Are You Scared Yet?

Chapter Fifteen

Once Carlie and Earl were on their way back to Mandan again, the first order of business was for me and Stephan to take a shower. We were in there for quite awhile, but miraculously, we didn’t run out of hot water. Just getting cleaned up was wonderful, but beyond that, we had some other needs. (So it’s also a miracle that one of us didn’t come close to drowning.)

Elliott wasn’t so lucky, though. We were on the computer when suddenly: “Shit!

Stephan giggled, “Oops.”

So when Elliott popped in not long afterwards, I said, “Sorry. Guess we were in there a little too long, huh?”

“Yeah, I think you were,” Elliott chattered, “but at least I managed to get myself clean. … That’s all, though.”

“Oh,” I said innocently, “Next time, we’ll let you go first, then. But soon as I’m finished… shouldn’t take much more than a minute, you want to go with us to the restaurant? It’s the only one around, so if you’re hungry, it is the place. Want to?”

We were all decently dressed, Stephan in cargo shorts along with his Rochester Aardvarks shirt, me in cargo shorts and my Evergreen State College Geoducks shirt, Elliott in jeans and an unimaginative North Carolina Tar Heels — 2009 NCAA champs shirt.

I mean, even though the shirt had the scores of their six tournament games on back, it still wasn’t likely to raise questions the way ours could. For example: In regard to Stephan’s shirt, the question was whether it was for real.

That’s what Elliott was wondering, and in reply Stephan said, “Yeah, it’s a rugby team.”

Elliott shrugged. “Well, it’s unusual, I’ll give you that much. So that’s why you bought it? Just so people ask about it? Because I bet you don’t know the first thing about rugby.”

“It’s sort of like football except most of them don’t wear helmets and probably not even knee pads, because it’s a man’s game,” replied Stephan promptly.

Then after a pause, he added, “So I’ll probably stick to mountain climbing or something safe like that. Now. Ask Natty about his shirt.”

“Okay, ‘ge-o-ducks’. They’re not really ducks, right? There’s no such thing, I bet.”

So I told him that it was pronounced GOO-ee-duck, only it’s not a duck, it’s a mollusk. “In fact,” I added, “it’s the largest burrowing clam in the world and lots of Asians think they’re delicacies.”

“So… is there actually an Evergreen State College?”

“Yep. It’s in Olympia, Washington.”

“And they nicknamed their sports teams after a clam Asians dig up and eat.”

“Right. … Think about it.”

… “‘Eat me’, right?’

“Yeah,” said Stephan, “If Natty has a choice, he’ll probably go for oblique.”

“Yeah, well…” and I was about to say that Stephan didn’t have much room to talk, but I stifled myself and instead finished by asking, “Does this sound at all devious? It’s the words to their fight song. First verse goes like this:

Go, Geoducks go,
Through the mud and the sand,
let’s go.
Siphon high, squirt it out,
swivel all about,
let it all hang out.

“And then the second verse goes:

Go, Geoducks, go,
Stretch your necks when the tide is low.
Siphon high, squirt it—”

“Um, how many verses are there?” cut in Elliott.

“Well, I was almost finished.”

“So let’s just say you are, then,” said Stephan.

I shrugged. “Okay, fine. Be rude then. I don’t care.”

So Stephan playfully slugged my arm.

“Ow! That hurt, Stephan!” Of course I was pretending, but I started making like I was shadow boxing, only then he tackled me for real, and the next thing you knew, we were wrestling.

Or at least we were until I reminded him that we were on our way to the restaurant and, informal or not, they’d probably prefer us being half-clean.

Elliott just shook his head. “You two are something else. I’ve never meet two openly gay boys before… but you… well, I don’t know, you just act normal, you know?”

“We are not normal,” I replied, “and we don’t want to be, but on the other hand…”

“We’re also not openly gay,” finished Stephan. Even though we’d just been in the shower together, him saying that gave me a twinge. When you’re finishing each others sentences… wow.

But we went on to explain that while we weren’t hiding it from him — he’d already outed himself to us, after all — we still weren’t open about it and we were going to be acting straight as we could be while we were in the restaurant.

So after a pause Elliott said, “Well, of course. I’ve been trying to hide it too, so I know about that, but… maybe we can talk about it later? … Just talk, that’s all.”

“Yeah, sure,” said Stephan nonchalantly, “later.”


