Sky’s the Limit
Book Two




            Well, we begin again. In Book I Chapter 1 the opening scene was a little glimpse forward in time from Sky’s point of view. In Chapter 1 of Book II we have come full circle. The opening scene begins right as Sky returns home after that fateful last visit with Jonah.  

            The story now switches to third person as the there are now two separate story lines to follow. The timelines will merge very shortly, but a little backtracking was necessary to tell Sky’s story from that life-altering day. 

            Book II is a story of contrasts. It is a story of hope and despair. It is a story of two young men who love each other deeply but face amazing challenges.


Chapter One


 (Sky Darkens)

 Thanks to Rec for Editing!!! 

Sky approached the house with dread, barely able to resist the urge to turn around and drive off into the night. Only the fact that he had nowhere to go deterred him. That, and that he had given his word. He had driven the entire way home from Alabama without a break, straight from the disastrous outing, every mile of road giving him the chance to play out all the dire scenarios in his head.  

Pulling into the driveway, Sky shut off the engine, his hand shaking slightly, as he prepared himself for what he knew would be at the very least an ugly scene, if he was lucky, and so far, luck and Sky had been on the most distant of terms this cursed day.  

 Sky’s father confronted his son the minute Sky walked in the door, “Okay, Skyler, what happened? I got this call from Jim Knight telling me that you were coming home early because of some sort of family crisis, and you and I had something we may need to discuss. Now what the hell’s goin’ on?” 

“Dad, I don’t really know how to talk about this.” That was no lie, and definitely an understatement. Skyler Blue had no idea how to tell his father that he was gay and had just gotten caught in bed with the son of his father’s business partner. 

“You better just spit it out, Sky.” 

“Ok... I’m… I’m gay.” 

Sky backpedaled slightly as his father roared, “What are you... You had to drive all the way back... What happened? What is this about? What are you not telling me?” 

“Jonah’s stepbrother walked in his bedroom and caught us in bed.” 

There was a loud ‘whack’ and a very sharp pain as the back of his father’s right hand hit the left side of his face – hard, sending him against the wall and stumbling down to the floor. 

“Feel better now?” Sky yelled as he started standing back up.  

“Don’t talk to me right now. You’ve probably ruined me with this. This deal I’ve got going with Jim right now is the most important thing I’ve had in years. Damn, I oughtta kill you, you damn little faggot.” 

At this point, Sky was angry, so angry that he blurted out something that had been bottled up for years, “I might be gay dammit, but I love Jonah. At least I don’t fuck every damn little whore in this damn town like you do.” 

‘Whack’ and Skyler was on the floor again. David Blue reached out to grab his son by the collar and continue the thrashing, but he stopped. He looked at Skyler with total contempt and disgust showing on his face. Sky was really afraid of him at that moment. He was afraid he might really try to kill him. He had witnessed his dad’s temper in the past, and right now was just thankful that his dad was sober. 

“Go get your stuff out of that Explorer and out of your room and put it in my SUV. Your mom wanted custody of you, well by God she’s got it and she has to deal with this. I want nothing more to do with you right now. You better pray you haven’t screwed up my deal with Jim.” 

Sky picked himself off the floor for the second time and headed for the garage to get his stuff out of the Explorer and into his Dad’s Expedition. As he went back in the house, he heard his Dad on the phone. 

“Jim, again, I can’t tell you how sorry….. No, you don’t have to apologize... No, I agree completely. If I have anything to do with it, he’ll never lay eyes on your son again, let alone anything else. ….Yeah, I feel the same way…. Well, I’ll still see you in Birmingham on Friday? …Good, see you then, bye.” 

Sky started to panic. He couldn’t even begin to imagine his life now without Jonah – without even the hope of being with Jonah. He tried to call Jonah’s cell phone with no success, the thought of sending Jonah an email also crossed his mind but he figured “the colonel” had already seized the computer as well. He prayed that somehow he could just get through this day and find someway to get to Jonah. 

