Ganymede sculpture


by Alan Dwight

I was upset, angry even. I’d had another bad day at school. I was a freshman new to the school that year and had no friends. As usual, I had been teased unmercifully by ignorant, aggressive boys. Part of the teasing was about my name, Luce (pronounced Loose), which they seemed to find hilarious. I endured comments, like, “Hey, Lucifer,” or, “I love Lucy,” or even, “Is Luce Loose?”

The rest of the teasing was because I was small, the smallest freshman in the school. They made jokes about me, calling me a midget as well as names which questioned my manhood. While the teachers heard the comments, they said nothing, despite the fact that the school claimed to have an anti-bullying policy.

I had told my parents about the bullying and they had complained to the school, but nothing was done.

On my way home that fall day, I cut through a patch of woods so I wouldn’t encounter the other boys. The path had become my regular route although it was longer than the distance to my home by sidewalk. But I didn’t care. I needed the time by myself.

Halfway through the woods I emerged from the trees in sight of a small pond sitting in a surrounding glade. I had found the pond on my first hike through the woods, and I often sat beside it feeling sorry for myself.

For the first time there were several sheep in the glade. I supposed they were there to keep the weeds and grasses under control. I wondered who they belonged to.

As I looked around, I was startled to see a boy on the opposite side of the pond. He was sitting with his feet dangling in the water. And he was naked. I mean, he didn’t have a stitch of clothing on!

Before I could pull back into the woods, he saw me and called out, “Hello.”

“H…h…hello,” I replied, wishing that he hadn’t seen me.

“Can I come over?” he asked.

“It’s a free world,” I said.

“It really isn’t,” he replied. Then, before I knew it, he was standing in front of me. He hadn’t walked around the pond or swum across it. He was simply there. I had no idea how he did it.

He stood before me, and my cock sprang up in my shorts. He looked at my shorts and smiled.

I was humiliated, but I had to admit he was stunning. Stunning and naked. I guessed that he was about my age. His bare skin was smooth and unblemished, and I yearned to reach out and touch it. His dark hair was long, down to his shoulders. His eyes, his beautiful green eyes, were almost hypnotic, and I felt lost in them. His cock was as hard as mine, sticking out and slightly up. I was circumcised but he clearly was not. Neither of us had many pubes.

There were many questions in my mind. Were the sheep his? What was his name? Where did he live? Where did he go to school? And of course, why was he naked?

I could not tear myself away from his gaze. He seemed to be reading my mind.

Again he smiled. “You can call me Mede,” he said. “I don’t like the feeling of clothes on my skin, so whenever possible I go naked. I live in the woods. I’ve seen you before, but today I decided to risk revealing myself and the sheep.”

“Do you own the sheep?”

“I suppose so, but you don’t really own sheep. They own themselves. I only protect them.”

I didn’t really understand what he meant, so I just nodded.

“Please don’t tell anyone. People would come searching the woods, and while I can easily hide, they would ruin this peaceful place.”

“Where do you go to school?” I asked, knowing that he wasn’t in my school.

“I don’t,” was the simple reply. “I gave up school a long time ago. But I know everything I need to.”

“Isn’t it illegal to stay out of school?” I asked.

“So is living in these woods, I would imagine,” he answered, “but what others don’t know won’t hurt me.”

Still looking at me, he asked, “What’s your name?”

I didn’t want to tell him, afraid that he would tease me, but I sighed and said, “Luce.”

He nodded and asked, “Do you know what it means?”

I did, but I didn’t want to say.

“It means Light,” he said.

I was surprised. He was the first person I’d met who knew that. Even my parents didn’t know. I had no idea why they chose the name. Maybe they just liked the sound of it.

Still looking at me, he said, “The bullies don’t know, do they?”

“How do you know about them?” I asked, now thoroughly confused.

“I know much about what goes on in the world.”

Now I was totally bewildered.

“Why don’t we sit down and I’ll explain some things,” Mede suggested.

