Two Boys
on a Bike

By Caleb Wilson


Part 4

Monday morning saw James waiting at the park gates. As he perused the green expanses of the park his mind went back to a week ago. He’d never imagined that he would spend so many happy hours in this very same park cycling around, with a small slim boy hanging on to him. Now that same small figure appeared at the other end of the park and started walking towards him, he needed no clues to know who it was. Seeing the boy brought a smile to his face, he would have recognised Patrick a mile away, and now the figure had broken into a run towards him and within minutes was by his side.

“Hi Patrick.”

Puffing a bit Patrick gasped out, “Hi, James, you been waiting long.”

“No not long, if you’ve got your breath back let’s go,” and the two friends made their way to school. As they neared the school gates James stopped in his tracks muttering,

“I can’t believe my eyes, that’s Duncan with Heather Shaw, and he’s actually holding her hand.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Uh, nothing Umm I’ll explain a bit later, come on let’s get to school.”

As they passed Duncan, James greeted his friend who totally ignored him, James raised his eyebrows and gestured with his head towards Duncan and batted his eyelids denoting a person besotted by another. Patrick had to stifle a burst of laughter with his hand till they were inside the school grounds and out of earshot of Duncan.

“What was all that about James?”

It’s Duncan he was calling that girl all sorts of names last week, now he’s looking at her as if she were Britney Spears.”

“Who’s Britney Spears?”

You don’t know who Britney Spears is.?”

Uh not really, I think I’ve heard the name mentioned on television but didn’t pay much attention.”

He looked at the smaller boy and noted the sincerity on his face and realised that Patrick was not having him on. “Well forget Britney Spears what famous beautiful women do you know of?”

“Not any really, but my dad reckons that Marilyn Monroe was the most beautiful women in the world when he was younger.”

“Yeah I’ve heard of her, well that’s who Duncan seems to think Heather Shaw is.”

“Jeez he really has got it bad, but not as bad I have for somebody that I won’t mention.”

Looking at his companion James smiled and mumbled so others couldn’t hear, “Watch it specs, or I might just do something that will embarrass you.”

“Promises, promises,” Patrick uttered, and laughing ran ahead into the school closely followed by James who grabbed him as he tried to wiggle through the doors.

As he held Patrick he lowered his head to the smaller boy’s ear and whispered, “Got you specs, now I’m going to embarrass you in front of the whole school.”

“No James please you wouldn’t,” then suddenly turned and looked at James, “That’s twice you called me specs, why?”

Releasing Patrick James shrugged his shoulders, “Don’t know it just came out sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry I like it, but don’t let anybody else hear you calling me that, I only want you to use that name.”

“Sure let’s get to our classes.”


At lunch time while Patrick had gone home for his meal break James managed to question Duncan about Heather while they ate.

“So what’s with you going all soft on Heather Shaw after what you said about her on Friday?”

“Oh man Jamie I feel a real worm about that. I phoned her on Friday night and she agreed to go to the movies with me on Saturday. Jeez Jamie she may not be good looking but she’s was so I don’t know how to put it but it was just great being with her and now we’re going steady.”

“So are you still coming for soccer training after school or are you going to see Heather.”

“You must be joking I’m not giving up my place on the team I’ll be there.”

“Looks like your girlfriend’s looking for you she’s over there by the door.”

Duncan swivelled around in his chair saw Heather stood up and said, “See you later Jamie,” and headed in her direction.

After Duncan had left James finished his drink then headed out of the school gates and made for the entrance to the park to wait for Patrick. He had to wait about ten minutes before Patrick arrived on his way back to school.

“Sorry James, have I kept you waiting long?”

“Yeah like forever or seemed like forever.”

“Couldn’t eat any faster my mum was nagging me to slow down. Why don’t you come home with me for lunch break it’s better than those school meals.

“Umm, not too sure about that, your mum can’t feed me every day for nothing.”

“It’s no big deal I’ll ask my mum this evening and see what she has to say.”

“Okay, you can tell me at school tomorrow what your mum says.”

Aren’t you coming over after school this evening?”

“No, I’ve got soccer training this evening which doesn’t finish till after seven thirty and by the time I get home and cleaned up it will be nearly nine pm.

