Moving On

Chapter Fourteen

“Hmm, que fais-je icitte?” The guy smirked like a kid all happy after stealing some candy, “Ben, c’mon, c’est évident que j’ai un date,” (Hmmm, what am I doing here? Ben, c’mon, it’s obvious I have a date) he pointed at his date, a brown-haired skinny guy…and not bad-looking either. His date did stare at Ben a little too long before snapping his eyes away from his chest. The guy noticed his date’s staring, but didn’t seem to care.

“Ça explique rien, Julien,” (That explains nothing) Ben rolled his eyes, smiling softly at him. What the hell? Why is he smiling now? Who is this guy really? If it was an ex, I wasn’t even sure Ben would even approach him unless he was looking for revenge.

“Bon, que fais-tu là, donc? C’est aussi évident que t’as un date,” (Good, what are you doing here then? It’s also obvious you have a date) he took a sip of beer, and took out a cigarette.

“Non, y’est qu’un ami,” (No, he’s just a friend) Ben nodded ‘no’ at him.

“Bullshit! Y’a l’air fif!” (He looks like a fag!) he grinned, “Avoue, Beni.” (Confess, Ben!)

“Ouais, je l’avoue,” (Yeah, I confess that.) Ben went to sit next to the mysterious guy, sitting way too close, like touching each other’s legs. He took notice and rubbed in response. What…the…fuck…is…going…on…here…

“Oui, mon père, je veux vous avouer que j’ai péché,” (Yes, my father, I want to confess to you that I have sinned) Ben smirked, and the guy put his face down to hide his giggle.

“Rancontez-m’en, mon jeune fil,” (Talk about it to me) he replied in an old man voice.

“Euh, vous devriez bien me comprendre,” (Eh, you should understand me well) Ben made his voice quite old lady-like, “Mon père, hier, j’avais mal à la tête violente, donc j’ai avalé une pilule.” (My father, I had a horrible headache, so I took a pill)

“Euh, oui, continuez, mon fil” (Eh, yes, continue, my son) he suspiciously asked Ben, a funny look on his face.

“Je sais pas si j’ai avalé la bonne pilule dans la gélule des pilules d’avortement,” (I dunno if I took the right pill in a capsule of abortion pills) Ben started to make some fake tears, “Ohhh, mon père, j’avais tellement peur que mon corps aurait rejeté mes gosses pour me punir,” (Oh, my father, I was so afraid that my body would have rejected my balls to punish me) Ben wailed like a banshee. OK, I’m so lost now. I didn’t know whether I should laugh or not, but I wasn’t even sure if I understood his French right.

“Ah, je vois, mais les pilules d’avortement sont pas des péchés mortels selon les doctrines de l’Église catholique. Avez-vous d’autres péchés ou non?” (Ah, I see, but abortion pills aren’t serious sins according to the doctrines of the Catholic Church. Do you have any other sins or no?) the guy asked.

“Oui, hier, je me suis crossé la baguette longue en pensant à ce gars hot à l’école,” (Yes, I jerked off the long baguette by thinking about that hot guy at school) Ben smirked like an evil imp.

“Oh, mon Dieu, mes oreilles. Ça, je l’appelle un péché double… Vous s’êtes répandu les semences sacrées et vous agissiez comme une ostie de tapette!” (Oh my god, my ears. That, I call it a double sin… You spilled out your sacred seeds and you acted like a fucking fag!) he shook his head negatively, smiling as he tried to contain his hard giggling.

And he didn’t hold himself for too long. Ben and the guy went into fits of laughter at Ben’s dramatic act. Ben threw his arm around the guy’s shoulder and pulled him towards him to give him a kiss on the cheek. They giggled and Ben took his cigarette to have a puff for himself.

“Tu me manquais en crisse!” (I fucking missed you) Ben told him, blowing some smoke in his face.

“Whoa…whoa…” I interrupted, “Who is he? Your ex?” I asked. Ben looked amused at my confusion.

“Ouais, Steph. Faut que je te le présente, donc!” he winked, “Steph, c’est Julien, mon meilleur ami. Julien, te voilà, Steph…comme t’as dit…mon date.” (Yeah Steph. I gotta introduce him to you then. Steph, this is Julien, my best friend. Julien, here’s Steph…as you said…my date.)

“Hmm, Steph,” Julien rested his chin on his hand with his elbow on the table, letting out a puff of smoke from his mouth, “Ravi de te rencontrer. Je vois que Beni a pêché un catch cute,” (Delighted to meet you. I see Beni has fished a cute catch) he reached his hand out to shake. I could see Ben blushing a little, leaving Julien grinning.