Sky went to his room and grabbed as much stuff as he could carry and put it in his Dad’s SUV and went back inside this time his dad was on the phone with his mom.  

“Helen, I’m just not going to discuss it on the phone. No, he’s coming home. I can’t deal with this one. You wanted him, you’re going to deal with it. Right now I’m glad he’s not my problem. NO DAMMIT! We’ll discuss it when I get there. I’m not telling you this on the goddamn phone. We’ll be there in about thirty minutes. Bye.”  

“If you’re through listening to my damn phone calls, go get your pansy ass in that damn truck. I’m taking you home. For good.” 

Not one word was spoken the entire trip back to Clinton. When they pulled into the driveway, his Dad said “Just dump your stuff in the garage and go to your room. You can take it inside later.” 

He waited in the SUV till Sky got everything unloaded and stacked in the garage where he used to park the Explorer, and they went inside. His mom got up out of her chair and came over to me to give Sky a hug like she usually does, but he didn’t want it. He knew after his Dad told her what happened, she wouldn’t want to. He just pulled away from her and she looked at him questioningly and then at her ex-husband. Sky just wanted to go to his room before the yelling started. He was certain he would still be able to hear every word. Their fights and screaming were legendary in their old neighborhood.  

“Now, what’s all this about David?” He heard his Mom ask as he left the room. 

“He what?” He heard his Mom scream as he closed his door and went and sat on the bed leaning down putting his head in his hands. Now, he could cry.  

There were several more minutes of screaming by both of his parents and a lot of cursing by his Dad. Anyone in the whole neighborhood interested in listening would now know that Skyler was nothing but a “sorry goddamn faggot”, because his Dad had screamed it loud enough and with enough repetitions to insure that they knew. He finally heard a door slam and the tires of Dad’s SUV peeling off in the street. 

In a few minutes there was a knock on Sky’s door. He raised his head, dried his eyes, grimacing as he touched the place on his face where his Dad hit him. If he had looked in the mirror, he would have seen the beginnings of a black eye. He caught his breathe and said “Come in.” 

His mom opened the door. She was obviously crying.  

“Mom, I’m sorry” Sky really didn’t know what he was apologizing for. Being gay? No, letting her find out like this. Yeah, he figured that he owed everyone an apology for that, even his bastard father.

She walked toward him, knelt and said, “Sky, I know this hurts now. But I know you’re not really homosexual either. A demon or evil spirit is in your body making you believe that you are evil. We’ll pray this demon out of you. We may need help, but we’re going to make this right honey. Your face. Did you father do that to you?” 

Sky just nodded. 

“He’s hurt and angry Sky. I’m sure he still cares for you. You are his son, there’s no denying that. People say and do things they don’t mean when they’re angry.” 

“How the hell can you defend him after what he did to you? What he does every weekend?” 

“Your father listens to the serpent too, Sky. I still pray for him. It’s the demons, Sky. I’m sure it’s your father’s demons that have affected you.” 

“Mom, I’m gay because God made me this way. I’ve known I was gay since I was thirteen. There’s no demon. I’m in love with Jonah and he loves me. We’re in love, Mom. How can love be evil?” 

“It’s a perversion of love. It’s not really love. It’s pure lust, and it comes straight from Satan. We’re going to start praying right now Sky. Get on your knees.” 

He got down and knelt beside her. He would throw in an “amen” when appropriate, but he wasn’t praying for the same thing she was praying for. His only prayer, to whatever God was listening, was to protect Jonah, keep him safe, and to let them be together. 

Sky went through that for what seemed like hours, his mom praying and his saying some amens. He was finally about to pass out from sheer exhaustion when she finally succumbed to her own exhaustion and let him go to bed. The next morning, he awoke and she was gone. There was a note on the table with a list of chores she wanted done. Vacuum, laundry, dust, clean up and sweep the garage, all stuff that needed doing, so he got busy. I took a break to go try to send Jonah an email, but when he got to the computer, he noticed the DSL modem was gone. He went to get his cell phone, and it too was gone. Great, just fuckin’ swell. He could use the house phone, but I didn’t have Jonah’s cell number memorized. He just always used the cell memory. He knew if called Jonah’s dad’s listed number, it would show up on caller ID, and what if that bitch stepmom or his dad answered? 