At his suggestion, I removed my shoes and socks and we sat with our feet in the water, making little ripples as we moved them back and forth.

“First, you should know that my full name is Ganymede,” he began. “Have you ever heard of me?”

“I’ve only heard the name in Greek mythology.”

“That’s me,” he said.

“But how…?” I began.

“What did you learn about Ganymede in mythology?”

“Well, I know that he was a shepherd boy and that Zeus became attracted to him.”

“Right,” said Mede. “Zeus was unfortunately attracted to many people, both male and female. One day, while I was watching the sheep, I became aware of a huge eagle flying above us. After several days of flying over it swooped down, grabbed me in its talons, and flew with me to Mount Olympus. The eagle transformed into Zeus, and he made me his cupbearer.”

“I suppose that was intended to be an honor.” I said. Mede nodded. “I’m not sure,” I continued, “because our school texts didn’t really tell me much, but I think Zeus may have raped Ganymede. To atone for this, he gave the boy eternal life. But how does that relate to you?”

“You’re right. If there was one thing Zeus loved, it was sex. And he did rape me. You have to understand that he was a huge being so his cock was proportionate. Goodness, that hurt.”

“Wait a minute. You’re saying you truly are the same Ganymede as the one in the myth?”


“But that would mean you’ve been alive for thousands of years.”

“I have, and I can tell you that eternal life can become very tedious. But what the myths don’t tell you is that I continued to care for sheep in Elysium.”

“Do you mean the Elysian Fields?” I asked.

Mede nodded.

So what about the great gods of Olympus. Do they still exist?”

“Oh, yes, but they’ve all retired to Olympus and have nothing to do with the world anymore.”

“And are you a god?”

“No. I was a mortal boy born in Troy. I was a simple shepherd until Zeus kidnapped me. He either couldn’t or didn’t make me a god, but he gave me immortality.”

This was all just too much for me. I was sure that Mede was simply lying to me, although if he was, his teasing was certainly far better than what the other boys had done, and I hadn’t forgotten his unseen passage from one side of the pond to the other.

I was intrigued, but I was growing nervous about this boy who was clearly telling me impossible things. I stood and said, “I have to go.”

“Will you come back?” Mede asked.

Thinking of escaping the other boys, I answered, “Probably.” I walked around the pond to take the path home. When I had reached the continuation of the path through the woods, Mede was there. How did he do that? I wondered, but I was too confused to think clearly about it.

I made my way home, where I tossed my backpack by the stairs and went into the kitchen.

Mother was having her afternoon tea. She looked up from her cup, and then looked again before saying, “What’s happened, Luce?”

“I’m not sure,” I said, “other than the usual flak I get at school.”

“Oh, dear, is that still going on?”

I nodded, told her I was going to start on my homework, and then carried my backpack upstairs to my room. But I didn’t do homework. I looked up Ganymede on my computer.

An hour later, I shut down the computer, concluding that at least what Mede had told me appeared to fit the mythology. But I still didn’t believe he was the true Ganymede. In fact, I had a healthy dose of disbelief about religions in general and especially about mythology.

After dinner, I returned to my room, sighed, and pulled out my homework. By the time I finished I was tired as well as confused, so I took off my clothes, hanging them over my desk chair, and climbed into bed.

At my age, I masturbated multiple times a day. I think most boys of whatever age masturbate. But when I was 12, I began to get feelings which I had never had before. I would feel the tension in my body begin to grow, and then my cock would throb for a few moments. It was a delicious feeling. Having had Sex Ed, I knew what it was. I continued to rub myself every night and before long I was shooting semen, not great gobs at first, but the amount soon increased. I was in heaven. My feelings enthralled me, and in addition I knew I was growing up normally, even if I was still small.

In the morning, I dressed and ate a silent breakfast. I took my path back through the woods but didn’t see Mede. Pausing at the school door, I took a deep breath and entered, dreading the day ahead.

