Moving On

Chapter Three

“You didn’t have to do that but thanks anyway,” said Ben.

I let him go from my arms as he finished wiping some tears from his eyes. What have I done? This boy has to be on such an emotional edge that any negative reaction could push him into sad memories. I just cannot do that to him again, ever, and that is a promise.

“I had to do what needed to be done. Sorry, I’ve just never met people like you, or even had anyone come out to me.” I replied.

“People like me? And who they might be?” Ben asked a little tensely.

“Don’t take it wrong, it’s not like I expected you to be in drag queen clothes in order to be g-gay.” I replied. Ugh, I still find it a little hard to say that word out loud. I guess that means I should do some self-therapy, practicing so I can say it with some ease.

“Oh…” he whispered, as if it seemed he still felt some hostility in the air.

“Relax now, I’ll be fine. It’s you I’m wondering about, if you’ll be fine too” I asked him.

“Yeah, I think so…” and he backed it up with a small smile. Now that is a much better look for him.

“I won’t react like that again because it was my subconscious acting out.” I said, and Ben eyed me curiously. “But that doesn’t really excuse it all since that is part of me, and so, for my harsh words, I apologize.” I added. Ben looked at me contentedly and replied.

“Apology accepted. I’m happy we’re through this page now, so let’s move on!”

“Great! But…erm…what should we do now? My mum is still at work, and it’s getting too dark out to do anything outside.”

“I remember you mentioning video games back in school. I don’t have any, but I do have some computer games and we could play some Civilization IV,” he said.

“I dunno what that is, so you’ll have to enlighten me.”

“Ooo, a rookie, I’m so gonna kick your ass and put you to shame in front of your friends. They’ll all know that you’ve been beaten by a gay boy…if you dare” he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

“Oh you evil little prick. Is that all you can do? Just shut up and show me.” I put my hand on his head and rubbed his hair loose all over his face and head. He pushed my hand away, and threatened to put his tongue on it in a seductive way. Oh shit, he really dared.

“You bastard” I responded as I pulled my hand away from his tongue. I smiled and pushed him to move on. “C’mon, show me the computer and I’ll get you good in whatever that game may be.” Ben let out a giggle. He is way too evil to be so innocent and pure in that mind. We went to his computer and started up the game where he showed me how to play. And then we were so into it, and for once, I managed to stay even with him. But that advantage didn’t last very long as Ben decided to declare war on me.

“Gotcha!” he shouted.

“No fair, I’m just the rookie here!” Ben beat me by capturing the capital city and thus wiping out my empire. Civilization IV is an empire building game where you can build cities, discover technologies from the ancient to modern times, and build armies to protect yourself from enemies (which in my case was Ben, sadly).

“You, a rookie? More like a dummy or a sucker,” he stuck out his tongue.

“You take that back or…or…or…I’ll…” I said with a stick stuck in my throat.

“Or you’ll do what?” he lifted an inquiring eyebrow.

I put my hand on his chest and grabbed a hold of his shirt, and I brought him down to the floor, rolling over him and starting to wrestle.

“Lemme see…ouf….” he elbowed me in my belly, “…if you can beat me at wrestling.”

“In your dreams, rookie!” he said as he struggled to get me off him. He put his legs under my chest, and pushed me off him. He quickly rolled on top of me, setting his butt on my belly, and then pinned my arms down with his hands. I tried to predict what he was going to do, and I made a mistake in thinking what he would do next and ended up randomly fighting his moves. Then he used his legs to pin down my arms. I struggled to break free, but to no avail as he used his weight to keep me down.

“Do you surrender?” he asked.

“Never!” Fuck, I was stuck, but I wasn’t going to let this boy win easily.

“If you say so” and then he put both of his hands to my face, putting one hand on each side of my face, and began to slap back and forth. Oh he dared…

“Ahhh, dammit…” I shouted. Ben began to giggle and was obviously having a lot of fun. I wiggled and wiggled to try to get out of this position, and that only further rubbed my crotch against his butt. I started to feel some stirring in there. Oh shit, don’t think about it…don’t get hard…don’t get hard…don’t get hard. It’s not a small thing down there, and it can be easily visible through my jeans! Damn, it’s getting excited now, and I had to surrender.

“Ack, OK, OK, OK, I surrender! Stop…” I yelled.

“Say ‘uncle’” he smirked as he continued slapping my face. What a bitch, and while I was looking at his face I noticed he looked really cute and I could’ve let my dick poke his ass if I wanted to, but not now…I am not ready yet.

“Uncle! Uncle! Uncle Ben!” I shouted. He stopped slapping and moved his hands a little away from my face, but still kept me pinned down with his legs and butt. His butt did move a little towards the bulge in my crotch and now he was partially sitting on it. My dick was already fully hard. Please, don’t get tooooo close.

“Uncle Ben? Since when?” he smiled.