“Erm, who…qui?” I asked Ben while taking Julien’s hand.

“Un ami…” Ben looked at my confused face, “T’sais…un ami…un amigo…a friend…”

“Oh! And the entire time I thought he was your ex,” I smiled nervously.

“Not at all. He’s been my gay friend for ages. Plus, I wanted to play some tricks on your mind,” he grinned, telling me I’d been had.

“You bastard,” I gave him the finger.

“Sit…” Julien instructed, pointing at an empty chair on the opposite side of the small table, “I see you don’t get the language of Molière very well. You from West Island or Ontario or some place?” he asked.

“Y’est Américain,” (He’s American) Ben answered for me.

“Eh, oui, je suis Américain,” (Yes, I’m American) I managed to say it at least understandably.

“Ah, cute. Un français parlé à l’accent américain,” (Ah cute. A spoken French with an American accent) Julien said quite close to my own accent. Hey, that was mean! Yet cute.

“I’m not mocking you, relax,” he smiled softly, “Americans are a special breed here. I screwed about a dozen, mostly students from Concordia and McGill. Apparently, Montreal’s famous nightlife is quite a lot for them to handle at once,” he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. Ben rolled his eyes at that remark.

“Et c’est qui, ce gars auprès de toi?” (And who’s that guy next to you?) Ben pointed at the guy sitting next to Julien.

“Oh câlisse, je l’ai oublié !” Julien realized his date were still there, “Y’est timide pour faire remarquer sa présence, donc je me blame! Steph…Beni…c’est Loïc,” (Oh fuck, I forgot about him! He’s shy to warn me of his presence, so I blame myself!)

“Ben ouais, mais fais-toi-z-en pas. La bière me rend tellement euphorique pis c’t’un bon feeling,” he kissed Julien on the cheek, “Enchanté, les gars,” he said in mid-voice at us. (Well, yeah, but no worries. The beer is making me feel so euphoric and it’s a good feeling. Nice meeting you, guys)

“Oh Marie, là-bas!” (Over here!) Ben called out, seeing Marie a little confused that we weren’t at our table. She heard him and brought over our nachos.

“Je vois que t’as trouvé ton ami, Benoît,” (I see you found your friend) she set the plate with nachos piled up on it, all covered with melted cheese, jalapeños, and black olives. It looked so yummy and completely fattening.

“Pourrais-tu aller chercher nos bières? On va rester ici à cette table,” (Could you get our beers? We’re staying at this table) Ben asked her.

“Yeah, whatever,” she went to bring our stuff over. I watched Julien trying to please Loïc.

“Désolé, mon chéri. Je te promets que je te rendrai la soirée plus spéciale,” (Sorry, my dear. I promise you I’ll make the evening more special) he held his hand, giving it a kiss.

“Je t’ai dit,” Loïc said in a calm voice, “C’était rien… Pis j’espère ben que le matelas est inclus dans ton idée d’une soirée spéciale,” (I told you. It was nothing… And I well hope that the mattress is included in your idea of a special evening) he added some inflection on the word ‘spéciale’, and then smiled. Marie brought over our beers and coats.

“I did this because you’re going to give me an extra tip,” she winked at Ben before heading to the bar.

“Pile on, guys!” Ben munched on the nachos and washed them down with Guinness, “It tastes like heaven…”

“I’ll pass. I’m on a diet,” Julien refused.

“Are you kidding me?” Ben stood back, staring at his figure, “You’re a fucking stick.”

“Ouais, mon chéri. Mais ma grosse queue a un meilleur impact avec mon corps maigre et tone,” (Yeah, my dear. But my big dick has a better effect with my skinny and toned body) Julien grinned as he saw Ben spat out his beer back in the glass.

“No shit, I know that dick too well,” Ben wiped his mouth dry.

“Dick?” I began to say, “Were you boyfriends or what?”

“Ouais, je me demande de ça, asteure,” (Yeah, I’m wondering about that now) Loïc asked as well.

“Well, we used to be fuckbuddies whenever we were single…to relieve our teenaged urges, you know,” Ben blushed a little.

“Ah oui, j’en avais deux,” Loïc nodded, sipping his beer, “Pis y’étaient de bons fourreurs de même.” (Ah yes, I had two of them. And they were good fuckers as well) Julien giggled slightly, looking like he was imagining something dirty.

“Ever had one, Steph?” Julien asked me.

“Errr…” I shyly said, hesitating for several seconds.