We’d already discussed Elliott while he was in the shower. We would’ve had more time if he hadn’t run out of hot water so fast, but we agreed that since he was going to be with us for awhile, it wouldn’t be fair to always leave him on the outside looking in. So since we’d already engaged in mutual wanking with Carlie and Earl, we guessed it would all right to go that route with him as well.

Or, at least it would be once we ready to go again. From the way he talked, we were guessing that he’d never experienced anything like that before, so we were sure he’d enjoy it, but

Aside from wanting to give him an unforgettable experience, we also had an ulterior motive. Not in the sense of being selfish or opportunistic: we just wanted to talk him into wearing a bunny rabbit costume. Not that very night, because we’d only just ordered them… and we also had to convince Carlie, but it would be a nice way of showing some support for Earl if we were all dressed up in a Bugs Bunny costume… except for me and Stephan, because we were going to be dressed as Frank the Bunny… as in “Donnie Darko”…

Think about it. You’re working out in the field somewhere in Montana when you hear a car approaching. So you glance up, because there’s not much traffic out there either, and a station wagon cruises slowly by, and you blink, and then you shake your head… and then the station wagon stops and one of the rabbits sticks his head out asking directions… What on God’s green earth

Well, maybe it wouldn’t be a good idea to stop, but still, can you just imagine?

But I guess I should explain how and why we came up with that harebrained idea in the first place.

It started like this: it had crossed my mind once or twice while we were hiding out in that fertilizer plant: I’d barely spent my June allowance and I hadn’t even started on July’s and here it was getting close to August — so there would be that much more…

So I resolved right then that if I got out in one piece I was going to start spending it, and this time it wasn’t going to be on practical things like music and movies and books. In New York I can spend it in a hurry, but in Oxmar, other than at the restaurant, there was nothing I could spend it on!

And that really is a bother. Except, of course, I could always go online and spend it. I’d already talked to John and, after promising not to buy any adult merchandise, I had one of his card numbers. I’d pay him back right away — he knew that — so it wasn’t a problem.

So I decided I’d buy another rabbit costume for Earl. At first, just one, but I couldn’t find anything except for those stupid Bugs Bunny suits. It’s face and all, but still, I thought he’d be disappointed. He’d try not to show it, but I was sure he would be, so that’s when it hit me that maybe if all of us were to be dressed up, he’d feel better.

Only then Stephan mentioned Donnie Darko and it was sinister! So we had to order two. Three Bugs Bunnies and two Frank the Bunnies would totally blow everybody’s minds, especially if they’d had a few drinks.

So I bought a Frank and two Bugs and Stephan bought a Frank, a Bugs and three sets of clip-on 9.5’’ pink bunny ears. It was a good deal, because the ears came with fluffy white tails. It never hurts to have some tail replacements.

We weren’t going to mention this to anyone else until the packages arrived, though.

So of course we weren’t about to mention it to Elliott that night, but we thought we’d try to plant a seed in his mind by showing him the video of Earl trying to chase down Abe on the lawnmower. We’d show it just prior to finally getting on with his release.

First though, we wanted to prolong things for him as long as possible.

Or at least, we wanted to prolong it until we could have an orgasm again. So to that end, we decided that at first we’d titillate him some, then a little more, then take things a little further than that and so on, but for starters, we’d just casually talk about sex, and we started that up while we were walking back from the restaurant.

Well, Stephan did, and that was mostly because he wanted to clear up a point with Elliott. So he started, “Oh, by the way, Elliott: in case you were wondering, you remember what was going on while we were parked on the side of the road close to that fake cop?”

Elliott blushed a little, but finally, “It’s a little hard to forget.”

“Yeah, I can imagine,” started Stephan again, “but—”

“Bet you can’t, either,” interrupted Elliott, “because soon as we were back on the highway, I jerked off!”

Neither of us were expecting him to be that open about it, but I shrugged and said, “Yeah, well, Carlie’s done that a few times himself. … So was it a good one?”

“It was spectacular!

“Um,” said Stephan. Then he tried again.

“So I’m glad to hear that… Elliott, but what I was going to say was, Natty wasn’t really fucking me, okay? We haven’t done that yet. We are, after we set a date, but we honestly haven’t had much experience yet.”

So I had to bite my tongue again, because now that he mentioned it, I wanted to set that date… even if I guessed it would be better if we discussed it in private.

But as for Elliott… he was getting hard again, so it was starting to look like Stephan was over-titillating him. We weren’t even back to the house yet! But after another pause he said, “Well, it sure looked like you were.”

