Oh good… an invitation to talk about my favorite subject: me! Lol

Ok…let's see: Born in Washington State sometime in the early 60's, but grew up in Alaska. You know about BFE, right? We were the town just up the road from there. A total of 1200 nosey people in my hometown.
Escaped from there to Whitworth College in Spokane, Washington where I pursued an English/Creative writing degree, and my identity as a gay man after growing up very religious in a fundamentalist church. Moved to Seattle in '88, and I've lived here ever since.
Currently, I live with my best friend of 15 years in a big, restored Queen Anne style house in the gay ghetto. We rent rooms, so I have a great many people in and out of my life. I work as an RN in a nursing home, but my passions are writing and editing. I am excited and privileged to see my work sharing space with the high caliber writers I find on Dude's site.