Friday afternoon the temperature was over ninety degrees when Mr. and Mrs. Jasper picked me up. I had butterflies in my stomach dreading the two hour ride with parents I didn’t know. Mrs. Jasper was sitting in the front seat as Mr. Jasper put my back pack in the trunk. She got out so I could climb into the back seat. She said, “Sam, we’re glad you’re able to go to the farm. Joel is pretty bored since there is no one around his age to hang around with.”
1966 Ford Fairlane
Mr. Jasper got into the driver’s seat of their new white Ford Fairlane and pulled out of our driveway. Mother, Father and Susan stood on the front stoop waving as the car pulled away. I was puzzled that Sarah wasn’t with them. Mr. Jasper looked around briefly and said, “Sam, I want you to know we’re going to my parent’s farm near Centerville, Missouri. It’ll take us about two hours from Cape Girardeau. The road is somewhat curvy. Hope you don’t get carsick.”
“No, sir, I don’t.”
“Sit back and relax. Sorry we didn’t buy air conditioning for our new car. It was real expensive.”
“I’ll be fine. I’ve been mowing grass all week.” Nothing more was said as Mrs. Jasper turned on a radio station that was playing country music. I was relieved that I didn’t have to talk. They talked to each other. I was fine with that. Fifteen minutes before our arrival Mr. Jasper said, “Sam, this is the closest store. It’s where people rent canoes to float down the Black River. Maybe you and Joel can go canoeing.”
“I’d like that. I did canoeing in scouts but haven’t done it lately.” We turned onto a long gravel road before pulling up in front of the white, wood frame farmhouse with a wide front porch where three rocking chairs sat empty. When the car stopped Joel ran out of the front door followed by his grandmother who was wiping her hands on her apron. Joel hugged his mom first and then his dad. He extended his hand to shake my hand. I shook his. He took my back pack from his dad and said, “Sam, follow me.” I followed him into the dark house which he said was dark to keep it cooler. There was a big black fan whirring moving the hot air. We walked through a room he said was the main room where two stuffed rocking chairs sat with a table between them. On the table sat an old fashioned radio. Across the room were the eight chairs resting haphazardly around a dining table. We went into the kitchen that had a giant cast iron stove. Joel said, “Grandma cooks on that when it isn’t this hot. They have a charcoal grill outside that we’ve been using for cooking.” He opened a door to stairs next to the stove and said, “Ahead is the bathroom. That’s the only bathroom and it doesn’t have a shower just a tub. Follow me upstairs. We won’t stay too long it’s too hot.” I did as I was told. At the top of the creaky stairs was a big room with windows on two sides. In the middle of a big rag rug was one double bed.
“Are we going to sleep up here?”
“Maybe or we can take a blanket outside and sleep in the front yard. There aren’t any mosquitoes.” Both windows were open wide but there was no noticeable breeze. Joel said, “God, I’m so happy you came I was so bored. I help grandma in the garden in the morning and I mow the grass but that’s about all I do. It was cooler when I got here and I would hike in the woods. There’s a cool guy on the next farm that I want you to meet. I help him some of the time.”
“Your dad said we should rent a canoe for a float trip down the Black River. Have you done that?”
“No, but we can if you want to. It’s too hot up here. Let’s go downstairs.” Instead of going through the main room we went out the backdoor. He pointed out the outhouse. “That’s where they used to shit. Thank god they built inside bathroom.” When we walked around the house we found Grandma and Joel’s parents sitting in the rockers on the front porch. They were drinking iced tea. Grandma got up and said, “Boys, come with me. I’ll get you some lemonade.” We followed her around to the back door and waited for her to hand us two glasses with ice and lemonade. The sun was dropping gradually behind the giant oak trees in the front of the house. We heard a vehicle rattling up the gravel. “Grandpa’s coming home from work. He’s a guard at the prison in Farmington about forty-five minutes away.” Grandpa got out of his red Chevy pickup to greet Mr. and Mrs. Jasper and me. He told me he was happy I had come to keep Joel company.
