Falls Creek Lessons


I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has provided feedback on this story. As it is only the second major story that I have tried writing, receiving messages of support and congratulations has helped me push through to the completion. I would also like to repeat my thanks to Blue for the editing and feedback he has provided. With well over 200 individual files in the story, it was a mammoth effort for him. I would also like to thank the administrators of the sites hosting this story for putting up with me. They also had to cope with the complexity of the linked files, which increased the work they had to do. In one case, I know the administrator had to start learning new software to allow him to manage Falls Creek Lessons and all the link files.

While I expect requests to continue the story, I feel this is an appropriate place to finish. As one reader commented to me, the story was the journey of Greg’s coming out, and joining with Dan. That journey is now completed.

When I started writing, I was originally intending to just explore the use of hyperlinks to enhance a story. As I kept writing, I became more and more involved in the story itself. It is unashamably a romance story, but one that hopefully contains enough reality to make it believable. It has some dark moments, but life is like that. It is how we deal with those dark times that determines how our lives evolve.

I will admit that the characters changed on me while I was writing. Rob and Diane’s relationship was one that grew in complexity as the story unfolded. Even my perception of Chris and Paul altered as time went by. Kelly and Garret showed depths that hadn’t been obvious when they first appeared.

What has the story taught the author? It was originally intended to be a light-hearted romance, but I feel it became a bit deeper than that.

I’ll let Dan have the last word about what this story means to me.


March, 2005