He finished his chores and ate some lunch. It was about mid afternoon when his Mom got back. “Have you finished your chores?” 

“Yes ma’am” 

“The garage does look much better, thank you. We’re going to prayer meeting tonight. I want you to talk to the youth minister at six. He’s expecting you.” 

“Mom, I really don’t think I want to discuss this with…. “ 

“There is no argument about this Skyler. I already know what must be done. You will talk to Bill this evening. End of discussion.” 

His mom never yelled at him, but she sure as hell was now. He figured he would just leave it alone and talk to Bill Edwards, their minister of youth. He wasn’t that bad. Heck, he was almost a teenager himself. He was only twenty-two and came to his church last year right out of the seminary.  

His mom found him some more chores to work on out in the yard and finally called him inside to get ready to go to the church. When they got to the church they walked down a long hallway past the fellowship hall to what the members almost laughingly referred to as Bill’s office. It was actually a former oversized storage closet. Inside, there was barely enough room for a small desk and a couple of chairs. Sky’s mom knocked on the door, and Bill Edwards said “come in.” Sky’s mom stayed in the hallway, and said “I’ll meet you in the sanctuary for the service. I’ll leave you two to talk.” 

“Hello, Bill” Sky said as he went in and took a seat across from him. 

“Hey, Sky. Your Mom came and spoke to me and Brother Roberts this morning and we met with her for several hours. Tell me what happened.” 

“Look Bill, I suppose she’s already told you I’m gay.” 

“She’s told me that you believe that you are a homosexual. Tell me about it.” 

“Bill, I’ve known for years – since I was thirteen. I have friends that are girls. You even know most of them. I’ve even been out on dates with girls, but the very idea of a sexual relationship with a girl has absolutely no interest for me.” 

“Besides this boy that you’ve been seeing, the boy from Alabama, have there been others?”

“Yeah, a couple. One was a total jerk and I dumped him. But nothing serious, not like this. I’ve never felt anything like this for anyone. I totally love him with all my heart.” 

“Look Sky, I know these feelings seem real, but think about it. You can’t have a marriage type relationship with another male. It’s not natural. It’s against God’s law. I’m sure this boy is very nice, but he needs a chance to have a family of his own too – to have children with a nice girl, just like you deserve.” 

“Do you really think I wanted to be gay? Do you think I chose this? I did pray about this. I prayed for God to take these feelings, these desires away from me. I didn’t want to be a fag, a queer. I’ve heard what other kids say. It’s part of me, it’s part of who I am. I can’t help this. I finally accepted it and was finally getting on with my life till this happened.” 

“Sky, I think you just gave up too early. Give God another chance. We’ll all be here to help you and there are programs. There are professionals to help you beat these demons back into hell where they belong. Your Mom, Brother Roberts, and I are all going to help you do just that.” 

They talked for almost an hour. Bill would read scriptures, mostly old testament like Leviticus, talking about the evils of homosexuality. He finally had to stop as it was time for the Wednesday night service. Sky walked into the sanctuary and sat with his Mom. After the first couple of hymns, the preacher gave his message. Of course the subject of the message was homosexuality, temptation, and Satan’s trap. After the message, he asked for prayer requests before the prayer. His Mom stood up and to Sky’ horror said, “Brother Roberts, members, I need everyone to pray for my son Skyler. He believes in his heart that he is a homosexual and that he is in love with some boy. He was seen in bed with this boy in unholy and sinful embraces. I know some demon has taken control of him. We need your prayers.” 