“Oh okay, where do you hold your training session?”

“On the practice pitch it has floodlights so we can continue training when it gets dark.”

“Is it okay if I come and watch?”

“Oh yeah, that would be brilliant I’ll keep an eye out for you when we’re training. Come on let’s get into the class before Tomlinson gets there.”

The rest of the day went without incident. The two boys walked homewards together till they had to part and go their separate ways. Reaching home Patrick kicked off his shoes dropped his bag and walked into the living room.


“Yes Patrick.”

“Can James come home with me in the afternoons to have something to eat?”

Yes if he wants to, I’m not too sure he’ll like our food.”

“Anything is better than school dinner’s mum, you should know you’ve worked in a school before, and mum can I go and watch James at his soccer training later on this evening.”

“Alright but you won’t be out too late will you?”

“I’ll be back by nine mum, James will drop me home,” Patrick said, grabbing his bag he went upstairs to wash and change.

He came down a bit later after he’d done some of his homework his mother asking him, if he wanted to eat before going to watch James training?”

He decided to eat before going out and sat at the table while his mother served his food. Within a space of a few minutes he cleaned his plate took it into the kitchen washed and dried it. Kissing his mother he left the house making for the school training pitch.


As he was halfway through the park area that he and James fooled around in on the bike, a sudden blow to the back of the head stunned him and sent his spectacles flying onto the grass. He stumbled and tried to turn to see who his attacker was when a fist crashed into his face knocking him onto his back. As he fell he faintly heard a voice yelling, “Leave him alone,” and a few moments later a woman helping him into a sitting position and asking, “Are you alright.”

He was far from alright his nose was bleeding down the front of his clothes and his head was hurting but not wanting to sound ungrateful he said, “Umm, I think so but I have to find my spectacles they fell off when I was hit.”

“Here they are mum,” and a small boy about six years old held up Patrick’s glasses.

Patrick took the spectacles thanking the boy and was helped to his feet by the woman.

“Are you alright to make your own way home or do you want me to come with you?”

“No I can make it on my own and thanks for helping and chasing the person away.”

“It was nothing he was only a boy from the local school here I recognised the uniform.

“Thanks again,” and Patrick headed back home again holding his head back trying to get the nose bleed to stop.


Arriving home his mother reactions to seeing her son with blood all down the front of his clothes, and a swelling over the right eye which was already bruising and swelling even more by the minute was anything but calm. Like all parents she hurled a hundred and one questions at him without letting him answer, at the same time taking him to the sink and putting a cold compression to his forehead to stop the nose bleed.

When Patrick complained that his head was hurting because of the blow from behind she telephoned the doctor asking if he could attend to Patrick, explaining what had happened.

She took him to his room telling him to get changed and to get into bed and that she’d send the doctor up to see him when he arrived. Once he was in bed she fussed around him till he had to tell her, he needed to be left alone as he felt sleepy.

She left Patrick and made her way to the living room. A few minutes later Mr Jensen arrived at the same time as the doctor and they entered the house together. The Doctor was shown the way to Patrick’s room. His parents remained by the door while the Doctor made his examination of Patrick. A few minutes later coming out of the room accompanied Mr and Mrs Jensen downstairs to the sitting room, Doctor Graham informed them that, “Patrick had a mild concussion, his nose wasn’t broken but he would have a black eye for the next few days. He also emphasised that if Patrick was to complain that his headache was getting worse to take him to the hospital right away,” he also said, “He had given the boy a mild sedative that will help him sleep till morning.” He left them giving Mr Jensen a prescription for some ointment to be applied to the eye to help to reduce the bruising and swelling.


James kept looking over at the spectators during their practice game but could see no sign of Patrick. Eventually when the practice session was over he grabbed his gear and quickly pulled out his mobile phone and dialled Patrick’s home number. James heard Mrs Jensen’s voice when the phone was answered.

“Can I speak to Patrick, Mrs Jensen?”

“Oh okay I was wondering what happened to him he was supposed to come and watch me at Practice.”

“WHAT," James said in disbelief, "Can I come over please I won’t disturb him if he’s sleeping?”