There were, of course, the usual insults and teases throughout the day. By the time I left school in the afternoon I was once again upset and angry. Without thinking about it, I entered the path through the woods.

Standing where the path ended and the water began was Mede, his sheep nearby, contentedly munching.

“Why are you angry when you get here?” he asked.

“You wouldn’t understand,” I muttered.

“Try me.”

To delay responding, I sat beside the water, removed my sneakers and socks, and stuck my feet in the water. Mede, naked of course, sat beside me.

A naked boy sitting right beside me quickly got me aroused, but I was still troubled about Mede. I didn’t know whether he was 14 or 4,014. I didn’t know whether he’d been teasing me or telling me what he believed to be the truth.

Although I was uneasy, I began to tell him what was happening at school. I suspected from his earlier question about bullies that he already knew, but I just needed to tell someone. As I talked tears of anger and frustration poured down my face. He listened thoughtfully and then said, “Well, the abuse is over for the day. Now you need to relax. Let me help.”

He told me to remove my shirt and lie on my stomach. I hesitated. I had never been alone with a naked boy before. The only time I had seen any boys naked was in the gym locker room when we were changing, and when we had showers after PE.

“Go ahead,” he said, “I’m not going to hurt you, and I can make you feel really good.”

What did he have in mind? I wondered. I think now I was simply trying to fool myself. Somehow I knew very well what he had in mind.

And to be honest, I was yearning to be touched by this beautiful, strange boy, so I did as he asked, removing my T-shirt and lying on my stomach. He began to massage my back. He wasn’t just rubbing it; he was working the muscles with firm but gentle hands which felt so good on my skin. The tension which I’d felt all day, in fact every day since school had opened, gradually melted away.

All the time he worked, he was saying things like, “That’s better,” and “relax,” and “let go of those angry thoughts."

I became so relaxed I nearly dozed off.

When he finished my back he moved to my feet and legs. I had never thought I would be aroused by someone massaging my feet, but I found I thoroughly enjoyed it. When his hands got up to where my legs joined my torso, he said “Raise your hips.” I did and he gently removed my shorts and underwear. I lay before him, still on my stomach, as naked as he was.

I felt his hands on my butt, and that too was arousing. He leaned down and kissed my anus. He stuck his finger in and manipulated the opening. I thought I was going to come right then.

At length he said quietly, “Roll over.” I did and he began to massage my torso and thighs. It didn’t seem to faze him that I had a rampant boner. He finally bent down and took it in his mouth.

I had never had a blowjob, although I had certainly fantasized about one. But this was the real thing. The sensations of his mouth on my cock, his tongue and lips moving up and down it, were incredible. Almost immediately I felt the tension begin in my groin, like an ocean wave rolling. Growing. Building. Then, just before I climaxed, he stopped.

“Why did you stop?” I asked, almost frantic to shoot my load.

“To prolong the sensations,” he said.

He waited a bit and then took me in again. The wave built and built and he stopped.

The third time, the now towering wave exploded. It was by far the most intense climax I’d ever had. I cried out as I shot into his mouth again and again and again.

He removed his mouth from my softening cock as I lay there breathing hard. He simply sat and watched me. After a brief silence he asked, “Feel better?”

“Oh, yeah! I’ve never done that before. Do you want me to do you?”

“Not today. Today is all about you.” We were silent for a few minutes before he said, “Let me help you up.” He gently lifted my shoulders until I was sitting and then held my arm to help me stand. I was surprised at how weak I felt. I staggered a little as I tried to move.

“Just stand for a few minutes,” Mede said, still holding me.

I nodded and put my arm around his shoulders. I wasn’t sure whether I was hugging him or simply holding myself up. What I did know was that I loved his warm body in contact with my bare skin.

Slowly, I felt my strength returning.

“I’d better get home,” I said, and bent down to get my clothes.

“Let me,” said Mede.

He picked up my clothes, handing me my shirt. When I had it on, he helped me with my underwear and shorts.