We stood a few minutes before Joel pushed me, “Follow me. I’ll show you around.” As I followed him I became completely wet with sweat. Joel led the way through a gate past a large garden toward a barn and several out buildings. I could see several horses in the distance but closer we encountered three brown cows. Joel didn’t say anything as we climbed a fence and started walking along the tree line. He said, “This is the way to the river we can canoe on. Want to swim?”
“Sure, your mom didn’t tell me to bring my swimming suit.”
“Oh, I swim naked. You’ve seen me at the swimming pool changing room and I’ve seen you. Who cares?”
“Fine with me. The water’s got to be cooler than standing here.” We stripped off our clothes and spread them on the bushes to dry. I followed Joel’s cute butt down a steep embankment. It was muddy at the bottom as we carefully waded in. With a splash he fell into the water. I didn’t realize he fell intentionally and started to reach for him. He pulled me down on top of him. We stood up in waist high water. “It’s deeper over here.” We stepped that direction when he stopped and whispered, “Don’t move there’s a snake.” I did as I was told as the snake leisurely swam away.
Mr. Jasper
“I don’t know if it was a water moccasin or not. They’re the only poison snakes in the water around here. It probably was a water snake.” We were shoulder deep in the murky water. It felt so much better than being on land. We sat in the water relaxing when I heard voices. Joel said, “It’s probably dad and grandpa. Grandpa and I come here some afternoons after he gets home. He likes to cool off, too.”
“I assume they’ll be naked like us.”
“They will be and you’ll see my grandpa is really hung. I think my dad is too but I haven’t seen him naked for a couple of years.” They undressed and came down the slope. Joel was correct his grandfather had a big, bulky dick with monster low hanging balls. His father wasn’t that large but large enough. Joel whispered, “I’m hoping I get that big.”
The four of us cooled ourselves in the water as the water bugs scampered across the glassy, rippled surface. In a half-an-hour Joel’s dad said, “Out of the water, boys. It will be supper time soon. Let the air cool and dry you before you put your clothes on.” We stood around and fortunately my dick behaved itself.
At dinner we learned that the younger Mr. and Mrs. Jasper were going to Mrs. Jasper’s twenty year high school reunion. Instead of doing the reunion in Jefferson City where she graduated the people were meeting at a resort on the Lake of the Ozarks for a dinner and dancing. They were going to stay for a couple of days. There must have been a guest room but I didn’t see any bedroom except our own. Supper wasn’t over until almost eight so we missed watching “Rawhide” my favorite show. Grandpa turned on the television for “Route 66” which my parents liked but wasn’t of any real interest to me or Joel. He got out the checker board and we played a few games before we decided to go upstairs to see if we could sleep.
We drank water from the kitchen pump before climbing the stairs. Although we tried to be quiet in our stocking feet, the risers squeaked as we made our way up the narrow steps to the attic room.
Joel yanked the window up further until the tiny posts that held it up snapped into place. I sat on the edge of our bed and the moonlight caused the sheets to glow deep purple. I pulled off my socks, shoes and dropped my shorts remembering I didn’t have any underwear on but neither did Joel. Joel and I had left our dirty clothes in the laundry basket when we returned from swimming. I flopped on top of the sheets and my naked body radiated heat.
"Looks right to me,” Joel laughed as he crawled onto the other side of the bed. “Just don't think I'm a girl."
Too soon, I felt the light of the sun creep across my shuttered eyelids and the bed moved. Joel was getting up. I slowly opened my eyes and turned in his direction. He leaned on his left elbow with his hand cupped under his chin.
“I thought you were strange when you went to bed naked. One night and I'm convinced I like it. I'll never go back,” then Joel added laughing. “But it’s impossible to hide the morning woody.”
"Yep, It’s the only way, I always sleep this way at home, don’t you?” my foggy vocal cords growled.
Getting no answer he said, "Get up, I hear Grandma. Mom and Dad will be leaving soon.”
