Something My Son Said Short Story
You Are Not Alone Short Story

Born and raised in southern Oregon, I joined the US Navy right out of high school to escape the red necks and poverty that awaited me should I have stayed.  The six years I spent in the military did several things for me: it matured me from an inexperienced seventeen year old boy to a jaded twenty-four year old man; it provided me the training through which I now support myself and my family; and it perpetuated the emotional paralysis that had been unwittingly inflicted upon me by my parents.  I married my wife shortly after my discharge, and our first child was born in 1999.

While traveling for professional reasons, I was reading a story on line called A New Life.  The story emotionally destroyed me and catapulted me into a sea of confusion and uncertainty.  I started writing For the Love of Pete on that night, January 10, 2000.  I sent that first effort to the author of A New Life, and he encouraged me to continue.  The rest, as they say, is history.

Now, at 33, I am still married with two beautiful children and continue to write as time allows.  My wife and I work on our relationship every day, and though it isn't easy for either of us, the rewards are worth the effort we put in.  Communication is the key to our relationship, as it is to any relationship, but communicating with yourself, learning who and what you are is the most important thing one can do.