“Pick up your foot,” he said and slid a sock onto it. When he’d put on my other sock he did the same with my sneakers, saying, “Of all the clothing that humans wear, I think I hate footwear the most, but I know yours aren’t nearly as bad as what people wore centuries ago.”

We walked around the pond, holding each other the entire way. When we got to the path on the other side, he turned me to him and kissed me on my lips, softly at first but gradually more firmly. Being kissed by a boy was, like everything else that afternoon, new to me, and I felt my cock start to respond again. His tongue probed my lips and I willingly opened up. A little shiver ran up my back as our tongues wrestled gently in my mouth. I grew harder and harder.

Mede broke the kiss, standing back just a bit, and said, “Come tomorrow.”

I couldn’t speak, but I nodded, turned, and made my way home, wondering if he meant “come” or “cum”. Maybe he meant both.

For the next several days I met him at the pond. On the weekends, I spent all the daylight hours with him. After the oral sex of that first afternoon, I insisted that I also do him. He certainly didn’t refuse. I had never tasted cum before. I loved his, which was sweet and salty at the same time.

I explored his body endlessly, constantly finding spots where my touching delighted him. His skin was so smooth and warm that I felt I couldn’t ever get enough of it. Meanwhile, he taught me that my nipples were sensitive and revealed to me the joy of being hugged, licked, and kissed all over.

And always there were the amazing, pounding, building, climactic waves.

As I lay in his arms one afternoon, I said, “If you’re really thousands of years old, I assume I’m not your first boy.”

He laughed. “Oh, no,” he said, “there have been many, but none I loved as much as I do you.”

“Tell me about them.”

“It would take a long time to talk about all of them.”

“Were there any that stand out in your mind?”

He thought a few moments and then said, “I’ll tell you about one. He was different from the others. He was a wizard. I learned a lot from him about casting spells.”

“Have you cast a spell over me? Sometimes I feel like you have.”

“Oh, yes,” he said. “But to continue, I was with him from the time he was about your age until he got politically involved with another man, Arthur.”

“Are you talking about Merlin?”

He nodded.

“You had sex with Merlin?”

“Yes, but he wasn’t nearly as sweet and beautiful as you.”

“Did you ever have sex with Arthur?”

“Oh, no. He wasn’t like us. He was definitely focused on women.”

“But you knew him?”

“Yes, and most of the Knights of the Round Table. They were pretty boring though. They had no sense of humor and they were much more like Arthur than they were us.”

From time to time after that he would tell me about some boy he had known. But he always said they weren’t as beautiful or nice as I was.

One afternoon, when I arrived at the pond, again upset by school, Mede said, “We need to do something about the situation at school. Everyone gets teased occasionally, but this is unkind and extreme.”

“As long as I can come here and be with you, I’ll be okay,” I said.

He insisted that something must be done. He said he had some ideas but he wouldn’t tell me what they were.

I lay awake that night, wondering what ideas Mede had in mind. That didn’t stop me from fantasizing about him as I brought myself to a satisfying climax.

The following morning, as I walked down the school hall, I was surprised to see Mede walking toward me. He was dressed like all the other boys ─ in jeans and a T-shirt. We passed each other without a word. The only indication he gave that he saw me was a quick wink.

Puzzled, I went to my locker, opened it, and took out what I would need for the first two classes. Before entering my homeroom, I noticed that other boys were having great difficulty opening their lockers.

There was an uproar in hall outside the home room. The teacher came out to the hall. When she finally gained a modicum of order, she herded us into the classroom. After everyone was seated, she asked what the problem was.

Stewart, one of the biggest bullies in my grade, said, “I can’t get my locker open.”

He was joined by a chorus of boys who said the same thing. The girls seemed to have had no such problem.

“What about you, Lucy?” one of the boys asked.

“No problem,” I said, and then realized my mistake.

“See,” said Stewart, “I always told you he was a girl.”

