Sky’s the Limit
Book Two



Thanks to Rec for editing!




Date:                March 3, 2006 

Subject:            Spring Break, and lots of other news.

 Hey Sis! 

Spring break starts next week. I can’t wait. We’re going down to Mississippi during break to check on Sky’s mom. She’s been back in her home for over a month now and doing much better as long as she’s on her meds. Sky’s brother is back and has a job down there. He stays with her most of the time. After that, we’ll probably drive on down to Florida. Sky’s dad sold the property in Gulf Shores and bought a condo in a new high rise over in Perdido Key. He’s offered to let us use it as an 18th birthday present to Sky. I think he’s slowly accepting our being together. He and Sky talk occasionally. He’s also helping Sky buy a used car. We may come back a day early, go through Alabama, and visit Granddad.  Dad says I should because he’s been kind of sick lately.  

Thanks again for the birthday gifts. The leather jacket is awesome and fits perfectly. Sky wanted me to thank you for the wallet and bag. I made the mistake of calling it a man-purse though. I finally convinced him that lots of guys and even celebrities use them and they’re really big in Europe and New York. It took me an hour on the internet to do it though. That Italian leather is really soft. How is Italy btw? Are you still in Florence, or are you back in Rome yet? How much longer is this gig?  I know it’s only been a little over a month, but it seems like you’ve been gone forever.  

I guess, as usual, you’re wondering how I’m doing. Well, I’m walking without the leg brace now, and I’m completely off the pain meds. Sky and I are doing great. Sandra and Chip have been great about letting us see each other and “stay over” at each other’s place on weekends.  Sandra still thinks it’s spooky how much we’re like Billy and Brad. LOL.  She’s great though, and Sky really loves her.  

Billy went back to New York earlier this week. He and Brad are finally moving into the new condo this weekend, and the restaurant is almost ready to open too. I still feel guilty about their postponing the wedding and everything because I had to have that other surgery and was still hobbling around on those damn crutches. Now it looks like they will have to do the ceremony in Vermont. They are still trying to work it out for June, though, so keep that date Billy gave you reserved. The good news is they finally decided on a honeymoon. They will do a Mediterranean cruise. That way Brad gets his wish for Europe, and Billy gets the warm and tropical. J  

Oh, and Reese wanted me to tell you “Hi” in my next email, so I am. He’s dating Brian, that really cute Asian boy from San Francisco on the lacrosse team I told you about. Sky and I have double-dated with them a few times. Brian is a really sweet guy and perfect for Reese. I’m so glad Reese and Sky finally hit it off. It took both of them some time, though. It was rather awkward for a long time, but you already know about all that.  

I’m sure you will be pleased to know that Sky and I are still going to that Episcopal Church that Billy suggested. In fact, we’re both in the youth choir now. I have to admit, Sis, that it was more Sky’s doing than yours. Sky swears my survival and our rescue was nothing short of a miracle, and he promised God in that hospital waiting room that we would both come back to church if He let me live. Tom says my recovery was nothing short of a miracle too.  I guess maybe they have a point. This church is very different from what I was used to though, and they are very accepting of “alternate lifestyles.” Sky and I both like the priest and we’ve both made some good friends there. The church is planning a youth work mission for Katrina victims in New Orleans this summer. Sis, honestly, I don’t know if I can ever go back there, at least not yet. Neither does Sky. As bad as those folks need help, we may just stay home. Chip agrees, but is leaving it up to us. Either way, he has promised to donate money for their trip. 

Sky is still almost a full semester behind in school credits. The good news is that I have some extra credits thanks to my AP stuff, and if I take a full load this summer, we can both graduate together in December. We’re both still trying to decide on college. Sky blew away the ACT, so he’s sure to get good scholarship offers. He’s thinking he wants to study something in the medical field, maybe even become a doctor. I’m sure that’s Sandra’s influence. She’s helped him arrange a job at the hospital this summer. I’m still leaning toward business, economics, or maybe even law school one day. I’m pretty sure that’s Chip’s influence LOL. We’ve talked about just staying in Memphis and going to Memphis State for at least the first couple of years till we’re definite on a major. We’re looking at Vandy too. Nashville is pretty cool. Dad, of course, is pushing UA, but neither Sky nor I have any desire to live in Tuscaloosa. We’ve also discussed NYU. You, Billy, and Brad are already there in New York, so that might be something we want to think about too. 

Oh, a bit of gossip for you. <giggles> Would you believe Chip went out on a date? Yep, a real, honest-to-God, date. The people that bought Billy’s club hired a lady from Atlanta to run it, and she has a huge crush on Chip, and, he seems to like her. We’ll see. Her name is Allison, and she is very pretty, smart, and successful and she’s never been married. Billy is crazy about her. I’m pretty sure he set up the date. <grins>

Did I tell you that Dad surprised me with a visit from Dex and Lori on my birthday? It was awesome! I was so thrilled to see Dex walking. He’s still using those canes, but he’s getting better all the time. They never would admit it, but I think Dex and Lori are dating.  

Dad’s divorce will be final in a few weeks. He seems quite depressed about it, but we talked some. He says he knows now the marriage was a mistake. He’s letting Jessie have primary custody of the baby, and they’re selling that house. Dad is buying a townhouse-condo thing in Birmingham. The Birmingham office is Blue-Knight’s biggest agency now anyway, and he’s also talking about putting Granddad in a nice new retirement center there. Dad promised to bring the baby up here for us to see on one of his visits. I hope you can be here for that.  

Sis, I just gotta tell you that I’m happier right now than I have ever been in my whole life. I have Sky back, and we love each other more than ever if that’s possible. I can’t even imagine my life now without him in it, and I know he feels the same about me. I have family that loves and supports me. I love my school, and I’ve made some great friends here too. Oh, that reminds me, I’m the new Vice Prez of MAGY. Seriously, Sis, I simply can’t imagine my life being any better than it is right now. I’m just so happy it all seems like a dream. I love you, Sis. 

Hugs, from your loving brother, 


 I want to thank everyone for reading this story!  The response I have gotten from everyone has been overwhelming! J  I wish I could hug each and every one of you. 

First and foremost, I have to thank Rec for an awesome job of editing and incredible patience.  I want to thank Colin and everyone else who beta read chapters for me – I love you guys and am grateful far more than you know. The same goes for Altimexis, Libb, and others who offered technical advice and information.  Finally, but certainly not least to Mike (the Dude) and Joey (TR) for believing in me and this story, and for all the incredible help and support.  Thanks Guys! 

Hugs to all, 


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