Two Boys: A Love Story

by Brian Roberson

Part XI


Mom and I drove to Adam's the next morning. I was so upset the night before after Adam broke the news, that I ran downstairs to Mom and begged her in tears to drive me out to his house so that I could be with him right up until he left. Don had no idea either and called Sherry. Sherry herself apparently didn't even know about it until then, everyone was in absolute shock. Mom was also really sad, both for me, and also because she liked Adam too, and she was going to miss him just as much as I was. She told me while I sobbed that the family needed to be by themselves tonight to get ready, but that she would drive me by there in the morning. I went upstairs and tried texting and calling Adam again, but got no response. I lay down on my bed and cried myself to sleep.


We drove to the house and there was a tractor trailer at the front, and men were going in and out of the front door carrying lamps, chairs, furniture, and other items. A Realtor was pushing a "For Sale" sign into the ground by the driveway. Mom parked along the curb and we both walked to the house. Sherry was in the front foyer directing the movers. She saw us and came over and gave us both a big hug.


"Thanks for coming." She said with a sad look. "Buyer, Adam's in his room. I know he's going to want to see you." She said.


She hadn't even finished what she was saying before I was running up the stairs and dodging two movers who were coming down with a rolled up carpet. Adam's door was slightly open so I pushed my way in. Adam was filling a box up with some books and things. His room was already almost empty, with only the bed, the couch, and the desks remaining. Several taped boxes marked "Adam's room" in black magic marker were stacked near the door. He also had two packed suitcases. Adam dropped what he was doing and rushed over to where I was and threw his arms around me. I embraced him back and we stayed that way until a couple of movers came in to take the small desk out.


"What the fuck?" I said after the movers left.


Adam looked tired and sad, like he hadn't slept. "Gerald is selling his company and he bought a place in Malibu, so we're going to move to Malibu, I guess." He said.


"I didn't read anywhere that Gerald was selling Lintronix." I said.


 "It hasn't been announced yet." Adam said. "He's selling it to Microsoft. We're going to be super rich." This should have been good news but Adam sounded like he was talking about a favorite pet dying.


"I'm going to miss you, Adam..." I said as tears welled up in my eyes. Adam burst into tears and grabbed me in another embrace. Never in my life had I ever felt as sad as I did then while we hugged. Maddie then came down the stairs and into the room. She was just as upset as Adam was. Maddie and I hugged and cried just as Adam and I had.


"I can't believe Gerald did this to us." She sniffled as she wiped a tear away and sat on Adam's bed.


"I'm never going to forget you, Maddie." I said. Maddie and Adam were sitting on his bed clutching each others hand, and they both looked so unhappy and miserable. "When do you guys leave?" I asked.


"Soon. Our flight is at one but we need to be at the airport by eleven to get checked in." Maddie said.


I checked my Droid and it was 10:45. "My God, that's right now." I said. I helped Adam box up the rest of his stuff. We cried and hugged a couple more times and made promises over and over to each other to call and email and text each other everyday. My stomach felt like it had a lead weight in it.


As we finished taping up a box, Sherry called from downstairs to say the airport van was there, so this was it. We went downstairs. Sherry stood and watched sadly as we descended the stairs. She came over to me when I got to the bottom and gave me a big hug. Mom hugged Adam too, and both of them were crying. Sherry then asked me if she could talk to me in private.


We went over to Gerald's study, which was curiously intact. She sat on a chair and put her hands on my shoulders.


"Byron, I just want to thank you for being such a wonderful friend to my son. You are a terrific, terrific, sweet young man. I'm so sorry that this had to end up this way." She said.


"I love Adam." I said, and then burst into tears.


"I know." She said. "And I think that's wonderful." She smiled, and then hugged me again.


"I'm going to miss Maddie and you too. You were always really nice to me when I came over here." I said as I wiped away a tear. We hugged again and went back out to the lobby.


