To Be An Elder Sis by Ayushi Mehrotra

A little sister is wonderful, sweet, precious, charming, amazing... a jewel

To Be An Elder Sis...

It's a marvelous experience,

It's a dream come true,

When I held you in my arms,

I realized that I'm worthy too.


It was not so easy to handle you at first,

It was not so easy to hold your tender fingers,

Your little arms and legs gave me a feeling of joy,

Your sweet memories cheerful; lingers,

Your little talks; your blabber and sounds,

Your eyes, your smile had a beautiful charm,

Still it charms me; it presses me to think,

You are my treasure; you are my precious, little bundle of joy,

And no one; no one can change this thing!


You still amaze me; you still make me feel special,

Is it your eyes? Or your soul has that gleaming jewel?

'Cause it enchants me beyond imagination,

It enchants me anew,

It's through you I realize; I can feel,

My love; I'm alive too!


You make my heart swell with pride,

You make my eyes dampen with joy,

You have that love, oh little sister!

It makes me forget my pains of life!

You make me relive my childhood each day,

You make me smile, you make my day!

You make my sun rise; you make my moon to shine,

You are my little jewel, precious beyond any births, any wealth any life.

You are my breath; my soul,

You are my precious little gift,

You make me feel worthy of all pleasures,

You make my world glow!


How could I imagine life without you?

It shall be dull, insignificant and boring too,

You make me, you complete me; you shine through my every breath, every word,

You are my little bundle of joy, my love!

You are my little, happy world!


It is a blessing to be an elder sis,

It is a blessing of a lifetime, that in other births, I shall miss,

However; if I ever return to this earth,

However; if I still hold that worth,

I'll still wish, I'll still want to be with you,

Inseparable; just me and you.


Let me be the torch, let you be the light...

Let me be the path, you be the sight,

It is thus together, we shall tread,

The path of lives together; beyond death!


It is thus, I shall live a life full of satisfaction,

You are my desire, the cause of my creation,

I shall hold you tight, never let you go,

Its then we'd be together...

Let it be so!

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This poem is Copyright © 2014 by Ayushi Mehrotra. It cannot be reproduced without express written consent. Codey's World web site has written permission to publish this poem. No other rights are granted.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
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