“I was sliding it in his crack,” I explained. Just saying that gave me another groin tickle, and later on Stephan said it gave him one too. So again, at the rate we were going, things weren’t going to be prolonged as much as we were thinking. Not that we’d figured out how long we were going to prolong it in the first place, but we were thinking in terms of at least an hour or so, not just a few minutes.

So I changed the subject. “Hey, Elliott, I was wondering… and I’m changing the subject for now, all right? For just awhile. But anyway, what I was wondering was, do you know of any schools in North Carolina with unusual nicknames?”

Well, he didn’t. The best he could come up with was the Campbell Fighting Camels, and they’re fairly close to being well known.

And I also had the feeling that he didn’t really want to change the subject, but until he could find a way of sneaking up on it again, he was being polite. That’s my guess, but once you’ve got a hard-on…

Well, obviously, that complicates matters, but we were still going to try. Because, after all, postponing pleasure can lead to an awesome orgasm once you finally get around to it. Or, at least, that’s how it had worked out for me when Carlie and Earl tried their shoe string trick.

But wanting to postpone things a little more than that even, at first we were just messing around on the computer again, this time looking for some unusual high school nicknames. I think the best was the Watersmeet (MI) Nimrods. So it wasn’t long until I’d found the Nimrod online store, and before much longer I’d ordered something else: a pre-shrunk, royal blue, fade-resistant Watersmeet Nimrods shirt.

Meanwhile, Elliott was still trying to be polite. He wasn’t going to start talking about sex until the subject came up again and, not only that, for awhile it seemed as though he was as interested in surfing as we were, because he mentioned a town in North Carolina named Lizard Lick, and soon enough, we were trying to find some Lizard Lick merchandise. I was hoping for some lizard costume heads, but we didn’t find them or anything else that struck our fancy.

Only that led to us wondering what Lizard Lick High’s nickname would be. If there really was a Lizard Lick HS — because there isn’t — but if there was, I still say Fighting Lizards is too obvious. The way I look at it, the Lizard Lick Tigers or Hornets would work a lot better, because that way, you might actually convince someone that it was for real.

Only then Elliott suggested the Lizard Lick Exhibitionists, which makes no sense, unless he was tired of being polite. It had been at least thirty minutes, after all. So it wasn’t subtle, but while I was trying to think of a suitable comeback, Stephan said, “Just because we’re going commando doesn’t mean we’re exhibitionists, Elliott.”

“I didn’t say you were, I was just wondering,” he replied. Then he added, “So are you?” (We were still in our cargo shorts, so there was no way he could tell without asking.)

And it also occurred to me that he seemed to be getting a lot more sure of himself, so I said, “Jeez, Elliott, you’re getting to be a little forward, don’t you think?”

“I was thinking of brazen, myself,” said Stephan.

At least that set him back a little. He started blushing and stammered, “Well, I… um… I wasn’t implying… well…”

“Bet you were too,” cut in Stephan

… “Well, maybe.” Then he trailed off and looked… hopeful. A little.

Stephan sighed theatrically and: “Well, okay then.” (So now Elliott was looking even more hopeful.)

Especially after Stephan continued, “Because I suppose we really are exhibitionists at that. … Aren’t we, Natty?”

… “Maybe.” Because, actually, I was a little doubtful. Knee jerk reaction, I suppose. That’s the only way I can explain it.

“Oh, we are, and you know it. Else why were we dressed the way we were on our way back? And we made sure he saw us, now didn’t we?”

“Well, you sure did…. But, yeah, you’re right, Stephan, we’re both afflicted.” (So needless to say, Elliott was now looking very hopeful indeed.)

“Yep, we’re both afflicted,” agreed Stephan, “so just for Elliott, we’ll all go to Earl’s and change into something more comfortable. … In fact, I guess we might as well be like we were on our way back.”

“Yeah, well, on our way back, most of the time we were naked.”

“Okay, we’ll be like we were at the start. You in your shirt and that’s all, me in my hospital gown.”

So soon enough, we were at Earl’s, only before changing, Stephan said, “But Elliott, there are two things you have to do for us. First, I want you to take all your clothes off and give them to me. It’s only fair.”

Elliott started blushing, but he managed, “Uh… what’s the second thing?”