Don had arrived from the print shop. Maddie was crying and being consoled by Mom. Don was hugging Adam. When Sherry came out, Don gave her a big hug and they went into Gerald's study to talk. We helped Maddie and Adam get all the luggage into the van and waited for Don and Sherry to come out. Once Sherry and Don emerged, Adam and Maddie both went into the van and put their seat belts on. Sherry gave me and Mom and Don once last hug, and then got into the car. Adam then pulled off his seat belt and rushed out into Don's arms, then Mom's. Finally he got to me. We just looked in each others eyes for a few seconds, and then we hugged one last time. I smelled his shirt, and his breathe, and his shampoo, trying to take it all in so that I could remember it forever.


He then got back in the van, and the driver got out and shut the door. I could see Adam and Maddie both looking at me from the inside. Just then I saw a little boy riding up on a bike, it was Roger. He parked his bike by the driveway. The van began pulling out and I started running after it down the driveway.


"Adam...?" Said Roger with a puzzled tone as the van pulled out past him. Adam waved at him and Roger waved back with a puzzled look on his face. I ran down to the street, waving at the van. I saw Maddie and Adam and Sherry all waving at me from the inside.


The van made a semi circle, went into drive, and disappeared down the road. I stood there silently. Mom came over and put her hand on my shoulder. Don got in his car and drove off after the van, as he was going to see them off at the airport. Just like that, my very best friend was gone. I teared up again, and Mom squeezed my shoulder. We then got into our car and started to drive off. As we pulled away I saw Roger standing there on his bike, looking confused and sad. I waved to him and he waved back, and I felt miserable because I knew that I probably would not see him again. On the way home I didn't stop crying once, and neither did Mom.


 During that whole summer, Adam and I kept in constant contact on text, email, and through phone calls. Adam spent the first week in California depressed and holed up in his room, but soon discovered that he had the Pacific Ocean as his backyard. By the end of the summer, he had taken up surfing and was getting regular lessons in it. I spent most of August with my Dad back up in Maryland. Adam said in an email that Sherry and Don worked out an arrangement to where he and Maddie would spend the Christmas holidays and summers with Don in lieu of the fortnightly visits, so that meant I would get to have extended visits with them then.


When I got back from Dad's at the end of August, I discovered that Mom and Don were starting to not get along so well. Instead of being kept up at night by the sounds of love making, and Don partying downstairs, I was starting to be kept up by the sounds of fighting and arguing. I started Junior High in the fall at Rio Flora Junior High, the same Junior High school that Adam used to have his soccer games at. The first day was rough, I had my schedule and I was trying to get used to where every room was. In my homeroom I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and a gorgeous girl with strawberry blond hair and freckles was asking to borrow a piece of paper. I removed one of the sheets from my Trapper Keeper, handed it to her, and she told me her name was Kari. Kari became my steady girlfriend, and she and a group of other kids became my closest, best friends in school. I finally settled down and accepted Lakeland as my home. The only problems I had were at back at Don's house.


Mom and Don were starting to fight more and more. After his kids moved away, Don became depressed and started drinking and binging more and more. He was starting to not bother to open the print shop. He would sleep until noon, with Rich and James frantically calling him to find out where he was. He would then start drinking, or worse, at noon or earlier. I buried myself in my schoolwork to escape from the thickening tension at home. I tried to avoid telling Adam in our communications about the deteriorating situation, but he seemed to sense that all was not well, and he started suggesting that I figure out a way to join him out in California. it also turned out that Kari had been emailing him about it as well.


One Friday night in late October, Mom, Don, and I were having dinner. Don was staggering around drunk. The print shop had not been open for over a week due to Don having been at home on a booze and drugs binge. Mom was irritated due to having discovered all this earlier in the day after returning home from work when Rich called her about it.


"So how was your week at the shop, Don?" Mom asked as she pulled some spaghetti out of the big bowl with her fork and spoon.


"It was ok." He said as he slurped some spaghetti into his mouth, followed by a big swig of PBR.