“Eh, don’t be embarrassed. We all have our own share of that in the sex category,” Julien took a piece of nacho, and noticed Ben’s glare, “What? How can a sane guy resist such piles of fat and salt posing as nachos?” he munched, “Anyway, sex embarrassment, like when Ben got caught by his brother some years ago and earned himself the nickname ‘boy screwdriver’ from his brother ever since,” Julien looked amused when he got a kick from Ben.

“Yeah, Adrien told me about that earlier today,” I said.

“Seriously, gotta say it was some of the best sex in my life,” Julien quickly moved back, pushing Loïc on the way, to avoid Ben kicking him harder.

“It was you?” I looked at him with surprise.

“Yes, he took my virginity that day,” he wiggled his eyes.

“Intéssant. Asteure, je suis curieux de ce que Ben a dans le jean,” (Interesting. Now I am curious about what he has in his jeans) Loïc peeked at Ben. Ben again, blushed, and shied away from Loïc’s glace.

“Now…now…si Ben t’autorise!” (If Ben allows you!) Julien responded and hid Ben from him.

“It seems everyone loves you,” I winked at Ben, “C’mon, sit next to me.” I patted the chair. Ben complied, and now we were facing Julien and Loïc. Marie came over to bring our dinners. Julien got a plate of salmon with Irish potatoes and carrots. Loïc’s plate was bigger, a hot turkey sandwich with melted Swiss cheese and fries. My salmon with goat cheese was looking good and so was Ben’s Irish pasta and stew.

“Doesn’t Loïc speak English?” I asked Ben.

“Non…I do not speak very well…” Loïc smiled, “Mais je peux l'écouter sans trop de problème.” (But I can listen to it without much problem)

“Oh never mind. I was just wondering,” I told him.

“Let’s just eat!” Julien suggested, “All of this talking will make my dinner cold, and I just fucking hate cold plates,” Julien grinned before diving into his food with his fork.

“Agreed,” Ben nodded.

“Hey, Marie!” Ben called out, “Give all of us another round of beer.” After we finished our dinner, we all ordered some more beer. And it didn’t take long for us to drink them all. Although I feel a little woozy, I think I can drink another pint. As we gulped more beer, the more slurry our voices became and the stranger our conversation went.

“Whoa, check out ce gars là près des escaliers,” Loïc exclaimed before focusing his eyes, “Oh laisse faire, c’est juste Ben qui va aux toilettes.” (Check out that guy near the stairs. Oh never mind, it’s just Ben going to the washroom)

“Ha…ha…ha…t’es drôle, t’sais?” (You’re funny, you know?) Ben mocked before disappearing to the bathroom.

“Je crois pas que je manqué l’occasion de checker sa queue là-dedans,” (I don’t believe I’m missing the chance to see his dick in there) Loïc grinned until he noticed Julien’s stare, and then calmed down by drinking some more beer.

“Excuse-le, y’est évidentement soûl,” (Excuse him, he’s obviously drunk) Julien told me.

“I know. That’s why I’m not holding it against him,” I raised my beer, “Cheers!”

“Santé!” Julien clinked my glass, “So, tell me, how’s he in bed?” I nearly dropped my glass at that question as it threw me off.

“What?” I mumbled, as alcohol slurred my voice that time.

“Don’t be shy. I probably know his entire thing by now,” Julien went to get a cigarette from his little ‘manpurse’.

“Well, he has been good…” I finally answered, letting images of those moments with Ben flooding my mind.

“Oooo…” Loïc smiled, “Y’est-tu grand dans son slip?” (Is he big in his undies?)

“Huh? Slip?” I wasn’t able to understand the last word.

“T’sais…slip…” he got up to pull up his tight blue shirt a little where I could see his ‘V’ and ‘happy trail’ doing down to… I took a big gulp as he pointed at the rim of his undies.

“Assieds-toé, p’tit crisse,” (Sit down, little shit) Julien pushed him down, “He wanted to know how big is Ben’s cock.”

“Oui…” Loïc confirmed, “Well…how…big?”

“Farme-la…tu rêves…” (Shut up…you’re dreaming…) Julien said, “Don’t answer. He can figure it out,” he grinned.

“Agreed,” I stuck my tongue at Loïc.

“Un jour, je saurai,” he smirked in return. (One day, I will know)

“Well, he has been good. We give each other bjs, have rubbed against each other, and jerked.”

“Tsk…tsk…tsk…” Julien faced down at the table, giggling, “Those are nice indeed, but how about fucking? You know, the best sex?”