“You have to promise not to jerk off. We’re going to take care of that for you, but you’ve heard about postponing pleasure, right? We’re going to jerk you off eventually, but we want it to be intense! So if you do it while we’re getting changed, we’ll be able to tell and if that’s the case, then we’re not going to jerk you off, all right?”

Then while Elliott was fumbling with his clothes, I had an idea too, so I cleared my throat and: “I have another idea. If it’s okay with you, I mean. So you want to hear it?”

“Well, you better hurry up, because I’m leaking right now,” said Elliott anxiously.

“That’s the point. We want to avoid it going off prematurely.”

I still wasn’t sure if I could get the shoe lace tied in place without him losing it — and when I first touched his monster, I thought it was about to happen, but he was trying his damnedest to hold back and with some deep breaths he somehow managed.

So, “There!” I said, triumphantly, “If you don’t bother it, I think we’re going to be okay on this deal. … But by the way, what were you thinking about while I was getting it tied?”

“My grandmother. I accidentally saw her naked once.”

“Yeah, I think that would work for me too,” I giggled. (Even if I was trying not to think about it. I mean, seriously…)

But apparently Elliott still was thinking about his grandmother when we scampered upstairs to get changed. I guess he wasn’t sure if my shoelace trick was really going to work.

And that made three of us, but once upstairs, I asked, “So we going to take turns on him?”

“Exactly. Think it’ll work?”

“Oh, I’m sure it will, but are we going to let him jerk us off too?”

“Yeah,” said Stephan. “If you’re okay with it, but really, that could work out good, because number one, he does us before we do him, so that way, he’ll be even hornier, and secondly, later on tonight when you’re sucking my dick, you’ll probably have to do it for an hour! … Well, maybe not quite that long, but it’ll still take awhile. … All right?”

Put that way, why not?


Once back downstairs, we sat side by side — Stephan and I, then we put our feet up on the couch, and Elliott gasped. So obviously, he wasn’t thinking about his grandmother any more. But Stephan cleared his throat and…

“Okay, first, Natty and I are going to tell some stories.”

I looked over at him quizzically. “We are? Like what?”

“Oh, fairly innocent, I suppose. … At least at first.”

“I’m not sure I know any innocent stories. Not if they have anything to do with sex…”

“Well, I’ll go first, then.”

“Yeah, that would be good, Stephan. That way, maybe I can figure something out.”

“So okay, then,” he started, “I was in the third grade, and I got home from school one day, and some friends were visiting. So trying to be friendly, this lady — her name’s not important but it was Vandiver — but she asked how my day had gone. Well, it just so happened that I’d aced two tests that day, so I was proud of myself, so I wanted to tell them how my day had gone. Even if I still wanted to be humble about it, so I just said, ‘I passed both my testes today.’”

“Oh!” I said, “I bet that smarted!”

“Yeah, once I found out what I’d said, it was painful to think about.”

“I bet it was. But okay, sorry for interrupting. I’ll let you continue on with your story now. I’m all ears.”

“That was the story. That’s all there is.”

… “You… you… Well damn, Stephan. That was a pretty short story.”

“Yeah, well, I realize that’s almost a foreign concept to you, but that’s all there is to it. The end, okay?”

“Like you should talk, Stephan. But now that you mention it, I can tell a short story too. Want to hear it?”

“You? Will miracles never cease. God!”

“Oh, shut up. But you still want to hear it, right? It’s short. I promise.”

“Okay, go.”

“Okay, fine, I will. When I was in the fifth grade, I came in from recess… this was in January and it was cold outside… as in brrrr! … But I came in, put my coat up, and then I said to the Sister, ‘I’m frigid!’”

… “That’s it? … I sure wish we had this on camera, because—”

“Well, it’s not quite all.”

“I knew it. So go on. But no wonder you hate Twitter so much.”

“Yeah, right. I’m probably past their limit already. But see, the Sister said I needed to be a little more careful with my language, because otherwise I might find myself saying something I didn’t intend to say. So of course I thought that was puzzling. It was frigid outside, so that was exactly what I meant to say.”

“You always did have to get in the last word in, didn’t you?”

“More often than not… Yeah, probably. But I’m almost all done here — but at any rate—”

“You also say ‘at any rate’ far too often.”

“Yeah, well… maybe… I’m going to let that slide, Stephan… but at any goddamn motherfucking rate… shit. Now I forgot where I was.”

“Well, I almost forgot where you was too. But let’s see…”

“Yeah, well, you’re the one who interrupted me.”