Sky was in shock. How could his Mom out him to the entire congregation? There were kids there that went to the same school. It’ll be all over school now. He wanted God to just reach down and take him right then. He as though every eye was on him. He really wanted to die as he sat there, stunned. The preacher prayed, called his name, and prayed some more. Sky just kept his head down and his eyes closed. He did that till the service ended. Sky didn’t want to look at anyone, and sat there till everyone left. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder. 

“Skyler, we’re here to help,” Reverend Roberts said softly. “We’re going to help your Mom get you the right kind of help with this.” 


“Counseling, Skyler, Christian counseling especially for young men like you who are struggling with this demon.” 

“I don’t have demons, Reverend. I’ve already spoken to Bill.” 

“I know, but your Mom and we know what’s best for you. We’re just going to help.” 

“Thanks,” He said blandly. 

 Sky walked out of the church with his mother. She attempted to speak to him, but he had absolutely nothing to say to her. She knew he was angry. 

By the time they got home, he was ready to let her have it, she simply said the wrong thing. “Skyler the church is ready to support you. Help you get past this.” 

“The church! Thanks to you the whole town and everyone in my school will know I’m gay and was caught in bed with my boyfriend. I’m ruined here.”  

“You brought this on yourself, but there is hope. You can get past this and become normal. We’re getting you help to do that.” 

“What the heck are you and the preacher talking about? What help? Somebody’s going to say some magic prayer and turn me straight?” 

“That’s the idea Skyler. There’s a Christian group that works with young men like you and through prayer and therapy find the way God intended you to be.” 

“I am the way God intended me to be. Don’t you get it?” 

“No, Sky, that’s Satan speaking. I want you to pack a bag for several days. We’re going to talk to these people tomorrow.” 

“I’m not going anywhere.” 

“You will. You have no choice.” 

As sad as that sounded, he knew that she was right. He had nowhere to run. He resigned himself to the fact that he would go to this counseling somewhere for a few days, then face being out at school. He decided it would be best to humor her till he could figure out how to get out of all this and find Jonah. 

The next morning, his mom got him up and they started loading the car. He quickly noticed most of the baggage was his. His mom only had an overnight bag. This wasn’t a good sign. She had Sky get in the passenger side and he knew it wasn’t good as she hates driving on the interstate.  

“So where we going?” He asked as they finally got to the interstate.  

“Memphis. Bill and Reverend Roberts managed to get you into an excellent program at the last minute. It’s a residential program. You’ll be staying there till you’re better. They’ll give you all the details when we get there. This place is great Sky. It’s highly recommended by James Dobson, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell. They all support it too.” 

“Great” He said, trying not to sound too sarcastic. 

“It’s part of the Exodus ministry and it’s called Love in Action. They specialize in treating homosexual kids and bring them to the Lord through prayer and change their ways. There’ll be a lot of other kids there for you to talk to that are going through the same thing.”  

“Wake me when we get there,” He said as he zoned out, leaned his seat back and dozed off. When he did wake up, they were still on the interstate, but driving through Memphis. They finally turned off and his mom kept looking at some map and some directions. They eventually pulled into a driveway and into a parking lot of a small complex of buildings. There was a sign that said “Love in Action, Inc.” in front and they got out and went inside. A woman at a desk led them to an office after his mom announced who they were and why they were there.  

They walked into the office and a guy maybe Bill’s age or perhaps a little older stood up and said “Good Morning, you must be Ms. Blue and this must be Skyler.” 

“Yes, call me Helen, and this is Sky,” She said shaking his hand. 

“I’m Rob and I’m the admissions director. Sky, you’re Mom wants you to stay with us a while and go through our program.” 

“Yeah, I know, it sure wasn’t my idea.” 

“That’s okay Sky, your Mom just wants what she believes is best for you, and you know what the Bible says about honoring the wishes of your parents. It’s a commandment. We just ask you to open your mind and your heart to our message.” 

“I’ll try.” 

“That’s all we ask Sky. Just hear us out. We want to help you learn to avoid destructive behavior and relationships by accepting the word of God and the teachings of Christ.”  