He climbed over me to get to the floor. I gave his bare butt a smack and said, "Nice hairy ass." He stepped onto the warm floor boards. Joel was taller than me by a couple of inches. His butt was covered with dark hair like that on his head.
He turned and saw me staring at his ass. He playfully pulled his ass cheeks apart. “He’s winking at you.”
“Your ass is really hairy.”
“Yep, just like my dad’s.” I turned my head and planted my own feet on the warm, polished floor and stood up. My morning boner waved. I didn’t try to hide it. I looked out at the sun’s fingers reaching for the wispy orange clouds that seemed out of reach. I turned to see Joel pull up his shorts and a faded black tee shirt with the sleeves torn off. He smiled, “Look at you. Need to jack off. I’ll leave.”
“No, just morning wood. It’ll go down but I would like to jack off sometime. Maybe we can do it together.”
"Shut up, Greek god,” he shot back. “Put your pants on.”
"Am I turning you on?" I laughed. He left me and climbed down the steep, creaky stairs.
In no more than five minutes I was in and out of the bathroom ready for breakfast. The frying bacon smelled really good. Joel and I were sitting at the big dining table when Joel’s mom and dad entered. They were dressed and ready to leave. The backdoor slammed and grandpa joined us. He said, “Boys, there plenty of work to do today. Joel, why don’t you start the riding lawnmower and Sam can take the clippers to the grass around the trees and fence posts. When you’re done join me and we will finish staining the shed before it gets too hot.”
I immediately thought of the myriad of lawns I had already cut and trimmed during the week. Grandpa didn’t ask if I wanted to do one more. Theirs was a big one. We ate quickly and quietly. Joel asked to be excused so we could get started. Joel said 'Goodbye’ to his parents and we left the room. Joel started mowing but gave me a break about forty-five minutes later as he took the clippers. We exchanged places twice more as we finished the two and a half hour job. We took a break for a glass of lemonade before joining Grandpa at the shed. It was hot so we took our shirts off. I saw Joel rip the sides of his old running shorts exposing his milky white upper thighs. I could occasionally see his dick pop out of his ripped shorts. Grandpa told us Mrs. Jasper was delaying lunch in hopes that the shed painting would be completed so we could clean up.
By three o’clock we finally finished lunch. Grandpa thanked us for our help and encouraged us to rest or go for a swim. He didn’t seem interested in joining us as he did yesterday. Joel said, “Let’s take a bottle of water and we will take the long way to the river. I want to show you something.” Instead of walking toward the river we walked along a well defined path along the fence row. In the distance I could see a new house with only a few small trees in the yard. In the back was a new barn with a paddock in the front. There wasn’t any activity around the house. We jumped the fence and walked closer to discover a blue swimming pool with a screened enclosure next to it. The fields around the house were ready to be harvested.
“Grandpa said the guy who lives here asked him to cut the oats and bale the hay. I think he starts doing that after church tomorrow.”
“Church? Do we have to go? I haven’t been to church since Christmas.”
“Yes, but don’t worry. The service isn’t long and boring. It isn’t a Catholic church so it’s more fun. After church there is a big picnic with mountains of food.”
“I didn’t bring dress up clothes.”
“This is a casual church. Shorts, a collared shirt and sandals are fine.” Joel started walking across the field toward the river. Once in the water he stepped close to me and reached his hand toward my dick. “Can I touch?”
“Only if I can touch yours.” We mutually began the process of rubbing each other off. I shot first several milky streams onto the top of the water. I watched as the current took my cum away. I kept rubbing and finally Joel threw his head back and yelled “Whoa, holy shit, look out” as his load shot across the surface of the water.
I said, “I really needed that. What about you? I’ve never jacked off someone other than myself.”
Joel smiled, “I have once before with Jimmy Marks. It wasn’t nearly as good as this. I hope we can do it every day. We can do it in our room.”
“Only if you don’t yell like you just did.” We laughed and fell into the water. After splashing around for another half an hour I said, “I’m ready.”
