How Do I Say Goodbye? -- a poem by Colin Kelly


How do I say goodbye, my only son?
Goodbye when all you ask to do is stay,
Goodbye when your short life had just begun,

Goodbye when there are still songs to be sung,
Goodbye when there are still games you should play.
How do I say goodbye, my only son?

Goodbye when you still want to have some fun,
Goodbye when you want pain to go away,
Goodbye when your short life had just begun.

Goodbye when you hope your life isn’t done,
Goodbye when you just want to be okay.
How do I say goodbye, my only son?

Goodbye when you are still so very young,
Goodbye when I can’t think of what to say,
Goodbye when your short life had just begun.

How do we say goodbye, me and my son,
Goodbye when we know that this is the day.
How do we say goodbye, my only son?
Goodbye when your short life had just begun.

This poem and the included images are Copyright © 2008 by Colin Kelly (colinian). They cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey’s World web site has written permission to publish this poem. No other rights are granted.