“What about school?”  

“Your school is sending us your records. You will go to school here for a while and keep up with your school work, as well as counseling and programs here. We’ll also work with your parents in the parental counseling programs.” 

“Well, it will probably mostly be me. Sky’s father and I are divorced and don’t communicate well all the time. He has pretty much washed his hands of Sky and this problem, I’m sorry.” Helen Blue said. 

“That’s okay, we encounter this problem quite a bit. It’s always better to have both parents involved, but we understand situations like yours also. Let’s get started. Sky, this is a message from Rev. Smid, our director. It’s also on our website. Read over this while I get your paperwork and check on your room.” 

Sky took the pamphlet he was handed, and his mom was handed one also. They began reading as he left the room. Sky looked at this pamphlet and couldn’t believe some of what he was reading. It concluded with the following: 

At Love In Action International, our belief is based on three foundational truths:

Truth One: There is no such creation as a "gay" or "homosexual" person. There is only homosexual attraction and behavior; accordingly, there can be no "change" from a sexual identity that never existed in the first place.

Truth Two: The truth for most men and women who struggle with homosexual behavior is that they will, at times, continue to experience attractions in large and small ways for a lifetime. It is often misleading and harmful to speak vaguely of "total" deliverance without mentioning the normal, ongoing struggles with temptations all believers have.

Truth Three: God sees homosexuality as sin like any other, and directs us to apply the same biblical model to it that we would to any other sin. His real solution for deliverance and healing is based on repentance and obedience.

Does this mean that people choose homosexuality? Not exactly. The feelings, the temptations, or the desires are certainly not chosen. They culminate from what we might call a conspiracy of factors and then as with any temptation, they just come about. We believe God holds us accountable for the ways we act upon those challenges that come to us. People are responsible for the choices they make when acting on wrong sexual desires or behaviors.

Biblical change from homosexuality requires that we respond correctly to the message God speaks of in I Corinthians 6. This message of repentance will bring forth the truth that will, in fact, set people free from this kind of bondage. When we begin to see homosexuality as a sin, a behavior and a wrong mindset, then and only then can we find forgiveness and freedom.

There is no such thing as a homosexual! There are many individuals, however, who struggle intensely with homosexual temptation and addictive behavior. Once we get the message right, then we will be effective in ministering to those caught in this kind of deceptive bondage.

2001 -
Rev. John J. Smid (used without permission)

Sky skeptically reviewed the pamphlet on “reparative therapy”. He already hated everything about this place. He had been the happiest he had ever been in his life after meeting Jonah, and now someone was saying he was broken and needed to be “repaired”. 

“Okay, we’ll need your Mom to sign this paperwork and then we’ll go have a look around and get you all settled in. We like to call the teen division “The Refuge,” Rob said as he walked in and handed a bunch of papers to his mom. She started signing as Sky walked around the office looking at his pictures and stuff, and finally just stood by his window looking out onto the parking lot. His mom and Rob finished their paperwork and were led around on a tour. The building they had been in was the administration building with offices and such. The next building had classrooms or meeting rooms, a recreation room, and a dining area. The last building was a dormitory type building and Rob took them to the room Sky was to be assigned. Sky saw several kids his age and younger hanging around in the lobby area, mostly just reading books and talking. The room he was assigned was very plain, it did have its own lavatory, but that was all. It had a dresser, a single bed that was more like a cot, and a small desk. The bathrooms were shared and there was one between every two rooms. 

“Sky, we do have a few other rules. First, guys wear no jewelry and there are no designer type clothes. No Calvin Klein, Abercrombie, and so on. Nothing that reflects what we hope will be your former lifestyle choices.” 

“That’s all I have. I guess I’ll be walking around in my underwear.” Sky replied tersely. 

“No, your Mom’s been told all that. You can wear your regular clothes for next couple of days. She’s going shopping to get you something we find more suitable.” 

