
by Cole Parker


Circumstances 26



It was Friday, and I was going to stay over at Gary’s.  It was the first time I’d be doing that since we’d decided we both would like to see what sex with another person was all about.  We both knew how to do it alone.  I’d become pretty good at it, actually. 


We’d grinned and I’d been embarrassed and pretended I wasn’t, when we both admitted we did that.  He was the first person I’d ever told that particular secret to, and I was surprised I could say it.  Of course, he went first saying he did it.  If he was embarrassed, he hid it well.  To him, life was just life, and he seemed able to cope with the ticklish parts of it better than I did.


To say I was excited would be understating it just a little.  I was way excited, and had been all day, even having problems concentrating in class.  On the bus, I kept looking at him, and even blushed once or twice.  I hoped no one was watching us.  I couldn’t sit still.


Gary was excited too, and it must have been obvious because at dinner, I noticed Mrs. Jenks watching us closer than usual, looking back and forth between us.  She didn’t say anything, but I could see her mind working.


I hoped she had no idea what we were thinking about.  How could she?


We went upstairs as soon as we could after dinner.  Gary closed the door, and turned to look at me.  I was looking back at him.  His eyes were full of excitement and adventure and promise, and I imagine mine were too.  I couldn’t help myself.  I reached out and touched him.  Just that made my whole body come alive, and my anticipation moved up another three notches.


He said, “I’m glad the first time I’m doing anything is with you.”


Wow!  That was such a neat thing to say to me!


I didn’t know what to do, how to start; I didn’t know anything.  Well, I did know I was so awfully happy to be there right then my head seemed to be swimming.


Gary toed off his sneakers and went over and sat on the bed, then watched me do the same.  I sat next to him and he asked, his voice soft and scratchy, “What do you want to do?”


I shook my head.  “I don’t know.”  I was almost whispering, without meaning to.  It just came out that way.  “This’s all new to me.  I think you’re supposed to start with kissing, but I’ve read that some guys don’t like that, they just like the sex parts.  Especially if they’re straight but doing it with another guy, and, well, you’re straight.  I’d like to kiss you.  Just to see what it feels like.”  I blinked and said, surprising myself that I was timid even now, “I’ve never kissed anyone.”


“OK,” he said, and grinned.  He wasn’t as fazed as I was.  But then, this was just sex to him.  OK, neither of us had done anything sexual with anyone before, and I’m sure he was excited, as excited as I was, but this was bordering on the transcendent for me.  For him, it was something less than that.  I knew that, I accepted that, and it really didn’t diminish the moment for me at all.


I grinned back.


We were sitting next to each other, so we both turned our upper bodies.  I reached my arms out, he did the same, and then we were holding each other’s shoulders, and I very gently kissed him on the lips.


I suppose it was what the books call a chaste kiss.  It only lasted a couple of seconds.  We both pulled back.  He frowned at me, a slight frown, and said, “It has to be more exciting than that, doesn’t it?”


“It wasn’t bad,” I said, “for a first effort.  I liked it, at least.  I liked holding you like that, and you holding me.  It felt good.  The books don’t say much about how it’s supposed to feel.  Have you ever kissed a girl?”


“Yeah, a couple of them.  They sort of started it.”


“Well, you’re used to this then.  I’m not.  Can we try it again and I’ll see if I can make it more exciting for you.”  I grinned at him, and his eyes sparkled.  We reached for each other again, both of us eager.  OK, maybe he was feeling more than he’d let on.


This time, I wet my lips first, and when our lips were touching, I moved mine around gently, slightly opening and closing them as I did.  That must have had some effect because he started moving his around too.  It was starting to feel really good, and suddenly my dick got into the act.  I hadn’t known just kissing would have as much of an effect as it did, but, wow!


OK, I have to pause here a moment.  I just said my dick got in the act.  That suggests it finally woke up, as if it’d been taking a Rip Van Winkle sort of nap up till then.  That’s not the case.  I’d been hard, off and on, all day, just thinking of this evening.  At the dinner table I’d sat as close to the table as I could, and was careful when I stood up after the meal—careful no one was looking at me.  Then, in Gary’s room, I’d been experiencing what I guess you could call almost terminal tumescence.  (Hey, I said I read a lot!)  So saying my dick finally got into the act is misleading.  It suggests it hadn’t been paying attention all along.  Well, it had.  But that kiss woke it up even more, and the difference was noticeable.  I’m not going to explain it any more than that.  If you’re a guy, you know what I mean.  If you’re not, well, I’m sorry.


Without my realizing it, Gary was slowly lying back on the bed, and since we were holding each other, I was going with him.  My attention was on our lips, and my dick, and when I realized he had moved it was because I was suddenly lying on top of him.  Well, sort of.  I was at lying at about a 45-degree angle to him with just my chest across his.


I pulled my lips away, and he took a deep breath, then said, “Yeah, uh, that was much better.”  His voice was raspy.


“These girls you kissed, did you French kiss either of them?”  Just the thought of that had my dick twitching.


“No.  But I’m willing if you are.”


I didn’t bother answering.  I just went back to his lips and started kissing him, then opened my mouth.  He did the same, and then I felt his tongue licking my lips.  I shuddered.


He licked my lips, and I felt his teeth nibble my lower one, and then he pushed his tongue into my mouth, where it hit mine.  He began stroking my tongue with his, and it was the most amazing, most sensuous feeling I’d ever experienced.  Without realizing I was doing it, I began moving my hips, pressing my dick into the bed, in time with his licks across my tongue.  His tongue against mine was driving my dick crazy!


He finally pulled back, and I knew it was my turn.  I repeated what he had done, and it felt sooooo good.  I really got into it, licking his lips, his tongue, his teeth, the insides of his cheeks.  I was moving my mouth on his, and we were both covered in saliva, and I was in heaven.


We had to come up for air, and did, and then I rolled off of him, rolled onto my back next to him, worried I might be cramping his breathing.  We were both panting.  I looked down, and his pants were as tented as mine were.


“Man!” I heard him gasp.


I laughed.  “Me too,” I said.


“Let’s get undressed,” he croaked.


I wasn’t about to argue with that.