“Heh, it slipped out.” I replied. He started to giggle, then rolled into full blown laughter. His laughter was infectious, and I started to laugh with him. His shaking butt rubbed a little against the bulge in my jeans, and he slowly stopped laughing. Then he pulled his legs off my arms, and moved back a little more on my crotch. His butt was now right on the bulge, and I thought I saw his eyes quickly widened but then they went back to normal as he got off me. I doubted he didn’t notice it at all, but then it could have been my eyes playing tricks on me. He got up and reached his hand out to me.

“C’mon, get up” he smiled. I took his hand and he pulled me up.

“All of a sudden you’re not so shy anymore,” I told him. It’s true, he has been more open and…daring…to have fun and kill some time. I carefully stood up to make sure my bulge wasn’t obscenely present in front of him.

“Oh…well, heh…errr…” as he searched for some words. Oh come on!

“Spill it or don’t say anything,” I grinned.

We heard the door opening, and Mrs. Lemoureaux came in with some bags in her arms.

“Benoît! Viens pis aide-moi asteure!” (Benoît! Come and help me now!) She called out as the bags threatened to fall from her arms.

“Je viens, m’man!” (I’m coming, mom!)  He ran to help his mother just in time to stop the bags from falling. She sat in the closest chair to take a breather, and then noticed my presence. She gave me a warm smile.

“I didn’t expect that you would still be here,” in her usual sugary French accent.

“Erm…well, my mother isn’t expected to be home till later around 9 or 10. I could just go home now if I’m a bother.” I carefully picked my words.

“Dear, we still have to keep an eye on you for possible concussion. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you for the evening. I’ll make supper for one extra person,” she warmly responded.

“But…” I started, but Ben interrupted me.

“Oh c’mon, what would you do if you’re home alone?” he asked.

“Benoît, j'vais faire le souper. Amène-le dans ta chambre pour regarder la télé ou un film.” (Benoît, I’m going to make supper. Take him to your room to watch some TV or a movie.)  Mrs. Lemoureaux said.

“C’mon, we’re going to my room” he pointed at the stairs. I went ahead and he followed me.

“To the right, you cannot miss it.” As I head to his room, where I had been a couple of hours earlier recovering from a nasty fall on the ice, I passed by a mirror showing myself and Ben following. And I could see him checking me out from behind. That dirty bastard, so I turned my head quickly to catch him red-handed. He quickly lifted his head and I could tell he was blushing slightly. I turned around smiling in satisfaction that I may have an ass that is worthy enough to be checked out.

When he said I couldn’t miss his room easily, he meant it. His room is obviously somewhat trashed. Moving boxes all around, clothes on the floor and all over the boxes, and stuff that needs to be put on the wall.

“I haven’t finished unpacking yet. My parents are getting a new dresser for me, so that’s why I have shit all over the place now” he said as if he read my mind about his room. I past by his underwear, a green brief with yellow trimmings, and I could clearly make out the size, small. Like me, he has to have a good ass to fit in that snuggly. Ben noticed me staring, so he kicked his underwear under the bed, and blushed.

“What movie do you wanna watch?” he asked as he pointed at a boxful of DVDs.

I looked in the box, pushing DVDs back and forth to see more at the bottom. Hmm, “Freaky Friday” saw it. “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”, I only watch it every Christmas. I pushed that DVD off and I am already at the bottom to see the last DVD. Oh my god, I pulled it out to show it to Ben. Ben’s eyes widened immediately and a glowing shade of red bloomed all over his creamy white cheeks.

“Porn?” I smirked at him while waving the gay porn DVD in front of him. He grabbed it out of my hand and threw that under his bed alongside his underwear that he just kicked in earlier.

“Well…every guys gotta relieve himself.” Ben said flatly, still blushing. “I forgot it was still in there.”

“Naw, it’s alright. I just find it funny to find something like that so easily.”

“Fuck you, but can you look at what’s around you? Unpacking still in process, hello? It’s not like I put it on the table for m’man to see everyday.” He replied, and his blush had slowly faded. “C’mon, enough, you did enough embarrassing me for the day,” he smiled.

“Anyway, you pick a movie. I’m indifferent…”

“Then we’ll watch my favorite one, C.R.A.Z.Y.” Ben took out a DVD.

“Never heard of it…”

“It’s Québécois, but it has English subtitles, so don’t worry.” Ben interrupted.

“Cool, put it in then!”

Ben threw another pair of underwear off the DVD play and put in the DVD. I couldn’t help not giving a little giggle at the small size of his underwear, because he has to have a good ass to fit in that. Ben pointed at his queen-sized bed.

“You can lie down there…” he said.

I listened to him and relaxed on the bed. Ben turned on the DVD, and then laid down next to me, clicking his remote to set the subtitles for me. The movie started out with a pregnant woman, and in a few minutes, her water broke and she gave birth to a baby that was the main character of the movie.