It took the men from the maintenance department most of the morning to get the boys’ lockers working again. I was sure many teachers’ lesson plans were blown to smithereens.

In the lunchroom, there was a great deal of speculation as to what had happened. The maintenance men had told the boys they’d no idea why all the lockers were unopenable. As the only boy whose locker had opened, I was the target of very suspicious looks, but nobody said anything to me and I ate in relative peace.

After dismissal I took my usual path and saw Mede at the pond.

Joining him, I asked, “Did you have something to do with those lockers being stuck?”

He grinned but said nothing about it. Instead, he asked, “Did you get bullied today?”

“Sure,” I said. “All the boys claimed I was a girl because I could open my locker like all the girls could.”

“Oh dear, I didn’t think of that. Next time I’ll try to be more careful.”

“Next time?”

“Sure. We have to teach those bullies a lesson they won’t forget.”

“You should probably not do anything else. They already suspect I had something to do with it.”

“Just wait until tomorrow,” he said.

After we had our usual ardent love session, I said goodbye and walked around the pond to head home.

Standing right in front of me on the far side of the pond was Mede. Again, I had no idea how he did that.

“Look,” he said, “I’m sorry if my little prank made trouble for you. I’ll really try to do better.” With that, he vanished as I stood with my mouth open, trying to think of a reply.

I couldn’t concentrate on my homework that night, worrying about what Mede might be up to.

In the morning, as I entered the school, I noticed that all the boys were eyeing me suspiciously. There was a great deal of chatter, but I couldn’t make out what they were talking about.

What now? I wondered.

At lunch, I sat alone as usual, eating a mystery-meat sandwich.

Six boys came and sat at my table, staring at me without speaking. I had no idea why.

Finally, Mel, who had apparently been appointed spokesman, said, “Okay, how did you do it?”

“Do what?” I asked.

“You know what,” he said.

“I really don’t.”

Mel looked at the others and then asked, “How did you manage to get into all our dreams last night?”

Astounded, I said, “What? I really have no idea.”

“Are you saying it was just coincidence that we all dreamt of you bare-assed in our beds and came all over our sheets, even though none of us fancies you?”

Mede! I thought. This was his doing.

Aloud I said the first thing that came to mind. “Must’ve been magic.”

“Yeah, well if you did it, cut it out or you’ll be sorry.” With that the boys stood and left the table.

After school, Mede was waiting for me at the pond.

“Hi,” he said, “How was your day?”

“Mysterious,” I replied. “Were you messing with the boys’ dreams last night?”

He giggled. “Yup.”

“Well, stop it,” I demanded. “They all think I did it. What was I supposed to tell them? That an immortal, ancient boy got in their heads?”

At that he laughed.

“It’s not funny,” I said. “If I get blamed for these things I could get thrown out of school.”

“Oh, I won’t let that happen,” he said. “I’ll put the whole thing to rest tomorrow. Just trust me.”

“I don’t trust you! My life was a mess and you’ve made it worse. Just leave it alone.”

With that, I stormed around the pond and through the woods. Mede didn’t appear on the far side of the pond as he had other days, and I wondered if he was as upset as I was.

Walking home I realized that the two things Mede had done were really pretty innocent pranks. The only problem was that the boys had figured out that I was connected to them. I just prayed that what he had planned for the next day wouldn’t get me in more trouble.

That night I got a phone call from Lizzie, my one friend at the school. “You’ve really got the boys riled up,” she said. “How did you do it?”

“I didn’t,” I said, sighing.

“Well, they all think you did, and if I were you, I’d keep a low profile tomorrow.”

“I plan to,” I replied, “but thanks for the warning.”

When I awoke in the morning, I thought about pretending to be sick, but I knew my parents wouldn’t let me get away with it.

I set off for school with trepidation, wondering how I would survive the day.

When I went through the school door Lizzie was there waiting for me. She walked with me to my locker and then to my homeroom. She said that she was going to stick with me all day. I got some comments about needing protection from a girl, but otherwise the morning passed quietly.