“You’re right, and I’m sorry. But apparently you were arguing with the Sister, telling her that if you were frigid, you had every right to announce that fact. So…”

“Yeah, well, it seems like they make a pretty big deal out of that themselves, you know? But what the Sister said in reply was even more mysterious: she said that I was using adult language. … And see, I didn’t say ‘at any rate’ this time.”

“You just did. … But okay, I’m almost sure of this, that the concept of there being grown-up words that you couldn’t use was yet another foreign idea, but…”

“You got it, Stephan. It was the most curious thing I’d ever heard of. But of course the Sister wasn’t inclined to elaborate. She just said I should ask my parents about it, so of course I did — I asked my mom — and she explained it. The end.”

“So did you understand her explanation?”

“No, not really. … Well, I understood it sort of… but I really didn’t want to think about it. And that’s the end, Stephan, so don’t ask me any more questions. That’s all there is.”

So he looked at me, then he leaned up close and kissed me on my nose, which resulted in a mild zing. Only I was on the verge of coming down with another case of the fuzzies, and I still wanted that to be just between the two of us.

Fortunately though, Elliott interrupted things right then with “God. You two are really in love, aren’t you?”

So with all the nonchalance I could muster I answered, “Well, of course we are. It’s the best feeling in the world.”

“I can imagine. … You care if I say you’re both really beautiful?”

“Well… I don’t think so,” then I looked over at Stephan and finished, “You care?”

“I don’t if you don’t.”

“Well, good. Then we don’t care.”

But there was still a danger of a fuzzy attack, and I guess Stephan pretty much felt the same way about it, because after clearing his throat again: “But anyway… Elliott… how much longer do you think we can prolong it?”

“Well… I’m definitely feeling horny, but I think I can hang in there for awhile yet.”. That shoe lace was working even better than I thought it would, so we guessed we needed to hold off on the video for awhile longer.


And obviously, Elliott had also moved past just being a victim. Only he couldn’t think of any stories to match ours, and at that moment, he wasn’t inclined to tell us much more about Markus. Although he was still trying to steer us off into some slightly more revealing stories about ourselves.

In fact, “Well, tell me about the first time you discovered sex, then.”

He was sitting across from us, looking fairly calm. He wasn’t panting or anything, even though he was still as hard as he could be. Fascinating.

So… “Well, okay, I’ll tell you about the first time I knew what a stiffy was,” I said. “I’m sure I’d had them from infancy, but I’d never noticed, all right? But when I was seven—”

“Oh my God!” cut in Stephan, “You’re going to tell us you had sex when you were seven?

“I didn’t say I was going to have sex, I said I was going to have a stiffy, all right? … I mean, if you don’t even know what to do with it, then you’re not very likely to have sex, Stephan. Okay?”

“Well, I’m glad to hear it.”

“Me too. … But anyway, when I was in the second grade, I had this best friend named Dustin.”

Stephan was still interrupting me though, this time with: “Is this going to explain why he moved halfway across the country?”

“Well, actually, he moved all the way across the country, but this didn’t have anything to do with it.” Then before Stephan could open his mouth again, I rushed on.

“We lived in the same apartment building. And this might or might not have had anything to do with it, but I was a little sad because I knew he was going to be moving in a couple of weeks. … I was seven, so I really don’t know if it had anything to do with it or not, but it might’ve, okay?

“But see, we’d been playing some dare games and it wasn’t long until most of them involved taking our clothes off. Then we’d have to stand in the window or something. Sixteen floors up, it really wasn’t all that daring, but we thought it was.

“So. One day Dustin dared me to take my clothes off and then get on the elevator. So that meant I first had to run across the hall naked. There were only four apartments on our floor, but I’d still be taking a chance, and then I was supposed to go all the way to the top floor and then back down again. And I also had to open the door, but that was even less of a risk, because all that was on the top floor was the penthouse. So—”

“Nope, this sure ain’t ever going to be on Twitter,” interrupted Stephan again.

“Well, if you’d quit interrupting me so much, it might be a little shorter.”

“Yeah, right.”

“So what happened?” cut in Elliott. Somehow, he sounded a little more anxious than before.

“Well…” then I looked at Stephan. “You through interrupting?”

“Yeah, ’cause I want to know how this works out too.”

“So okay. … Tulpehocken.” (Stephan grinned.)