As the movie dragged on, Ben started to fall asleep, and few minutes later, he was totally out. I wasn’t feeling too tired, but I didn’t wake up him since he must’ve had a long day. I observed every inch of his features on his face, and I could not see any flaws, not even a tiny scar. Then as I was focusing on his face, Ben started to move towards me a little and stopped. Now there is about an inch or two of space between us. I cannot move to give him some room since I am already near the side of the bed. OK, I should just relax and watch the rest of the movie, which is really interesting to watch.

About fifteen or twenty minutes later, Ben started to move again, and suddenly he put his leg over my left leg. Now he is basically touching the left side of my body with his leg over mine. A wave of strange feelings shot all over my body, and my insides were feeling fuzzy, a combination of nerves and a hormonal rush. Should I move or I should just lie there and relax letting him sleep since he is not doing any harm. But damn it, I am supposed to be acting straight with him, since he doesn’t even know at all. Well, he is sleeping and he doesn’t realize what he is doing now, so I shouldn’t overreact to that. Maybe if I move a little and give him a little push to get his leg off me, and then I’ll be free. OK, as I started to move his leg off slowly, he said something really softly.

“Non, quitte-moi pas. Ch’t’aime toujours.” (No, don’t leave me. I still love you.)

“Huh?” I looked at him in shock and confusion.

“Just don’t leave,” he wiggled a little as if he was having a bad dream. “I still love you.” And a little tear flowed out of his right eye. I hope he didn’t mean me, because we just met! C’mon, you cannot love a person that fast! Well, you can, but that rarely happens to people. Since the front part of Ben’s body is touching my left side, I can feel that his breath is a little ragged and his heart was beating rather a little faster than normal. But, eh? How am I going to leave him when he’s all over me now?

“OK, puis-je te câliner pis t’embrasser pour la dernière fois, s’il te plaît?” (OK, can I hug and kiss you for the last time, please?) He said softly in his sleep once again. What the fuck is he saying there…? Then the next thing to happen was the last thing I ever would expect to be coming from him and scared the absolute fuck out of me.

Ben put his hand over my chest, rubbing around till it went to the other side of my body, and then he pulled me towards him into what seemed to be a hard hug. His warmth spread all over my body, and waves of emotions zoomed all over my system in reaction to this sudden movement.

“Ch’t’aime toujours pis je m’excuse que tu puisses pas le chérir… Tu…tu…tu me manqueras pis je t’oublierai jamais…” (I always love you and I am sorry that you cannot treasure it…I…I…I will miss you and I will never forget you…)

Oh I wish I could understand what he has said and what is troubling him. I turned to look at his face hoping to find any expressions, any hints of his feeling within his dream, but there was nothing but a neutral, sleepy expression. But his lips are so red and smooth, flaring well with the cream-white paleness of his skin. Maybe I should try to see what it feels like, but it would be too perverted and wrong. But he won’t notice since he is sleeping and so out of it and won’t wake up easily. So I moved my face closer to his, with my lips just an inch from his. Just for a couple seconds. And suddenly, he moved his head and our lips touched. A bolt of lightning from his lips shocked mine and spread down my body to my feet. A second later, he parted his lips and his tongue snaked through to touch my lips, I let them part to allow his tongue in and let it touch mine. I moved my tongue to play around with his in my month, and moved my lips and he responded the same way. After five seconds of kissing, he pulled his tongue in and broke free from my lips. He rubbed his leg against mine a few times, and that was enough to make me spring a hard-on. He moved his face a few inches away from mine, and I pushed his leg off my leg. It was either that or I was going to explode right here and now if he kept rubbing against me.

Moving his leg was enough to stir him into waking up. He slowly opened his eyes to stare at me, and then he widened them, moved his leg completely off me, and jumped away from me quickly like he saw a big bear or something.

“Ostie! Tabarnak! Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé? Qu’est-ce que j’ai fait?” (Fuck! Goddammit! What’s happened? What did I do?”)  He said.

“Erm, English please…”

“What happened? What did I do?” he translated in a snap.

“Well, you fell asleep, and then you were talking and you moved towards me, touching my side and putting your leg over my leg…” I explained.

“Oh fuck, what did I say,” he asked with panic present in his eyes.

“Well, you spoke in French, so I understood nothing.” I purposely left out his only English sentence during that event and also left out the hugging and kissing part.

“Oh shit, I am so sorry, it happens to me so often lately since I had some problems before I moved here… I hope you didn’t think I was trying to hit on you or anything… I…”

“Ben! It’s OK, it happens and I didn’t take it badly. It didn’t last for very long.” I told him calmly while interrupting him. Ben placidly sat on his bed, lost in his thoughts, probably thinking about what he had dreamt or what he might have said. While thinking, his eyes widened and then rubbed his lips to check for something. Uh-oh, he may have an inkling of what I didn't tell him.

“It’s OK…come here…” I pulled him in to give him a quick hug.

“Thanks, Steph. I’m just a freaking emo here,” he let out a small giggle.

My mind flashed to that kiss. Wow, what a kiss…and it was my first one.