“Well…we haven’t reached that point yet,” I blushed slightly and my voice trailed off.

Taking a puff of smoke, Julien stared at me as he pondered, and asked…

“Do you want to though?”

I honestly never thought about it. I heard so little about it, but from one source I ran into on the Internet it stated it probably gives the best stimulation ever in sex. Plus, it would mean being another step closer to Ben. Like making our bond even tighter. Eh, couldn’t hurt to try.

“Yeah, how can I do that?” I asked.

“Well, let me take care of that. We have to put him in that mood,” he put out his cigarette in the ashtray, “I know how since I’ve been doing him for years. So watch and learn,” he winked. Loïc looked a little excited, which Julien noticed.

“Oublie-le, Loïc. Cette nuit, t’es tout mien,” (Forget it. Tonight you’re all mine) he kissed him sweetly on his lips. Loïc protested a little, and then pulled him closer to force his tongue in, which Julien did not hesitate to accept. After fifteen seconds, they broke off. Julien stared at me, and coverd my hand on the table.

“This is probably alcohol talking, but you’re really cute, even cuter when you’re shy sometimes,” he lifted my hand to kiss it. Loïc seemed not to be bothered at all. Julien let my hand go when he saw Ben coming back, a little way too woozy now.

“Sorry. After the washroom, I went to pay Marie the check, and then took a wrong turn and got lost for a little bit with the drink fucking up my mind,” Ben rubbed his forehead, “No more drink for me. I am too out of mind now.”

“Should we leave?” I asked.

“Yes, we should…” he replied.

“Well…” Julien bit his lips, “I was hoping you two would come to the club with us for an hour or two.”

“I dunno…” Ben started to think through his alcohol-flooded mind, “I’m too drunk to even dance right.”

“C’mon. Its youth night, so anyone over 25 is denied. No old creeps hanging around,” Julien pressed him, “You don’t even have to dance. Just to be with me for old time’s sake.”

“Oh, what the hell…sure…” Ben mumbled, “Wanna go, Steph?”

“I don’t mind,” I nodded, “I never went to a club before,” I added.

We headed to the nearest metro station, Guy-Concordia, a stop after Peel station. Good thing the alcohol numbed me a little because the night felt colder than during the day. But we hurried into the station because being less sensitive to the cold is not good. The station was surrounded by Concordia University; Montreal’s other English-language school.

“Y fait frette en crisse!” (It’s so fucking cold out) Loïc moaned.

“On se réchauffera bientôt,” Julien moved to hold Loïc’s arm, “Tu vois que je t’aide, mon chéri?” (We’ll warm up again soon. You see I’m helping you?) Loïc smiled and kissed Julien on the cheek.

“Hey! On devrait chercher du café pour combattre l’effet de l’alcool,” (We should get some coffee to fight the drunken effect) Ben pointed at the Second Cup café near the station.

We went in to have some café noir to give our mind some ammo against the booze, and then we went in the metro station. It was a little deeper in the ground compared to the other stations I have been in, except for Mont-Royal. The station was mostly populated by university students in their best clothes for clubbing and drinking.

After the train arrived and we passed five stations, we got off at Beaudry station. Frankly, that station was dull, with titles in pastel white and brown that were popular in the 1960s. We went up in a long tunnel on a rubber-moving sidewalk that was a block long. We finished our coffee and threw them away. It helped a little, but not too much. I walked out of the station to find Ste. Catherine. Looking to the west, I was able to see the downtown’s skyline less than a half-mile away. To the east, small shops, restaurants, and cafés filled the famous shopping street.

We head east, and I noticed quite a lot of men from various age groups, some with strange haircuts and fashionably dressed. Then I saw a few shops showing rainbow flags and a few gay items on display.

“We’re in the gay village. A little section of the city, but well known”, Ben said, introducing the neighborhood to me, “Not too fond of it, but it has many of the great clubs found in the city.”

“Not bad, though it looks a little dead,” I commented.

“Obviously, it’s after the shops’ closing hour, plus most people are clubbing and drinking now,” Julien stopped in front of a building with a huge neon sign written ‘Le Drugstore’.

We had to show our ID at the door to prove we were not over 25. Then we passed through the entrance with club lights flashing and moved around the dance floor filled with dancers. Across the floor is a long, big bar with booze flowing out constantly. Looking up, there is another floor for dancing and more bars. So we decided to go to the bar to sit down. Julien and Loïc ordered themselves a couple shots of vodka, and Julien looked at Ben, pointing subtlety at the barlady with his head. Ben rolled his eyes.