And then I continued. “The thing was, Dustin had to go with me to make sure I didn’t chicken out. Opening the door up on the penthouse level was a very big deal, so he had to make sure I did it. And if nothing else, it helped in getting across the hall, because I was trying to hide behind him. But then soon as we were in the elevator — and before I pushed the button — I dared him to take his clothes off.

“So a dare’s a dare and he did. And then we were just giggling. And we still hadn’t pushed the damn button. But that’s when Dustin said, ‘You’ve got a stiffy.’ Prior to then, I’d never attached any significance to it, I didn’t even notice if it was or not. … And that’s all there is to it really … at least to that part of the story … except he had one too… and he sort of explained it later… it meant we were excited… whatever that meant… but—”

“So has anybody pushed the damn button yet?” (That was Elliott.)

“No, Elliott, we hadn’t pushed the damn button. And that’s important, because what we failed to consider was, the possibility of someone else getting on the elevator. I was about to push the button for the top floor, when all at once, we started going down! And you know how that works: once you’re going down, you can push the button to go back up all you want, but it’s going to keep going down until it gets to where ever it’s going. Unless you push the emergency stop button, and that’s what Dustin did. So now we’re halfway between 14 and 15 and the alarm bell is ringing like crazy and we’re both crying…

“Only, then we started going back up again. So Dustin’s trying to get his clothes back on. Only I was trying to get his clothes on too, so as a result, we hadn’t made any progress at all when the elevator stopped on the 15th floor… and the door opened and…

“Hello, Mr. Security Man. Two of them. So I learned about two important things that afternoon: stiffies and the fact that all the elevators had built-in security cameras.”

Stephan started giggling like crazy — I swear, it sounded like he had the hiccups, but finally he managed, “What did your parents do when they found out?”

I shrugged. “Only my mom found out, and she thought it was funny. ’Course she told me not to ever do it again, but really, she thought it was hilarious!”

“Did Dustin get into any trouble?”

“Don’t guess so. … But we didn’t dare each other to get naked any more, either.”


So I was wanting Stephan to tell his Tulpehocken Creek story, (and if he didn’t throw in the part about tulip squatting, I would), and we were both wanting to know the story behind the blow job Elliott didn’t finish. He mentioned it at the fertilizer plant. “So I hadn’t ever done anything like that before… except for one time… I guess… except I didn’t finish…” That story.

And I still had my stories about the naked joy ride with Carlie and me and Earl losing our clothes in the lake. And of course we wanted Elliott to see the video of Earl in his bunny suit, so we were planning on going on for a good while longer, only, to our surprise: “Um, fellas, I was hoping I could last longer… and maybe next time, I can, but… um… you ever hear of blue balls?”

“You’re kidding!” exclaimed Stephan, “You… but we’ve just barely started! We haven’t even got to our good stories yet!”

“Well… it’s just that… well, I was already horny, and… I guess it’s the way you two are picking at each other and the way you’re dressed is worse than if you were like totally naked but I am totally naked with a hard-on that won’t go down for nothing and I keep thinking about how all my hair’s gone and you can see how I look, so I’m still not used to it, but whatever… I’m about to bust!”

“Oh,” said Stephan, “so I guess that means you don’t want to jerk us off first then.”

Elliott’s eyes widened. Honest, you could see it, but finally, “Uh… could I… I mean… um… I didn’t think…” (deep breath) … “well, I guess I’ll risk it, then.”

“Risk what?” wondered Stephan.

Elliott took another deep breath and then he blurted,”I haven’t ever jerked anybody else off and nobody’s ever jerked me off, so if it’s all right with you two, I’ll do it.”


There was one problem. I was still soft and so was Stephan. It wasn’t a case of performance anxiety, it was just that we’d been running mostly on adrenalin all day. We’d had no sleep at all the night before, so there was that along with the fact that we’d already been at it twice that day and barely more than an hour had elapsed since we were in the shower, so honestly, we were pooped!

Or I sure was, and remember, I was also supposed to blow Stephan once we were in bed. When he first mentioned that, I was all for it. Knowing that it could take a long time only made it better, but realizing that it could take an awfully long time… well, now I was wondering if it was possible to go to sleep in the middle of it. So I was wishing Stephan hadn’t brought the idea of Elliott jerking us off up again.