“To go?”
“No stupid to jack off again. I walked to the shore but didn’t climb up the steep banks. In a few strokes I was hard. I was wanking myself as Joel stood beside me doing the same. It took longer to cum but both of us shot good loads. As I climbed the embankment I could feel Joel’s breath blowing on my butt. I took that as a good sign. Once back at the house Grandma told us to take a bath before we had supper. We decided to get in the bathtub together. We weren’t dirty but getting the river water washed off felt good. We played with each other’s dicks with our toes. Midway through the bath I had to get out and crap. It was smelly but Joel didn’t say anything except, “Wipe well. I don’t want shit in the bath water.”
Supper was sandwiches, cookies and milk before Joel and I started playing checkers. Grandpa and Grandma watched television for a while, said “Goodnight”, before going to their room. Joel and I played until nine before going upstairs to bed. The air was a cooler so we pulled a sheet over us and fell asleep. In the night I felt Joel pull up close to me and put his arm over my chest. I could feel his limp dick in my ass crack. I didn’t move and enjoyed the intimacy. Morning came too quickly.
On the way to church Grandpa drove the pickup with Grandma in the cab. Joel and I rode in the back. We pulled up in front of a white clapboard building with a steeple. The pickup one of twenty or so vehicles parked on one side of the church. Only a few people were visible. Behind the church was a covered structure with picnic tables where I assumed the picnic was going to take place. We walked toward the church entrance as Grandpa parked the truck. Grandma hurried us toward the front door. We could hear the piano player start the first hymn. We walked quietly to a pew on the right side of the half filled church. A young priest dressed in a white shirt, blue stripped tie and black pants stood at the front. He didn’t have his robes on. I assumed that was because he would be too hot. Before the church service started there were announcements about the sewing circle, the prayer circle, visitation of the shut-ins. They went on and on. Finally, we got to the singing, taking collection, communion, and the sermon. Communion was strange because they brought the wine and the crackers to us. The priest didn’t serve the people like they did in my Catholic church.
Finally, the service was over. I said to Joel, “Do they always do communion that way?”
“Yes, why?”
“In my church we have to go up front.”
“Your church is a Catholic church. This is a Methodist church. They do things different. Let’s go outside and get something to eat.” There was another prayer before people lined up for the cold fried chicken, potato salad, coleslaw, apple sauce and many loaves of Holsum bread next to country made butter and preserves. The small children went first but we had to wait to go through the line with the adults. I saw Grandpa speaking to an handsome younger man with a small beard. Rarely had I seen men have tidy beards. If they had a beard at all it covered their entire face. Grandpa and the man were intently talking about something when Grandpa waved for Joel and me to join them. Grandpa said, “Boys, this is Jerry Bailey. He lives on the farm next to ours. Joel you met him before.”
“Didn’t I see you guys yesterday walking toward the river?”
Joel said, “Honestly, we walked to look at your new house before going for a swim in the river.”
“You’re welcome to come over and swim in my pool anytime. The water’s cleaner.”
Grandpa interrupted, “Jerry wants me to cut and bail his alfalfa hay. I’ll need your help. I can drive the bailer but someone has to drive a truck along side. Can either of you drive?”
“I have my driver’s permit. I’ll be sixteen soon.”
Joel said, “Grandpa you know I can drive the tractor.”
Jerry said, “I’m willing to help but I’ve got to go to Jeff City this week for a special session of the legislature.”
“Are you a Congressman?” Joel asked. Jerry and Grandpa laughed.
“No, I’m a legislative aide to the Assembly representative from this district, Mr. Pougue. Can the harvesting wait until next weekend?”
“You shouldn’t because the hay’s ready now. There is always a risk of high winds or rain happening around here. The boys and I will take care of it. Where do you want us store the hay?
