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Time Stood Still

By Trab

Time stood still.

Well, not really, but it seemed to.

Slowly, ever so slowly, it moved again. The bee buzzed angrily, or maybe it was pain. Do bees feel pain? If a part of your body is ripped away, does it hurt? I think so. I’m sure it does, for me, but for a bee….

Slowly, but with increasing acceleration, my heart began to pound. My ears could no longer hear the buzzing, for the throbbing pound of the blood in my ears. My vision danced, spinning from I know not what. A sharp, agonizing pain finally assaulted me, where the bee had left that tiny little bit behind. I had only seen what had happened, but now the full reality hit me. I had been stung. The full deadly reality hit me, hard.

Without thought, a near reflex took over. I groped for my cell phone with one hand, and my Epi-pen with the other. I managed to flip the cap, and jammed the pen into my thigh, just as I got 9-1-1. Everything was going black, but I told them where I was, and then….

Time stood still.

Well, not really, but it seemed to.

Slowly, ever so slowly, it moved again. The siren wailed angrily, or maybe it was cheering. I don’t know, but hearing it was sweet ecstasy.

Copyright © 2007 by Trab. All rights reserved.