But he had and now Elliott was on the verge of hyperventilating. And I also noticed that he was leaking again. I was fairly sure it was still precum, but shoe lace or no shoe lace, I didn’t think he could hold back very much longer. Only, he wanted to make it into yet another game. He looked to be on the verge of absolutely exploding, but in spite of that…

He wanted to pretend that he was the head boy at a boarding school, and he’d caught me and Stephan with our pants down. (I should think so! We were naked and right in the middle of… well, actually, we were getting fairly close to the end before he interrupted us — in the back seat of the Lexus — but…)

But anyway, we were supposedly very popular at school. Oh, we thought we were so special, but now Elliott — who wasn’t so special because everybody thought he was disgustingly wholesome — was about to tell everybody about us unless we did exactly what he said. We were being blackmailed!

Even if first, we had to advise him that there were limits, of course.

So after he agreed that there were, he told us to go to our room and put on some boxer shorts like we’d wear back home with not much more than the waist band showing. Except we were to be only in our boxers.

Well, silly me, I was thinking having to stand in front of him completely naked would be more humiliating, but Elliott said, “No, you’re supposed to be thinking that I’m not going to do anything about it, but if you were at a boarding school, you’d be sleeping in your boxers, right?”

So okay then. We went upstairs and changed into almost identical dark blue boxers with black pin stripes. Then doing our best to look uncertain, we made our way back downstairs and there sat the head boy, stark naked with an enormous hard-on. So that shot wholesome right out of the window, but he motioned us to come towards him. So we did.

“A little closer,” he said.

So cautiously, we did. Then, while we were standing at attention, he lectured us. And we were trying to keep straight faces.

Only we weren’t very successful, so exasperated, Elliott said, “You’re just two little rich kids. Smart-ass little rich kids. Soft little rich kids. … Oh, I bet you’re really really soft… in fact, I think I’ll find out,” and then he was on his knees in front of us.

He’d pull Stephan’s shorts down a little, then he’d turn his attention to mine. And he asked if we were getting nervous. “Bet you’ve never had anything like this happen to you before, have you?”

So whether it was part of the script or not, I pointed out that there were two of us and one of him.

“Yeah,” agreed Stephan, “so you just better—”

Yank. Stephan’s boxers were down around his ankles. “Right!” said Elliott, and then he pulled mine down too. Then he said, “Well, what are you waiting for? Step out of them.”

So we did. But we were still soft.

I soon started feeling a slight stirring, though, because Stephan’s was starting to slowly elevate, even if at first, it didn’t seem to be increasing in size any. I’d never watched it from that perspective before. I mean, basically, I was watching while my best friend was being molested.

Then Stephan was watching while I was being molested and it wasn’t long until we were both close to being fully erect again.

Elliott was having the time of his life! It was as though he was conducting a series of experiments, and he was thorough. Balls. Between our legs. “Bet that feels good,” he’d say.

Me, I said, “Yes… it… does,” while Stephan said, “Oh boy.” Stephan and I were panting quietly, Elliott, not so much so. And that was before he turned his attention to our penises. He’d had no prior experience with an uncircumcised one, so he was giving Stephan’s a lot of attention, but to his credit, he wasn’t forgetting me either. He’d pull awhile, then he’d go back to feeling us off, just about everywhere. He was getting his money’s worth, but

He wasn’t supposed to poke. Only he did and Stephan jumped. “Elli…ott! … He’s sticking… his fin…ger in!”

So Elliott quickly pulled his offending finger away with an “Oops!”, but he didn’t sound very sincere, so…

There were two of us and one of him. All Stephan had to yell was, “Help me get him, Natty!”, and we were wrestling on the floor. Elliott was laughing and trying to explain that he didn’t think he was going to do it until he actually did it, but…

We were wrestling on the floor. I’m not sure how the shoe lace came loose, but I noticed that it had, so I grabbed his penis, pulled back on in just once, let it go and… what a mess. But it was awesome! It started jerking and spurting and stuff was going everywhere. Not for a very long time, I don’t suppose, but…


Then we all took a shower together. Under the circumstances, there hardly seemed to be a reason not to.

Once out, we found a couple of sheets and a pillow for Elliott, (he was sleeping on a couch downstairs), then Stephan and I stumbled upstairs to Earl’s room. We were worn out! So much so, Stephan said we probably shouldn’t mess around with each other until after we’d had some sleep.

So overall, I was relieved, but I still wanted to talk a little more. There were lots of things to talk about, including our plot to get everyone dressed in bunny suits, setting a date for our next big step…

Only he went to sleep. I was talking, and he went to sleep! “So what do you think?” I asked him. “You think that’s a good idea?… Stephan, are you listening to me? Stephan?”