
I said, “Well, you aren’t a virgin anymore.”
“Whoa, I didn’t think sex could be that exciting. Thank you.”
“One more thing I need to tell you about man-to-man sex. If you have sex with someone you don’t know very well it is better to use a condom because some men may have a disease.”
“You mean you can get sick from sex?”
“Yes, there are unpleasant but curable diseases like syphilis, gonorrhea and AIDS which you can get from having sex with men or women who aren’t careful. That’s why it’s better to use a condom. A condom also prevents the girl from getting pregnant.”
Clark said, “Yuck, I can’t imagine having sex with a girl.”
“You never know,” I said thinking about Joel. We lay in bed as Clark cuddled close to me occasionally brushing my hairy stomach and cock area. I said, “We have to get up and check on the the animals. We also have to mow the grass to get ready for Jerry’s return. We will probably mow at the Jasper’s as well. Before starting outside we had to decide who would sleep where inside. Every bed had to have clean sheets. One of the upstairs bedrooms had to be reserved for Randy when he returned. We decided that we would designate Jerry’s bedroom as the hospital room because the bathroom door was wide enough if Randy had a wheelchair. That meant the small bedroom would be for Joel’s dad; the bigger bedroom would be for Clark and me and that would mean Jerry would be in the basement room.
Sam Loading the Washing Machine
Clark’s naked tanned body was running around stripping beds. I put the first of three loads of sheets in the washer. I headed to the Jaspers’ to feed the cattle and start mowing. I asked Clark to feed the horses, check on our bay and let them out into the newly enclosed paddock. When I left Clark, still undressed, was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes after breakfast.
By late afternoon we had finished what needed to be done. Clark fixed some sandwiches because we hadn’t stopped for lunch. After we ate and drank our Cokes we jumped in the pool as we always did. I figured if Bart arrived he wouldn’t mind and might even join us. We had been swimming only a few minutes when we heard the car tires crackle over the gravel. I waited as he walked around the house instead of coming through. When he appeared I said, “Hi, Bart. How’s Randy?”
“He’s fine, just uncomfortable. Mind if I join you. I don’t have a swimming suit.”
“Don’t need one, Uncle Bart,” Clark said smiling. I thought how in a few weeks he has lost his inhibitions. Bart stripped off his clothes. I recognized his dick. It looked exactly like his son’s hanging slightly to the left and the balls hanging down below.
He looked at me and smiled, “I think you have seen this before.”
“Yes, at the river. And you and Joel look similar.”
“And…” he jumped in the water and came to stand by Randy and me. “Water feels good. Hear anything from Jerry?”
“Yes, right after you and I spoke this morning he called and said he’d be back tomorrow.
“Good, then he’ll be able to help you boys take care of Randy. He’s not going to be moving much for a few days. We are so lucky that his hip was only dislocated and not broken.” We swam around for a while. “Is there any beer in the house? Oh, that reminds me I better get the groceries into the house. He got out and didn’t bother to dress except for shoes. He went around the house to his car and came back holding two bags which Clark took from him. He returned to the car for one more bag. We were in the kitchen putting groceries away as he placed the last bag on the counter.
As he stood before us I wondered if Joel would look as slim and trim as Bart when he was forty. He had wavy brown hair, dark brown eyes and limited hair on his chest and butt. His balls hung well below his dick. He smiled as I looked at him. He caught me, “Sam, what are you looking at?”
“I was wondering if your son will look as good as you do when he’s forty.”
“I think better. Which bedroom will be mine?”
“Down the hall the first room on the right across from the bathroom.”
“Can I assume that you, Clark and Randy are close?”
I blushed, “If you mean, are we best friends the answer is ‘Yes’.” That is all that he said before he left to retrieve his small bag from the car. After he stowed his bag he said, “I need to go over to mom and dad’s to check on things.
“We check every day because the feeder cattle are over there. We’re assuming when Jerry gets home he’ll decide how long he wants to keep them before he sends them to market.”
“It’d be good to see Jerry. You heard he got a promotion to Chief of Security for the House of Representatives. He’ll be in Jeff City often. I wonder if he’ll keep his place. It is certainly out of the way.”
Clark came out on the pool deck wearing a tee shirt and some ratty shorts. He didn’t say anything as Bart and I sat drinking our beer. He went into the kitchen to start cooking the our supper. He decided on hamburgers, roasted potatoes which Bart bought at a farmer’s market plus a salad with onions and tomatoes from the same market. Bart took a long drink of his beer before saying, “Do you allow Clark to drink beer? His mother’d shit if she knew.”
“The three of us drink an occasional one. None of us drink beer very much.” I paused, “Can I steel your phrase ‘Clark’s mother would shit if she knew he was…,” I paused, “Gay? She sent him to a gay house unknowingly. Anyway he thinks he’s gay.”
I was surprised when Bart followed up with, “You mean like Joel did until he met your sisters.”
“That’s what I mean. Clark’s done all the gay things that Randy and I do. I have chosen to teach him about sex since there’s no other male in his life to guide him.” Clark came back carrying a basket of corn chips.
Bart said, “And this is like the fox watching the chicken coop.”
“You might say that.”
Clark smiled at his uncle, “So Uncle did big mouth tell you?”
He smiled at Clark, “If you’re happy I’m happy. I hope you guys don’t mind if I walk around naked. Joel’s mother insists I wear something top and bottom. It must feel really free to dress or be naked whenever you want to.” We both smiled and didn’t say anymore.