Helen Blue remained quiet the whole time, but smiled every time Rob opened his mouth to say something. Sky was sent to get his bags while Rob and his mom went over a few things. After he returned, Rob and his mom were saying goodbye and shaking hands. Mom turned and hugged Sky. “Sky, these people know best. I know they can help you. Please try it, for me?”  

“Okay, Mom. I’ll try, but I don’t know, this is strange.” 

“Just try honey. I know you can. I’ll be back with some clothes and for my sessions on Saturday.” Then she left him there.  

* * *  

Sky’s mom returned to “The Refuge” the following Saturday with several packages of generic jeans, basic t-shirts and polo shirts. Sky took one look at them and hated them immediately. Even the necklace and bracelet that Jonah had given him was taken away. The visit with his mom was strained; Sky felt betrayed and abandoned. 

Sky had been at “The Refuge” only three days, but he was miserable. It was no “refuge” to him. It was a prison. He had met some nice guys – fellow “inmates” as he thought of them. Sky wasn’t interested in making friends there. He didn’t want to be there long enough to make friends. He was going to build a wall around himself, not wanting to let anyone inside.  

His days were filled with studying – regular school subjects interspersed with biblical training, individual- and group-counseling sessions, and then more Bible study. He did have some free time and could use the recreation room, which had a pool and ping-pong table, a few lame video games and a TV that was preset on the Christian Family Network. It even had a “Christian” version of a news show. Everyone was locked in their rooms after lights out, and the halls were monitored. Sky could see the logic of that. After all, it was a bunch of gay, oops, allegedly homosexual, guys all living together in a dormitory setting. The creepy thing to Sky was the video-monitor cameras in the bathrooms.  

The word “gay” was forbidden in counseling sessions and open conversation. The whole idea that was preached day in and day out was that homosexuality is learned behavior that can be unlearned, or at least controlled or suppressed, mostly through prayer and a healthy relationship with God and Christ. The idea was to make the “inmates” feel that, if they weren’t straight or if they engaged in “unhealthy” behavior, they weren’t worthy to be part of God’s family. Sky and the others were being taught to loathe the homosexual lifestyle and everything that goes with it. The group sessions were the worst. Someone was always picked out to “confess” his desires and past sins and was openly ridiculed for them. The ridicule was encouraged by the group leaders. It was sheer hell. If anyone was uncooperative, they were put in “solitude.” Those in “solitude” weren’t allowed to see or speak to anyone – not even eye contact was allowed. “Inmates” were also encouraged to take part in sports, mostly flag football, occasionally baseball and other “manly” pursuits. 

Sky’s mom came back the following weekend for the parental-counseling and parent-child bonding sessions. During the visit she dropped some news that almost sent Sky through the floor. 

“Sky, your Dad called me this morning while I was driving up. I have some news about that young man, Jonas?” 

“Jonah. You have some news about Jonah?” 

“Yes, dear, now don’t get upset, but he was in a very bad car accident, but he’s going to be okay.”

“Accident? I gotta get outta here and go to him.” 

“No, dear, that won’t happen. His father and your father are adamant that you two have no more contact, and that’s one thing I agree with your father on. In fact, I understand this boy may be going to live with a relative for a while when he gets out of the hospital next week – something about this boy being a bad influence on the other children in their house. He must really be bad news, Sky. You need to just forget about him.” 

“You don’t even know him! How dare you say that. This bonding session is over. You need to go.” Sky got up, stormed out of the room, and went to the dorm and locked his door. She couldn’t follow him to the dorm room. Women weren’t allowed on the floor. 

Sky’s heart was breaking. He wanted to get to Jonah badly, though deep in his heart he knew it wasn’t likely. Hell, he didn’t even know what hospital he was in or how to find him. He didn’t even have access to a phone! 

Sky was beginning to believe the stuff that these people were telling him at their counseling sessions – that this type of love was impossible and immoral. There was the incessant drilling that he was worthless to God and everyone if he didn’t change. God, why would God make him this way and give him these feelings? His love for Jonah was something beautiful. Cutting off these feelings was like cutting off an arm or a leg. They were part of him.  