“Thanks Mrs Jensen,. I won’t be long.”

As he ran to his bike James dialled home.

“Mum, I’ll be a bit late getting home.”

“No, they’re not extending the practice session. I’m going to see Patrick he was attacked in the park this evening.”

“I don’t know how serious it is mum he’s sleeping at the moment I’ll let you know after I’ve been over to see him.”

“Yes mum I’ll be careful see you later bye.”


He didn’t bother changing out of his football kit, he stuffed his clothes into his shoulder pack jumped on his bike and pedalled off as fast as he could towards Patrick’s house. When he arrived he let the bike drop on the lawn walked to the front door and rang the doorbell. He heard footsteps and Mrs Jensen opened the door.

“Come in James, Patrick’s still sleeping.”

“Can I go up and see him Mrs J uh Jensen.”

“That’s okay James Mrs J. sounds fine to me, and yes go on up.”

James for once entered the house without taking off his footwear he climbed the stairs and opened the door to Patrick’s room as silently as he could. Because it was a bit dark in the room with the curtains drawn he left the bedroom door open to let the light from the passageway filter in. He could see Patrick curled up in the bed with just the top of his head poking out from under the bedclothes. Walking over he knelt beside the bed then taking the bed covers he gently lifted them to look at the face that had occupied his thoughts most of the day.

Seeing Patrick’s face made him suck in his breath, he wasn’t expecting to see the huge swelling and the purple and black colouring of his right eye. He tried but couldn’t hold back the tears that came to his eyes and let them flow freely down his cheeks. He stayed by the bedside for a few minutes then leaning forward he placed a kiss on Patrick’s forehead, “See you specs,” he whispered, replacing the covers he made his way out of the room closing the door behind him. Downstairs he went to the sitting room to see Patrick’s parents. Mr Jensen noticing the tear stains on the boy’s cheeks walked over to him saying, “James are you alright?”

“Yes I’m okay Mr J. but I’d like to know who did that to Patrick?”

“We don’t know, but he did say that the woman who chased the boy off who was assaulting him was from the same school that the two of you go to.”

“Mr J. do you know who the woman was we could take her to the school to identify the boy.”

“No, but I’ve already reported the matter to the police and asked them to try and find her she must be living locally she also had her young son with her he was the one who found Patrick’s spectacles.”

“Okay Mr J. I think I had better get home.”

“I’ll drop you home James,”

“I’ve got my bike Mr J I can ride home.”

“No it’s a bit late, leave the bike here you can pick it up after school tomorrow, I’m sure you’ll be around to visit Patrick.

“Okay Thanks Mr J,” he said goodbye to Mrs Jensen and the two of them left the house.


Normally James was quite a relaxed character and didn’t anger easily but the whole morning the feelings inside him were bubbling over till by the first break they were reaching boiling point. The moment the bell went he was out of his seat and headed for the playground his eyes searching all around until they focused on the person he was looking for. Seeing Bert Collins he began to run towards him then stopped, “Shit I’ve got to be careful or I’ll blow it,” he thought.

He casually walked over to Bert getting his emotions under control he greeted him, “Hi Bert.”

“Hi James, what’s up?”

“Nothing, was just wondering if you’ve been beating up on smaller kids again.”

“No James, I told you I wouldn’t do it again.”

James grabbed the boy’s hands and looked at the back of them and noticed the bruise on the knuckles of the right hand.

“Hurt yourself Bert.”


“Well then tell me how you did it.”

“I was playing soccer and fell over.”

“You’re so stupid Bert it’s unbelievable, you beat up the new kid in the park yesterday evening, didn’t you?”

“No I didn’t.”

“It’s okay I’m not going to do anything to you, but when the cops get hold of you I hope they put you away for a couple of years.”

“What d’you mean the cops,” Bert said nervously, “They can’t prove anything.”

“I’ve said it before Bert you’re stupid, you didn’t even bother to change out of your school uniform before you went to the park and beat up Jensen, the woman in the park recognised the uniform and knew it was from this school. All the cops have to do is bring her to the school to identify the person and you’re in shit up to your eyebrows.”

“Oh Fuck! That woman didn’t see my face did she?”