"What if I said I knew you were full of shit?" She said angrily, without looking at him.


"I don't know, what if you said that?" He said with half closed eyes.


Mom slammed her fork onto her plate. "Dammit Don! You haven't even opened the shop all week! You've sat around here all day stuffing yourself with booze and drugs!"


"What does that matter to you?" he slurred.


"It matters to me because I can't support both of us in this house!"


"Well maybe then you should talk to that Sherry cunt and see if she'll pay me back all the goddam alimony and child support she's reamed out of my ass! How about you do that!" Don yelled.


"Your alimony and your child support is not my business, Don! And if you really knew me and gave a shit about you and me, you would already know that!" She yelled.


 Don's eyes blazed up as though a roman candle had been lit. He then pushed all the dishes off the table with a loud snarl.


"Well fuck you then!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.


He then rushed over and threw Mom to the floor off of her chair. He got on top of her and started pounding her in her face while she screamed. I got up and pushed him down onto his side, which allowed Mom to get up and onto her feet.


"You piece of shit!" He yelled as he pounced up at me and knocked me down to the floor. He then tried to punch me in my face but I blocked his first shot with my hand. He then hit me with his other fist and connected with the side of my neck. A third punch landed on my right jaw and a burst of pain radiated through my face. Mom then came up behind him and grabbed Don by his hair and threw him off of me. I got up to my feet as Mom kicked Don in the groin hard. He started coughing and sputtering, She then grabbed my arm and said "let's go let's go!!" as she grabbed her purse and we ran out the door. We didn't stop until we got to the car.


"Get in the car get in the car!" Mom said as she unlocked her door and reached in to unlock mine. As I got into the car, Don came running out of the house towards us full speed. Mom started the car just as Don grabbed the latch on my door, which I had immediately locked as soon as I got in the car. Mom sped off as Don banged on the back window, and we fled into the night. Mom was crying and asked if I was hurt. I said I wasn't, but my jaw was hurting pretty bad from where Don had popped me. We then realized that we didn't have any of our stuff with us, everything was back at Don's house.


We found a filthy little motel outside of town and checked in. Mom was weeping so inconsolably that I had to help her check us in at the front desk. Once we got to the room, I checked out her face and saw that she had a cut over her left eye, some bruises, and a swollen lip. I went to the bathroom and got some wet toilet paper, and rubbed her face with it. She grabbed her purse and took out some anti depressants. Soon she was asleep on the bed. I was upset because I had no way of reaching Adam or Kari. My computer and my Droid were both in my room at Don's. Mom didn't have her cell phone with her either. I picked up the phone and tried to dial Adam's number, but it was long distance and was asking for a credit card, and Mom's card was at the front desk. I called Kari and told her what had happened. She told me to call her tomorrow and that she would see if her Dad would accompany us to the house so that we could get our stuff. Her dad was a 300 pound martial arts instructor and would provide more than enough protection if we needed it, so I told her I would call them tomorrow when Mom woke up. I was secretly worried about what kind of mental state Mom would be in when she woke up. After I hung up, I watched TV and eventually slipped into a troubled sleep.


The next day Mom woke up and immediately said we were going back to Don's. I told her that I had talked to Kari, and that she and her Dad were willing to accompany us back to the house to help out in case Don flew into another rage. She agreed, and I called Kari. Soon, she, her dad, and her older brother all showed up. We all went back to the house and walked to the front door. Don's car was there, but Marco's was not. Marco usually worked on Saturdays, as did Don. Mom knocked on the door a few times and there was no answer. She then called Don's number and there was still no answer. She called the house line, and we could hear the phone ringing from the outside, but again still, no answer. We then figured that Don was either completely passed out or not at home. Mom took her key, unlocked the door, and we all stepped inside. To the stunned horror of us all, we saw the TV on with no sound, the place cleaner than any of us had ever seen it, and Don lying dead on the floor.



End of Part XI