Shortly there was a knock at his door. He got up, opened it and discovered it was Stephen, one of the counselors. “May I come in?” he asked.  

“Yes,” Sky replied as he went and sat on the bed. Stephen pulled the chair from the desk and sat next to him. 

“What happened with your mom, Sky?” 

“She had some news about my…. about my friend. He was in an accident, and I can’t go see him, and I may never see him again. She said some bad things about him and I got angry.” It was now hitting him, the futility of all of it. He started to cry, uncontrollably. It was the first time since he had been there that he let his emotions just go.” 

“Sky, I know it’s hard. You believe you have these feelings for this boy. But you also know it’s wrong to want him that way. Maybe one day when your heart and mind are right with the Lord, you can still be a friend for this young man, but anything more is wrong, Sky. He needs the chance to live his life, also. It’s time to put him behind you and go on with your life and let him go on with his life. Give it some time, Sky; your journey with us to know the Lord is only just beginning. In time you’ll see that you just wandered down the wrong path—a path away from God. It’s our job to guide you back, and it’s going to be a long and painful journey.” 

Sky simply nodded and said, “I’ll try.” 

“Good. I’ll tell your mom to come back tomorrow. You and I will talk some more later.” 


After Stephen left, Sky just buried his head in his pillow and sobbed till he passed out from emotional exhaustion. 

Sky’s mom did come back the next day, and he did meet with her. It was a rough and very tense session. Stephen met with both of them for a while. The subject of Jonah was avoided completely. Sky had the feeling that Stephen had told her not to mention him, but at this point, Sky didn’t want to make an issue of it. After the session was over, Sky managed to hug his mom awkwardly, at Stephen’s insistence. 

The next week, Sky was back to the routine of schoolwork, counseling, and Bible study. One evening he was sitting down in the lobby reading a history assignment when Lance, a friend that he had met in the group sessions, came over and sat next to him. His room was across the hall from Sky’s. He was the closest thing Sky had to a friend there. They would usually eat together and play games in the rec room. Lance was also from Jackson and went to Jackson Prep, an expensive private school. Being from the same town, they shared a few experiences; at least they had that in common. Lance was in most of Sky’s group-counseling sessions, so he knew Sky’s story. He had been there several weeks longer than Sky.  

“Hey man, how’s it goin?” he asked. 

“Just trying to hang in there and make sense of all this.” 

“Hey, I know the feeling. My first couple of weeks here were pure hell. I kept trying to figure out ways to bail and just get the heck outta Dodge.” 

“I’ve been thinkin’ the same, but don’t know where I’d go if I got the chance.” 

“That’s why they confiscate your cash when you get here. So, how’re your counseling sessions goin’? You straight yet?” he asked with a chuckle. 

“Hardly. Mom brought me some news about my boyfriend Saturday, then said some really mean things, and I snapped at her.” 

“I know, I heard most of it. I was sitting one table over from y’all.” 

“Sorry, I know I got too loud. I was just pissed.” 

“Been there, done that. My rents and I scream routinely when we’re alone.” 

“Have they asked you to write the letter yet?” 

“Letter?” Sky asked. 

“Yeah, it’s basically the ‘Dear John’ letter telling him that you’ve found the Lord and that anything more than just friendship is wrong and you just can’t live that life anymore, et cetera. You’ll write it to him before you get outta here.” 

“No, I couldn’t do that to him.” 

“You can, and you will. Trust me. Think about it a minute. You told me he already lives like three or four hundred miles from you, and now your parents aren’t going to let you or him visit, and he’s moving away to somewhere else now. What’s the point, man? You’ve got at least another year and a half of high school, and he’s just a sophomore. How long can you wait? How long can you expect him to wait?”  

Right then it hit him. It was like getting slapped upside the head with a big, ugly truth stick. Sky realized that had been lying to himself that everything was going to be like it was before. It wasn’t. It just wasn’t.