“If she didn’t see your face the cops wouldn’t bother bringing her to the school would they. If I was you I’d forget about school for the day and run home and tell your parents what you’ve done. Maybe if they don’t beat the shit out of you they might just decide to help you.”

Bert totally lost it and yelled, “I’m gone,” and ran out of the school gates before any of the teaching staff noticed.

James King felt relieved that he hadn’t used his hands on Bert, and that he’d got as much satisfaction watching him squirm when he told him the police were on his tail.


The day seemed to drag on forever and James was getting impatient to hear the bell sound for the end of classes, and when it did he was out of his seat like a shot. As soon as he was out of the school gates he broke into a run and within a few minutes was at Patrick’s front door. Ringing the bell and panting he waited impatiently for the door to be answered and when it did it was Patrick’s mother. “Hello James, come in.”

Hi Mrs J how’s specs umm I mean Patrick.”

Mrs Jensen smiled looking at the concerned look on the boy’s face “I’m sure as you call him specs will be a hundred times better when he see you. He’s in his bedroom on his computer, go on up.”

“Thanks Mrs J,” kicking his shoes off in the hallway and dropping his school bag he went up to see Patrick. At the bedroom door he knocked lightly opened it and poked his head around the door. Patrick glanced at the door on hearing the knock and when the head appeared, “James,” he yelled, and jumped up from his chair and made for the door. They met and James wrapping his arms around the smaller boy lifted him off his feet so that he could bring their lips together in a tender kiss, breaking the kiss he asked,

“How are you feeling Patrick?” as he gazed at the ugly purple and black bruising around the right eye.

“Not too bad, my head isn’t hurting now but the eye looks gross, don’t know how long it’s going to take to clear up.”

Setting Patrick back on his feet he assured him his eye would clear up then asked, “So what’ve you been doing all day.”

“Nothing much lying down, using the computer, and mostly thinking of you. Mum told me you came round last night while I was sleeping, you should have woken me.”

“No you needed to sleep, and I didn’t stay long.”

“Oh, guess who came around to visit this afternoon?”

“No idea, tell me.”

“Mrs Collins, Bert’s mother.”


“Yeah, she came to apologise and to see if I was alright. Seems like Bert told her what he’d done and she wanted to know if mum and dad would drop the assault charges against Bert.

“So what’s going to happen?”

“Haven’t the faintest my parents have to discuss it with Bert’s parents about what’s going to happen. Anyway I’m not really interested let’s talk about something else.”

“I can’t really stay long Patrick I only came to see how you were and pick up my bike to go home.”

“I’ll come with you.”


“Why not I’m not bloody dying, I’ve only got a black eye.”

“I’ll come back later specs to see you.”

“No, I’ll go home with you then you can bring me back after you’ve changed and had your tea.”

James looked at the smaller boy and saw the determined look on his face, “Okay, but only if your mum says so.”

He was out of the room in a flash shouting from the top of the stairs, “Muuuumm, can I go out with James please mum,” he went down the stairs two at a time to confront his mother in the sitting room, “Please.”

“Patrick you’re only just beginning to recover from the blow to the back of your head and face, can’t it wait till tomorrow.”

“No mum pleeeeease, James will look after me he won’t let anything happen please mum.”

Looking at her younger sons pleading face she gave in, “Alright but don’t be out too late.”

“Thanks mum, James,” he yelled and turned to see James standing behind him, “Oh thought you were still upstairs, are you ready to go.”

“Yeah,” then addressing Patrick’s mother, “Bye Mrs J. I’ll have him back early.”

Going to his mother Patrick kissed her, “Bye mum won’t be long.”

The boys put their shoes on James picking up his bag as they left the house and went to the garage to pick up his bike. Without hesitation Patrick climbed onto the saddle James looking over his shoulder and asked,

“Okay specs.”

“Never been better, let’s go,” and James felt an arm snake around his waist and squeeze sending shivers through his body.

The boys were off James pedalling Patrick, sitting behind legs splayed outwards holding onto him with one hand while holding James’s bag with the other, chatting and laughing as they made their way to James’s house. They couldn’t wish for more, the presence of each other was all they desired and of course their favourite mode of transport, better than any flashy car.