“OK, deux shots de vodka pour moi et lui,” Ben sighed as he took out a five to pay for them.

The lady came back with four shots, and Julien thanked her by giving her a tip. He told us to find a table for ourselves, and we spotted one near the corner.

“OK, toast and drink it straight down,” Julien raised his glass. Julien, Loïc, and Ben had no problem drinking them straight, but I had never tried vodka. I gagged at the strength of it and spat it out in the shot glass.

“Holy shit,” I wiped my mouth, “This is strong.”

“Try putting your tongue out and let the glass touch it, so you won’t taste it much. Do it quick before your body has the chance to respond,” Julien said.

So, I did what he told me, and I managed to get it all down. I felt the burning-like feeling down my throat.

“How strong is this,” I shook my face, “Woot!”

“Vodka? Oh about 30%-40% alcohol,” Julien answered, “It’s like drinking three-four Guinness at once.”

“You’re kidding, right?” I looked in amazement, “God, I’m going to be even more drunk.”

“Euh, I need to go to the washroom. I’m not feeling well and I may need to puke,” Ben moaned. After Ben left, Julien added.

“He’s more sensitive to alcohol than we are, but its part of the plan to get him in the ‘mood’, you know?”

“I’m not going to make him drunk so I can have a piece of his ass,” I stared blankly at Julien.

“No…no…no, not like that. I’m not that shallow, but the methods depend on the situation,” Julien quickly brushed that idea off. Once he saw that I had calmed down, he asked me, “Wanna dance?”

“Will he mind?” I looked at Loïc.

“Ah non, mais tu danses avec lui, donc m’a danser avec Ben, OK?” (Ah no, but if you dance with him, then I’m going to dance with Ben, OK?) Loïc winked. Julien got up and put out his hand to me. I took it and he led me to the dance floor and into the thick dancing crowd.

“Euh….je sais pas danser,” (I dunno how to dance) I pieced together in French. Julien smiled at my attempt.

“Mon chéri, suis mes pieds et tout ira bien, OK?” (My dear, follow my feet and all will go well, OK?) He looked at me, seeing me being confused again, “Follow my feet,” he whispered.

I looked at his feet, but it took me a little while to respond to the movements as the vodka started to flood my brain. Step right…step forward…step…ugh… I stepped on his foot. I’m such a dork now. But that didn’t bother Julien, and he held onto my side to lead me. Over across the floor, I saw Loïc bringing Ben to strut their moves…too well and better than me. Bastards. I waved at Ben when he saw me, and he waved in return, giving me a thumb up.

After a few minutes of dancing, I got a little better as I followed Julien more. I stared at his face and figure. Like Ben, he’s quite skinny and his tight emo-ish t-shirt shows his toned chest nicely. His black hair, probably dyed as I could see brown in his root, was semi-long enough to cover his ears and forehead, almost like those emo guys would have. Deep green eyes blend in nicely with his hair and skin color, which is close to pale white. He looks just…beautiful. My mind could hardly keep itself straight, but it was losing its grip as the vodka came into full effect.

I looked over to see Loïc giving Ben a peck on his lips. My body suffered a shot of hormone rush at that action, but then it didn’t really bother me much. As long as Ben doesn’t fall for him and that his heart is all mine to keep, he can have kisses like that. Ben looked a little red in the face, as usual, and smiled at Loïc until he saw me watching. His eyes widened, panicking, but I gave him a thumb up and a grin that it was OK with me. He calmed down quickly and blew me a kiss.

“You’re watching Ben, eh?” Julien looked at me, knowing I wasn’t looking at him, “When the alcohol effect slowly wears off, he’ll be quite horny after suppressing it for so long. He’ll hump a chair if no one does the job for him, so let’s not have that happen,” he winked.

“Merci pour ton tip,” (Thanks for your tip), not knowing how to say ‘tip’ in French. Then I went for his lips to kiss him for being beautiful, and that had to be the alcohol’s doing now. I opened my mouth to let his tongue in a little for few seconds before breaking off. Julien appeared a little surprised, but grinned and giggled like a child.

“I’ve been wanting to do that to you ever since I first saw you at the pub,” Julien pecked my lips in the same way as Loïc did to Ben, “C’est rien. T’es un gars cool.” (It’s nothing. You’re a cool guy.)

Ben did watch me from behind Loïc. He nodded ‘OK’ and then mouthed slowly something to me.

“You…are…mine…later…tonight…” he winked and licked his lips seductively with his tongue.

I nodded back to confirm, and we went back to pay attention to our dancing partners, who saw to it that we all had a great night.