“As much as possible in my barn. I don’t have any livestock yet. I hope to bring the horses over but I’ve got to stop working so much.” We walked away as Grandpa and Jerry continued talking. We got our plates and filled them. We went to sit by ourselves since there weren’t any other guys our age attending church. After we got home Grandpa said, “Jerry’s hay is beyond ready so I’m going over to cut it this afternoon. I’ll show you boys how to use the equipment so you can turn the hay tomorrow and the next day while I’m at work. Thursday’s my day off and I’ll take Friday off so we can bail if it doesn’t rain. Joel, I know you know how to drive the tractor. We’ll teach Sam.
The late afternoon air was scorching. Grandpa started mowing and then stood on the back as Joel cut before giving me a lesson. We did pretty well but we left almost a third of the hay for Joel and I to cut. By the time we got back to the house it was seven o’clock. There were sandwiches and iced tea on the table. Grandpa said, “When you cut go slowly. Wash up and get to bed. You need to start early.
“Wednesday, while the hay is drying May, I mean Grandma; will drive you boys to the canoe rental place. You can paddle down to our place, load up the canoe in the pickup and drive it back up to the rental place. Do either of you know how to drive stick shift.” I raised my hand. I knew because my father insisted I learn to drive on a manual transmission. “Good, then Grandmother only needs to take you there. Thursday, the hay should be dry enough to bail.
We climbed the stairs but it was too hot to go to bed. Without saying anything Joel put his torn shorts and tee shirt back on.
I said, "Don’t you believe in underwear?” He blushed slightly and tugged at the front of his shorts.
“Too hot. Let’s go sit on the front porch until it cools off up here.”
We went downstairs. Joel stopped at the kitchen sink get a glass of water for himself. He slowly pumped the handle until a clear stream poured into his glass. He offered me one which I gladly accepted. The main room was dark except for one small light. We walked carefully through the dark room onto the front porch. I sat in one rocker and Joel in the other. The rockers of both chairs squeaked as Joel rocked back and forth. We didn’t speak and suddenly he stopped and got up. I felt the warmth of his face as he leaned in to kiss me. I was surprised but pleased.
The moon light was bright enough that I could see his smile. He said, “Let’s get going upstairs. I want to see you with your clothes off. You're a sexy guy. Sam, I admit I have a lot of pressure building up.” He grabbed my butt and pushed me into the house. “You can help relieve the pressure.”
He followed me closely and gently patting my butt a few times. Once in our bedroom, he pulled my shorts down and took my dick in his right hand. His dick was sticking out of his torn shorts. He held my hand as I sat down on the bed. He pushed me onto my back and placed a pillow under my butt. He shucked his tee shirt and shorts in one quick move and dropped them to the floor revealing his boy size dick. He turned his butt toward me as he reached down to unlace his tennis sneakers. He leaned over the bed and took my dick in his mouth. I drew in a deep breath. His mouth slid up and down. I could feel my balls beginning to expand. He stopped and smiled looked into my eyes, “You like it?” Nodding my head up and down he continued, “Can I ride you?
I didn’t know exactly was he meant, “How do you do that?”
“I’ll be careful.” He climbed onto the bed and stood with his hands pushing up on the ceiling. He drew his right hand to his face and spit into his hand. With his butt hanging over my dick he rubbed his asshole. He slowly descended until he was impaled on my super hard manhood. I had never felt anything like it as I lifted my hips to meet his up and down movement. He said, “Sam, I’m going to shoot if you don’t stop.” He smiled and kept going. Moments later I gasped and shot into his butt. He kept going and I about lost my mind at the sensitivity I felt. He took himself off of me and I rubbed him to his climax. I had had my first sex with a man.
“You liked that?” He said smiling.
“How did you know I might let you do that to me?”
“I didn’t know. I look at you and get horny. You’re handsome. I thought you liked me. Joel continued, “Do me a favor and go down to the sink and get a wet rag so I can clean up.” I sneaked down the stairs naked and returned with a wet dish towel. We both wiped and he asked to return it to the wash tub on the back porch. He smiled, “Sam, maybe next time you can do me at the river.”