In the cafeteria, I sat again at my usual table. Lizzie joined me. I was looking down at my tray wondering if I would be able to eat the slop on it when I became aware that all the chatter in the room had stopped.

I looked up. The adult monitors had disappeared. Standing across from me was Mede, but it wasn’t the Mede I’d known. He was huge. Easily 8 feet tall with the body of an Adonis. Not only was he beautiful, his muscles bulged and rippled. And yes, he was naked.

He stood and gazed around the room. “My name is Mede,” he began, his booming voice a deep, ominous bass. “Luce is my friend. If you are blaming him for things that have happened the last few days, you’re wrong. I did them.”

All the kids in the room stared at him with their mouths open. Of course, nobody had ever seen a huge, muscular, naked giant before.

“I’m here to warn you that from now on, if Luce has trouble with any of you, I will take care of it. It will not be pretty.”

Still the kids stared.

“Any questions?” he asked.

The room was silent.

“Fine,” he said and suddenly vanished. I don’t mean he walked out of the room. I mean he just disappeared.

Slowly the chatter began again. I saw people looking at me, but nobody seemed to be threatening me.

As Stewart passed my table on the way out, he stopped and asked, “Where the hell did you find him?”

“Actually, I think he found me,” I said.

“Okay. Next time you see him, tell him I’m sorry.”

“Are you really, or are you just trying to avoid getting beaten up by Mede?”

He thought a moment and then said, “I really am sorry.” He held out his hand and hesitantly I shook it.

I was pretty sure I would see Mede at the pond as usual, and I wasn’t wrong. When I arrived, he was standing as usual, naked but back to his original size and shape. Without saying anything, I removed my clothes and walked to him. I pulled his head to me and gave him a long, sensual kiss to which he eagerly responded.

We lay side by side in the grass. Mede said, “I want you to do something for me.”

‘What’s that?” I asked.

“I want you to fuck me.” It was the one thing we hadn’t done, and I had been hoping we could.

“Only if you’ll do me too,” I answered.

And we did. The new sensations were amazing and seemed to seal our love for each other.

That afternoon, when I arrived home, I asked Mom if I could bring a friend for dinner the next day. She seemed very pleased that I finally had a friend and quickly agreed.

The next day I invited Mede to join me and my parents for dinner. Mede, although he said he didn’t usually eat, agreed. We held hands as we walked. He complained about having to wear clothes, but I told him I had grown used to being without clothes and he had to get used to wearing them, although I thought I had gotten the better of that bargain.

At dinner, Mede thoroughly charmed my parents. After he left, Mom asked, “Where did you find him?”

“In the woods,” I answered.

My parents looked at each other and Dad said, “Uh-huh.”

They grew accustomed to seeing Mede with me. In time he began appearing in my bed at night. I’m not sure my parents had any idea of what was happening, but if they did they never objected.

As I grew older, so did Mede, at least in appearance. When I went to college, Mede came with me. He did extremely well in his classes. Did the other students figure us out? Probably, but they never said anything. If they invited either of us for a gathering, the other was automatically included.

After graduating, I got a good job and Mede and I shared an apartment. For many years now we have loved each other. Some men say that after a time the passion wanes, but for us it never has. Mede did tell me one time that of all the boys he had had, I was the only one he had remained with and grown old with.


by Ganymede

Years later, it became clear that Luce was aging and not nearly as strong as he had been. Of course, I stayed with him, helping him and caring for him. One night, as we were enjoying coupling, Luce had a heart attack and died in my arms, well actually in my ass. What a way to go, I thought, holding him gently for the last time.

Luce was certainly not my first love, nor was he my last. I went back to being 14 and found a new boy to love. And in fact many more after that. After all, what else would you do with eternal life?

Many thanks to my editors and to AD. Please consider contributing to support and maintain the site.

Sculpture of Ganymede image Copyright © pavel_klimenko. Licensed by Bigstock.

Posted 8 February 2025